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Everything posted by Spikebhaal

  1. I dont know what changed but i cant download any Mod anymore around 93-94% it stops and the Log only says this: INFO 7 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Warning: Download attempt failed. Will retry... INFO 7 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: unknown certificate check failure bei LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result) bei LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_clone(String url, String workdir, GitCloneOptions& opts) bei LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone(String sourceUrl, String workdirPath, CloneOptions options) bei _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.bgWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher.cs:Zeile 2853. In this Case it was Darkness Falls but same with War of the Walker etc. Full Log attached Reinstalled your ModLauncher and 7D2D completly after really getting rid of everything from both. 7D2DLauncher.txt
  2. Hey can someone tell how to open locked Coffins in some POIs? If you destroy them with a Axe you get no loot. Do you need a special tool for them?
  3. Underground Veins or Surface Veins? And thanks for the answer! I hate the Wasteland since i found out about the random Mines XD
  4. I see you can make Diamont Tools but is there another way to get Diamonds than Treasure Maps/Rare Cowboyzombiedrop?
  5. Thanks for the answers Another question has anyone found Beakers? Iam on Day 22 lootet 3 Hospitals and 2 Pillshops and around 100 Nurses and never seen one at least i got Minibike for Dumb♥♥♥♥s 6 times on Day 1 XD
  6. Maybe a dumb Question but what is the difference between HD and Eco Items?
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