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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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How do the Trader Guards determine something is hostile? Because when I first got to the trader a zombie bear was attacking and no guards shot at it.


Then, after trying to go on a quest, a Zombie Behemoth zeros in on me so I high tail it back to the trader and no one shoots it even when I go around half of the compound.


After the Behemoth kills me in one blow I respawn on my bed but unfortunately it had gotten into the trader by breaking the bars when it killed me so I die before the animation finishes.


I then spawn near my bed roll and am outside of the trader and I kite the Behemoth outside to try and get the guards to kill it again but instead it kills me.


After respawning again I hear gunshots and go look: they shot a burning zombie that got too close. Leaving the Behemoth alone.

Edited by jwagne51 (see edit history)
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The AI is kinda janky on th guards.


But basically, it's this.


<property name="AITarget-3" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" param1="EntityZombie,0,EntityZombieCop,0,EntityVulture,0"/>


I do need to go through and add some extras in there, like EntityZombieNew, which is what the behemoth uses. :)

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Is it what I think it is?


/Giddy with excitement since 1971


I'm gonna guess moped. Or a go-kart! That would be hella fun!


- - - Updated - - -



It also stacks to 500, so hopefully less storage usage.



Bless you, Khaine!


(I am gonna miss the amusement park though. :upset:) ;-)

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Darkness Falls and Sorcery Fully Compatible



Darkness Falls (17.2/latest) and Sorcery are now fully compatible! :)


Simply follow the modlet install steps of Sorcery and replace directories with your Darkness Falls install and enjoy.


As always, backup your saves first just in case of an apocalyptic abnormality!


How to easily install Sorcery with Darkness Falls:

Ill leave this here:

<<How do i mix the 2 mods?



In Darkness Falls, click on Manage Modlets, and search for Sorcery. Click on Download.


Localization may not work on all mods.

Thanks, @voodoov and @sphereii. Added to this a little, but sphereii's instructions are definitely a step easier than taking the complete manual modlet install route... just be sure to get that Localization in there or Sorcery will essentially be unplayable:

This works perfectly, then you can copy the Localization.txt contents for Sorcery over to the Darkness Falls Localization so you have crucial text in-game:


Copy Sorcery Modlet Localization into Darkness Falls Localization after installing:

  1. Open Localization.txt found in this directory after installing Sorcery Modlet with DF: (C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\Mods\Sorcery\Localization.txt)
  2. Copy ALL Localization text: CTRL+A then CTRL+C.
  3. Open DF Localization.txt: (C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\Data\Config\Localization.txt)

  4. Paste Copied Sorcery Localization at the very end / new line: CTRL+V / Paste.
  5. SAVE: CTRL+S ...you're all set!

​** This will have to be done for every DF and Sorcery update (that changes Localization), but at least it works! Perhaps we'll be blessed with native support for this later. :)

Edited by Devrix
Install Instructions (see edit history)
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They mostly come out at night...



This is a mod I originally created to fix a few "issues" myself, my wife and some friends felt the game had. Turns out I really enjoy modding so I've expanded on it quite a bit. The intent is to drag out the early game, so it will take you longer than usual to get to Iron and Steel. I've also tried to inject a little realism by locking away quite a few recipes behind perks, since most normal folks wouldn't know how to do/make those things.


Also, I started playing in Alpha 8, so I wanted to try and bring back a few things from that era. Hub city, sharp rocks and sticks are pretty good examples, and I want to try and incorporate more features from that era of gameplay. I will also be trying to add in new zombies/enemies to make the "end game" more difficult.




