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You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod.


I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill. I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1.


I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue.


Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base.



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Wish I could play MP, but my connection here is quite poor. I'm going to give SP a shot. For Spider or anyone in the know, can you let me know what server settings the main server uses? I want to start my A16 TS run with similar settings.




I was just looking through the posts on here and his recommended and required server settings are posted. Link provided below. I'm holding off and crossing my fingers for an A16.3 update. Every time I hop in this thread and look around I get more and more interested.



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I was just looking through the posts on here and his recommended and required server settings are posted. Link provided below. I'm holding off and crossing my fingers for an A16.3 update. Every time I hop in this thread and look around I get more and more interested.




Thanks much, friend.


Edit: Front page post and I missed it. Embarrassing.

Edited by BloodDeacon (see edit history)
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Yes fixing those quest messed up prier player saved game quests. Sorry it was not intended but was the only way to fix it.


@Erik Louden-

You only need to start a new game if you lost quest. If you had already completed them and did not lose anything then you don't need to restart.



Do you know whos base that was that was cheating? I hate cheaters on a PVP server with a passion and will put them on GBL.



After downloading the modded server files open the modded 7DaysToDieServer_Data Folder then open the Managed Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files. Then in the main directory of the modded files open the Data Folder and copy the Config Folder and and overwrite the folder in the same location in your server game files. Then go back to the same location in the modded files and open the Prefab Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files. Then in the main directory of the modded files copy the Mod Folder and the Config.xml and paste them into the main directory of your server game files. Badabing! Done! Enjoy!



-The "Sleepers" continually spawning in the same spot right in front of the player is The Fun Pimps idea of a good game mechanic, go complain on their threads please(I'm not being mean I'm actually begging you here). They will keep spawning until you kill all the zombies in the building. Sleeping bags don't stop spawning until you kill them all also.


-I haven't notice any corpses doubling loot, has anyone else?


-This is also a TFP game design choice. Not my doing.



Yes sometimes it is easier to break through walls or windows. This is mainly because vanilla POI's and custom builders don't have True Survival in mind where materials damage other materials differently. Once you get better tools though breaking the door will be faster most times.




A rock is not going to damage a iron door but you could break a break with it.



Required Game Settings are on the front page



Uncross your fingers Jack there will be no A16.3 build for reason stated at the release of the mod. Jump in and see if you can make it.




Now that the house cleaning is done.

Mod news

I should have some time tomorrow to work on some more bugs and polish so please keep the feed back and bug reports coming. I did have a request that could help speed things up. I see a few of yall understand the xml's. This damn

<property name="ToolCategory.SteelBuilding" value="1" param1="500" />

code is not working with me. It seems to work as expected on some things like this

<property name="ToolCategory.Door" value="0" param1="10" />

but not on others like

<property name="ToolCategory.concreteBuilding" value="1" param1="40" />
<property name="ToolCategory.SteelBuilding" value="1" param1="500" />

I thought I had it worked out in the last patch but it seems to fixed some but not others. Another pair of eyes is always helpful and fixing this would clear up a lot of bugs not just one or two. Any help is always appreciated.




Server News

Because of the quest fix wiping out players quest we need to wipe the player files on the server. This will restart your player from scratch but keep the current map and any builds. I will delete the player files tomorrow night. Please use this time to hop on the server and make note of your base location and remove anything you want to keep from your players inventory and store it somewhere to collect after the player reset.

Edited by Spider (see edit history)
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Really, Spider? ♥♥♥♥ing really?!


Wow. Have I been shafted for having an opinion?


Logged in, got hit with a severe wound and a gash(just from opening a cupboard), died....and can no longer spawn into the game now.


This has happened to me twice. Both times when opening or closing a container in my base. I think Father said it happened to him too. It must be some sort of bug. I don't think anyone is doing it intentionally to you :) As far as login issues, maybe the server is being updated?

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You obviously either can't read, or you don't understand basic mechanics of this mod.


I am not talking about Spiked Club skill, which is a crafting skill. I am talking about Blunt Weapons skill, which applies to all blunt weapons, including the Wooden Club you can craft at level 1.


I'll save future replies on this topic for people who have enough basic mod knowledge to weigh in on the issue.


Oh, and it was ME who raided your firestation base.


oh i understand the mechanics quite well, to get to making a spiked club you have to get your blunt weapons up to level 5

why so crusty dude? i knew it was you because you couldnt do so well at the start without a huge cache of other players stuff lol

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@ obsidianmcbovril-

No loot containers give buffs. What is likely happening is you are not paying attention and tending to your buffs and they are progressing to worse wounds. Take care of your injurys, keep your bandages clean and stay up on your meds. At the end of the world all you have left is your health.

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@ obsidianmcbovril-

No loot containers give buffs. What is likely happening is you are not paying attention and tending to your buffs and they are progressing to worse wounds. Take care of your injurys, keep your bandages clean and stay up on your meds. At the end of the world all you have left is your health.


there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. Then you logged in. I'd rather be wrong but since then and my death I can no longer spawn in to the game. Guess I'll ask for a reset then?


- - - Updated - - -


oh i understand the mechanics quite well, to get to making a spiked club you have to get your blunt weapons up to level 5

why so crusty dude? i knew it was you because you couldnt do so well at the start without a huge cache of other players stuff lol


You thought it was me you pleb.

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Are the building material tools still broken when trying to destroy their associated blocks? Or is it just me having that problem since the last update? Can someone confirm/deny so i know if its a problem on my end? When i now try to destroy a block the tools are only hitting for 1-4 durability per swing. A level 450 claw hammer is taking 50 swings to destroy a simple wood block. The other tools are having the same problem (although for some reason the scrapwrench was able to deconstruct one type of metal duct on a roof but none of the other types).


