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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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If the reason torches and candles add to the heatmap of a map chunk is because the flickering light attracts the zeds, then if the torches/candles are underground or in a room that is not visible to the outside at all (no windows, hatches, etc) then those light sources should not add in to the heatmap.

Sounds logical, sadly the "Heat" system is so simple that i cant imagine they would change that this way.

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Zombies cant die and became zombies ^^




YET Royal. You forgot YET. Remember this is the Pimps version of a zombie apocalypse and all rules are out the window right? These may or may not be zombies. No official word on what they are. Who is to say they can't die and become something even worse? They can already target doors and sense you. Why not have them become super zombies too.

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The problem is that players would start to set senseless blocks. Like they do allready with Doors, Hatches and Ladders


Yes i thought that when i mentioned it before that players would place sacrifical blocks.


Maybe dogs target the tagged dirt blocks as they have a damage modifier.


Also pathfind the door is first on the task list and not in a descision after targeting entity.


I was hoping targeting entity first to get near then target the block if the zombie sensed but did no damage to player.


Target entity if hurt would still have priority.


It is no means a much better system but maybe a stepping stone to better AI.


It would make stilt bases a lot less safe and slightly compromise ground bases.


The system where zombies target doors and windows at prefabs might be effected so this is why i think stepping stone like this wont work.


I dont really understand exactly how breadcrumbs work but the idea i have it wont make much difference if a player is on a roof or ceiling and the zombies need blocks to target and not bob up and down on a corner waiting to be shot or melee attacked.

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Was not anything bad i thought you where making fun of my extremely overcomplicated description of system of systems with a joke about skyhooks which i found funny.


Dont worry about me i am in my own little world most of the time.


Floor or ceiling where SI is calculated from i still believe it is floor.


You have your own little world? Nice! What's the seed? LOL

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I know

My Deko Prefabs


My Poi Prefabs i work on (this moment)

My mod is on break until 16.4 and my Poi prefabs are done.


The problem is that you are right that "mod it if you dont like it" should not be the answer.

But the last 2 weeks i get the feeling that there is a witch hunt against bedrock dwellers.


If i dwell on baserock because

Surface has no needs for me and

the 7th day Horde is only anoying me,

Digging Zombies should be the last we need to talk about.



Hit the wrong button and wiped my post. Good thing, really, as I have been getting ticked off from reading of how the underground dwellers need to be, in my interpretation from what I am reading, put in their place and forced to the surface and play like the game is meant to be played.


I read posts here and comments on youtube videos of how players are encouraged to build a base underground for their forges, work stations and such. Have a second base away from that base for mining, and a third base, that is to be your home away from the underground work base where you can fight the zombies, especially on horde night, or have your fighting pit, arena or whatever you want to call it close by but attached to your home.

The term reality is tossed around a lot, which is normal in any video game. But one aspect that I read and hear is that players need to play as if this is real to get the true feel of a zombie apocalypse, that it has really happened and you are struggling to survive.

That is the key word. SURVIVE.

How would you really survive? Build you a home above ground, fix it up and then get prepared to fight zombies at night when they are at their most dangerous? Or make a safe home underground where they can't get to you, stay there at night where you won't be killed, thus no longer surviving, the goal you would have in real life and are supposed to have in the game, stay alive. You would go out in the daytime when you can kill the zombies and yes, you are taking a chance, but you need supplies and are willing to take that chance.

Nighttime, only a idiot would go out at night when you can't see, or carry a light that will attract the zombies and expect to survive. If it were real life most would go survival of the fittest, the dumb die and the smart ones live. Served him/her right.

Would you throw chum in shark infested water and then go swimming? Only if you were suicidal. But you are willing to go out and fight, hand to hand, zombies on horde night to show how big and strong you are, taking the chance you will survive. If it were real life, would you?


Whereas I chose to play as if it is real. I will build my base underground, make it as safe as I can, go out in the daytime and hunt for needed items, supplies and fight zombies when I need to, avoid them when I can, hoping I can find a way to kill a lot of them without risking my life in the process. If I can fight them at night and not die, I will do so, if I am going to die, I'm not stupid, I will stay safe and hidden in my deep, underground base -- surviving.

So, here we go, we need to make the underground dwellers pay for doing the smart thing, get them above ground. Oh, I know, let's create digger swho will come and destroy their base underground, where they are safe. And off several go, who feel they have the right to determine how others play the game, discussing in pages and pages what to do and how to do it. Coming up with different ways to force underground dwellers above the ground, onto the surface, because they feel it is their right and duty to make the underground dwellers fight the zombies and chance dying in the process.