  • 8 Classes to choose from, with 6 quests each!
  • 60 slot backpack! 12 slot crafting queue!
  • Custom UI! Food/Water bars next to the hotbar.
  • Increased zombie spawn/respawn rate!
  • Night time is now dangerous. The ferals come out to play...
  • Zombie Behemoth (male and female) added!
  • Scrap Iron Tools added. Iron requires level 15.
  • Titanium added! Can be found as trophies, underground and above ground. Used to make tools, weapons and blocks.
  • Forge Ahead & Leather Tanning books are back! (can also be purchased as perks)
  • Wrench is now a perk and a schematic, but crafted and repaired with Iron.
  • All common books added as perks, so you have the choice of finding the book or spending points.
  • Action skills are back!
  • Skill books added for all 100 level skills.
  • Generic skill point book added so you have ways to get skill points.
  • Skill notes! Find a recipe you already have? Scrap it into a skill note and craft that into something more useful.
  • Extra crops! Grow apple, orange banana and coconut trees, plus wheat, carrots and tomatos!
  • More food! Way too much to list, but bread is now an option. So are sunday roast dinners. YUM!
  • Animal Coops and Snares from Valmod added.
  • Clay bowls are back, and used for more than just pretty plants!
  • Craftable Small Engines and Lead Batteries!
  • 4 new guns! P225 Pistol, AR-15 Automatic Rifle, Winchester Rifle and CAWS Automatic Shotgun.
  • Gun crafting! Gun parts are back and require the rare, find-only Lathe to be crafted.
  • Arrows can now use cloth fragments instead of feathers. Sticks and Sharp Stones have also made a return!
  • Tree sap is now a thing! Try left-clicking on non-dead trees with jars or bowls...
  • Sterile Bandage! New healing item to fill the void between normal Bandages and First Aid Bandages.
  • Working sinks and ovens! Both types craftable, so pick whichever matches your kitchen.
  • 5 new workstations. The Advanced Forge (required to smelt steel, but no fuel needed!), the Mortar and Pestle and two workbenches! There is also the rare, loot-only, Lathe!
  • Stone hammer added. Counts as a construction tool. Used only for repairing and upgrading.
  • Lockpicks added! Now you can lockpick all safes and most doors.
  • Steel crossbow added that takes steel, exploding and titanium bolts. Both crossbows can be scoped.
  • Combat axe added. There's also a titanium version.
  • Trader's are no longer protected! Take care of your local business!
  • Guards added to the trader, with a Guard Captain NPC! Talk to them to buy quest starters, which can earn you skill notes! (Single player only due to server bugs)
  • Larger player-crafted storage (kitchen cabinets, lockable!).
  • Time REMOVED from under the compass and on the map. Added to the trader window (under restock time).
  • Junction box added for invisible wires. Unlocked via electricity perk.
  • Bomber zombies added! These buggers are designed to tear your base to bits. You have been warned!
  • 7 Day hordes re-done (less game stages so difficulty should ramp up faster and ferals appear sooner).
  • Writing Desk, Ink and Quill available! Used together, these halve the cost of creating skill books and class papers.
  • Grass spawns reduced for better performance/easier to see things.
  • Traders now have more basic materials for building.
  • Localization HEAVILY edited to show where items are crafted, including if they can be made in multiple workstations (one will have a reduced resource cost) and what tools may be needed.
  • Compo pack added!
  • Hornet from A15 and earlier is back, with it's original sounds and model! Keep an eye out for them in forest biomes.
  • Trader Caitlin has arrived! She has her own POI, her own voice, lives in the wasteland and carries the most powerful items.


sorry for dumb question, but.. download link?

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Modlet Compatibility.


Darkness Falls is a total overhaul mod, which means I have changed large amounts of the XML files on a permanent basis. Not all modlets will be compatible, therefore I thought it might be a good idea to start a list of ones that do work.




Confirmed Working.


HDHQ - Textures/Lighting/Environment (main overhaul pack + modlets)



Known Issues.

  • "Read" function doesn't work on some books. Put it in your toolbar and left click. Then it'll work.
  • Food/Water don't display correctly. Anything over 100 doesn't seem to work, so bear that in mind.
  • Coilsniper currently has the wrong icon, cos I'm lazy and haven't made a new one yet.


Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Version Download (Not EAC friendly, also includes 45 slot minibike and dropped backpack increase)

Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Server Version Download (Server version of the 45-slot backpack mod)

Both versions are now available on the mod launcher!


Alpha 17.2 Client Download (Not EAC friendly)

Alpha 17.2 Server Download (Not EAC friendly)

Also available on the mod launcher!


Need a server? Check the "Buy Me A Coffee" section for an affiliate link for Bluefang Solutions! They'll even install the mod for you at the time of ordering and handle any updates.


Installation Instructions. (If you don't use the mod launcher)


Make a copy of your 7 Days to Die folder first!!!


Download the zip file at the link above. Unzip the 7DaysToDie_Data, Data and Mods folder to your 7 Days to Die folder and overwrite when prompted. The mod uses SDX so all 3 folders (and their contents) are needed or you'll have problems.


Same for the server files, except in this case it will be 7DaysToDieServer_Data, Data and Mods.


Installation Instructions for macOS users.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not have a mac. This is a guide I found for Starvation Mod and Ravenhearst, but it also works on War of the Walkers so it should be fine here.


1) Uninstall 7dtd. Open Finder, from taskbar choose Go -> Home. Open Library -> Application Support -> Steam -> steamapps -> common. Delete 7 Days to Die folder. Reinstall 7 Days to Die.

2) Unzip downloaded mod. Open unzipped folder. You should see 3 folders: 7DaysToDie_Data, Data, and Mods. I will be referring to this as a “home screen”.

