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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I'm very disappointed that roland moved relevant posts of mine out of this thread. Shame on him just like SylenThunder powertripping on mod privilege.


My posts were regarding things that, if seen, may be put back in. I dont think MM is gonna go link hopping when he obviously has better things to do.


You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Regarding that bike i noticed 2 things.


First i dont like the front, second the bike was supposed to be 2 seater. That looks nothing of the sort.


Does that mean 2 seats will be a concept saved for 4 wheel vehicles? Im curious.


Edit: @MM, on the off chance you see this, are you or would you contemplate the reimplementing of hud items?


You guys did such a nice job with it last time.


If not, would you mind sharing why the hud was removed previously?




1) No posts were deleted but that whole conversation needed to be its own thread. It wasn't just your post but also mine and a slew of others that got moved. Don't go feeling special or targeted.


2) MM wasn't ever going to read that post of yours because it was buried way back and he doesn't read to catch-up on all the posts of the thread. Plus your post was of sufficient abrasiveness that I doubt you'd like his answer if he did read it. You asked it much more nicely this time and you asked it while he is about so that's good. But you put it at the end of a few paragraphs of complaining about moderation and it's doubtful he'll read through that part to see the last part. He likes brevity in questions. It's a toss up.


3) Free speech by paying customer intact. Your speech still exists. Go look at it some more if you want and amazingly you are still speeching freely.


4) Can you reference where a developer ever said the hog would be a 2-seater? There has been a lot of speculation by fans but I never knew it was officially supposed to be a 2-seater.


5) Madmole has answered that question before. The minimap with the four status bars around it isn't coming back. Madmole likes less clutter on the screen rather than more. The designers don't want people playing arrow on a top down map game. Maybe he'll repeat himself, for you....

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I'm very disappointed that roland moved relevant posts of mine out of this thread. Shame on him just like SylenThunder powertripping on mod privilege.


My posts were regarding things that, if seen, may be put back in. I dont think MM is gonna go link hopping when he obviously has better things to do.


You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Regarding that bike i noticed 2 things.


First i dont like the front, second the bike was supposed to be 2 seater. That looks nothing of the sort.


Does that mean 2 seats will be a concept saved for 4 wheel vehicles? Im curious.


Edit: @MM, on the off chance you see this, are you or would you contemplate the reimplementing of hud items?


You guys did such a nice job with it last time.


If not, would you mind sharing why the hud was removed previously?




Not once did any modders put anyone down for not knowing or not willing to learn. Simply put the modding allows one to do stuff either TFP refuse to put back in their game. And or to attempt to put stuff in or out as one desired.


The term if you don't like something mod it. Isn't an attack but a helpful suggestion that things can be done the way you want but TFP don't want. If one doesn't know how to mod they are welcome in the mod section to ask for help to learn or for help to answer a question weather something can or can't be done or simply put...... They don't want to learn or do it but if a modders can be able to do it for them I am sure the person will have plenty of people to either attempt to help or to sadly deny that idea impossible.


You keep attacking modders not the other way around. Give up on TFP tho putting that mini map back in. It's gone for good. Mm stated it and it's their game. So sadly this part you won't like. The only realism of it possibly being put back in would be for those you have attacked and insulted to possibly do it for you. Or to teach you or to again sadly deny it I possible. But your rudeness and such I doubt people will be as friendly in wanting to help.

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You shouldnt be moving posts you dont like full stop. Have some respect for the free speaking of paid members will you? Im not here to abuse people, just here to share ideas and challenge those that put other players down for not having modding ability.


Look. It's best to let this go. Here's the truth.


1. Some of the TFP moderators, TFP themselves, and mod makers have taken to an attitude of "Take your opinion and mod it!". From the TFP perspective and moderators, I chalk it up to largely a point of "We can't do EVERYTHING!". That and pleasing everyone isn't possible. Just isn't. So giving them a bit of a break and an out on directions they're not willing to commit to at this time is absolutely fair. Granted, there's a form of dialogue, that's not always professional, that, sorry man, Madmole demonstrates and there by encourages. It's a blunt and sometimes rude form of communication, but that's how it is here. Need a bit of thick skin to have conversational conflict here.


2. Yes. There are SOME, not all, modders (being fair, some may only be modding advocates) that are about as snobby and trollish as it gets. With wonderful system admin god complex persona's. Which basically makes them out to be little more than trolls who know how to use an IF statement. Also, need to let those go.


Yeah... It would be nice to not feel trolled sometimes for stating opinions and frustrations. But even as I've gone rounds with a number of these guys, it's sometimes just not worth it. And you're kinda at that point.


So, keep putting your two cents out there. Let the trollish behavior do as it will. If things go south with the game, those same trolls who gave you crap once will suddenly be the fire under what becomes an obvious shared opinion.


And cross your fingers that, the Alpha (incomplete) game we paid for, is going to still be the game we want when it's done.


