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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Those ghouls are awesome! Almost wet myself the first time one can running at me lol!


I have yet to find a single skyscraper. Are they just really hard to find now? I've found some fair sized cities, but so far only one hotel is the closest thing to any of the tall buildings, and we are pushing day 30 on this world. No pharma, no book store, none of the skyscrapers seem to be found.


I much have a great seed (map) .. Started off in the woods .. but near a burnt zone and went the other direction and run into a nice large town with most of the medium size building and I'm using one of the factories (the ones that have the 2 towers) as a starter base until I get my floating base finished .. IF the zeds would leave me alone long enough to finish it .. LOL

Just had my 28 day Horde and it was fairly brutal .. but we survived with only 1 break-in. (Thank goodness I had concrete on me)


But so far lovin the mod .. except for that one hic-cup as posted earlier and fixed. :02.47-tranquillity:

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In about an Hour:GameEdge live stream of The Dying Lands

Could be a train wreck because I missed something with all the updates I've done but either way should be an interesting show :hopelessness:

At least it'll give those who are unsure if they want to try this out or not a good feel on how it is :thumb:

So if you have some time I'm sure they'll appreciate you all stopping by for a peek.


Obviously the live stream is over but you can still check out video at the link.

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Just a heads up...


It doesnt look like your new Ghouls interact nicely with Allocs Server Fixes mod it seems to run checks to show Hostiles (or a count). It is not game breaking, but the Log file on the server fills with (and gets kinda large) the following message over and over:

2018-02-10T09:32:34 345.128 EXC Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
 at AllocsFixes.LiveData.Hostiles.GetCount () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.API.GetWebUIUpdates:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ApiHandler:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)


Might be an edge case, since i dont know how many run Allocs on their server with your mod, but, I dont think it likes the Bandit type used for these mobs.

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Just a heads up...


It doesnt look like your new Ghouls interact nicely with Allocs Server Fixes mod it seems to run checks to show Hostiles (or a count). It is not game breaking, but the Log file on the server fills with (and gets kinda large) the following message over and over:

2018-02-10T09:32:34 345.128 EXC Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
 at AllocsFixes.LiveData.Hostiles.GetCount () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.API.GetWebUIUpdates:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ApiHandler:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)


Might be an edge case, since i dont know how many run Allocs on their server with your mod, but, I dont think it likes the Bandit type used for these mobs.


In my update that will be out in a few days I did some alterations to how the game looks at the ghouls so hopefully it will work better for you. Its just one of those things of a might, might not.

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Just a heads up...


It doesnt look like your new Ghouls interact nicely with Allocs Server Fixes mod it seems to run checks to show Hostiles (or a count). It is not game breaking, but the Log file on the server fills with (and gets kinda large) the following message over and over:

2018-02-10T09:32:34 345.128 EXC Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
 at AllocsFixes.LiveData.Hostiles.GetCount () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.API.GetWebUIUpdates:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)
AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ApiHandler:HandleRequest(HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse, WebConnection, Int32)


Might be an edge case, since i dont know how many run Allocs on their server with your mod, but, I dont think it likes the Bandit type used for these mobs.


In my update that will be out in a few days I did some alterations to how the game looks at the ghouls so hopefully it will work better for you. Its just one of those things of a might, might not.


I would be interested to see where this data comes from. We are running this mod with Allocs but have not noticed any ill effects. Where can I find this data?

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This is related to the mod but not a mod issue if that makes sense. I wanted to downsize the available area in random gen since there are only a few of us that regularly play. I posted this elsewhere but I have had success in a few tests with other mods. Navesgane is well known to us and too small. Random is too huge for the few of us that play. I am looking for something in between size wise. I made edits to the rwgmixer.xml as such;


<ruleset name="tinsRules" cell_cache_size="8" cell_size="2000" cell_offset="0" [color="#FF0000"]generation_distance="10000"[/color] terrain_generator="tinsWorldGen1" biome_generator="tinsBiomeGen2">

		<!--cell_rule: Name of Cell rules to use in the world. -->
		<cell_rule name="deadCell" prob="0.5"/> <!-- Lower the prob="" value to increase hubs generated-->
		<cell_rule name="settlementCell" prob="0.25"/>
		<cell_rule name="RuinedCityCell" prob="0.25"/>










	<biome_spawn_rule name="plains">
		<biome_generator range="0, 0.166"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="desert">
		<biome_generator range="0.166, 0.333"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="burnt_forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.333, 0.499"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="wasteland">
		<biome_generator range="0.499, 0.665"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.665, 0.831"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.831, 1"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="radiated">
		[color="#FF0000"]<distance_from_center range="5000,6000"/>[/color]	<!-- distance from center of map in meters the biome will generate range="start,end" in the game -->

	<!--<biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest">
		<distance_from_center range="0,18900"/>	

	<biome_spawn_rule name="snow">
		<terrain_generator range="106,255"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="water">           		<!-- the "water" biome referring to biome decorations not the "water" block -->
		<terrain_generator range="-31, 0"/>   		<!-- the "water" biome can spawn anywhere if you want wiithout even being near liquid water -->




The result is the following image...