I don't want to play your way, I want to play my way. I don't think it should be made so that zombies can dig into a base and kill me if I won't go above ground at night, especially on horde night if I chose to stay below. Bad air, other health issues that could come from living underground, natural causes that can be fixed with some extra work, I can handle that, ventilation system, air purification, going out in the daytime to get supplies lets me get the sunlight I need for healthy bones and body.

You want diggers, you want to have zombies be a threat to a player as they are underground? MOD it in for you, don't add it and then tell me to mod it out. I didn't want it in the first place. You want it, fix it for you.


If the fun pimps decide of their own free will, not feeling forced by those who have been from the start and are now getting bored, then I can accept it, learn how to mod it out or just go find another game to play.

And please don't sugar coat this by saying you are not telling me how to pay the game, you are when you make remarks such as :


just give us these to harass the underground dwellers:


Click image for larger version. Name: silverfish.png Views: 45 Size: 3.3 KB ID: 23071


I don't know if the image showed up, but it doesn't matter, it is stating that the underground dwellers need to be harassed. And that is just the last one that I read, there have been many more before this one of how they need to be made to come to the surface. Playing how you think I should play, not how I want to play.

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Problem being is that people will turn it off the feature wont get developed fully because the audience is a unknown quanity.


If players dislike or like something they can join the community and add to the feedback so anything that reduces that is not a good idea in my opinion.


Even if they hate something and join to display that then fine as long as it is not some rage rant there might be something of use and other players will describe there counters which to me is all useful feedback.


Worse thing that happens is change of a feature by developers where it was either at a deadend or heading that way for gameplay exhaustion issues or performance related issues these are the hardest for playerbase to overcome i think.


Look at how many copies have been sold and look a the numbers of forum members, a huge, huge, huge difference. And I would make a bet that if you did get the majority to come here and vote, you would receive the shock of your life and find out that many would NOT want the diggers, in fact that many think the game is too hard in some areas. Not all, but enough to make a difference. There are many who are weekend players, have jobs, families, commitments who get to play only a few hours a week, not days and hours at a time. Some are casual and may even only play for a couple of hours a week. There are some who love the game not for the zombie survival aspect but because of how they can build in ways they can't in other games. Some play in creative, some just have zombies off, some mod it so they can in what they want and take out what they don't. But the majority will not want it so that players are kept from living underground.

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What's the SI on a spaceship in a stable orbit?


Well if we neglect external forces from things like near planet/moon objects and just general changes in gravity effects.

Then a stable orbit would be just that... Stable...


SI calculations would not be necessary...

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Look at how many copies have been sold and look a the numbers of forum members, a huge, huge, huge difference. And I would make a bet that if you did get the majority to come here and vote, you would receive the shock of your life and find out that many would NOT want the diggers, in fact that many think the game is too hard in some areas. Not all, but enough to make a difference. There are many who are weekend players, have jobs, families, commitments who get to play only a few hours a week, not days and hours at a time. Some are casual and may even only play for a couple of hours a week. There are some who love the game not for the zombie survival aspect but because of how they can build in ways they can't in other games. Some play in creative, some just have zombies off, some mod it so they can in what they want and take out what they don't. But the majority will not want it so that players are kept from living underground.


It was just speculating and debating an idea that is only an idea that might never happen.


people can debate the implementation of an idea and also people can give feedback if they think the idea has merit or not.


TFP have the ultimate descision on this and like you said the forum does not stretch the entire community.


Some of us here like the development insight and i can see that we proberly wont get any more ideas so there be cut out of dev diary like upcoming features that may or may not make it in the game.

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Not all zombie movies try to have that undercurrent of "the humans are always the bigger threat". I'll just cite "Dead Snow" as counter example. And "World War Z" too I think




Oh yes, it matters. Players overcome the threads only because the game designers want them to be able to do that. If TFP really wanted to make an invincible zombie, they could do that.


Lol yes anyone knows that but then watch the sales drop. Watch players leave the game. Watch potential customers (whom also might buy the next game a developer brings out) plummet.


No developer would add a threat that can't be neutralised if they wanna be successful.


World war z. The human race neutralised the zs did you not watch it lol. Never heard of dead snow but considering your first movie analogy was false I am gonna say this 1 is to lol.


