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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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What are the restrictions on gaining wellness from eating and drinking? I noticed I can't just chug red tea to max it out, do I need to actually be thirsty, or is it the quality food/drink buffs that prevent gaining more while they're active? Had a streak of bad luck so my wellness went from maximum to minimum over the course of the day...


Which reminds me, is there some condition other than the blood moon that makes zombies fast? I was trying to do a tier 2 clear, but things got hectic when all the zombies started sprinting at me, including the random decaying cadavers around the poi. Bit of a shock after spending so much time on that particular server where the speed is Jog for everything. Especially as one of the deaths was to a behemoth, or so I think as I only saw it a split second before it walloped me into next week. Probably came in from the nearby wasteland.


It happened again just a few minutes ago, just in time for my first encounter with a Demonic Spider zombie; got a bit worried when I saw it regenerate 500+hp in one go, but luckily unloading my combat shotgun into it worked.

Edited by Align (see edit history)
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What are the restrictions on gaining wellness from eating and drinking? I noticed I can't just chug red tea to max it out, do I need to actually be thirsty, or is it the quality food/drink buffs that prevent gaining more while they're active? Had a streak of bad luck so my wellness went from maximum to minimum over the course of the day...


you get a food, water and medicine buff when they are active from an item. you have to wait until they run out to rebuff and get the wellness bump again. sucks when you get rushed by ferals in a tier2 poi which happens to me all the time but it means I have to be super careful since I"m squishy. I use double turrets with mods on them to cover my butt. they are really useful in DF.



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Couple of notes about server 18.4 experimental and some questions I had.


The box of 7.62 ammo has description text that indicates it does the same thing as the normal version, crafts 100 ammo more efficiently. However when I'm at the metal workbench trying to make boxes of 7.62 ammo it shows the materials required as 300 7.62 ammo and it looks like the output is a box of 100 7.62 ammo.


I keep getting a green item that looks like skill notes but named DFTraderJenFactionBook and has the icon as if it's an unread schematic after turning in quests to her. Doesn't seem to do anything when I use it.


The question I had was regarding the hidden bunker in the wasteland with the future tech stuff in it. I read earlier in the thread that people could search for 'research' in the prefab.xml file to verify whether one actually existed on the map. When I do that I'm not finding any results. In fact when I look through a variety of the maps prefab.xml files I'm not seeing it on any of them, even the default DF maps. My guess is this changed at some point and I read outdated information. Can anyone clarify what the prefab name is for the POI with the laser workbench?


Edit: Want to note all my previous issues were resolved by doing a clean install and using the mirror. All the crashes and console error spam went away. I appreciate the work put into building this fabulous mod.

Edited by Niil945 (see edit history)
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I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but I've just failed 2x Tier 1 quests. The first one on Day 1. I had to clear a house but it had a radiated feral zombie in it which destroyed me. The second one was also a Tier 1 quest, this time on Day 2. The building had a tough old man outside it - 900 hp, sprinting, and quickly regenerating health. Am I supposed to be finding zombies this difficult on days one and two on Tier 1 quests?

Edited by Cobalt44 (see edit history)
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Hi. My HP, Stamina, Food and Water bars droped bellow 80 and wont regenerate, even after use of bandages, food and water. I wanto to know how to get it back to 100+, please, is that a bug?


Probably wellness I'm guessing. When you die you lose wellness. It's a hidden stat that accumulates when you eat food or drink water with wellness on them. It's explained a couple of posts above. Wellness allows you to increase your max hp, max stamina, and max hunger slowly above the base value but I've had someone else tell me that when they died a lot early game they had very low hp for a while until he got his wellness up. He died near a demon portal exploring and kept dying while trying to get his body back.

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Can someone please tell me the location for bunker on DFalls_small3 map? we spend 5 days with our bikes trying to look for it.


Also, where can I find uranium? Is there a stone on top of wasteland that tell me where the vein is?


I would also like to know where the bunkers are on Small3 map as I also have been unable to find them,


Uranium can only be found in the radiation zone. Just whack the rare boulders on the surface and when you find what you want dig down. Usually shallow (6-10 blocks) but sometimes deep. The uranium (and plutonium and titanium) blocks look like the top surface but are hit with a metal sound and have 5000 hp.

Edited by Akrux (see edit history)
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Is anyone having success with hirable NPCs? I hired the archer lady and told her to "stay here" by the rear of my base I came back later and she was gone. I really like this feature but since they cost a lot of money I wonder how well this feature works. What is the point of looking at their inventory? Do they require food? Any feedback on the value of hiring an NPC would be appreciated.

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Couple of notes about server 18.4 experimental and some questions I had.


The box of 7.62 ammo has description text that indicates it does the same thing as the normal version, crafts 100 ammo more efficiently. However when I'm at the metal workbench trying to make boxes of 7.62 ammo it shows the materials required as 300 7.62 ammo and it looks like the output is a box of 100 7.62 ammo.


I keep getting a green item that looks like skill notes but named DFTraderJenFactionBook and has the icon as if it's an unread schematic after turning in quests to her. Doesn't seem to do anything when I use it.


