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Ravenhearst Mod


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So is there an easy way to adjust the damage-sponginess of all of the enemies and animals at once or would I need to go through line by line and change each one? Is there a global value that changes it?

Change difficulty, you can get 50% stronger and receive 50% less damage


But other than that - unfortunately no. Wish Jax wouldn't unbalance the game so much. Chasing (or being chased) by a group of zombies for half a game day isn't my kind of fun.


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Is there a way to play this offline? Vanilla and/or mod (through mod launcher)?

Yes, game itself does not require Internet connection. Not sure if mod launcher will work thou, but you can always start game directly via a command line.

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For people complaining about sponge-zombies: yes, they are tough, but you'll get stronger later on, invest in perks, get better weapons. If you could two-shot a zed with a starting bow, why upgrade to repeater crossbow? Why invest in steel bolts? Why buy weapon perks? There are only two ways: either you are comfortable in the beginning and overwhelmingly overpowered in the late game, or you struggle in the beginning and are adequate in the late game.


For example: currently I'm level 10, playing on Insane(!), it takes four headshots to kill an average zed with a basic brown crossbow (iron bolts). No perks bought. But later on there are iron and repeater crossbows (quality 600 some day), steel bolts, perks and archery skill. So I expect to one-shot regular zeds, and maybe spend more bolts for tough enemies. But that's insane difficulty, it must be easier on default.


Anyway, why complain that there are too many zeds and they are too tough if you can change that any time with a difficulty selector? Is it humilating to play on easier dificulty?

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I don't know what the difficulty level actually changes, that's why I asked. If it makes it less unbalanced, cool. I just wish it was explained somewhere. Wasting four 44 magnum shots on a crow is not my idea of fun.


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Separate question: what's the point of the workbench if you can't make anything new in it? I'm not liking having recipes be level locked for the sake of dragging the game out longer. I noticed every decent recipe is made on the Advanced Workbench. Which you need to be level 20 to make.

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Yes, major things are locks by levels. Iron tools lvl 30, steel tools lvl 60. Advanced workbench replacess vanilla workbench (the basic workbench just duplicates your inventory crafting, to free your inventory for people who mass craft). Adv.workbench requires construction skill 30 IIRC, is it also lvl locked?


About crafting twine: Jax made it loot-only to force people to go out and scavenge. So it is not going to be craftable. Best places to find twine are kitchen counters. In vanilla we learned to ignore basic housing, now we clear kitchens with a fine comb. Also a chance to find wrenches and other tools in kitchen sinks. Also twine can be found in many other places, in trash and on zeds, but for me kitchen cabinets are the best.

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Yes, major things are locks by levels. Iron tools lvl 30, steel tools lvl 60. Advanced workbench replacess vanilla workbench (the basic workbench just duplicates your inventory crafting, to free your inventory for people who mass craft). Adv.workbench requires construction skill 30 IIRC, is it also lvl locked?


About crafting twine: Jax made it loot-only to force people to go out and scavenge. So it is not going to be craftable. Best places to find twine are kitchen counters. In vanilla we learned to ignore basic housing, now we clear kitchens with a fine comb. Also a chance to find wrenches and other tools in kitchen sinks. Also twine can be found in many other places, in trash and on zeds, but for me kitchen cabinets are the best.


Exactly. Twine has never been a problem for me bc I sweep houses entirely. TFP are trying to get us back in houses by giving them a dungeon crawl in A17. Jax succeeded in reviving old POIs by adding twine. Omg I can't wait to see ravenhearst in a17! I might need a divorce lol

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I don't know what the difficulty level actually changes, that's why I asked. If it makes it less unbalanced, cool. I just wish it was explained somewhere. Wasting four 44 magnum shots on a crow is not my idea of fun.


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Separate question: what's the point of the workbench if you can't make anything new in it? I'm not liking having recipes be level locked for the sake of dragging the game out longer. I noticed every decent recipe is made on the Advanced Workbench. Which you need to be level 20 to make.


I hear you there, sounds like Ravenhearst isnt the mod for you according to the pain insted of fun you are getting, we play on insane on our private server, why, simply cause we are all experienced players and like the challenge, we manage, it isnt easy, on single player i play nomad, mostly to learn to do stuff, still is not easy at start, once you hit lvl 20ish it becomes more trivial on many things.


The gating of the skills/perks is made obviously to slow down the game by a ton, and i think is just cause on normal game (or easier mods) you play lets say 10 days and you have everything, and not everyone enjoys building the massive star destroyer fort part of the game, so imo the pace of ravenhearst is more than fine, again i dont mind the slow pace cause i enjoy every single day of it.