3) Open Steam. In your games Library, right-click 7 Days to Die and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. Choose the LOCAL FILES tab and choose BROWSE LOCAL FILES.

4) Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the Mods folder to this location.

5) Open 7DaysToDie_Data -> Managed.

6) Right-click 7DaysToDie.app and choose Show Package Contents. Here you should see 2 folders: Contents and Data. This will be the other “home screen”.

7) Open Contents -> Resources -> Data -> Managed.

8) Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the .dll files into this location. Mac OSX will ask if you want to keep both or replace. Choose replace.

9) Navigate back to each home screen.

10) Drag-and-drop the 7DaysToDie_Data and Mods folders into this location.

11) Open the Data folders in each location. You will see there are Config, Prefabs, and UMATextures folders in each.

12) For each of these three folders, open up its corresponding folder so you can see the contents. Drag-and-drop the mod’s contents into its respective folder. For duplicate files, mac OSX will ask if you want to Skip, Stop, or Replace. Check the “Apply to All” checkbox, then choose Replace.

13) Start 7 Days to Die and enjoy the mod!(edited)


Social Media Stuff.





Buy Me A Coffee!


There's been more than just my wife and personal friends nagging me to add ways to donate to the mod, so here's a few different ways to do so that will keep me happily stocked up on coffee while I poke the XML.


Bluefang Solutions provide the mod pre-installed for you (if selected on ordering) and this link gives me a cut of however much you pay!




Paypal for those who just want to make a one-off donation.




Patreon for the insane folks who want to contribute on a monthly basis.




Donations/Monetary support are never expected or encouraged. No-one will be getting preferential treatment for dedciding they want to support the mod in this manner. My personal suggestion, if you want to do so, is to go the Bluefang route if you're thinking of ordering a server. It helps out them AND me at the same time, so win/win?




Third post :p

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well damn.. LOL thanks


- - - Updated - - -




Third post :p


question, can i install parts of this huge mod? There are some items i dont want, and using mods already that are helping. Dont want to confilct with mods trying to do the same thing.. thanks

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I did the manual install on a fresh new dedicated server folder. A new save folder, I edidted server xml and changed eac to false. Stuck on loading into the server, intitializing world. Something else i should be doing? Or am i waiting for mod files to transfer still?

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Hi, A week(?) back there was an update, I believe to the mod launcher and now when I start a game just for myself, things are not right.

If I play Darkness Falls, things are ok. However, if I play Darkness Falls Experimental...

I get a backpack item that I can wear and that's what provides me with _any_ space for me to carry things. Oh, I can't take the backpack off. And they are various levels.

Pretty much every skill is messed up. Like a weird combination of vanilla and mods.

While I can play on my own, no one can join me.

When I play on someone else's private game, everything is ok. The backpack isn't there, the skill are all correct.


I have uninstalled both the mod launcher and 7d2d multiple times and every time it's the same.


Anyone have any ideas wtf is going on?



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I did the manual install on a fresh new dedicated server folder. A new save folder, I edidted server xml and changed eac to false. Stuck on loading into the server, intitializing world. Something else i should be doing? Or am i waiting for mod files to transfer still?


Check the output_log of the server for any errors.


Hi, A week(?) back there was an update, I believe to the mod launcher and now when I start a game just for myself, things are not right.

If I play Darkness Falls, things are ok. However, if I play Darkness Falls Experimental...

I get a backpack item that I can wear and that's what provides me with _any_ space for me to carry things. Oh, I can't take the backpack off. And they are various levels.

Pretty much every skill is messed up. Like a weird combination of vanilla and mods.

While I can play on my own, no one can join me.

When I play on someone else's private game, everything is ok. The backpack isn't there, the skill are all correct.


I have uninstalled both the mod launcher and 7d2d multiple times and every time it's the same.


Anyone have any ideas wtf is going on?






You installed the experimental version that isn't even SLIGHTLY finished. It's for folks to test out the mod, report bugs, suggest balance changes, etc.


The backpack is intentional. It uses the same slot as the players shirt. Players will need to use that + mods + clothes + strength to unlock backpack slots. The skills thing is because I haven't finished localization yet. What you're looking at is the raw code used in the game.


It's also A16 skill progression with A17 stuff tacked onto it.

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Check the output_log of the server for any errors.






You installed the experimental version that isn't even SLIGHTLY finished. It's for folks to test out the mod, report bugs, suggest balance changes, etc.


The backpack is intentional. It uses the same slot as the players shirt. Players will need to use that + mods + clothes + strength to unlock backpack slots. The skills thing is because I haven't finished localization yet. What you're looking at is the raw code used in the game.


