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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I think Wardronex was talking about the video about a drivable car in the game. It was a mod, using one of the cars in the game. It did not work well but the video did show that the player could get in it and drive it around some. Well it moved a little bit anyway.


But your right. TFP's never implemented drivable cars.



Correction: I just checked and there are several videos of modded cars in the game.


Yes and I've seen a video of a working boat modded in using SDX. That was more than a year ago. But that has nothing to do with the timeline of what vehicles will go into the game.


I guess this why full mod support is being withheld until the game is done because of the confusion it can cause and unaware people think that things have been implemented that have not been.

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After it has given fruits/seeds? Find a haverstable plant. Look at its yield: 1 whatever. Tile the soil the plant is in and look again: 2 or 3 whatever. Now fertilize that soil and look again: 4 or 5 whatever.


Remember looking again from the plants point of view, is possibly days or weeks later. I would expect that you could increase the yield if you fertilised a plant even after it had started budding, depends on the plant, I am not a farmer. :-) Plants don't grow in 3 days, and if they only give you one or four you would not be happy.

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On the note of cars. In the alphas before minibikes, there was a commented out entity.


It used the standard car model (the blue one, I believe), and if you un-commented it, and spawned it in, you could drive it.


Never did it myself, but I've watched video of it. It was pretty janky iirc.


But it was never fully implemented, I believe it was an experiment that led up to the minibike we have right now.

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Currently, when anyone loots a container of any sort, if they don't take the item or items out, the new loot spawns in it after you throw out or take what the other person left. This slows down progress with scavenging points, cause if someone loots a whole sky scraper, and doesn't take or drop what they don't want, the next person has to empty the container before they can see the new spawn loot, thus making checking containers longer.


Would it be possible to make an auto delete code, for old loot to be delete after x amount of time passed? So when someone finds that building after the loot respawn time, you won't have to waste time going through someone else's garbage before you get the new spawn, plus get the scavenging points right away.


I wouldn't want this. More believable this way, not in that much of a hurry.

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Can you please add an upgrade to our backpacks it sucks having to make the hard decisions at times what to keep what to throw away just to keep moving.


I agree with up-gradable backpacks, but I think the max size is about right. I like having to make a decision about what I need to take, and yelling at my self for not leaving all those useless base building blocks behind when I go scavenging.

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I read it as no he is not planning 4x4 and no that is not it ..... totally confusing ... the Madmole way.


I think that is the fault of the English language, not MM. ;-)


- - - Updated - - -


We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.


Excellent! I have just built a stable in my castle, so I need some horses!

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On the note of cars. In the alphas before minibikes, there was a commented out entity.


It used the standard car model (the blue one, I believe), and if you un-commented it, and spawned it in, you could drive it.


Never did it myself, but I've watched video of it. It was pretty janky iirc.


But it was never fully implemented, I believe it was an experiment that led up to the minibike we have right now.


Thanks for remembering and telling everyone about it. Clearly I did a poor job of it but I been playing since alpha 1 and can not remember the exacts about what and when but I would never say it If it wasn't true.

Some may still call it modding but really it wasn't like We had to write any code or download anything just a simple change and bingo bongo dongo a driveable car.


As far as MM not saying cars last ...let me go over what he said ....he said game preferable toward trucks before cars then saying he would make bike ,hog, gyro then 4x4<<<<TRUCK ... would mean cars after that even though not mentioned but instead horses.

I guess I just misinterpreted the entire post but that is where in my mind it was cars last.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! My pretty pretty precioussss Behemoth!!! *sob*


Don`t worry , Behemoth will join us when its ready. Kickin and destroyin, we will learn to defend till then. And we will be ready.

Hope flying away with the jirocopter will not be and option when we see a Behemoth in its natural habitat, lurking , looking for destruction and blood.

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Don`t worry , Behemoth will join us when its ready. Kickin and destroyin, we will learn to defend till then. And we will be ready.

Hope flying away with the jirocopter will not be and option when we see a Behemoth in its natural habitat, lurking , looking for destruction and blood.


...on the cutting room floor... ;)



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Everyone's talking about bikes, behemoths and backpacks while I'm sat here wondering how they propose to solve the chunk-loading issue which has been the main downfall <pun intended> of the current vehicle system.


Sometimes I'm surprised by my own levels of nerdery... nerdism... nerdosity?

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Don`t worry , Behemoth will join us when its ready. Kickin and destroyin, we will learn to defend till then. And we will be ready.

Hope flying away with the jirocopter will not be and option when we see a Behemoth in its natural habitat, lurking , looking for destruction and blood.


Well if they go the realism route then the Gyro will have very limited fuel capacity and take a while to get started and most need a runway to generate enough speed to lift. They work very differently then a helicopter for instance. What is cool is that if we run out of fuel mid air we just float down. I can see a start timer being a thing to balance it out, so you can't just jump in and take off when the horde come. I think most people think a Gyro is a mini helicopter but it's actually closer to a plane and glider.