So your saying players are dumb lol. I quite disagree. A developer puts a threat in for the player to deal with. How the player deals with the threat is purely the smarts of the player. The devs may add stuff that can assist in dealing with a threat.

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And I would make a bet that if you did get the majority to come here and vote, you would receive the shock of your life and find out that many would NOT want the diggers, in fact that many think the game is too hard in some areas.


Actually, that depends on the pitch.


On the forums, there's a lot of ignorance as to how game mechanics really work. But at least on the forums, you have to put your head in the sand to not eventually get a clue.


If you got the average non-forum user coming here to vote, it'd be like anything else.


Closest or most famous/infamous opinion would win.


Ultimately, I think you're right about the general idea of fun from an average player perspective.


However what I envision happening, is diggers get implemented, and you get an influx of crappy Steam opinions in the game rating. Because people generally don't like their hard work magically smashed or ruined, especially by something they didn't fully understand.


How many times have you hear, in life, generally speaking: "Well thats not how I understood it!".

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Madmole has also said the zombies are and always will be the main antagonists. So I think it's the most sensible choice for zombies to be part of the answer. You don't want them to dig and leave tunnels, dig and not leave tunnels, or spawn up close to your base, which would seem to be the only options to get zombies to your underground base. So we're at an impasse - we simply want different things.




While movies can inspire gameplay, there are also differences. Movies have an ending, and this game does not, at least for now. The survivor(s) winning the game in a few hours like in a movie would be one play style, but not the only one. Consider Royal Deluxe's play style: he mentioned he plays 'dead is dead'. I'm sure he finds it every bit as thrilling and compelling as someone role playing that they're the main character in a zombie movie.




The players will come up with a way to counter everything the game can throw at them! Well, no, that's not the case for every game. It's possible to design a game where the player can't counter everything, and you don't have to brutalize the player with ridiculous rules to do it, either: I refer you again to rock-paper-scissors. Too simple? Okay then, chess against Deep Blue.


Me, I derive more satisfaction from winning through sheer effort than by finding a way around the challenge the designer intended for me. Sure, I feel clever coming up with the latter the first time, but after that the victory feels hollow. I've discovered how the game is broken, and now I can't put that genie back in the bottle. That's my "back to not being challenged again" moment: I can only have a balanced, challenging game after that by hamstringing myself, pretending the game isn't the way it is.


A game would be again useless and not popular also killing future sales of future games as stated before.


A developer isn't going to make a game that won't sell. Sure you might buy it. But a game that has a unbeatable threat is a waste of both the players money and the developers time. And they will not survive in the game industry.


Your reply will be. It's got nothing to do with the sales. Your wrong. A game developer isn't going to make a game that won't sell. They won't make a game that will kill their chances of being successful nor being able to make more. Yes they make games that they think will be liked and loved by the community. But in the end it comes down to sales. Making money and giving the community a great game that will be so old and give then a large chance of being able to continue to make games.


In the end TFPs decision and I don't really care if they put a digging z in. I can always mod it out anyways. Which is the beauty of this game. But your gonna get people coomplaining bout magically spawning Zs after its put it lol.

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Look at how many copies have been sold and look a the numbers of forum members, a huge, huge, huge difference. And I would make a bet that if you did get the majority to come here and vote, you would receive the shock of your life and find out that many would NOT want the diggers, in fact that many think the game is too hard in some areas. Not all, but enough to make a difference. There are many who are weekend players, have jobs, families, commitments who get to play only a few hours a week, not days and hours at a time. Some are casual and may even only play for a couple of hours a week. There are some who love the game not for the zombie survival aspect but because of how they can build in ways they can't in other games. Some play in creative, some just have zombies off, some mod it so they can in what they want and take out what they don't. But the majority will not want it so that players are kept from living underground.


Ill agree with this. All I ask is that the CODING for the diggers be put in at least so then I can mod it in. As for what actually makes vanilla, I'm ok with whatever they do to be honest. I'm just NOT ok with the REMOVAL of the ability to do things, as I am sure people like Guppy will agree with me on that. Do what you want in vanilla, just stop limiting us on the modding end side of it so those of us who can add things like diggers or, god forbid, city spawning zombies can still do so if we choose.


For example, sleepers are fine, but the removal of the ability to add in wilderness spawns to the point it used to be kind of sucks. I can see disabling that bit of code in Vanilla for the regular folk, but why remove it completely, even from modders. Keeping the code there doesn't harm anyone. Removing it stifles creativity.

