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DLC in Alpha?


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i spent forty something euro on 7dtd (4 copies on sales) and played 1250 hour

bought for 60 gta5 and played only 65 hours because of 7dtd

bought ark and played only 22 hours because of 7dtd

etc etc

i don't think The Fun Pimps are worthy of more of my money, they force me waste enough euros already :lol:

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I'd respond better to your community


So please stop with the "they shouldn't talk about their next game until this one is finished" ridiculousness.


Both this comment and the comment from TFP about how all AAA games start talking and working on DLC and expansion as the game nears completion are missing the point entirely. As a person who founded and served as game designer and lead developer for an indie game development company, I know what it takes to release a game. I know what it costs to build something to quality of similar size to 7d2d if not bigger (MMOs.) When you're given half a million dollars through Kickstarter to finish a game and four years later you're still waiting on that game to finish, people tend to get butt hurt by the mention of something else being even thought about. Half a million dollars to finish a game that was well on it's way is more than most indie studios dream about getting in their hands.


The game is amazing. You could fix the core issues with stability and release it. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong or abnormal for the industry. I'm saying you have an amazing game. The improvements are amazing. I'm excited for everything you have coming up. I'm saying don't ruin a good game with crappy attitudes towards your community, even the bitchers. EVERY community of EVERY popular game has complainers that will jump to conclusions and let you have their fury as if you owe them the world. Be professional and deal with it. Alienate your community and your game will cease to exist. SWG should be a lesson of the power the community can have over a game when you burn them.

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The game is amazing. You could fix the core issues with stability and release it. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong or abnormal for the industry. I'm saying you have an amazing game. The improvements are amazing. I'm excited for everything you have coming up. I'm saying don't ruin a good game with crappy attitudes towards your community, even the bitchers. EVERY community of EVERY popular game has complainers that will jump to conclusions and let you have their fury as if you owe them the world. Be professional and deal with it. Alienate your community and your game will cease to exist. SWG should be a lesson of the power the community can have over a game when you burn them.


Well, to be fair, the attitude isn't toward the community... it's toward specific people that feel inclined to spout off nonsense about a subject they know nothing about. I'm not talking about you. :p

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Both this comment and the comment from TFP about how all AAA games start talking and working on DLC and expansion as the game nears completion are missing the point entirely. As a person who founded and served as game designer and lead developer for an indie game development company, I know what it takes to release a game. I know what it costs to build something to quality of similar size to 7d2d if not bigger (MMOs.) When you're given half a million dollars through Kickstarter to finish a game and four years later you're still waiting on that game to finish, people tend to get butt hurt by the mention of something else being even thought about. Half a million dollars to finish a game that was well on it's way is more than most indie studios dream about getting in their hands.


The game is amazing. You could fix the core issues with stability and release it. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong or abnormal for the industry. I'm saying you have an amazing game. The improvements are amazing. I'm excited for everything you have coming up. I'm saying don't ruin a good game with crappy attitudes towards your community, even the bitchers. EVERY community of EVERY popular game has complainers that will jump to conclusions and let you have their fury as if you owe them the world. Be professional and deal with it. Alienate your community and your game will cease to exist. SWG should be a lesson of the power the community can have over a game when you burn them.


My comment was to rightfully point out a flawed and ridiculous statement. What? Do we really have to be politically correct and not state the truth because a few people who don't understand how development works and can't comprehend the context surrounding three letters they don't want to hear?


The game is amazing. They are committed to finishing it. They will also soon be gearing up to start on their next game and DLCs because this amazing game will soon be drawing to a close. Is that statement of fact truthfully auditory kryptonite for some of our community? If it is, I'm sorry to say that it's still the truth.


Wait...are people asking TFP to stop communicating? In a moment of sharing, Joel basically let us know that the next amazing project is on the horizon. The current journey is drawing to a close and the next adventure will soon begin and instead of feeling the glow of excitement with their fans and the community that has been with them since the beginning they should hush up the truth because a few people can only hear the following:


blah blah blah blah DLC!! blah blah blah blah blah



Also half a million is chump change. They've made at the very least $10 million. They could retire right now and never finish this game nor put out another and live happily for the rest of their lives. But they love what they do. They are STILL excited about this game only want it to be the best open world, voxel, survival, crafting, zombie horde game that draws people in and keeps them for 1000's of hours of their lives.


You can't live your life worrying about the butt hurt small minded naysayers who will always find a reason to be butt hurt independently of whatever you choose. Joel was being honest in his video. They will soon be starting on projects that will be released after this game has launched. Now, people can produce salt about that fact or they can celebrate and congratulate TFP and be excited that new and amazing things are ahead AND this amazing and wonderful game will be finished and complete.


I don't give a rat's ass about what other studios have done in the past or how they might make a person worried. Those other studios have no bearing on what TFP is going to do.


So be worried or be excited. I don't really care. My purpose was to clarify for those who couldn't put it together from the plain statement Joel made in the video.


1) In the near future TFP will start working on DLCs and other products.


I will say again that Joel did not say that DLCs would be released while 7DtD was still in alpha and that is because they won't. They will finish the game first and then they will release additional content that can be downloaded and they will kick off their next game. Preparations for those next exciting events will necessarily begin before this game is completely done.


Its just the truth. Don't press them to keep the truth behind closed doors because someone somewhere can't handle the truth.

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I wouldn't say that it's stupid to think that game developers DON'T (for some reason that word was skipped last time: sorry for any confusion) start on their future projects before thier current one is finished. I would call it ignorant and ill-thought out, but not stupid.