Generally speaking, people like Madmole seem to really have a passion to make this game great. That's what keeps me coming around. Hope ya find peace with all the nonsense and can go back to enjoying what we all came here for in the first place...


To play a badass game.


And for what it's worth, my own flared frustration and disheartened dialogue over RWG was because there's no game out there that I've found that has so much potential, that's already as good as this game is, from a pure core game concept perspective. And it's pretty darn fun to play as is too. :-p


It can be hard not to get flustered when the sky's the limit and someone seems to be saying the best you'll ever see is a street light.

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Need a bit of thick skin to have conversational conflict here.


So....in other words....he should grow a pair...?





@Everyone who thought I'm being insulting - get a grip.

Dont need to be a ♥♥♥♥ about things. That's all. Don't like my comments? Grow a pair.



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Would be nice if you can kill zombies plowing through them, will bring the carnage to another level. Though, if bike takes damage will be awesome.

I mean, riding the plowing bike through a horde and suddenly it starts falling apart and suddenly you see yourself running yelling 'oh crap, oh crap, oh crap '. With the handlebars in one hand.

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Look. It's best to let this go. Here's the truth.


1. Some of the TFP moderators, TFP themselves, and mod makers have taken to an attitude of "Take your opinion and mod it!". From the TFP perspective and moderators, I chalk it up to largely a point of "We can't do EVERYTHING!". That and pleasing everyone isn't possible. Just isn't. So giving them a bit of a break and an out on directions they're not willing to commit to at this time is absolutely fair. Granted, there's a form of dialogue, that's not always professional, that, sorry man, Madmole demonstrates and there by encourages. It's a blunt and sometimes rude form of communication, but that's how it is here. Need a bit of thick skin to have conversational conflict here.


2. Yes. There are SOME, not all, modders that are about as snobby and trollish as it gets. With wonderful system admin god complex persona's. Which basically makes them out to be little more than trolls who know how to use an IF statement. Also, need to let those go.


Yeah... It would be nice to not feel trolled sometimes for stating opinions and frustrations. But even as I've gone rounds with a number of these guys, it's sometimes just not worth it. And you're kinda at that point.


So, keep putting your two cents out there. Let the trollish behavior do as it will. If things go south with the game, those same trolls who gave you crap once will suddenly be the fire under what becomes an obvious shared opinion.


And cross your fingers that, the Alpha (incomplete) game we paid for, is going to still be the game we want when it's done.


Generally speaking, people like Madmole seem to really have a passion to make this game great. That's what keeps me coming around. Hope ya find peace with all the nonsense and can go back to enjoying what we all came here for in the first place...


To play a badass game.


And for what it's worth, my own flared frustration and disheartened dialogue over RWG was because there's no game out there that I've found that has so much potential, that's already as good as this game is, from a pure core game concept perspective. And it's pretty darn fun to play as is too. :-p


It can be hard not to get flustered when the sky's the limit and someone seems to be saying the best you'll ever see is a street light.


I have yet to see any modder who posts in here be rude to anyone. Quite the opposite really. It seems people love to somehow blame modders for being modders. All the modders I have come across have been nothing but helpful and set aside massive amounts of time to be helpful.


The Pimps can only do so much. Same is true of Ark, Rust, and a dozen other survival games. The way I see it we should all be happy the option is there. When the game goes gold one day, someone will be looking for something Pimps did not put in and, myself at least, would be more than happy to set aside the time to make whatever it is you are looking for happen.


If a modder has been rude in the past then I am sorry. They don't represent all of us. Hopefully you can give some of us a chance to show all we want to do is enhance an already great game.

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I have yet to see any modder who posts in here be rude to anyone. Quite the opposite really. It seems people love to somehow blame modders for being modders. All the modders I have come across have been nothing but helpful and set aside massive amounts of time to be helpful.


The Pimps can only do so much. Same is true of Ark, Rust, and a dozen other survival games. The way I see it we should all be happy the option is there. When the game goes gold one day, someone will be looking for something Pimps did not put in and, myself at least, would be more than happy to set aside the time to make whatever it is you are looking for happen.


If a modder has been rude in the past then I am sorry. They don't represent all of us. Hopefully you can give some of us a chance to show all we want to do is enhance an already great game.


Oh I have seen it by all means.


But I hope you noted the "SOME, not all" portion of my comment.


Absolutely agree with you.


There's a great many modders here who are nothing but helpful. To me personally for that matter. So yeah, bunch of great people in the modding community. Unfortunately, some of the less kind, and really, I should say modding advocates as I don't know if they're all modders to be honest, are loud and obnoxious and really tarnish the reputation and greatness that modders typically represent.


They also make amazing stuff. Hell, I'm waiting for SDX to get their stuff 16.x ready! :D. Can't wait!


- - - Updated - - -


So....in other words....he should grow a pair...?








