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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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So I just read the DFTraderRektFactionBook like 10 times.



I haven't read 10 yet(!) but I read 2 different trader faction books a few times each

DFTraderJenFactionBook and DFTraderJoelFactionBook but don't get any other options from either trader (other than normal)

I even reloaded my save a few time trying debug admin reset inventory/quests


...did learn they scrap to paper :pirate:

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Hey, does anyone know what I can do about missing backpack? The icon shows up but when I get to the marker, there's no backpack to be found. Tried digging down but no luck. Any advice?


I normally play with "drop toolbelt on death" but I assume it is the same problem. This is a vanilla issue. Sometimes backpacks or tool belts can be found in a higher or lower floor of a multistory building if that is where you died. I have found my tool belt up in a tree and buried down at bedrock. Sadly sometimes they simply cant be found. It hurts but just role play it as another obstacle in your progress.


The ultimate secret is to simply not die. If you are going to die then die in a flat open outdoor space. As in the movie Zombieland "know your way out".

Edited by Akrux (see edit history)
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I normally play with "drop toolbelt on death" but I assume it is the same problem. This is a vanilla issue. Sometimes backpacks or tool belts can be found in a higher or lower floor of a multistory building if that is where you died. I have found my tool belt up in a tree and buried down at bedrock. Sadly sometimes they simply cant be found. It hurts but just role play it as another obstacle in your progress.


The ultimate secret is to simply not die. If you are going to die then die in a flat open outdoor space. As in the movie Zombieland "know your way out".


Yeah, he actually died in an open field and his backpack was nowhere to be found even when he was exactly where the marker had said. Tried digging to bedrock, but still nothing so we're currently at a loss of ideas.

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Hey, does anyone know what I can do about missing backpack? The icon shows up but when I get to the marker, there's no backpack to be found. Tried digging down but no luck. Any advice?


an annoying vanilla bug. I've had it happen 3 times maybe on a vanilla game. I usually play with drop toolbelt only for safety just to save some headache spawning stuff back in.


You can turn on DM mode and fly around looking for it sometimes it helps. It falls through the world but I find it can be up or down. So look up :)

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Thanks for respond KhaineGB, your mod is amazing!


So I just read the DFTraderRektFactionBook like 10 times.

I'm still not sure what it does? It doesn't say anything in the description.


I do see a new dialogue option now...

It doesn't do anything.





You're missing the localization file. Someone else in the discord had the same issue. Absolutely no idea why but grabbing it from gitlab and replacing the one in their Data/Config file fixed it.


Hey, does anyone know what I can do about missing backpack? The icon shows up but when I get to the marker, there's no backpack to be found. Tried digging down but no luck. Any advice?


It's a vanilla problem, i'm afraid. Just have to disable dropping backpacks, or grab stuff from the creative menu to replace what you lost.


I haven't read 10 yet(!) but I read 2 different trader faction books a few times each

DFTraderJenFactionBook and DFTraderJoelFactionBook but don't get any other options from either trader (other than normal)

I even reloaded my save a few time trying debug admin reset inventory/quests


Here's another hint.


Assuming you haven't learned anything on your character (so clean slate) in terms of perks/recipes, you need to read at LEAST 5 books per trader. ;)

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Here's another hint.


Assuming you haven't learned anything on your character (so clean slate) in terms of perks/recipes, you need to read at LEAST 5 books per trader. ;)


got it!

now both traders have the other options...

really cool addition :encouragement:



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We are currently running the darkness falls mod on our server and have been using it for about a week now. Yesterday while we were playing we noticed our console was getting spammed with red error text. Just wondering if I could get some insight as to were this error is coming from. Thank you and fantastic work with the mod!



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For normal farming, the hoe'd ground works fine.


The farm plots are required for the farmer mastery specific recipes. So for the Hydroponic plants. They need farm plot + irrigation + grow lights.

Alright, hm. Probably best to leave them for later in the game then.


