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On 6/7/2020 at 8:01 PM, MattH93 said:

I'm not sure if this is a bug or an intended thing, but I've just started playing the RH 6.4 and whenever I drink something from a jar or use a jar of food (haven't had any cans to try it on yet) the jar gets consumed with the food.  I'm not sure if this is something that is intended or not, but its difficult early game when you're just trying to get started that losing *any* sort of resource is hard on you.  Is this just something with my game? Is it a bug? Is there a way to fix this? If not, its not a huge deal, but it can be frustrating.

On 6/8/2020 at 9:58 AM, Arastir said:

That is not a bug. Starting with version 6.4.3, you no longer get jars back after consuming a food or drink.


You get empty cans back when you drink them. I'm not sure if that is a bug then, but the strategy we used was to keep all the empty cans we got and turn them into cans of boiled water because we would get the cans back each time we consumed it. This allowed us to stay hydrated even if we got dysentery up to 66% from drinking multiple cans of water (10% dysentery from can of boiled water).


To get bottles of water you need to be able to craft the empty glass jars in bulk which requires a blacksmith forge and mold. Molds are fairly easy to make, getting the forge is the tricky part. Until then, the only reasonable way to get water consistently is with cans, which can be annoying because they don't stack, but at least you don't instantly die from thirst.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Major Announcement


Ravenhearst 7 Experimental will be releasing soon. This edition of the mod will be available for a19b173 Experimental ONLY. Please make sure you backup a full copy of this experimental. We will NOT be updating these mods to any new experimentals.



These releases are to be considered unfinished and incomplete. DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR PLAY THESE VERSIONS UNLESS YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS  I am releasing these to give players a taste of what to expect, as well as help us in finding bugs in prep for our stable release. We wanted to give our community something to tide them over while we finish our development. This release is not to be considered stable enough for a long term play through


RH 7 will be releasing sometime in Stable. We can not guarantee it will be for 19.0 but that is the goal. Development takes how long it takes. A lot is still missing. If you do not wish to risk wipes or corruptions or do not wish to play an unfinished mod I urge you to wait for Stable. I want to stress that no one is forcing you to install or play. There will be issues and bugs.


To everyone else we look to forward to hearing what you think, and to helping us to shape the best experience possible for you. My time on these forums is very limited and the majority of my development team has moved to Discord only. If you would like your questions answered quickly please join our Discord. We have an amazing community of fellow RH veterans and new players alike that are always willing to help out and offer tips and advice, as well as myself and my team checking in daily. Full patch notes will be posted here over the weekend.



Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

@JaxTeller718 Hey, first time player, installed the mod through the mod launcher on a new copy of the game, and when I create a new world, the game just gets stuck on Building environment... - Any way to fix this?


P.S Tried another type of world gen and it loaded but i'm falling through the map?!?!?

Edited by bida2 (see edit history)
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Patch Notes Preview Guys!




Please remember Ravenhearst 7 is Experimental. This means expect bugs, wipes, imbalances and missing content. It is not finished. Play is opt in only. You will need to make a copy of 7 Days A19.0b178. The mod will not be updated to any other experimental number. Instructions on how to make a second copy of 7 Days is above. 

Downloads are direct only. There is no server install or support currently. Please report any bugs or imbalances. Check the known issues thread. We will not accept any reports from users who modify files, remove files, add files, change anything or modify any thing.

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2 hours ago, bida2 said:

@JaxTeller718 Hey, first time player, installed the mod through the mod launcher on a new copy of the game, and when I create a new world, the game just gets stuck on Building environment... - Any way to fix this?


P.S Tried another type of world gen and it loaded but i'm falling through the map?!?!?

Try using Nitrogen map generator with the Ravenhearst prefabs. Works great.


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Hey love your Mod.


It does run fine for me. I just noticed the Zombie spawning in the beginning may be a bit excessive. I usually play vanilla on permadeath/insane/nightmare and enjoy the challenge of Ravenhearst but you cant do anything other than fighting 30-50 Zombies all the time once the spawn protection wears off. This also happens at 13:00 instead of 22:00 contrary to your description. Since the weapon specific perks are also gone you are even missing bleeding or extra stun damage from the perk tree. This is very tiresome and you are fighting well into the night. The long fights also make the club the only viable weapon since you break them on repair and need the personal workbench for all other weapons in the beginning. You may look into it if its intended this way. I have the city Zombie Multiplier on 1x, other than that insane difficulty and vanilla zombie speed if thats important.


Looking foreward to a stable release.

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4 hours ago, Mjolnir45acp said:

Hey love your Mod.