The question I had was regarding the hidden bunker in the wasteland with the future tech stuff in it. I read earlier in the thread that people could search for 'research' in the prefab.xml file to verify whether one actually existed on the map. When I do that I'm not finding any results. In fact when I look through a variety of the maps prefab.xml files I'm not seeing it on any of them, even the default DF maps. My guess is this changed at some point and I read outdated information. Can anyone clarify what the prefab name is for the POI with the laser workbench?


Edit: Want to note all my previous issues were resolved by doing a clean install and using the mirror. All the crashes and console error spam went away. I appreciate the work put into building this fabulous mod.


1. I found that the "boxes" of ammo is just to carry more ammo efficiently...up to 5 stacks of 300 per backpack space. I don't think there's a crafting option like in vanilla.

2. The trader faction books will add dialog options with that trader after you read/use 5 of them(!)

3. in the prefabs.xml, the Darkness Falls specific POIs are named DFalls_Military_Bunker, DFalls_Resarch_Lab1 & DFalls_settlement_trader (little spelling error for the research lab!)

when I used Nitrogen (with the DF prefablist.txt file) I usually had one of each but sometimes they wouldn't get added.

Edited by Hoopty (see edit history)
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1. I found that the "boxes" of ammo is just to carry more ammo efficiently...up to 5 stacks of 300 per backpack space. I don't think there's a crafting option like in vanilla.


Gotcha so just the description isn't up to date. Makes sense.


2. The trader faction books will add dialog options with that trader after you read/use 5 of them(!)


Oh that's awesome, thanks! Now I'm itching to get a few more and check out the dialogue options.


3. in the prefabs.xml, the Darkness Falls specific POIs are named DFalls_Military_Bunker, DFalls_Resarch_Lab1 & DFalls_settlement_trader (little spelling error for the research lab!)

when I used Nitrogen (with the DF prefablist.txt file) I usually had one of each but sometimes they wouldn't get added.


Awesome. I was initially worried that we didn't have a map with those mod specific locations in them but then I learned we were using one of the default DF medium maps so I knew they had to be there somewhere. Turns out we're basing in a corner of the map that they're just not nearby. I've heard there's an npc named Eve somewhere that gives a quest for these locations but I hadn't seen her either. Guessing we're just not in good proximity to anything heh. I very much appreciate the information.

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I was having issues with my game before, now after downloading from mirror, my game will not open AT ALL. I'm stuck at initializing world with the error code: IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. PLEASE help.


My previous issues:



1. How often do we need to pre-sync the game?

2. My biome used to be the burnt biome, but now appears as snow (sound is still burnt biome). From the top of the base, i can see that the biome is surrounded by a mountain range that wasn't there before. As you move towards it, the mountain disappears in chunks, but as you backtrack, it reappears.

4. There are multiple, scattered, floating snow trees that appeared as well. When you try to chop it down, you hear yourself hitting stone instead of wood.

​​​​5. The day this glitch occurred, we also lost our ability to view the full map. We're playing on the large df map. The wasteland is mostly cut off, except for the edges. So we can view maybe only 70% of what the full map should be. We had literally just found the big bunker after almost 2 weeks searching for it IRL and now I'm afraid we can't even get to it. Showing the bunker waypoint, just shows us the edge of the map.

6. My friend has an issue where everytime he gets off his motorcycle, it will teleport 500m away, down the path he just traveled.

​​​​​​Is there something I can do to fix it?

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Hoping I'm missing something here. I ended up going to the bunker with a friend. Zombies (including behemoths) were literally spawning in our faces, room after room. At one point we stealthed and while it minimized the spawning it still happened. A group would spawn and ~3-5 seconds after killing the lot another group would just respawn exactly where the last one was. We couldn't do anything except kill zombies. If we both ended up randomly reloading at the same time we took a bit of a beating. Got to a room with a gun safe in it, told him to try to hold them off, I couldn't make it more than 3 seconds each attempt before I had to cancel and help kill zombies. We decided to head back to the beginning and found the entire entrance was destroyed and we had no way out except to nerdpole it back up. While there a behemoth spawned almost on top of my friend and one hit him before he could react. I was able to burn it down and get out.


I also ended up doing the research lab and did not have the same issue with spawning on top of me, though I did that one solo. Perhaps it was just a weird glitch? I did have the same issue with the entrance being destroyed and having to nerdpole up to get out. It seems like zombies above can hear me and they fight their way in behind me. I was in there clearing overnight and lot of zombies had congregated behind me since it was wasteland night spawn. Luckily I closed one of the sliding doors near the entrance behind me just in case, but the demonic ones had fireballed the stairwell/ladder area to get into the lab into a wreck. Without revealing too much the end of the lab was excellent. Took me a bit to figure out what was going on as I didn't even get to the last room and had stuff coming to me that I had to clear through to find out.


I can safely say that without getting some advice on where to find it those locations would have never stumbled across them, though I really dig the additional depth that those specific locations bring both from a narrative standpoint and a tech progression one.