Played a bunch more and got even more questions:

Hunter class is my new favorite, sneaking and sniping is great! But the perks seem a bit uneven - the 4x damage bonus feels easily worth it, but the perk to be more silent doesn't seem to make much difference. I still can't sneak up and melee zombies without being noticed, and indoors they don't seem to react unless I'm right next to them regardless of stealth perk. And the extra harvesting makes me scratch my head - is that really worth a precious skill point?

Maybe if it boosted the hunter's sense ability too? Would definitely have made the quest to kill animals easier if the sense was already available. Took a while to complete just because I couldn't seem to find any animals...


I noticed that the stone hammer seems to upgrade blocks instantly rather than with four whacks. Are the claw hammer and nailgun obsolete or do they have some other advantage?

Edited by Align (see edit history)
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I have a rented server from pingperfect that has 18.4 installed. My friends and I are installing 18.4 thru the modmanager on our PCs


​​​​​​​We have two issues that i am not sure how to fix

1. when partying with other players, the health bar of the others in our group show as dead all the time

2. only 1 class paper upon start of a new map



Any ideas?



Edited by Squiddy (see edit history)
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Please treat with understanding, the translation is made in Google translator

I want to express my impressions and wishes in fashion!

What not to like!

1.When you need to make 100 ones and 200 other blocks on the quest, and then strengthen them!

Why so much! If the first quest, you have to build an unnecessary, a pyramid, and if opened from a book, then usually for a long time, everything is made with concrete! And this is a waste of work!

2. It is especially pleasing when you have to complete the quest to kill zombies with your fists, this is so cool :(

3. There are still books that you study, study, but they are not read all!

4. Mobs are very strong, I (forgive the old soldier, BUT! Weapons must kill, otherwise it is not a weapon) even increasing the damage of all weapons 2 times! Some mobs just do not kill! 1500 hp!

4. The number of green and very strong mobs at night, especially in the initial LVL, leads to the fact that you need to sit motionless all night, somewhere on a high tower. Since it’s unrealistic to kill with a club! Why lose so much playing time, oh yes .... I forgot, you need to take the game :(

5. HOW? AS? find titanium? If there are almost no stones in the radioactive zone, and if there is, then pick up nothing, only at random! You won’t succeed at random either, for example, I’ll post a screenshot where it’s clear that it’s impossible to find by accident, because it lies so deep that without a landmark, it’s NOT possible to find !!!

6. Quests from the merchant of the first LVL. immediately fall into the zone with radiation, I had about 4 quests. Dropped because of this!

7. Three times passed the mod! The first walkthrough, for 100 lvl 8 red leaves, (you need 10), the second time 6 pcs., The third time 9 (and five immediately fell at a time in one factory). Sorry, I had to get out of the creative to see the technology :(

It just lost three walkthrough mod!

All these tekhnologii need to be made available! Maybe all the same a missing piece of craft somehow?



Titanium is very deep! There are no landmarks above.

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Please treat with understanding, the translation is made in Google translator

Now I liked that, but I would like to change!

1. What is radiation, is the invisible radiation that accumulates in the body. After it is withdrawn and treated later!

But what happens now? He opened the tablet and seemed to press the radiation shut off button!

It is necessary to do as with infection. The longer the zone, the more radiation accumulates. taking pills is treated. Just as gradually.

You can add lead plates, which will protect against radiation and lengthen the accumulation time from radiation. In real life, only lead is able to at least somehow protect against radiation).

The pill from radiation was pushed so far that sometimes it’s just not possible to live up to it! But titanium can be obtained in this way, put a bed, start digging, die right there, resurrect in the same place and dig again! So what to do? And this is if you are lucky to find it!

Make it possible to modify a jeep hung with lead plates to drive safely through contaminated areas!

You have VERY MUCH completely stupid and unnecessary cars that you don’t even want to get out of creative things!


2. I liked the sliding doors very much, it’s only difficult to close, you need to carefully aim, but they open normally! But they appear so late that, in addition to a little entertainment, they are no longer needed! Since for a long time no one in the house where he lives does not meet the horde!

Therefore, only for beauty, and a pleasant view!


