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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Thank You Tin


I'll give it another try later after you have had time to adjust.


Also I was thinking to be Honest .. I play all my 7D2D games in Survivalist mode. ...... the Old Gamer :02.47-tranquillity: .. :smile-new:


No worries. :)

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***Update Mar 7th 2018 *** (only for the "Body Parts" edition)


Changed ranged weapons to fully utilize head shot bonuses.

Also did a minor patch to fix fodder class zeds (would have been been a very boring bloodmoon without it).


If you are not using the launcher to update the mod you will need to re D/L for the "Body Parts" to get the fix.

Again this is just for the "Body Parts" edition.


Thank you Tin


Just saw this and will give it another try and see how it goes .. After I get done with the 21 day Horde on WOW in a bit.

Just got my new floating base finished in time for it .. he-he


Have Fun and Enjoy ..... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Wow, that was a hard start, Day 1 (BodyParts). After 12 Ingame (Safezone Stop or Something) i had 1 Bear, 2 Cops and a lot of normal Zeds. Need More Beer or More ..... I Don't Know. Lool.


lol nice! The good thing is you'll level quickly ;)


I still have plans I need to get done in the "Body Parts" edition but it'll take some time to get it working well.

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lol nice! The good thing is you'll level quickly ;)


I still have plans I need to get done in the "Body Parts" edition but it'll take some time to get it working well.


Yeah, i'd need a pint or two after such a victory ;)


I'm still wandering around for minibike book in regular TDL. Gonna have to up my zombie horde count for 28th day horde though... It's getting too easy with my sniper rifle and machete... Last horde count is 152.

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Yeah, i'd need a pint or two after such a victory ;)


I'm still wandering around for minibike book in regular TDL. Gonna have to up my zombie horde count for 28th day horde though... It's getting too easy with my sniper rifle and machete... Last horde count is 152.



Yeah, the regular version, since it doesn't have a ton of book stores, makes it harder to find. I might tweak the biker zed gore block to drop it a touch easier.

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Yeah, the regular version, since it doesn't have a ton of book stores, makes it harder to find. I might tweak the biker zed gore block to drop it a touch easier.


My opinion on that is some extent it's way tougher compared to vanilla - because there are a lot more zombies, ghouls and they act differently - while on the other it's easier when you get some decent weapons, because you hit hard with them from the start. Maybe SMG and pistol act differently.


I don't sweat as much now while i have my machete and for some tougher enemies i have my sniper rifle - one shot to the head for zombie cop (irradiated cops need two or three) and full clip of 5 shots to the head for zombie bear. Other zombies i can melee (although i sometimes melee cops) with the machete and sniper rifle one-shots them in the head.


Haven't had much time recently, but need to find that recipe ;) It's mostly gonna be running through the remaining crack-a-book small stores i have in the big town i'm in (haven't looted everything yet with my base building, etc.). The further away goal will be to create a base in the wilderness from grounds up, but that's only with a minibike. I'm just a bit tired of running around with coffee to dig up treasures or secure nodes...

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Minor update to my fight against the recipes (additional correction as my recent horde was 21st day, nearing my 28th day horde):


Spent quite a lot of time yesterday trying to find the books for minibike and for some guns (apparently i still lack a few). I traveled to all 3 traders i know of (1 in my city and 2 in a close by cities, others are way further for travel, checked the map in Editing Tools), cleared out a big flat crack-a-book store (had mostly paper on the shelves) and explored even a working stiff workshop just in case. Not bothering with ruined or burnt houses, diners, hair saloons, churches or factories. I did clear out a mail building, a pawn shop and a fire station in the past though.


My scavenging skills are very low, had 31 and buffed manually to 40 to get the quality goods skill to 2nd level (maybe that will let more loot to spawn?). Secret stash on 2nd level, but still no recipe in the trader wares (i blame it on bad luck really and need a few game days to refresh the wares to see more loot to buy). Maybe you can buff how much exp you get to scavenging (or limit the amount you need for new levels) and it will enable having better (and more) loot faster?