Id advice if you find too hard (or not so much fun) ravenhearst you move to an easier mod (still fun with a lot of content) for example wotw, i dont like that mod simply cause its just too easy for experienced players, you find a tungsten club (usually sold by the stupid machines) and its GG.


On the crow and 4 mag shots to kill it, how i usually see it is like this "why would i be using my precious mag rounds on a crow that i can shot down with a wooden bow, better save the rounds for BM or higher game stage" i think the wrong concept of this is a firearm game (wich affected some of my companions on the server) is mistaken, there is a reason there is a club, a bow or a shiv, learn to use them (the good way) and your not gonna have a lot more fun) but you will sometimes think the firearms are just for BMs, ferals, or radiated mobs ;)



Oh and the workstation thing, i know someone already answered before, but its just that, an extra crafting backpack for you, what i do is i use it to craft those long minutes crafts, 100ish items at once and you dont have to use your backpack, you put all on the bench and later you just go collect your goodies.

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Yes, major things are locks by levels. Iron tools lvl 30, steel tools lvl 60. Advanced workbench replacess vanilla workbench (the basic workbench just duplicates your inventory crafting, to free your inventory for people who mass craft). Adv.workbench requires construction skill 30 IIRC, is it also lvl locked?


About crafting twine: Jax made it loot-only to force people to go out and scavenge. So it is not going to be craftable. Best places to find twine are kitchen counters. In vanilla we learned to ignore basic housing, now we clear kitchens with a fine comb. Also a chance to find wrenches and other tools in kitchen sinks. Also twine can be found in many other places, in trash and on zeds, but for me kitchen cabinets are the best.


Yes, looting is absolutely essential in this mod. and like you stated, vanilla we bypassed those house POI's especially the kitchens but in Ravenhearst those kitchens are absolutely vital. :o) Im a looter and hoarder so looting for me is fun and I enjoy it immensely but I will say if you're not into looting then you wont be able to really experience all this mod has to offer and lose out on a lot. Its al about scavenging. :02.47-tranquillity:


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Exactly. Twine has never been a problem for me bc I sweep houses entirely. TFP are trying to get us back in houses by giving them a dungeon crawl in A17. Jax succeeded in reviving old POIs by adding twine. Omg I can't wait to see ravenhearst in a17! I might need a divorce lol


LoL. :apathy:


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Just to give you guys a heads up, this is entirely my fault but I wanted to share this mishap to prevent others from making the same error I did. I obviously use the backpacks and purses as storage chests and by accident I smashed a backpack and it had a ton of my trader only items as well as dukes and once smashed they all go poof..so be careful guys. :strawberry:

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On the crow and 4 mag shots to kill it, how i usually see it is like this "why would i be using my precious mag rounds on a crow that i can shot down with a wooden bow, better save the rounds for BM or higher game stage"


That's a dumb argument. The mag round aren't precious because they don't do ♥♥♥♥. There is no reality where a crow should take that much damage to bring down. I was surprised to find out it's not even a "zombie crow" just a regular ass one. Like I said before, I MOSTLY like the mod, I do not like the artificially inflated difficulty. I don't find it particularly hard, just tedious. Shooting a pig in the face 10 times with shotgun is not "difficult", it's unrealistic and tedious.


And I haven't had an issue with twine either, I just think if you're going to shoot for realism, don't gate things off just for the sake of making the game needlessly difficult/tedious/drawn out. This is basically the closest thing I've seen to Cataclysm DDA, which is awesome and should be looked at as a model for a realistic zombie survival game.

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I think people need to realize who the mods are aimed for, and choose according to their play style. If you are experienced, looking for hardcore challenges and prefer looting over building, ravenhearst or starvation. If you want a more laid back approach, try wotw. If you want a middleground, I'd say undead legacy maybe?



And why did i just go to the store and buy spicy chips, Twinkies and cheese itz??? Damn you, Jax!


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That's a dumb argument. The mag round aren't precious because they don't do ♥♥♥♥. There is no reality where a crow should take that much damage to bring down. I was surprised to find out it's not even a "zombie crow" just a regular ass one. Like I said before, I MOSTLY like the mod, I do not like the artificially inflated difficulty. I don't find it particularly hard, just tedious. Shooting a pig in the face 10 times with shotgun is not "difficult", it's unrealistic and tedious.


And I haven't had an issue with twine either, I just think if you're going to shoot for realism, don't gate things off just for the sake of making the game needlessly difficult/tedious/drawn out. This is basically the closest thing I've seen to Cataclysm DDA, which is awesome and should be looked at as a model for a realistic zombie survival game.