Omg you bloody troll. lol. You do live for the fanned flames don't you? lol.


But fairs fair so... Pretty much.


Though to be fair, as much of a troll as you are you have your professional moments Roland. lol. Sometimes... They slip out. :D

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There are some people who for some reason at an early age took a vow that they would never ever mod any video game. ZT said it himself that he doesn't mod, doesn't want to mod, doesn't want to learn how.


It's understandable that these people would feel a measure of antagonism towards people who do things they can't understand and don't want to understand. Hey, I watched "Fantastic Beasts" too. I get it.


I'm sure they hate the catch phrase, "Just mod it" and they desperately want the devs to put in everything they want because if the devs don't do it then they are SOL because of the unbreakable vow they made.


But that doesn't give anyone the right to go all Credence on modders who are always quite helpful in my experience. The other conversation I moved was Silll's about modding zombies to reduce into soil. I moved it to the mod forum and before you could say "Alohamora" Clockwork posted the edits needed to do it.

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There are some people who for some reason at an early age took a vow that they would never ever mod any video game. ZT said it himself that he doesn't mod, doesn't want to mod, doesn't want to learn how.


It's understandable that these people would feel a measure of antagonism towards people who do things they can't understand and don't want to understand. Hey, I watched "Fantastic Beasts" too. I get it.


I'm sure they hate the catch phrase, "Just mod it" and they desperately want the devs to put in everything they want because if the devs don't do it then they are SOL because of the unbreakable vow they made.


But that doesn't give anyone the right to go all Credence on modders who are always quite helpful in my experience. The other conversation I moved was Silll's about modding zombies to reduce into soil. I moved it to the mod forum and before you could say "Alohamora" Clockwork posted the edits needed to do it.


That's great news about the code needed! Also thank you Clockwork for the edits.


Does this mean that TFP's may add this to the game? :)

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It means you may add it to your copy of TFP's game :)


Sounds great but I was hoping that this would help out the game and make it better. It is after all something that MM wanted to add to the game.


Would TFP's be interested in adding this?

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Have Keg, will travel.

The barrel may end up being an installable upgrade.



The Pimps can only do so much. Same is true of Ark, Rust, and a dozen other survival games. The way I see it we should all be happy the option is there. When the game goes gold one day, someone will be looking for something Pimps did not put in and, myself at least, would be more than happy to set aside the time to make whatever it is you are looking for happen.

The main game will not be every game ever.

So yes - you don't like it? Mod it.


Unlike with many games modding a huge number of featues is just plain trivial. You change some numbers in a text file.

There are not any artificial barriers to make modding harder in order to be able to sell DLC more easily.

Look at a game like Spiderman 3. How many mods do you even find for it? Maybe there's a new colour for your suit or something silly like that but can you drive motorcycles or buy and use weapons...?


Modders have the luxury of putting in fun stuff without having to care about the UI, balance, scope, controller support, or flat out bugs.

Doesn't mean that all mods are buggy messes. In fact, modders have found a large number of bugs/fixes which were then incorporated in the base game.

Just saying that modders don't have to care about any of that. Can you make the rocket launcher shoot blueberry pies? I believe you can!


Some people seem to have trouble with the notion of being asked to take responsibility for "their" game. For a huge number of issues you really don't need anyone to "fix it for you". You can do it yourself if you feel strongly enough about the game working a certain way.

You don't like some zombies alwyas running when the game is set to most zombies always walking? Oh, right. Mod it!

You change the run speed of some zombies and... play the game the way you intend it to be played.


Maybe that's the "customer is always right" attitude? Well, not every customer is always right. ;)

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There are some people who for some reason at an early age took a vow that they would never ever mod any video game. ZT said it himself that he doesn't mod, doesn't want to mod, doesn't want to learn how.


It's understandable that these people would feel a measure of antagonism towards people who do things they can't understand and don't want to understand. Hey, I watched "Fantastic Beasts" too. I get it.


I'm sure they hate the catch phrase, "Just mod it" and they desperately want the devs to put in everything they want because if the devs don't do it then they are SOL because of the unbreakable vow they made.


But that doesn't give anyone the right to go all Credence on modders who are always quite helpful in my experience. The other conversation I moved was Silll's about modding zombies to reduce into soil. I moved it to the mod forum and before you could say "Alohamora" Clockwork posted the edits needed to do it.


You sure it was fantastic beasts. You didn't get it mixed up with that collection of fantastic breast s that you own did you lol :-D

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Sounds great but I was hoping that this would help out the game and make it better. It is after all something that MM wanted to add to the game.


Would TFP's be interested in adding this?


It would be more compelling if you modded your game and took screenshots and video of the process in action.

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I modded the terrain elevation to be less extreme and I tripled the chances for large cities. Simply Awesome!


As an ex-Anti mod person, I would say people are missing out on a limitless world! 7D2D was born to be playable and fresh for as long as you want it to be. :)

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