3.To increase interest, the third-level oven and all the machines above the workbench must be powered by electric energy so that the player puts the generator in fuel, and at the same time receives a high manufacturing speed.

4. Military Power The armor should be interchanged with the titanium one, since the latter is better, but appears earlier!

5. Laser weapons, very weak, small range, low rate of fire, small amount of charges, well, etc. - a machine gun is better in all respects.

6.On a modern uranium machine, you can make super bullets, with huge damage! (which actually do)

7. A machine for the manufacture of parts orzhi, should appear much earlier, by the time of its appearance, there are so many details.

8. Installation for the extraction of fuel from wood, well ....... !!!! What are you talking about? It’s a lot easier to get oil than so many trees! If installed in places of deposits, oil. power up again. He will pump oil!

And fuel will be VERY popular if everything is powered by electricity.

We need to return the full-time drum store, with an even greater number of rounds!

9. A modern machine, you need to make it more affordable. everything made of titanium add there !!

10. Add a modern chemical station, otherwise it doesn’t harmonize :) Powered by electricity!

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Getting severe FPS hit in A18. At first trader, FPS dropping to single digits. On Vanilla (albeit different location/map) can run solid FPS 60 with VSYNC on.


i am using the DF-medium-3 map.


The FPS is so low I don't want to play :/


Thanks if you can help!

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You're missing the localization file. Someone else in the discord had the same issue. Absolutely no idea why but grabbing it from gitlab and replacing the one in their Data/Config file fixed it.



Is it the experimental branch? or the stable 18.4 downloads? I'm not too familiar with gitlab.


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Is it the experimental branch? or the stable 18.4 downloads? I'm not too familiar with gitlab.


Experimental should be right, that fixed the text issues I was having playing on a server with the latest branch on it

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Quick preface.


Kinda had an accident. In a lot of pain. Long story. So if I sound snippy or anything, that's why. Don't take it personal. :)




We are currently running the darkness falls mod on our server and have been using it for about a week now. Yesterday while we were playing we noticed our console was getting spammed with red error text. Just wondering if I could get some insight as to were this error is coming from. Thank you and fantastic work with the mod!


Unfortunately that image won't open bigger to see what's going on.


My GUESS is it might be related to the frozen zombies. For some reason (that I don't understand), the mod launcher is overwriting one of the files and it's causing an issue. There's 2 ways to fix it right now.


1) Install experimental and hope (potential fix there).

2) Manually install the mod.


Hunter class is my new favorite, sneaking and sniping is great! But the perks seem a bit uneven - the 4x damage bonus feels easily worth it, but the perk to be more silent doesn't seem to make much difference. I still can't sneak up and melee zombies without being noticed, and indoors they don't seem to react unless I'm right next to them regardless of stealth perk. And the extra harvesting makes me scratch my head - is that really worth a precious skill point?

Maybe if it boosted the hunter's sense ability too? Would definitely have made the quest to kill animals easier if the sense was already available. Took a while to complete just because I couldn't seem to find any animals...


I noticed that the stone hammer seems to upgrade blocks instantly rather than with four whacks. Are the claw hammer and nailgun obsolete or do they have some other advantage?


Being completely honest with you? Stealth is just... a mess. If you have all the stealth perks + the ghillie suit, you're basically invisible all of the time. It's nuts.


IIRC the perk DOES help a lot with meat.


Stone hammer won't upgrade beyond cobblestone/cement. It's to help you out in the early stages. :)


We have two issues that i am not sure how to fix

1. when partying with other players, the health bar of the others in our group show as dead all the time

2. only 1 class paper upon start of a new map


1. That will fix itself when someone takes damage. It's because max health is set by wellness and the UI kinda... derps out until a player takes damage and forces it to update.

2. Intended in MP. When you played via steam, you're actually playing single player and folks are just connecting to you. Different set of files.


So we pre-synced our mods prior to getting back on and the biome that our base was in changed from the forest/burnt biome to the snow biome. Was there some sort of update to the map/biome systems? TIA




1.When you need to make 100 ones and 200 other blocks on the quest, and then strengthen them!