As can be seen, there are two distinct radiation zones. What is the correct way to decrease the overall size of the play area and have just the exterior radiation zone that would normally be there? I assume it can be done but I know I am missing the correct way to edit. Can anyone assist ?

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This is related to the mod but not a mod issue if that makes sense. I wanted to downsize the available area in random gen since there are only a few of us that regularly play. I posted this elsewhere but I have had success in a few tests with other mods. Navesgane is well known to us and too small. Random is too huge for the few of us that play. I am looking for something in between size wise. I made edits to the rwgmixer.xml as such;


<ruleset name="tinsRules" cell_cache_size="8" cell_size="2000" cell_offset="0" [color="#FF0000"]generation_distance="10000"[/color] terrain_generator="tinsWorldGen1" biome_generator="tinsBiomeGen2">

		<!--cell_rule: Name of Cell rules to use in the world. -->
		<cell_rule name="deadCell" prob="0.5"/> <!-- Lower the prob="" value to increase hubs generated-->
		<cell_rule name="settlementCell" prob="0.25"/>
		<cell_rule name="RuinedCityCell" prob="0.25"/>










	<biome_spawn_rule name="plains">
		<biome_generator range="0, 0.166"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="desert">
		<biome_generator range="0.166, 0.333"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="burnt_forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.333, 0.499"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="wasteland">
		<biome_generator range="0.499, 0.665"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.665, 0.831"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest">
		<biome_generator range="0.831, 1"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="radiated">
		[color="#FF0000"]<distance_from_center range="5000,6000"/>[/color]	<!-- distance from center of map in meters the biome will generate range="start,end" in the game -->

	<!--<biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest">
		<distance_from_center range="0,18900"/>	

	<biome_spawn_rule name="snow">
		<terrain_generator range="106,255"/>

	<biome_spawn_rule name="water">           		<!-- the "water" biome referring to biome decorations not the "water" block -->
		<terrain_generator range="-31, 0"/>   		<!-- the "water" biome can spawn anywhere if you want wiithout even being near liquid water -->




The result is the following image...







As can be seen, there are two distinct radiation zones. What is the correct way to decrease the overall size of the play area and have just the exterior radiation zone that would normally be there? I assume it can be done but I know I am missing the correct way to edit. Can anyone assist ?


make your generation_distance="5000" and it'll make the world 5k with a rad zone after.

Just for future:

generation_distance="" needs to be the minimum of the <distance_from_center range="Min,Max"/>




<distance_from_center range="5000,Max"/> The max could be really no more than 5001 but 6000 is just fine.


Hope that a bit clearer.

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I would be interested to see where this data comes from. We are running this mod with Allocs but have not noticed any ill effects. Where can I find this data?


On the server, in the game folder, in \7DaysToDieServer_Data folder there is the output_log files that capture any warnings or errors thrown by the server including those not sent to the client.


and as i posted...doesnt seem breaking...just the log file gets large.

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On the server, in the game folder, in \7DaysToDieServer_Data folder there is the output_log files that capture any warnings or errors thrown by the server including those not sent to the client.


and as i posted...doesnt seem breaking...just the log file gets large.


I’ll ftp in and check mine. I didn’t notice any large files last time but I’ll check. Since you say it’s nor game breaking and I’ve had no issues I’ll likely sit back and see if anything becomes of it.

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From what i have read about the changes, it seems some of the changes in the mod won't work. Tin would have to say more though. TFP are planning quite a lot to update and i am pretty sure some of these changes are in the configs that Tin touched in the mod.


Makes sense. I was thinking that would probably be the case. Hopefully it could get a patch update for the new additions. Really looking forward to A17.

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Just noticed that some of my stuff has been vanishing from the bag when i die. I would suspect the bigger backpack as the culprit, because i was playing on it and had almost full bag. Anyone had a similar problem? Once i lost over 100 arrows and with another a good wrench, shovel, leather duster, a lot of wooden spikes and a good pair of tires i found...

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Just noticed that some of my stuff has been vanishing from the bag when i die. I would suspect the bigger backpack as the culprit, because i was playing on it and had almost full bag. Anyone had a similar problem? Once i lost over 100 arrows and with another a good wrench, shovel, leather duster, a lot of wooden spikes and a good pair of tires i found...