I totally understand your case, btw. I don't think jax was going for 100% realism though. I heard he was aiming to create a challenge for experienced players like him and his friends (initially).

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I totally understand your case, btw. I don't think jax was going for 100% realism though. I heard he was aiming to create a challenge for experienced players like him and his friends (initially).


That's what I'm assuming after playing a bit longer. I'm level 20 and on day 20 and the difficulty of dealing with regular zombies seems to have leveled out a bit. The bulletproof crows and pigs are still irritating as hell though.


I would like to know where the files are to edit some of the values though, because I took a peek and couldn't find them.

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That's what I'm assuming after playing a bit longer. I'm level 20 and on day 20 and the difficulty of dealing with regular zombies seems to have leveled out a bit. The bulletproof crows and pigs are still irritating as hell though.


I would like to know where the files are to edit some of the values though, because I took a peek and couldn't find them.


I think g4k or kage stated that was originally what jax set out to do. Hitting a raven 4 times with a .44 is NOT realistic. But it IS a challenge lol

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I'm kind of in the middle ground, I feel that the very early game is a little too rough, Especially with how durable animals are, But I like the idea that I can't just hack my way through everything. I also think I'd have less of a problem with how tough zeds were now if they didn't also seem far more plentiful than before. I cant even go looting sometimes because in the time it takes me to kill a zed (even quietly) I've usually encountered 3-4 more of them, repeatedly, until I'm overwhelmed by 2 dozen or so and have to flee. Like, I like that the zombies are hard to kill but when a basic house POI at level 5 has ~10 of these zombies in it, How am I supposed to advance myself to the point where i am more capable? It just feels like smashing my head against a wall sometimes.


That said, I'm still mostly enjoying myself, and am that much more excited to make progress because of it.

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Any plans for the loot dupe bug? I try not to let it happen in my playings but it even happens quite often by accident when not trying.


It's funny the first time you get 6 supply flares from a body or 2 snipers rifles but you quickly see that it's game breaking to the point of no fun.


Also could we get a fix on the giant blow torch the advanced cooking station must have to catch me on fire almost everytime I walk by it lol?


I really enjoy the early game and like how hard it is but it does get easier around high teens and early 20's. I will agree tho the cows and pigs could use some tweaking as it's just annoying really.

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I am amazed by the amount of complaints and outright disrespect by some in this thread. To keep things polite, if you don't like the way the mod plays either uninstall it and play something else or adjust to the way it has been made. There are certainly a few bugs but many like the dupe bug (not saying this is a bad comment) exist in vanilla.


Jax and his team have put countless hours and effort into this and to see some of the whining and complaining just makes me sick. This is my opinion so take it for what its worth but with a few tweaks this will be a stellar mod. He has already stated there are some issues and they will work to correct them but my god people... really wtf.

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I appreciate the effort that went into it, but you can't expect to release something to the public and not get critique on it. Especially considering that's what this thread is for.


I don't think anyone's being disrespectful. You don't have to suck the developer off lol. I'm pretty sure nobody came into the thread saying "dur this mod sucks your a retard", it all looks like constructive criticism to me. And much like the vanilla game, it's not perfect but it's damn good. If we didn't care about it we wouldn't be taking the time to give our input.

Edited by Axebeard (see edit history)
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Hmm I was not aware of the dupe bug before this. Of all the countless hours in Vanilla and all the mods I have played this is the first I have ever encountered it. Maybe cause the bodies switch so quickly to decomposed model (which I freaking love btw) that it happens so often?


I love this game and I love this mod. Like the other guy said we wouldn't be here "bitching" i guess you can call it that if you want but I just want to see this game and mod be the best that they can because I enjoy it ALOT.


I also think the stone pickaxe needs a slight boost but not enough to where you don't want to find a better one from looting or too good to not care about unlocking iron tools. ( I guess that's why it's hard to balance) :)

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Just remembered another weird thing: the cloth fiber clothes you make are better than level 75 actual clothing. It took until level 20 to find a pair of boots or shirt that was statistically better than my level 25 fiber clothes I had from day one.

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Me & my partner played this for about 2 hours before the sever corrupted the save.... what we saw upto that point was.... Campfire needed coal ? Coal happens after wood is burnt so bit confused as to why its not stone & wood or just stone like before... Found a level 56 AK & couldnt kill anything without using a FULL clip lol..... I mean I found a Pig 2 clips, wolf 1 clip which confused me... Zombies they just saoked up every shot even using the iron sight... Ferals, that was a joke as I had to spawn up 1000 rounds just to see what I was doing wrong.. I never got to see a horde but can imagine it wouldnt be fun at all, There needs to be a balance & at the moment 3.0 is NOT balanced at all if anything its totally unbalanced & needs looking at...


