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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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My view on this, can we realistically expect the Devs to take on a bunch of extra work and delay the next update even longer, over something the end user can already do by simply tweaking a few values in the code, which are both easily accessible and quite simple?


This is the sort of thing more suited to Modders, who have done similar things for many games in the past. And while it is probably impossible to preview a map out of game due to proprietary code of the RWG, it is also extremely difficult/unlikely to be made as an in-game tool due to xml files being loaded before the main menu, meaning any changes made through an in-game interface would require restarting the game unless the Devs changed the code.


The best we can probably hope for on this is if the Fun Pimps decide to make an out-of-game map previewer/editor, so that we can get a preview with the changes we make before they are applied to the XML files.


I saw nowhere in his post that he was expecting it in A17. But those kinds of settings are pretty standard in games that generate random worlds and, since they are just xml settings, not particularly hard to code. If I just want a map with more wasteland but otherwise vanilla settings, there is no reason I should have to wait til a modder decides to create a mod with just that in it.

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So quick question, why no spears? It's the tool that put us ahead of most predators, it was used to keep teeth and claws away from hunters and could also be used for range. One of the our most primitive and most effective tools yet not included. I figure there must be a reason just wondering why?


I think one of my first posts here was "Where are the spears and shields?" Now I want stop sign and/or trash can models for those shields if/when we get two hands to use rather than just one or both, but I'm still waiting on an official spear.


Nonetheless, it's trivial to mod the stone shovel into a spear and it doesn't even look that bad. You can use the metal shovel as well, looks a bit funny, but a flattened shovel blade (if you squint at it you can imagine it was flattened) would work in pinch.


I still have tons of faith in TFP, best game there is, especially for early access.

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Hp bars


Understood, I was looking at recent posts. Its all good man.




Health bars rock for stupid regenning zeds. If they remove regen I might prefer no health bars.



I for one would really enjoy the hp bars. Easiest way to implement it and make people happy is to make it a toggle option.


Most complaints I see about the hp bar is that it's supposed to be hard to tell when they are dead, because going to loot them before they die can be "scary" but it's easy to tell when they are dead, their body goes limp, so it's never really a guess when you are observing them. An hp bar would be nice for testing how good your traps are, if you are shooting the zombie crawling next to the dead zombie or just hitting that corpse instead, and sometimes you get that zombie that keeps standing even though it's dead, and you can tell the zombie is dead after you put a few shots in it, but it would be nice to know from an hp bar instead of using extra ammo.

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I saw nowhere in his post that he was expecting it in A17. But those kinds of settings are pretty standard in games that generate random worlds and, since they are just xml settings, not particularly hard to code. If I just want a map with more wasteland but otherwise vanilla settings, there is no reason I should have to wait til a modder decides to create a mod with just that in it.


What I suggested was that a modder might make a GUI to edit the XML values for terrain % of map. And that until that happens it is very simple to find your XML files and change the values manually. As you say, not particularly hard to code so why are you saying you would have to wait for a modder to make the exact map you want? Clearly you misunderstood what I typed.


And also that in 7 Days To Die the XMLs are loaded in before the main menu and they don't respond to making changes in real time. That means that changing the way XMLs are loaded to enable real time changes would require a significant amount of recoding, and is not something that is likely to ever happen in this game.


So like I said, the best you can realistically hope for is that the Dev team decides to make a GUI for editing values and previewing the map outside of game, similar to an Elder Scrolls map creation/edit tool.


I could be wrong. But don't count on it.

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I think both spears and dual-wielding support would be fantastic additions to the game. If that would have to delay Alpha 17 a bit more, I'd be fine with that as well. Since it's apparently going to be beta, I doubt they would be adding a core feature like dual-wielding past that point at all.

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And also that in 7 Days To Die the XMLs are loaded in before the main menu and they don't respond to making changes in real time. That means that changing the way XMLs are loaded to enable real time changes would require a significant amount of recoding, and is not something that is likely to ever happen in this game.