Are you playing on SP or on a server? If you are playing on a server, then the bigger backpack mod needs to be installed both on the server and on the client.

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Are you playing on SP or on a server? If you are playing on a server, then the bigger backpack mod needs to be installed both on the server and on the client.


SP. I don't mind losing things when dying (i could say it adds to the immersion), but still it focused on my most precious items... Most likely the ones i had at the end of my bag heh.

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SP. I don't mind losing things when dying (i could say it adds to the immersion), but still it focused on my most precious items... Most likely the ones i had at the end of my bag heh.


The bigger back pack mod does work. Do you have both mods installed, BBM and non-BBM? Would it possible you had loaded up the non-BBM by accident, causing everything else to disappear?

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SP. I don't mind losing things when dying (i could say it adds to the immersion), but still it focused on my most precious items... Most likely the ones i had at the end of my bag heh.


I have seen this happen many times with Bigger Backpack on various mods...it happens because you have death set to drop everything and the bag that drops is not sized to hold all the items in your backpack + all the clothing slots on your character _ all the slots on your belt.


There are a couple of solutions...change the drop on death to be bag or belt only, or edit the death bag (lootcontainer 41 currently 5,10=50 slots) item to have more slots. If you edit the bag and use the mod launcher, you will need to stop using it to refresh and launch the game file from the folder instead or it will overwrite the changes every time...so i recommend the belt or backpack only for simplicity.


There is a 3rd option, but it would have to be Sphereii that supports it and it would make his job harder to keep the BBM version in sync as he could push a edited version of the loot file with the size changes with the mod...but then he would have to make the edit every time Tin changes the file.


As a side note, you can change the minibike storage the same way. it is lootcontainer 62 and defaults to 3,6 but the BBM interface being used has space available for 8,14 spaces max. my guess is this is not changed for the same reason above that Sphereii would have to keep the loot.xml file in sync with Tins changes.

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Well with that in mind i can tell you that "bag only" option doesn't work. I have it switched on (as i don't enjoy dropping everything i have on death, so only belt remains). It still "deletes" a couple items at the back of the bag.


I think the problem with is that either i had too many items in the bag already or it didn't count the few things in the last row. I think that's most of what i lost.

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Well with that in mind i can tell you that "bag only" option doesn't work. I have it switched on (as i don't enjoy dropping everything i have on death, so only belt remains). It still "deletes" a couple items at the back of the bag.


I think the problem with is that either i had too many items in the bag already or it didn't count the few things in the last row. I think that's most of what i lost.


I'm making some adjustments that will help sphereii out so hopefully we can nip this issue in the butt. I hope to release the update sometime today.. no time frame though as to exactly when but I'll make a post about it when I do.

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No need to hurry. I understand this is a serious issue as with the rise of the difficulty with the mod people will tend to die a lot, which means potentially lose some stuff... But if it's a lot of work then it surely is worth it to wait (though i won't, i simply will be careful how much i pick up :D ).


I still have a backup wrench. This is on a new playthrough i decided to do on a new world... Still spawned near burnt forest, but at least the neighborhood is more pleasent and i was more cautious to not die 15 times... Horde is coming...

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we all must be missing these links to install bbp and wastlands on a decated server .. can someone plz help me find the links to add these to my server plz as we been looking bluefangs looked and nothing only got dying lands so far but we want bbp so ya any help be good tk u

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we all must be missing these links to install bbp and wastlands on a decated server .. can someone plz help me find the links to add these to my server plz as we been looking bluefangs looked and nothing only got dying lands so far but we want bbp so ya any help be good tk u


The Wasteland UI package of Dying Land's does not have Bigger Back Pack. Only SMX UI Bigger Back Pack is supported.

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No need to hurry. I understand this is a serious issue as with the rise of the difficulty with the mod people will tend to die a lot, which means potentially lose some stuff... But if it's a lot of work then it surely is worth it to wait (though i won't, i simply will be careful how much i pick up :D ).


I still have a backup wrench. This is on a new playthrough i decided to do on a new world... Still spawned near burnt forest, but at least the neighborhood is more pleasent and i was more cautious to not die 15 times... Horde is coming...


No worries!


Hehe There are seeds that will spawn you in other biomes Scouts honor and all that ;) The way I have it set, is that more times than not, the burnt and wasteland biomes are more likely to be near the center of the map. It really is all dependent on the seed though.. and GL!

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No worries!


Hehe There are seeds that will spawn you in other biomes Scouts honor and all that ;) The way I have it set, is that more times than not, the burnt and wasteland biomes are more likely to be near the center of the map. It really is all dependent on the seed though.. and GL!


Any good seeds you wish to share? :smile-new:

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