Great MOD & want to play 3.0 so much so ive put 2.2 back on the server as we both enjoy playing it.... Hope you get all those pesky bugs sorted & balance things a bit better as a new player with 0 skills & even a player with 25 in pistols & Rifles your still not able to kill 90% of anything without using 2 or 3 cips of a rifle & multiple clips of the 9mm, Once again thanks for a fab mod...

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Me & my partner played this for about 2 hours before the sever corrupted the save.... what we saw upto that point was.... Campfire needed coal ? Coal happens after wood is burnt so bit confused as to why its not stone & wood or just stone like before... Found a level 56 AK & couldnt kill anything without using a FULL clip lol..... I mean I found a Pig 2 clips, wolf 1 clip which confused me... Zombies they just saoked up every shot even using the iron sight... Ferals, that was a joke as I had to spawn up 1000 rounds just to see what I was doing wrong.. I never got to see a horde but can imagine it wouldnt be fun at all, There needs to be a balance & at the moment 3.0 is NOT balanced at all if anything its totally unbalanced & needs looking at...


Great MOD & want to play 3.0 so much so ive put 2.2 back on the server as we both enjoy playing it.... Hope you get all those pesky bugs sorted & balance things a bit better as a new player with 0 skills & even a player with 25 in pistols & Rifles your still not able to kill 90% of anything without using 2 or 3 cips of a rifle & multiple clips of the 9mm, Once again thanks for a fab mod...


They are looking into the corrupted saves, i think it is bad POI spawner related.


As for the other "bugs" and balance issues you are having, i think it is working as designed (they have spent a lot of time balancing it) and you are not adjusting your play style to account for the fact that this is a more difficult mod than even RH 2.2. You are not going to be a bad a$$ waking up in the woods with a loin cloth on. You may have to run away from the first few days of zombies you find. You may have to spend the first (or second) horde nights hiding in an attic or at least poorly defending a POI that may fail. You are not a crack shot with any weapon you pick up...you will only get good by using something (spending skill points in it and its perks). Spray and Pray will not work...you need head shots to take zombies down effectively with low level anything...and no you are not getting a full round of head shots with the AK...your low level and skill are causing intentional misses.


The game is balanced to be viable for hundreds of in game days...you are not going to have everything you need after a few hours of play. If you are not in it for a long slow progression, fearing for your life every time you load up...this may not be the mod for you...and if you have ferals in the first 2 hours of game play, you are probably in a place you should not be at your level/skill...you are not gonna kill them with a rock and a pointy stick.


I am on Day 18, my wife and i have killed more than 1000 zombies between us "with your unbalanced weapons" by taking our time, targeting one zombie at a time and focusing on the head. We are still living in the first poi we found and are still working on the basics. No minibike, no Iron/Steel tools, it was day 13 before we found a butcher knife to cut meat so we didnt have to live off of charred meat. Our first horde platform held, but it was 4 poles and some platforms to smack the zombies in the head. the day 14 horde wrecked my added spike defenses i spent a week in game grinding boulders to get enough iron for...it ended in a smoking crater 3 blocks deep and one block away from collapse.


If you are not happy now, wait til you find "Minibike book part 1" of a 4 part set you need to combine and your soul gets crushed lol...same for augar and other advanced books. I dont expect to have a real minibike i can build until past day 100. I found a chainsaw...it was level 24 and half broken...i got about 1000 logs with it before it broke and i cant repair it. So back to dumping points into Primitive crafting.

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You are not a crack shot with any weapon you pick up...


That's the problem. This isn't a turn based RPG or Fallouts VATS system, the player IS a crackshot with any weapon they pick up so giving every zombie 10,000 HP just creates an immersion breaking disconnect. It's like Morrowind's combat: logic tells you that hit connected, OR DID IT?!! It sort of destroys any agency the player has in interacting with the world.


If you want to balance guns without making the player feel like they're playing Zombie Morrowind, just make ammo more rare. It already takes ages in-game to be able to craft it, and that's after gathering the necessary supplies.


Nerfing arrows I can understand, while in real life homemade stone arrows are just as effective as store bought broadheads (nearly), they are one thing that could be considered "too easy" to craft in game, at least the stone arrows. Still not sure why a person with 20 in Archery can't figure out how to attach an Iron Arrowhead to stick, but whatever.

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Hey can someone tell how to open locked Coffins in some POIs? If you destroy them with a Axe you get no loot. Do you need a special tool for them?


There is a lockpick in the game, opens containers not doors

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