On my first playthrough on TDL i had exquisite luck with having a crack-a-book skyscraper in the city i went to, but haven't seen any type of skyscraper anywhere (even on Editing Tools map). After the horde i'll change the length of days from 60 to 120 minutes and will go on a travelling spree to far away cities to check out the layouts there. Maybe i'll get the minibike book along with parts for the auger, nailgun and maybe chainsaw...


EDIT: So yeah... still a long way to go i guess :3

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Minor update to my fight against the recipes (additional correction as my recent horde was 21st day, nearing my 28th day horde):


Spent quite a lot of time yesterday trying to find the books for minibike and for some guns (apparently i still lack a few). I traveled to all 3 traders i know of (1 in my city and 2 in a close by cities, others are way further for travel, checked the map in Editing Tools), cleared out a big flat crack-a-book store (had mostly paper on the shelves) and explored even a working stiff workshop just in case. Not bothering with ruined or burnt houses, diners, hair saloons, churches or factories. I did clear out a mail building, a pawn shop and a fire station in the past though.


My scavenging skills are very low, had 31 and buffed manually to 40 to get the quality goods skill to 2nd level (maybe that will let more loot to spawn?). Secret stash on 2nd level, but still no recipe in the trader wares (i blame it on bad luck really and need a few game days to refresh the wares to see more loot to buy). Maybe you can buff how much exp you get to scavenging (or limit the amount you need for new levels) and it will enable having better (and more) loot faster?


On my first playthrough on TDL i had exquisite luck with having a crack-a-book skyscraper in the city i went to, but haven't seen any type of skyscraper anywhere (even on Editing Tools map). After the horde i'll change the length of days from 60 to 120 minutes and will go on a travelling spree to far away cities to check out the layouts there. Maybe i'll get the minibike book along with parts for the auger, nailgun and maybe chainsaw...


EDIT: So yeah... still a long way to go i guess :3


Yeah. I need to look into making things not so randomly generated for the loot stuff. Can't wait for A17 and all the new things that I'll be able to do.. I hope lol.

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Don't cut yourself short Tin :) You're making a great effort and a wonderful job so far. Maybe some of your ideas will be incorporated in the core game, who knows? Vanilla has its own challenges and TDL has its own, it just makes things way more interesting :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Initial thoughts after a couple hours of play:


-The Zs seem too quiet. I walked out of my day one campsite and was mobbed by 3 of em that I couldn't hear coming.


-Their sight range is ridiculous when combined with them all running. Once one zeroes in on you it seems impossible to escape.


-I like that you can get infighting going (I'm assuming you did that anyway), I had two zombies fighting, then saw a zombie fight a boar.


-I like the increased animal spawns, I almost never find animals in vanilla.


-The world gen looks cool, you should make that a separate mod.


-I can't see my own feet and my own movement sounds seem to be half-missing (as in half of the sound seem silent, might be imagining that).


-I do not like the lack of looting on the corpses, it just feels off. It looks like the loot goes straight into your inventory (how else would have I picked up that rifle), but there's no indication that I noticed on the HUD.


I'll try a few more days in-game, but I'm on the fence on whether I like this or not.

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Initial thoughts after a couple hours of play:


-The Zs seem too quiet. I walked out of my day one campsite and was mobbed by 3 of em that I couldn't hear coming.


-Their sight range is ridiculous when combined with them all running. Once one zeroes in on you it seems impossible to escape.


-I like that you can get infighting going (I'm assuming you did that anyway), I had two zombies fighting, then saw a zombie fight a boar.


-I like the increased animal spawns, I almost never find animals in vanilla.


-The world gen looks cool, you should make that a separate mod.


-I can't see my own feet and my own movement sounds seem to be half-missing (as in half of the sound seem silent, might be imagining that).


-I do not like the lack of looting on the corpses, it just feels off. It looks like the loot goes straight into your inventory (how else would have I picked up that rifle), but there's no indication that I noticed on the HUD.


I'll try a few more days in-game, but I'm on the fence on whether I like this or not.


The grey ones that you find in the biomes I call ghouls and are more stealthy than the vanilla zombies and yep I made them fight zeds and vice versa.