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ok I know I can edit the crap out of everything but making those changes force your server to the modded list and that really reduces the players over time.


I wish TFP would reduce the server dashboard so it is not so cut and dry.


Are you sure that the Visitmap move your server on the modded list ?

If this is so it is strange, or at least not expected by me

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ok I know I can edit the crap out of everything but making those changes force your server to the modded list and that really reduces the players over time.


I wish TFP would reduce the server dashboard so it is not so cut and dry.


Adding some kind of brief overview of what kind of changes would be a great idea too so people know that a modded server may ONLY have changed say weather temps. Painting broad strokes by JUST saying "Modded" can be aturn off I am sure.

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A game would be again useless and not popular also killing future sales of future games as stated before.


A developer isn't going to make a game that won't sell. Sure you might buy it. But a game that has a unbeatable threat is a waste of both the players money and the developers time. And they will not survive in the game industry.


Your reply will be. It's got nothing to do with the sales. Your wrong. A game developer isn't going to make a game that won't sell. They won't make a game that will kill their chances of being successful nor being able to make more. Yes they make games that they think will be liked and loved by the community. But in the end it comes down to sales. Making money and giving the community a great game that will be so old and give then a large chance of being able to continue to make games.


In the end TFPs decision and I don't really care if they put a digging z in. I can always mod it out anyways. Which is the beauty of this game. But your gonna get people coomplaining bout magically spawning Zs after its put it lol.


Yeah but this is why we get more Kardashian and Teen Mom shows and less Hannibal and Firefly. What you say may be true, but catering to the common denominator is what is killing the game industry and the entertainment industry. There is nothing wrong with being unique as long as you are excelling at being unique. Otherwise all we get are PUBG clones for the rest of time.

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Lmao what the. Can you export that for me to see for myself lol. Please... that's ingenious if I think it is what it is

Sadly this was ingame on a wiped server.

I will add a comparable flying saucer in my mod dependent Poi set, but this still needs a few weeks

* [Wip] my Poi Prefabs

leads to

* My Mod

leads to

* small additional Poi Prefab Set that need Blocks from my Mod, inclusive the Blocks that hold the Flying Saucer

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ok I know I can edit the crap out of everything but making those changes force your server to the modded list and that really reduces the players over time.


I wish TFP would reduce the server dashboard so it is not so cut and dry.


can i please ask and no one get offended. Why do people really hate for their servers to show as modded... to me that seems to be the fair thing for both the player who wants to play on modded servers and for example me----- i dont play on other servers except testers servers when needed... but if i was looking for a server and looking in the server info a server doesnt show mods and i join it because its my preference and i find it has been modified... i expect to see that info from the get go.


please... i do not see a server that is modded as a bad thing and i think it should help get people who want to play a modded server more interested and not the reverse. dont base this off of me because i dont play mp on servers not rented or owned by me... its the way i am and counter strike and kids made me that way.


but i hold nothing against mods... i just dont use them unless..... get ready.... unless it affect graphics by giving me better graphics and not blurry crap.


i hope this didnt come off wrong (it is by no means suppose to) .. i just dont see why people see the servers as a bad thing because its in the modded category. : <puts steel pot back on head>

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Modded Servers get less players (at least many admins claim that)


Looks like many players understand under modded allways big mods that have not much left from vanilla


And there i can speak only for myself. I am carefull too, because there is no oversight what is modded and i dont like these big mods that left nearly nothing from the Vanilla Gameplay, or the "wannabe" Mods from some Admins that have Gamebreaking edits.


What we really could need would be a LARGE link to a webpage from the Server (for rules and Discussion, Contact Admins (maybe only a Thread on steam)) and a own Textfile you can read ingame where you can get a short overview about mods and Serverrules

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Yeah but this is why we get more Kardashian and Teen Mom shows and less Hannibal and Firefly. What you say may be true, but catering to the common denominator is what is killing the game industry and the entertainment industry. There is nothing wrong with being unique as long as you are excelling at being unique. Otherwise all we get are PUBG clones for the rest of time.


Thos are your 2 fav shows tho isnt it lol :-P hehe. I nnot talking bout the challenge thhat is an important part of this game for sure and can always be made more challenging. But yeh anyways said my piece.. pieces. Lots lol hopefully something that is going to be in the game gets talked bout next :-p lol

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