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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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this is good news.

I'm waiting for the developers to say that the work on the game is over. I am quite satisfied with the product. 16.4 best patch, the peak of the game


You're in the minority, bud. Also, I suspect that you ain't seen nothing yet.

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May I make a small suggestion for A18? Don't give an estimate for release. Heck, don't even make a guestimate.

Just the regular, "It's done when it's done".


It is apparent that TFP don't know, and to be honest, that is totally OK.

This is their ship, and we're all the passengers. I just ask this, stop yelling land a'head every month.


Just my 0.2, as I log off feel free to spit in my face. I just state what I think is for the best.

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May I make a small suggestion for A18? Don't give an estimate for release. Heck, don't even make a guestimate.

Just the regular, "It's done when it's done".


It is apparent that TFP don't know, and to be honest, that is totally OK.

This is their ship, and we're all the passengers. I just ask this, stop yelling land a'head every month.


Just my 0.2, as I log off feel free to spit in my face. I just state what I think is for the best.




...and can I interest you in a fine, pre-owned Batman avatar? :smile-new:

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You didnt hear the post, the new unity and graphics broke a lot and not expected till mid September early October. Time to dream of the days when you thought you would already be playing it. I stopped playing till it drops and dont like most games so dont really have anything to play until then.

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August release date changed to indefinitely.


This been done to ease down on all the are we there yet posts?


Or has a major snare been hit during coding?


Who knows what's going on since they don't say anything, so... It's done when it's done! And until then, the Fun Pimps are working very hard on it. They must be up to build 248 already! :smile-new:

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I've got a recommendation - only post new features, pics, videos, and ESTIMATED completion dates (when available) and delete the rest of the forum. Some of us quietly peruse these pages because new info is added or a few people actually discuss ideas for the game. By and large, it's a free for all for any random chucklenuts to troll the audience (some intentionally, others unintentionally because they haven't been following closely) often casting shade on a development team that is either tired of reading these complaints or are incredibly tolerant. But rather than let that post die, a horde of normally on-message, entertaining people start flaming on the trolls (or the people that feel they're entitled to something for investing in an alpha product).</rant>


Roland, are there any features that haven't made the page 1 list? I'm not asking what they are, just if they exist. -SiP

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i don t know but madmole said july and then augest and then it s done when it s done i don t know how to reat to that specially i didn t sleep for 2 days

i hope i will be alive this decade to see this build released at the very least joel should of made a video explaining what is happening other then just sharing pics and made us hype and ♥♥♥♥ it s been almost 2 months since a video been released

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A17-E will be done when it's done.

dfuq it s been 1 freaking year without a single thing jesus

7 years to release would be a better title for this game


I don't think it's the long Dev Cycle that's annoying people I think it's a communication problem.


Some times it's great, with constant updates. Other times it's radio silence for long stretches.


What is consistent is the inconsistency. I've noticed that people start getting upset when news is dry and calm their tits when they get something.


I'm talking about the masses not the handful of jack offs that frequent this form, me included. Cause we know they are always working on something and it takes time. The masses have no idea most of the time and think The Fun Pimps are dragging ass or abandoned the game, which is incredibly false.


This is just an observation.

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i don t know but madmole said july and then augest and then it s done when it s done i don t know how to reat to that specially i didn t sleep for 2 days

i hope i will be alive this decade to see this build released at the very least joel should of made a video explaining what is happening other then just sharing pics and made us hype and ♥♥♥♥ it s been almost 2 months since a video been released


No he never said any of that.


He said he HOPED to have it in July if everything went well which it didn't as there were some issues with the conversion of the new Unity. They are also not saying it won't be in August, but considering all people do is complain then I guess there are no more estimates at all.

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No he never said any of that.


He said he HOPED to have it in July if everything went well which it didn't as there were some issues with the conversion of the new Unity. They are also not saying it won't be in August, but considering all people do is complain then I guess there are no more estimates at all.


he said we are in bug fixing peroid in 28 of may and he never said hoped he said we can experct probebly exp release *sometime* in july

the lack of communication and the dry of news is just bad at any game joel hasn t post in the forums for almost 1 month this is really worrying some of us

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May I make a small suggestion for A18? Don't give an estimate for release. Heck, don't even make a guestimate.

Just the regular, "It's done when it's done".


It is apparent that TFP don't know, and to be honest, that is totally OK.

This is their ship, and we're all the passengers. I just ask this, stop yelling land a'head every month.


Just my 0.2, as I log off feel free to spit in my face. I just state what I think is for the best.

As much as i know passengers knows when ship land at the port :rapture:

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They are only just now learning their lesson. No more release dates, no more it's almost here innuendo, no more hype train. Just "it's done when it's done" full stop. Can't blame them really.


Ah if only this were true, but no they never learn. Every time they give in and spit out a date and every time that date slips. Shame really cos it decimates server populations

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They are actually free everywhere on the interwebs, so not a big investment.


It think it would be cool if everybody used one for a while. Not sure how the trend got started, but I like it.


I can't remember who, but someone joked that A17 would release when everyone had batman avatars.


Either that or reach 2000 pages in this topic. Must be true!

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Melodramatic much?


hunger to play 7 days to die mate i really cannot wait any longer because of the delaying that is happening and the void inside the forums which should have been a correct place to have the right news but i think TFP don t have the balls to keep there word

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