The sight range of zeds is higher on purpose in this mod is for those that like fighting a lot plus it also helps to boost skill gain :)

The increased animals are so you can have food more readily available so you can heal yourself since everything is a lot more aggressive and you tend to get hit more often.

Thanks! Maybe I should just have a world gen mod :)

As for not being able to see your feet I can't do anything about since that's a vanilla thing.

The initial lack of loot on the zeds is to promote looting in pois more so than relying on the bodies to give you everything but as you harvesting skills get better you'll start gaining more loot from them.

So getting better at using knives and a better quality = more and better loot. Eventually you can get everything the zed is wearing and depending on the zed books! Plus as you get better you'll be able 1shot the goreblocks and it becomes faster over all.


Yeah, it's definitely not a mod for everyone and just provides a different feel to the game. So whether you end up liking it or not, Thanks for trying it. :)


Edit: OH! and one of the reasons I went with the looting the goreblocks like that is because it's less demanding on system resources and i can get more zeds in the game without it crushing ppl rigs :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello :) forgive me if this is a silly question but can someone give me advice on if this mod would work well with the combo pack mod? Also if so is there any editing or things I need to do to make them work well together? The more detail the better, thanks!!




Kinda hard to say but if you're just looking to add the compo pack pois to the mod then:

Merger the prefab folders together.


1) Copy everything from the compo pack prefab folder into TDL prefab folder.

2) Then go about adding those specific compo pack prefabs into TDL prefab list.

3) Go through all the compo pack prefabs in the prefab folder and make sure the sleepervolumes groups match with TDL.


Compo pack has a unique way of adding prefabs to the wilderness but I would just place all of those in TDL wilderness list.


Make sure you give all the prefabs a max_count="#" value from the compo pack (which I think most have them anyhow). This is just making sure you limit how many prefabs are going to be in the hub and will provide a better variety.


That's the easiest way I can think of going about this.


.. And it's not a silly question and it should work just fine with the mod since it's just adding prefabs ;)

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Also tim, how would I go about using just your landscape/city improvements? Your mod is cool but being chased non stop right when you start the game gets a little too challenging. I usually play at 6 difficulty but this is like a whole new level lol


Here's the easy way to survive:

Don't go out of the starting zone in the beginning and you'll be safe till noon game time.

Do all the tutorial quest.

Make about 10 wooden spikes before setting out, ton's of wood you can gather in my world so you should never want for wood ;)

Wooden spikes are your best friend in the beginning and even later in the game as they do high damage quickly.

*Wooden spikes are your best weapon* They do high damage AND slow the zeds n ghouls.


Have a lot of ghouls on you?

If you see an animal, run towards it till the ghouls sniff them out and go after them instead.


Run towards a poi and let the zeds and ghouls fight it out and then pick off the winners ;)


Have a lot of Zeds on you?

While they won't fight another zed, they will damage each other because they like to swing at everything so round them up in a group.


Gather a couple ghouls from the area to assist you.


Once you clear out an area:

Take some time to gather resources before moving on. Make more wooden spikes ;)


Don't enter a town/city till you're ready.

Work from the outside in, one poi at a time. This will limit the amount of oops! accidental sleeper triggers of other zeds from other poi's.


Did I say Always have wooden spikes on you and use them?! xD


Eventually, You'll get to the point that you'll actively go find ghouls just to conquer clearing out a poi in no time!


There really is no easy way to unravel this mod. Well, it's not hard just tedious and time consuming. I have modified just about every area and most of those areas require multiple files in order to just get the world to function. srry I also just don't have the extra time without it taking days atm and by the time I get something out who knows when A17 will drop.


A17 is going to break every mod.. At least from what I understand from all the tid bits/videos/posts that have been given from MM, Kinyajuu, Gazz, Fataal and so on.


So all I can give you, is tips, on how to survive in this world. :(

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Tin, may i ask if you used any identifying naming scheme on your prefabs? that would make it easy to put Magoli's mixer and yours side by side to add the compo prefabs to the correct hub types


Most of mine has Tin in the name, you'll also need to find guppy. Quite a few of the vanilla prefabs are the same name but have zone types and the volumes changes for the gamestages.

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