Edited by Niil945 (see edit history)
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you get a food, water and medicine buff when they are active from an item. you have to wait until they run out to rebuff and get the wellness bump again. sucks when you get rushed by ferals in a tier2 poi which happens to me all the time but it means I have to be super careful since I"m squishy. I use double turrets with mods on them to cover my butt. they are really useful in DF.



Makes sense, thanks. Though I'm 99% sure these weren't ferals, as I remember looking around the building before going in and seeing trash zombies ambling about, only to later see them sprinting at me when I was running away from the ones inside the poi... especially as it happened again when I returned to pick up my backpack (which sadly deleted itself so I lost all the ammo and money etc that I was carrying).


I bumped into Eve the Seasoned Survivor, but failed one of the quests as I didn't bring a key card for the fancy door (and somehow broke my leg while standing completely still on some stairs). Now I tried starting over by asking her for quests, but after finishing the two first ones I can't find her again. The "Talk to Trader" marker still points at where she used to be... bugged (like my backpack)?

EDIT: Nevermind, after abandoning the quests she showed up again.

Edited by Align (see edit history)
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Makes sense, thanks. Though I'm 99% sure these weren't ferals, as I remember looking around the building before going in and seeing trash zombies ambling about, only to later see them sprinting at me when I was running away from the ones inside the poi... especially as it happened again when I returned to pick up my backpack (which sadly deleted itself so I lost all the ammo and money etc that I was carrying).


sorry, you are right Ferals was my personal experience. I have experienced what you are talking about though. I just assumed that the behaviour was normal in tier2+. KGB will have to confirm either way.



I was also wondering if there was any point to wrenches after the steel pick axe was unlocked. The axe will shred full cars in 4 sometimes 3 hits and I seem to get all the same mats vs wrench in some very rudimentary testing. or is the steel pick axe misbehaving ...

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Hoping I'm missing something here. I ended up going to the bunker with a friend. Zombies (including behemoths) were literally spawning in our faces, room after room. At one point we stealthed and while it minimized the spawning it still happened. A group would spawn and ~3-5 seconds after killing the lot another group would just respawn exactly where the last one was. We couldn't do anything except kill zombies. If we both ended up randomly reloading at the same time we took a bit of a beating. Got to a room with a gun safe in it, told him to try to hold them off, I couldn't make it more than 3 seconds each attempt before I had to cancel and help kill zombies. We decided to head back to the beginning and found the entire entrance was destroyed and we had no way out except to nerdpole it back up. While there a behemoth spawned almost on top of my friend and one hit him before he could react. I was able to burn it down and get out.


I also ended up doing the research lab and did not have the same issue with spawning on top of me, though I did that one solo. Perhaps it was just a weird glitch? I did have the same issue with the entrance being destroyed and having to nerdpole up to get out. It seems like zombies above can hear me and they fight their way in behind me. I was in there clearing overnight and lot of zombies had congregated behind me since it was wasteland night spawn. Luckily I closed one of the sliding doors near the entrance behind me just in case, but the demonic ones had fireballed the stairwell/ladder area to get into the lab into a wreck. Without revealing too much the end of the lab was excellent. Took me a bit to figure out what was going on as I didn't even get to the last room and had stuff coming to me that I had to clear through to find out.


I can safely say that without getting some advice on where to find it those locations would have never stumbled across them, though I really dig the additional depth that those specific locations bring both from a narrative standpoint and a tech progression one.


ha! yeah...the military bunker is rough(!) but there is a way to stop the spawns *right in front of you* (I don't want to spoil it!)


although they are great for farming coil gun parts, door card keys and research notes :very_drunk:

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ha! yeah...the military bunker is rough(!) but there is a way to stop the spawns *right in front of you* (I don't want to spoil it!)


although they are great for farming coil gun parts, door card keys and research notes :very_drunk:


Good to know. I was worried it was because I was playing on experimental and that it was a WIP or something. Is there a way to reset these POI? A few guys didn't get to experience the madness that was the bunker as they weren't on when we did it and as I mentioned I did the research lab solo. I'd love to give friends who weren't there an opportunity to do those locations. Okay, I'll be honest, I want to sit in discord and listen to their panicked yelling as they do it hehe.

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Can someone help me out with this error please? I was getting a divide by zero error. I then reinstalled everything and now I get this error. Thank you in advance.


Application folder:


There should be '7DaysToDie_Data'

folder next to the executable

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Ok, so apologies in advance. I've had a couple of bad mental health days so I just... hid.


Feeling better now, but that wwas not fun.


Index out of range errors. I've tracked that down to using the launcher. SOMETIMES it copies the wrong map_info file into the wrong folder. I've seen it copy an 8k world map_info to DF large (and break it) or copy an 8k world map_info to navezgane... and break it.


Everything has been re-uploaded so hopefully it will be ok, but... yeah... it's doing odd stuff.


If there's any pressing questions I need to ask, please re-post them and i'll go from here rather than going back over 3 pages and potentially answering something that's already been answered. :)

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