It does run fine for me. I just noticed the Zombie spawning in the beginning may be a bit excessive. I usually play vanilla on permadeath/insane/nightmare and enjoy the challenge of Ravenhearst but you cant do anything other than fighting 30-50 Zombies all the time once the spawn protection wears off. This also happens at 13:00 instead of 22:00 contrary to your description. Since the weapon specific perks are also gone you are even missing bleeding or extra stun damage from the perk tree. This is very tiresome and you are fighting well into the night. The long fights also make the club the only viable weapon since you break them on repair and need the personal workbench for all other weapons in the beginning. You may look into it if its intended this way. I have the city Zombie Multiplier on 1x, other than that insane difficulty and vanilla zombie speed if thats important.


Looking foreward to a stable release.

We are tinkering with the zombie settings


The effects from the trees are still there. they are just merged into the action skill now and need better documentation so no worries there. We wont be removing those effects. 

For day 1 - 2 id make a few clubs as with any weapon class (i know classes arent in yet) our intention is to have people stay in tier 1 weapons longer. Unlike vanilla our progression will come from the use obviously so it shouldnt be too hard to gain that next tier. We do plan to add much more choice of weapon and expand beyond 3 tiers of tool and weapon all with more varied ranges of stats so that you will feel rewarded on each level up. Thats still a work in progress obviously.

We are toying with the idea of half spawns on day 1, then day 2 it trickles in until we get normal spawning. I balked at this initially because Im a jerk lol. But im seeing the case made for this being a good idea.

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3 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

We are tinkering with the zombie settings


The effects from the trees are still there. they are just merged into the action skill now and need better documentation so no worries there. We wont be removing those effects. 

For day 1 - 2 id make a few clubs as with any weapon class (i know classes arent in yet) our intention is to have people stay in tier 1 weapons longer. Unlike vanilla our progression will come from the use obviously so it shouldnt be too hard to gain that next tier. We do plan to add much more choice of weapon and expand beyond 3 tiers of tool and weapon all with more varied ranges of stats so that you will feel rewarded on each level up. Thats still a work in progress obviously.

We are toying with the idea of half spawns on day 1, then day 2 it trickles in until we get normal spawning. I balked at this initially because Im a jerk lol. But im seeing the case made for this being a good idea.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply and the development insight. 


This sounds like a good fix i noticed how even the first Action skill levels give a huge boost and the spawning rates are ok on day 2. The idea that POIs were once alive and are now too dangerous on day one would also work nicely but you are forced into them because the wildernis spawn rate is also high and you need the bent nails for your first skill points.


The additions sound amazing, i feel the Fun Pimps really got the beginning part right (every skill point really matters / meaningful progression / choosing your fights) and a good extension of beeing afraid of the easiest zombies is great. The scaling zombie rage system also fits perfecly in that vision.


Some great Ideas for Ravenhearst 7 i cant even imagine how brutal the mod will become when bandits are fully integrated.

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16 hours ago, xiexjbailx said:

hi,I am a brand new installation a19b180,but Got a scrolling bunch of red error messages when I start the game!


output_log__2020-08-15__16-17-40.txt 1.78 MB · 1 download

Now I confirm that it has something to do with the network connection. If I disconnect from the network, there will be this error. If I connect to the network, there will be no such error. I can start the game

Why? Does mod have to connect to the network?

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10 hours ago, xiexjbailx said:


Now I confirm that it has something to do with the network connection. If I disconnect from the network, there will be this error. If I connect to the network, there will be no such error. I can start the game

Why? Does mod have to connect to the network?

It seems this is the problem of Z2 mod. Its windows.xml contains links to the two online hosted textures. These two textures also are in the local mod's folder. But by default in mod's windows.xml the online path to the texture is active, not to the local asset. So, if you play Ravenhearst offline with no internet connection then you will get NRE red messages rain on the screen.

Edited by Xarion (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


First of all, thanks for the job you've done and the job you'll do with this mod, it's really awsome.

I know and understand that you work fulltime on the A19 version of the game, but I restart a game recently on 6.4 version of the mod, and I found some things strange in the game : I can't use the backpack add'on, or read the skill books (to improve skill points on javelin, knife, etc..), and it's seems that the sunglasses that improve agility or perception by 1 point doesn't boost my stat. Is it normal, or is it a bug? Do I have to raise some stat, or level, to be able to uses this items?

Thanks for reading me (sorry for my english, I'm a french guy)

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3 hours ago, Krad-Rodav said:

Hello everyone,


First of all, thanks for the job you've done and the job you'll do with this mod, it's really awsome.

I know and understand that you work fulltime on the A19 version of the game, but I restart a game recently on 6.4 version of the mod, and I found some things strange in the game : I can't use the backpack add'on, or read the skill books (to improve skill points on javelin, knife, etc..), and it's seems that the sunglasses that improve agility or perception by 1 point doesn't boost my stat. Is it normal, or is it a bug? Do I have to raise some stat, or level, to be able to uses this items?