Why so much! If the first quest, you have to build an unnecessary, a pyramid, and if opened from a book, then usually for a long time, everything is made with concrete! And this is a waste of work!

2. It is especially pleasing when you have to complete the quest to kill zombies with your fists, this is so cool

3. There are still books that you study, study, but they are not read all!

4. Mobs are very strong, I (forgive the old soldier, BUT! Weapons must kill, otherwise it is not a weapon) even increasing the damage of all weapons 2 times! Some mobs just do not kill! 1500 hp!

4. The number of green and very strong mobs at night, especially in the initial LVL, leads to the fact that you need to sit motionless all night, somewhere on a high tower. Since it’s unrealistic to kill with a club! Why lose so much playing time, oh yes .... I forgot, you need to take the game

5. HOW? AS? find titanium? If there are almost no stones in the radioactive zone, and if there is, then pick up nothing, only at random! You won’t succeed at random either, for example, I’ll post a screenshot where it’s clear that it’s impossible to find by accident, because it lies so deep that without a landmark, it’s NOT possible to find !!!

6. Quests from the merchant of the first LVL. immediately fall into the zone with radiation, I had about 4 quests. Dropped because of this!

7. Three times passed the mod! The first walkthrough, for 100 lvl 8 red leaves, (you need 10), the second time 6 pcs., The third time 9 (and five immediately fell at a time in one factory). Sorry, I had to get out of the creative to see the technology


1. Because I didn't want the player to complete the full quest in about 5 minutes. I can do it in a day on 60 minute days.

2. Punching zombies to death is always cool. ;)

3. If you mean the book icon to tell you if you learned it or not, nothing I can do about that. It doesn't show up for perks (which most books unlock). It only shows up for recipes (which most books DO NOT unlock)

4. If you're finding 1.5k hp mobs, that's likely demon zombies. You shouldn't be messing with demon zombies until you have AT LEAST an AK-47 or Combat Shotgun. They can be fairly easily killed with these weapons.

4 (again). Because I wanted night to be terrifying like it was in the earlier alphas.

5. I'm actually working on that. It's because the wasteland/radiation spawns WAY too much junk, so it can't spawn the rocks. I'm currently tweaking it.

6. Then move away from that trader?

7. Loot bunkers. Kill lab zombies. It's not supposed to be easy to get that stuff.


1. What is radiation, is the invisible radiation that accumulates in the body. After it is withdrawn and treated later!

But what happens now? He opened the tablet and seemed to press the radiation shut off button!

It is necessary to do as with infection. The longer the zone, the more radiation accumulates. taking pills is treated. Just as gradually.

You can add lead plates, which will protect against radiation and lengthen the accumulation time from radiation. In real life, only lead is able to at least somehow protect against radiation).

The pill from radiation was pushed so far that sometimes it’s just not possible to live up to it! But titanium can be obtained in this way, put a bed, start digging, die right there, resurrect in the same place and dig again! So what to do? And this is if you are lucky to find it!

Make it possible to modify a jeep hung with lead plates to drive safely through contaminated areas!

You have VERY MUCH completely stupid and unnecessary cars that you don’t even want to get out of creative things!


2. I liked the sliding doors very much, it’s only difficult to close, you need to carefully aim, but they open normally! But they appear so late that, in addition to a little entertainment, they are no longer needed! Since for a long time no one in the house where he lives does not meet the horde!

Therefore, only for beauty, and a pleasant view!


3.To increase interest, the third-level oven and all the machines above the workbench must be powered by electric energy so that the player puts the generator in fuel, and at the same time receives a high manufacturing speed.

4. Military Power The armor should be interchanged with the titanium one, since the latter is better, but appears earlier!

5. Laser weapons, very weak, small range, low rate of fire, small amount of charges, well, etc. - a machine gun is better in all respects.

6.On a modern uranium machine, you can make super bullets, with huge damage! (which actually do)

7. A machine for the manufacture of parts orzhi, should appear much earlier, by the time of its appearance, there are so many details.