It's also A16 skill progression with A17 stuff tacked onto it.



Would these be errors? Sorry, not very familer with everything in the output log


WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Roughness setup)' - Pass 'FORWARD_DELTA' has no vertex shader

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Roughness setup)' - Pass 'ShadowCaster' has no vertex shader

2019-03-19T14:40:50 2.424 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 1.156s

2019-03-19T14:40:50 2.433 INF Started Telnet on 8081

2019-03-19T14:40:50 2.434 INF Started Terminal Window

2019-03-19T14:40:50 2.435 INF Awake done in 2316 ms

Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3)

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libc

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/libX11

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/lib/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/.\lib/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon

Fallback handler could not load library C:/7DaysToDieFiles/darknessfalls/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Mono/lib/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon

2019-03-19T14:40:51 2.578 INF WinThread started

2019-03-19T14:40:51 2.678 INF Atlas reset took 230 ms

2019-03-19T14:40:51 2.679 INF Atlas load took 243 ms

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Clients NEED the mod installed due to modified DLL.


Won't work without it. :)


And yes, make sure client and server both have EAC disabled.


ah did not know that.. ok that makes sense.. i just followed the instructions for dedicated server install.. thought it was like other mods.


Ok will do thanks much for your help

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Had an issue where I did a fresh setup using the Mod Launcher (have a game running on a different system with a manual install fine, started right around the 17.2 update) and immediately after finishing the initial stone hammer quest I'm getting a null error (val where instance). Trader quest pops up and shows they're 0 meters from me, so assuming the random gen seed didn't populate any traders (or the links to them is broken).


Going to make a new seed, will update if it's still happening.


BTW, definitely love the food idea. I'm guessing the system is based on a generalized ticker (i.e., actual seconds) rather than a relative ticker (1 second for a 1 hour game day, 2 seconds for a 2 hour game day, for example). If you're assuming default days for the need ticks, I'd say no less than twice a day eating. Heavy activity versus computer sessions double calorie requirements quite easily. I know the system used to be based purely on travel distance in one of the old alphas, and I believe some of the system currently tracks exertion against environment. When I say no less than twice a day, I mean however that would map to, say, traveling 3-5k on foot and some light combat. More or less based on activity variance if that's viable. If I'm overcomplicating it, just twice a day would be ideal for making the farmer perk useful.

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The trader thing/NRE will absolutely be due to no traders on the map.


What is REALLY annoying is I set every single trader prefab to min_count=1 and at least 1 trader type per BIOME, so you should have at least 5 on the map.


But apparently RWG hates me.

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The trader thing/NRE will absolutely be due to no traders on the map.


What is REALLY annoying is I set every single trader prefab to min_count=1 and at least 1 trader type per BIOME, so you should have at least 5 on the map.


But apparently RWG hates me.



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Civilian attribute has the description that states it will be granted as soon as you complete youre first class quest.


I ran through mechanic quest line. But I never got the civilian attribute or quest line start.


A bug?


Also. Where is the trigger for quests located?

I've read quests.xml w/o figuring out what is triggering the starter quest.


I figured I could also just add the civilian quest line to the last quest in the starter line if it's broken?

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The trader thing/NRE will absolutely be due to no traders on the map.


What is REALLY annoying is I set every single trader prefab to min_count=1 and at least 1 trader type per BIOME, so you should have at least 5 on the map.


But apparently RWG hates me.


Yeah, I used the advanced options to generate a new RW, Traders spawned without issue. Only other thing about RWG if you can tweak it is the mod pack for buildings is awesome, but it's hard to find the cool new dungeon layouts they did for A17. If that can be tuned at all, it'd be swell, but it's not game ruining for me.

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Civilian attribute has the description that states it will be granted as soon as you complete youre first class quest.


I ran through mechanic quest line. But I never got the civilian attribute or quest line start.


A bug?


Also. Where is the trigger for quests located?

I've read quests.xml w/o figuring out what is triggering the starter quest.


I figured I could also just add the civilian quest line to the last quest in the starter line if it's broken?


The quest starter is the class book you have to make.


If you didn't make and read a civilian class book, you won't get the attribute.


Yeah, I used the advanced options to generate a new RW, Traders spawned without issue. Only other thing about RWG if you can tweak it is the mod pack for buildings is awesome, but it's hard to find the cool new dungeon layouts they did for A17. If that can be tuned at all, it'd be swell, but it's not game ruining for me.


I can -try- but since RWG doesn't always obey what I tell it to do, I make no guarantee's... :D

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