Thanks for reading me (sorry for my english, I'm a french guy)



i'm just another player of ravenhearst 6.4, but i think i can help you because it happened something similar to me a while ago. The reason you can't read those types of skill books it may be because you try to read them while in the inventory, but the way to do it is putting them in your tool bar and use them clicking the left button, like you would do to chop off a tree. It's the same for the backpacks. About the issue with the sunglasses, the reason it doesn't boost your stats it may be because you don't have the level requirement that unlocks that level of the stat that, otherwise, you would have. If you move your pointer on the padlock next to the explanation of what that skill does, it should show you the level requirement. Once you get that level, the sunglasses should start taking effect. Have a nice day! (Sorry for my english too, i'm a spanish guy ;))

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On 8/28/2020 at 12:59 PM, Santviento said:



i'm just another player of ravenhearst 6.4, but i think i can help you because it happened something similar to me a while ago. The reason you can't read those types of skill books it may be because you try to read them while in the inventory, but the way to do it is putting them in your tool bar and use them clicking the left button, like you would do to chop off a tree. It's the same for the backpacks. About the issue with the sunglasses, the reason it doesn't boost your stats it may be because you don't have the level requirement that unlocks that level of the stat that, otherwise, you would have. If you move your pointer on the padlock next to the explanation of what that skill does, it should show you the level requirement. Once you get that level, the sunglasses should start taking effect. Have a nice day! (Sorry for my english too, i'm a spanish guy ;))


I found the answer on the discord, but thank you very much for your explaination. 

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Hey @JaxTeller718! I died from infection when it reached 100% and stuck in death loop on my bedroll. Is it intended? The only way I managed to continue playing is by using debuff command.


P.S. Sorry, forgot to mention I am using your dev version, as I needed server version, so I decided to use it.

Edited by xtended2l (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, xtended2l said:

Hey @JaxTeller718! I died from infection when it reached 100% and stuck in death loop on my bedroll. Is it intended? The only way I managed to continue playing is by using debuff command.


P.S. Sorry, forgot to mention I am using your dev version, as I needed server version, so I decided to use it.

So you decided to use an in progress developer version, not ready for release or advertised as such, because you "needed" to use it.


If you are interested in testing join our Discord and sign on as a tester. Not grab copies that aren't officially released. 


Anyways in hopefully happier news


In preparation for the release of Ravenhearst 7.0.1 here are the Patch Notes so you can get familiar with what has changed. Release is in a few days barring any emergency issues arising from server testing.


Updated to Harmony2
Updated to Stable 19.0b180

Addition: Zombies now have random heights
Addition: Armor Bench Recipe
Addition: Darker Nights and Interiors Modlet (Already bracing for the response to this one)
Addition: Added Sinders Smoke Filled T5 Pois Indicating Radiation
Addition: Xyths Animal Pack with Crow, Spiders. May need some balancing.
Addition: Death Penalty is now more Harsh
Addition: Jerky, Salt and Trail Mix
Addition: Screws to Powered Recipes
Addition: Robears pallets
Addition: Admin XP and Skill Books
Addition: Set of Kukri
Addition: Baton
Addition: Archery, Blade, Blunt Class
Addition: Firearms Classes
Addition: Food Processor
Addition: Cling Wrap and Preservation Barrel
Addition: Journal with Pen and FULL Quest Line
Addition: Ink to Research recipes and loot
Addition: Poster and Journal items for opening quest
Addition: Seed Packs
Addition: Complete Journal Quest Line
Addition: Terrain and Road Buffs
Addition: Sharpened Stone
Addition: Dried tea Leaves
Addition: Composer and compost
Addition: Turds
Addition: Worms
Addition: Empty Gas Cans
Addition: new quests to opening quest
Addition: Sounds Folder in prep for custom sounds
Addition: Canned Water
Addition: Wave of Sinder redone rad Tier 5 pois with Smoke
Addition: Empty Gas Cans added in loot and craft
Addition: Wookies No Station Storage DLL and Module Checker
Addition: Fertilizer
Addition: Wookies Fix for Workstations. Fuel and Tools will now work but you cant place items in them
Addition: Additional Poster. More to come
Addition: Wookies Random Sound Dll. Now a sound cue will play randomly. Very much work in progress
Addition: Several POI fixes and sleeper placements by Sinder
Addition: New Meat Icons
Addition: Mumpfy New Zombie Textures (Biker, Joe, Janitor, Arlene, Darlene, Steve, Fat Mama)
Addition: Tormented Emu Texture DLL
Addition: New Personal Workbench Model
Addition: New Opening Book Model
Addition: Stone Well
Addition: Can Insects
Addition: Bug Kabob
Addition: Grey and Red Smoke Variants
Addition: Fixed Up Kuldin House