8. Installation for the extraction of fuel from wood, well ....... !!!! What are you talking about? It’s a lot easier to get oil than so many trees! If installed in places of deposits, oil. power up again. He will pump oil!

And fuel will be VERY popular if everything is powered by electricity.

We need to return the full-time drum store, with an even greater number of rounds!

9. A modern machine, you need to make it more affordable. everything made of titanium add there !!

10. Add a modern chemical station, otherwise it doesn’t harmonize Powered by electricity


1. The radiation is instant on purpose. Think of it like running into an area designed for level 60 players when you're level 5 in an MMO.


AKA - It's a form of level gate.

2. I actually need to fix those doors in unity. Something went odd in 18.3.

3. That is not as easy as you think.

4. The Power Armor works like a hazmat suit. Titanium doesn't.

5. Yeeeeeeeeeeeah.... no. It's not. I did tweak the laser rifle a bit, but you NEED laser weapons to kill the demon bosses.

6. Uranium bullets aren't happening.

7. It's intended for the Lathe to be rare, otherwise it makes the gun parts you find pointless. Think like A16.4, not like A17/A18.

8. Going to disagree. It's way easier to get wood than oil if you know what you're doing.

9. Nope.

10. Why?


Getting severe FPS hit in A18. At first trader, FPS dropping to single digits. On Vanilla (albeit different location/map) can run solid FPS 60 with VSYNC on.


i am using the DF-medium-3 map.


The FPS is so low I don't want to play :/


Thanks if you can help!


My guess is you don't have a lot of system RAM. The medium maps take EASILY 10GB, sometimes closer to 12GB.


Is it the experimental branch? or the stable 18.4 downloads? I'm not too familiar with gitlab.



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4. The number of green and very strong mobs at night, especially in the initial LVL, leads to the fact that you need to sit motionless all night, somewhere on a high tower. Since it’s unrealistic to kill with a club! Why lose so much playing time, oh yes .... I forgot, you need to take the game :(


I like how dangerous night is, vanilla is too easy at night. It is a zombie apocolypse, you should be scared out of your mind and not moving in a tower at level 1 :)


Maybe night lasts too long for this sort of design change but that's not the mod's fault. You get stronger and can go out carefully at night eventually anyway.


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7. It's intended for the Lathe to be rare, otherwise it makes the gun parts you find pointless. Think like A16.4, not like A17/A18.


I found a Lathe around level 15-20 in loot once. Just guessing on level I started over...I usually start over when I wipe on horde night. I thought it was cool I just got it early and couldn't make use of it.



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Over level 130 now and suspect its time to start relying more on laser weapons.


So i need electronic parts which need steel and duct tape (the currency of the future!). Duct tape needs cloth and glue. Cloth i can handle with my new cotton field but glue needs bones and/or sap. Bones i need to farm from z's or piles on the ground (painful/slow), but sap i can gather from trees provided i dont mind doing this in stacks of 15. Any chance clay bowls could be made to stack in high quantities or is this intended? It's a bit painful having to fill dozens of bowls in batches of 15 at a time (but maybe that's intentional?)

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Played DF for ages, but decided to give it a go in 18.4 but I have a strange graphic glich with the UI. I haqqve uninstalled and reinstalled and still get it. I have google searched but can't find a solution anywhere. I have run SMX UI with no issues on 18.4 so I am at a loss with this one.



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Edit the \steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml file and look for line 21286 "<item name="DFemptyBowl">" (without the outer quotes). A few lines below it 21292, is "<property name="Stacknumber" value="15"/>". Just change the 15 to whatever you want. Then save the file and restart the game. Empty Bowls will still be in stacks of 15 until you click on the re-sort button and then they will collapse to this new value. You can change any item's stack value this way. Just find what it is called in the game (usually pretty straightforward) and then find that stacknumber below it.




Did you upgrade to 18.4 with the game, then the mod, then the UI? If not try reinstalling the UI again, and it should overwrite the mod's files and sort it for you.


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