I think I saw in a recent video from one of the devs, in their Alpha 17 test build they have a command to reload xmls during testing. I'm not sure if this will be extended to the game, but the function exists on their end.

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Very cool! I think that will be a lot of fun to play with!


Also, I am not sure if other games are like this but, I think it is awesome the thought and support TFP give to modders and 'user made content'. Your next to last line there proves that and that is a beautiful thing.

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Very nice, thx Roland.

The new menu is looking good by the way..


Roland, do you know if any polishing is done on the electrical stuff for A17?

I know the dev responsible (Prime is it? I forget), had loads of other tasks this alpha...


Ok, so maybe I answered my own question, but perhaps there was time for a little tinkering? :)

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I think I saw in a recent video from one of the devs, in their Alpha 17 test build they have a command to reload xmls during testing. I'm not sure if this will be extended to the game, but the function exists on their end.


At the very least it should be a console command. Whether or not we get a hot key for it is another question. There was mention of a "hot key editor" being added/improved so maybe?

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How's this for hope?













The Fun Pimps are 100% committed to the longevity of this game being accomplished through user made content.


In Pimps We Trust



So... will be able to load Navezgane with the editor and modify it? More accurately, could we copy Navezgane or some other custom map and make a new world based off of it?

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So... will be able to load Navezgane with the editor and modify it? More accurately, could we copy Navezgane or some other custom map and make a new world based off of it?


If they go the height map route then the possibilities are pretty Damn nice.

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If they go the height map route then the possibilities are pretty Damn nice.


It would be interesting if they could also allow us to make a "link" from one custom map to another. Imagine getting together for a "dungeon crawl" with friends where each person contributes a portion of the overall map. :)

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It would be interesting if they could also allow us to make a "link" from one custom map to another. Imagine getting together for a "dungeon crawl" with friends where each person contributes a portion of the overall map. :)


I have so many plans for a quest based baked map it's ridiculous. Okay, I have 2. But they're good.


I envision a module mod, sorta like a campaign... Play map 1, succeed, and play map 2, etc.


The quest and dialog system are going to make it that much sweeter.

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How's this for hope?












The Fun Pimps are 100% committed to the longevity of this game being accomplished through user made content.


In Pimps We Trust


Ok, but does that allow for editing the terrain spawning %'s with real-time injection that would flow naturally from editing to map-generation and play? You've showed us everything but that. Have TFP made a vid showing this functionality?

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Ok, but does that allow for editing the terrain spawning %'s with real-time injection that would flow naturally from editing to map-generation and play? You've showed us everything but that. Have TFP made a vid showing this functionality?


I would imagine a custom map maker would allow making maps similar to Navezgane at least (same level of detail), maybe with some RWG characteristics as well. But, considering we just saw some screen shots for the first time I'm thinking information on specifics is scarce. :p

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I have not checked this forum in a long time. I did view some of their videos that they put.


Water physics, Cave systems, weather proof windows, Smell and Noise.


Any news on these things for A17?


Check the first page of this thread for what is for sure happening with A17. If it's not on the list don't bet on it going live with A17.


But I can tell you that the water revamp will not be complete with A17 nor will cave systems, but both are likely eventually. A17 is revamping a lot of core game logic so it is entirely likely that senses will make a return to sanity.

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I would imagine a custom map maker would allow making maps similar to Navezgane at least (same level of detail), maybe with some RWG characteristics as well. But, considering we just saw some screen shots for the first time I'm thinking information on specifics is scarce. :p


I thought the same thing the first time I saw(oops) EDITING TOOLS on the main menu, yet I was sadly mistaken. so I reiterate:


video! Video! VIDeo! VIDEO! VIDEO!

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It’s still a WIP. My screenshots were just to show that they ARE planning to provide tools for world building and for prefab creation. This has always been their goal. I can’t say whether it will be fully featured in time for A17 but there is a good start to it.


From the very beginning and for the longest time “World Building” appeared on the main menu but it always said “coming later” when you clicked on it. Then it disappeared completely and now it’s back and it is being worked on.

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