Balance: Table Saws in World Now Work
Balance: Replaced Stalactites with Salt Deposits
Balance: Fog should start soft in morning and get thicker by night
Balance: Scaled Spawns Back Slightly
Balance: Uncooked Insects now hit for 1 health
Balance: Removed Storage from Wood Helper
Balance: Added screws to Metal Helper Recipe
Balance: Replaced wood with Planks in Wood Helper Recipe
Balance: Garage Shelf Upgraded to 28 Slots for Storage
Balance: Increased repair times on all items
Balance: Reduced Amount of Zombies and Animals in CP for Performance
Balance: Changed Starter Crate
Balance: Rebalanced some books and updated descriptions
Balance: Reorganized and redid the Opening Quest.
Balance: Changed handles recipe
Balance: Compost and Fertilizer Added to Seed Recipe
Balance: Redid all station recipes so they are in line with reality and the journal
Balance: Increased XP Needed to level all action skills
Balance: Increased time on Pallet crafting
Balance: Infection persists through death
Balance: Death Penalty Increased. Now you lase 50 percent per death XP. Cap raised to 5 levels of xp loss so dont die!
Balance: Increased durability of all items
Balance: Removed T4 from damaging you to Radiation
Balance: Mixed up the RWG Mixer for vanilla and custom POI entries for more diversity in RWG worlds
Balance: Rad Suits Will No Longer Break
Balance: Bicycle can now be made in PWB
Balance: Updated New Default Settings to Play On
Balance: Infection will now persist through death
Balance: When you die you will now respawn with 60 percent food and water
Balance: Moved Chemistry Station to Physician 3
Balance: Moved various deco to decorating table
Balance: Moved some items out of PWB
Balance: wood frame recipes to 12 wood instead of planks
Balance: Lowered Physician Perk Benefits slightly
Balance: Lowered Lucky Looter Loot Times
Balance: Lowered Daring Adventurer Perks
Balance: Lowered Pain Tolerance Perk
Balance: Lowered amount needed to make forging plate
Balance: Rebar and Iron Frame Recipes
Balance: Increased Zombie Speeds
Balance: Thinned out Animals
Balance: Assigned Tiered Damage to Zombies
Balance: Heat Mapping on All Stations
Balance: Shortened Zombie Reach Slightly

Fix: Repair Kits are now properly named
Fix: AK Schematic Call removed in Action Skill
Fix: Insect Trap Cant Be Looted
Fix: Auger Harvesting
Fix: Wrench should now craft at proper quality
Fix: Loot Window Searching
Fix: Removed Empty Jar Mold
Fix: Rad Suit Resistance to radiation Increased
Fix: Fist Weapons Increasing Blunt Weapons Skill
Fix: Bone Fragments No Longer Scrap
Fix: Main Menu Updated
Fix: Tanning Rack and Survival Campfire added to PWB
Fix: Growth times on farming. It is now 120 a stage
Fix: Iron and Steel Arrowheads added to Working Stiffs
Fix: Grace Now Drops Proper Resources
Fix: Added Casket Helper
Fix: Yucca Smoothie now Cools You down
Fix: Icee Now Cools You Down
Fix: Storage Tags to Safes
Fix: Locked Research Desk
Fix: Many Localization and Icon Fixes
Fix: Wood Stove not showing survival campfire recipes
Fix: Open Quest Change
Fix: Composter now gives fertilizer
Fix: Gas Pumps will now downgrade when looted
Fix: Online requirement from Z2 removed
Fix: Gas pumps can now be upgraded with empty gas cans and looted over time
Fix: Lucky Looter times were incorrect
Fix: shotgun turret recipe asking for wrong parts
Fix: gun pieces in loot not being proper RH gun parts
Fix: Descriptions on Clothing and Armor to show Which Repair Kit is Needed
Fix: Leather Strips Scrapping
Fix: unlock info on salads
Fix: Stone Axes giving car parts

Removal: Cooler Recipe
Removal: Thumper :(  (Does not work on servers)
Removal: Iron Tools from PWB
Removal: Config File
Removal: Fishing Portion of Journal since its broken
Removal: Weather Modlets because they interfered with desired fog effect
Removal: Removed a few books
Removal: Seeds givebacks on Crops
Removal: Khaines Supply Crates
Removal: Food Spoilage
Removal: All newbie coats
Removal: Parkour
Removal: Steel Sledgehammer Parts from loot
Removal: Spoilage Text from Storages
Removal: Storage Pocket Mod Recipe Causing Nulls


Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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