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Well if they go the realism route then the Gyro will have very limited fuel capacity and take a while to get started and most need a runway to generate enough speed to lift. They work very differently then a helicopter for instance. What is cool is that if we run out of fuel mid air we just float down. I can see a start timer being a thing to balance it out, so you can't just jump in and take off when the horde come. I think most people think a Gyro is a mini helicopter but it's actually closer to a plane and glider.


Parachutes are a good idea. Not only for bailing out of an aircraft but also for base-jumping.


I can quite easily see myself running off a cliff to escape a horde while hoping I've got about 150 metres of space below me to prevent my knees from being forced through my body and ending up nestled somewhere in the vicinity of my sinuses.

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Yes and I've seen a video of a working boat modded in using SDX. That was more than a year ago. But that has nothing to do with the timeline of what vehicles will go into the game.


I guess this why full mod support is being withheld until the game is done because of the confusion it can cause and unaware people think that things have been implemented that have not been.


That's a pretty ridiculous reason for mod support not being implemented if true. There are MANY games that are in early EA that offer Workshop support and people aren't "confused". As a matter of fact some of these games EXCEL at offering full mod support and thrive BECAUSE of it. It always struck me as odd that a survival game as big as this does not have a workshop. I really hope this isn't a possible reason why we haven't seen mod support.


- - - Updated - - -


Don`t worry , Behemoth will join us when its ready. Kickin and destroyin, we will learn to defend till then. And we will be ready.

Hope flying away with the jirocopter will not be and option when we see a Behemoth in its natural habitat, lurking , looking for destruction and blood.


Nope MM confirmed already the Behemoth is gone, and I couldn't be happier. It just doesn't fit, and I could already hear the outcry from the community the second that thing knocks over a base in a few hits.

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Lol. ARMOURED 4x4 vehicle, sure. But please not ARMED. This is not Battlefield.


Yes i suggested "How about a tracked amphibous vehicle" and MM replied


"Oh yeah, like those are common and craftable by common survivors."


So interpret that however you feel best.


Amphibous kitcars might be more available though but there not there common.


I suppose it could be used by NPC's and not driveable by players but doesnt seem likely to me.

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Lol. ARMOURED 4x4 vehicle, sure. But please not ARMED. This is not Battlefield.


Full blown tanks are a bit much, the amount of fuel they take is ridiculous, but strapping weapons to vehicles is an idea that's been around for centuries.




DIY amphibious vehicles are a little more difficult :-)


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Everyone's talking about bikes, behemoths and backpacks while I'm sat here wondering how they propose to solve the chunk-loading issue which has been the main downfall <pun intended> of the current vehicle system.


Sometimes I'm surprised by my own levels of nerdery... nerdism... nerdosity?


I have no idea how it works


I am guessing there are 16m*16m=256m squared per chunk


Minibike can travel at 15m/sec


To put it basic terms (so i understand your point) your pointing to the fact that at this time there are situations where minibike can travel faster than it can display and there is latency there.


I like to think about these sort of problems mainly to evaluate if i can the complexity of the problem.


But even if anyone did have the access to the results of profiling the application and knew the limits of data thoughput of the min/max specs of the hardware and could roughly know where the bottleneck or bottlenecks are.


I am not sure it would give you enough insight on even wondering how there going to propose a solution.


I am not trying to funny and i hope i have miscalculated and there is more depth that can be uncovered about the tech and specs of the system so i am just asking.


What am i missing and how are you peering into this blackbox to get enough information to ponder.

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What am i missing and how are you peering into this blackbox to get enough information to ponder.


A decent knowledge of how voxel engines and co-routines work while running the game on the slowest potato you can find will show you the slow points in the code in glorious, stuttering, technicolor.


There are a few solutions to the chunk-loading problem but each comes with its own peculiarities and difficulties. TFP have surprised me before and no doubt they have a few more surprises up their sleeves.

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Couldn't they just display the distant terrain, POI's and trees at a certain height and unload the chunks? Until this height is reached the fly speed could be limited.

It would be nice btw if the chunks would load in a circle around you and not in a square. Not only does it look more natural but it could save some FPS according to this old Minecraft forum thread.

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Couldn't they just display the distant terrain, POI's and trees at a certain height and unload the chunks? Until this height is reached the fly speed could be limited.

It would be nice btw if the chunks would load in a circle around you and not in a square. Not only does it look more natural but it could save some FPS according to this old Minecraft forum thread.


Limiting the speed of the vehicles, although it would work, defeats the purpose of having a vehicle and will feel terrible during game-play.


I know from personal experience that circle algorithms are a PITA. Most are good for getting the rough boundary of a circle but trying to layer them together into a solid often leads to holes in the shape. Ancient geometers had the problem of "squaring the circle", modern geometers have a problem circling the square. That being said, it's not a hell of a lot of work to implement although likely to be on a back-burner until beta as it's an optimization, not a bug-fix :-)





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I remember now. TFP's were planning to implement the wrecked cars as drivable. That's why they were different. That's why back in Alpha 9.3 there was this weird bug that you sometimes could see them roll (very slowly) on there own. Also why they had problems with the code. Something about it made it so they could not work with the cars as they could other objects like storage chest.


It wasn't until latter when TFP's decided not to go though with it that they changed the code with the cars.

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