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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Gun control means don't miss. ;)


so wait... if roland said stop with the gun control politics, and gun control means dont miss.. so what roland actually said was "Stop with the, Dont miss, politics". is that like Gotchya! journalism?

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Dear fun pimps,


Game design is an art, you are all artists, and only the artist knows what is best for their art.


I'm learning your art, and when i feel comfortable with some of these programs, my first project will be a mod for your masterpiece.


I'll try not to foul it up!


Peace and endless love,


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While we are on the topic of PC performance (I lied, we are not) I was wondering if anyone has tips to improve performance. I found stuff for Minecraft that made a world of difference and hoping to with this game too... Being that both are Voxels.


I'm on an older Republic of Gaming ASUS gaming laptop with a GTX 960m, Intel i7-4720HQ 2.6 GHz processor, upgraded 1TB SSD. I'm getting around 30 fps. With it being a laptop, I am limited to what I can upgrade - HDD (already upgraded to SSD) and RAM. I don't think I can upgrade anything else.


Not an IT guy, but tech-savvy to a point... Is this considered a potato now?


I have an older laptop than you. These are the settings I run and it's fine. (And this is with mods)


Resolution: 1600x900 full screen.

V-Sync: Off

Anti-Aliasing: Off

Texture Quality: Full Size.

UMA Quality: Middle Size

Reflection Quality: Off.

Water Quality: High

View Distance: 8

FOV: 75

LOD Distance: 50%

Shadow Distance: Off (This one helps the most)

Tree Quality: Middle

Grass Distance: Normal

Motion Blur: Off

SSAO/DOF/Sun Shafts: Off.


Specs: i7-4800MQ, 20GB RAM (just upgraded from 12GB), GTX 765M. Usually get 80-90fps with those settings.

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I thought it meant limiting brass.


That to. Since you won't need to use so many bullets.


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I will go one step further.


Gun control means don't miss head shots.


You got it!


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Woop Woop …...…..Boring alert!!!




You couldn't handle the Kraken man. lol


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Hoping to see a video soon. Love to see how this game is coming together.

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Cant wait for Alpha 17, I really hope the new AI is like earlier alphas, seem to recall in Alpha 13 and below the z's were deadly and would reduce your base to rubble with time, and would also dig down to seek you out. Naturally it looks outstanding now with a huge amount of new features. Awesome job Pimps, I literally cant wait. Hopefully the earlier side of August. :smile-new:

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Easy, game been around for 5 years, buy 4 computers and play on all of them all the time. 5 x 4 = 20 years ;):D


i got over 9100 hrs... so imagine i build the 2 spares up that i have and use my wife's compy... could you imagine the total time that way... wished i could say those hours are from playing but alas... i gotta test sometimes. :)

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that is a bolt action, like a springfield, not a lever action


Are there any lever actions still in wide use in the US? I know that the trope that they were in wide us by US military is false, but they did see use in the frontier after the majority of the fighting with the Native Americans had died down. I just don't know if there are any still around that get used regularly.


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That was actually the third post by my count that provided explanations for you as to why attachments might not be removable in reality after you pleaded for people to provide you with some in your original rant.



Isn’t it more work than it’s worth to be angry for three friggin years over a video game that costs $10 on sale? Don’t do this to yourself.


I try to tell myself this every couple of days reading the forums.

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Here Here … Weeks without a teaser video. Or we would settle for experimental A17.


Even if they gave us one copy of A17-E to share between us.


Why I'll take the first shift... and the second shift and you all can share the third shift. Being a zombie game, the Graveyard Shift would obviously be the most fun!


Your Welcome.

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That to. Since you won't need to use so many bullets.


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You got it!


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You couldn't handle the Kraken man. lol


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Hoping to see a video soon. Love to see how this game is coming together.


So does this mean we can talk gun control in a zombie shooter again?

Because if you're like me, your aim is crap and you need more control.

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Are there any lever actions still in wide use in the US? I know that the trope that they were in wide us by US military is false, but they did see use in the frontier after the majority of the fighting with the Native Americans had died down. I just don't know if there are any still around that get used regularly..


there is the remington winchester, it has an internal mag, but used by hunters, not as favorable as the semi auto's or the bolt action tho

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So does this mean we can talk gun control in a zombie shooter again?

Because if you're like me, your aim is crap and you need more control.


Well you know the only fix for that is right?


More shooting practice.


So get to it man, those zombies aren't going to shoot themselves.


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Chant it with me! Video, Video, Video!




Video, video, video you can do it mm we believe in you


Chanting with you:

Video Video Video, and so on... :)

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There are a few lever-action rifles. They are still in current production. They often go to people who get them for the nostalgia. collectors tend to go after original versions. The modern productions are quite good though, and come in several calibers and styles.


Most who buy lever actions for actual use, are primarily using them for hunting, or for plinking. (Recreational target practice, rarely competition shooting.) They're great for teaching gun control and rifle basics.



Sorry i missed topic about performance a little bit. Guys are you some of you playing on Ryzen procesor? It's working correctly? Some time before i heard it's problem with hyperthreating.


I actually am using a Ryzen 5. I curently get around 60-75 if not 80 FPS, I think after making a few minor alterations to my options in game. Before I had major performance hiccups here and there, and my framerate would drop.


Anything I can do to squeeze a little more juice out would be great though.

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yeah, my hardware specs are in my bio. not sure what to do other than save for the next year to get an upgrade to i7. not sure how to do a sig


System information:

OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit

CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (cores: 8)

RAM: 16286 MB

GPU: Radeon RX 470 Graphics (4044 MB)

Graphics API: Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx64.dll] (shader level 3.0)

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