Some points to consider by anyone who hasn't connected the dots:


-Making a game involves a lot more than just coding.


-Game Design is the time spent thinking and planning out new features and mechanics, or how to improve existing ones.


-Design functions at a rate massively faster than actually coding it in does.


-Usually, a game moves into Beta when the focus shifts away from new content, and toward fixing bugs and balance tweaks.


Ergo, if most of the DESIGN of 7dtd is on the table (with the talk of moving to Beta, I assume that's the case), then design resources would be wasted if they just sat around waiting for the game to be released. It makes a lot more sense to put those resources to use designing the next big game, dlc (whether paid or free), or additional content for post-release patches.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My comment was to rightfully point out a flawed and ridiculous statement. What? Do we really have to be politically correct and not state the truth because a few people who don't understand how development works and can't comprehend the context surrounding three letters they don't want to hear?


The game is amazing. They are committed to finishing it. They will also soon be gearing up to start on their next game and DLCs because this amazing game will soon be drawing to a close. Is that statement of fact truthfully auditory kryptonite for some of our community? If it is, I'm sorry to say that it's still the truth.


Wait...are people asking TFP to stop communicating?


You can't live your life worrying about the butt hurt small minded naysayers who will always find a reason to be butt hurt independently of whatever you choose. Joel was being honest in his video. They will soon be starting on projects that will be released after this game has launched. Now, people can produce salt about that fact or they can celebrate and congratulate TFP and be excited that new and amazing things are ahead AND this amazing and wonderful game will be finished and complete.


Its just the truth. Don't press them to keep the truth behind closed doors because someone somewhere can't handle the truth.


You're proving my point yet again. As a moderator of the community and someone that TFP have a tie to in this way, you are in a small way representing them. Your attitude is one of "GTFO" instead of "listen, you misunderstood." My message in no way said what TFP is doing is wrong, in fact I say the opposite. My message in no way said the message you were presenting was wrong, simply the way you presented it. You're taking a "stfu and stop bitching, they know what they are doing" attitude instead of one of understanding where the frustration is coming from and addressing it in a professional way. Aggression in moderators, community facing employees, and core executives of a studio is not helping anyone. To put this message the same way you're putting messages out to members of the community: Be nice or STFU. ;)

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You're proving my point yet again. As a moderator of the community and someone that TFP have a tie to in this way, you are in a small way representing them. Your attitude is one of "GTFO" instead of "listen, you misunderstood." My message in no way said what TFP is doing is wrong, in fact I say the opposite. My message in no way said the message you were presenting was wrong, simply the way you presented it. You're taking a "stfu and stop bitching, they know what they are doing" attitude instead of one of understanding where the frustration is coming from and addressing it in a professional way. Aggression in moderators, community facing employees, and core executives of a studio is not helping anyone. To put this message the same way you're putting messages out to members of the community: Be nice or STFU. ;)


What aggression? "St*u and stop bitching" are your words, not Roland's. 'Please stop saying we shouldn't talk about this' is a more professional attitude. He's not shouting down dissent. He's making a case in support of transparency. If you didn't like his use of the word "dense," chalk that up to Roland's background as a teacher. Curing ignorance is just in his blood.

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Apologies if the way my posts read led you to believe I was saying GTFO or STFU. I was not intending either of those sentiments. I welcome discussion. I think if you read my first few posts on this subject they were kind and patient and informative. I do think that the opinion that the developers should wait to gear up for their next project until they have completely finished this one is a ridiculous stance.


I have nothing against those who sincerely don't understand how project flow works. My snarky remarks are for those who are making a value statement against TFP that they are somehow wrong or unethical to start laying the foundation of what is coming next before this project is finished. That is just wrong headed and while not in and of itself a stupid statement--if they stick to it despite having the logic of it explained to them then they really are black hole dense....


But they are welcome to stay here and to continue typing their arguments.


I see you are new and don't know me. I am the soul of patience and helpfulness. I really am. And I do understand the concept of customer service and have no disagreement with what you typed about me being a representative of the company and having a responsibility to not turn off potential customers who hate being called dense and all that. There comes a point though where hilarity overcomes propriety and since this is a video game forum instead of St Jude's Hospital for Children forum there can be a bit of snark and trash talking without anyone getting too bent out of shape or hyperventilating .


You even said you, yourself, were not offended by my statement and nobody else from the group you are advocating for is complaining so far. I invite anyone from this group of gamers who are offended by the word dense who are being aptly represented by dishmal to please contact me via personal message and I will apologize to you. But this is getting off topic so lets have no more of it in the public thread.


Send a message to [email protected] if you want to file a complaint about my behavior to the developers. Send them the link to my actual quote so they can reprimand me appropriate to the severity of what I did.



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All the AAA titles have their DLC in the works in late alpha or early beta, if not earlier.


They just don't tell you because then players who don't have any concept of game development times or scheduling become "concerned". ;)


Is something planned? Of course. Duh.

Since you're going to ask anyway: It will be stuff. With things.


Stuff > Things, just as we all know Cake > Pie.


Please ensure what you're planning has much more stuff than things :-)

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i spent forty something euro on 7dtd (4 copies on sales) and played 1250 hour

bought for 60 gta5 and played only 65 hours because of 7dtd

bought ark and played only 22 hours because of 7dtd

etc etc

i don't think The Fun Pimps are worthy of more of my money, they force me waste enough euros already :lol:


I even bought it on console and pc.. Because why not.

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