Is this part of the toolcategory problem Spider listed above?

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@ obsidianmcbovril-

No loot containers give buffs. What is likely happening is you are not paying attention and tending to your buffs and they are progressing to worse wounds. Take care of your injurys, keep your bandages clean and stay up on your meds. At the end of the world all you have left is your health.


Same thing happened to me, I was with mcbovril in the same poi. I had just tended to my wound with a first aid bandage and took a pain killer shot for my pain so it was none of those things that could have killed me. Mcbovril has since died at least 4

times while trying to spawn back in

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Aye, the opening/closing container & get severe wound + gash is definitely a real bug. But I can't tell you how to reproduce it so I have a feeling it'll be really tough to track down.


It's happened to me twice, both times in my base, I had no negative conditions or buffs. Open/close a container and then my character makes a sharp sound as if he were heavily injured, and boom, severe wound+gash.


I'll cook up a bunch of grain alcohol and give it to anyone this happens to, just let me know!

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Aye, the opening/closing container & get severe wound + gash is definitely a real bug. But I can't tell you how to reproduce it so I have a feeling it'll be really tough to track down.


It's happened to me twice, both times in my base, I had no negative conditions or buffs. Open/close a container and then my character makes a sharp sound as if he were heavily injured, and boom, severe wound+gash.


I'll cook up a bunch of grain alcohol and give it to anyone this happens to, just let me know!


To me also the same thing happened

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Hey Spider.


I know you're busy tracking bugs and polishing stuff. So not trying to press ya. I'd really like to try your mod out though with the minor fix to Sleeper Volumes, I was planning on waiting for an A16.3 update to your mod.


All I'm really asking is if you're waiting for an A16.4 update to bring your mod up to a higher supported version?

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Are the building material tools still broken when trying to destroy their associated blocks? Or is it just me having that problem since the last update? Can someone confirm/deny so i know if its a problem on my end? When i now try to destroy a block the tools are only hitting for 1-4 durability per swing. A level 450 claw hammer is taking 50 swings to destroy a simple wood block. The other tools are having the same problem (although for some reason the scrapwrench was able to deconstruct one type of metal duct on a roof but none of the other types).


Is this part of the toolcategory problem Spider listed above?


The change happened to me too (I'm on SP). It's probably not the solution/parameter change Spider intended (idk about that one), but I worked around the problem in my game by adjusting the appropriate damage multiplier, and calculated it so that with a max quality tool, destroying the appropriate block would take 5 hits (only 4 hits for the sledge since it's slow, and 10 for the welder). I raised the minimum block damage threshold too, so a low quality tool wouldn't take forever to destroy stuff, but at most double the needed hits (to 10/8/20). I tested it, it works correctly. Here's what I changed from the last update (items.xml):


127 clawhammer:

<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="10" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="2,5" />

126 wrench:

<property name="DamageBonus.metal" value="20" />

(blockdamage already was 5,10)

1632 cobblestonehammer:

<property name="DamageBonus.stone" value="24" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,10" />

1633 brickhammer:

<property name="DamageBonus.stone" value="30" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,10" />

1634 concretesledge:

<property name="DamageBonus.stone" value="75" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,10" />

1635 rconcretebar:

<property name="DamageBonus.stone" value="120" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,10" />

1638 welder:

<property name="DamageBonus.metal" value="20" />

<property name="DamageBonus.steel" value="100" />

<property name="ToolCategory.SteelBuilding" value="1" param1="50" />

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,10" />


Btw, why do the potatoes in this mod still use the old models? They're rather hard to recognize, the new vanilla potato model is 100x better.


ETA: that last thing made me realize something - I checked github, the .dlls and other files in the server link were much more recently updated. Is there a problem with the SP/MP github file? That could explain some things that happen in my SP game, like the bandits/NPCs not working at all (they just stand there), and the car alarms being soundless (but still summoning screamers).

Edited by owl79 (see edit history)
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Ok I checked the files for the problem of getting hurt on opening a container and I think I might of figured it out and its not a bug. This question is for everyone having the problem. Did you open a wooden chest when this happened? Was that chest named a "Rigged Chest"? I think so. You are all trying to use a trap as a storage container or opening a trap someone laid for you. This mechanic is intended and if you are opening a trap you deserve to get hurt.



I swear some of you guys must just log on to the forums and without reading absolutely anything just start posting. I don't have the time or energy to respond/answer the same question over and over on every page. Please read before posting. At the very lest you could read my updates/post.



Again someone that refuses to read . This question has been answered literally 7 post above yours.



-Again another person that refuses to read my post. Why do I even bother responding if your not going to take the time and read? 10 Post before yours and on the same page no less is your answer.


-FYI setting the tools like that will break the balance on the game and make the game beatable in a few hours.


-Are you talking about the Potato Plant or the Potato that you can eat?


-All the files are synced and correct. If you are having those problems it sounds like you may of installed the mod wrong. Are you getting any errors in your output log? Also on the front page along with the Download information there is the date of the last time the Mod files were update so you can tell if yours are current.



Tonight around 7-8 EST. I want to get a few more bugs ironed out before I do it.


@Erik Louden-

Thats just a normal Cop. He only looks like that to help tighten up that old sphincter. The real radioactive zombies have an aura of green mist around them, he just has green skin.

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as for me, i'm opening a common storage box (the yellow square box, not rigged chest), which also being used by all of my other team members. happened only once tho to me. while browsing the content of the storage box, suddenly screen turns grey with blood splattered and my hp goes from full hp into around 36 hp left with severe wound, gash and broken leg. until now, i have no idea what happened that time. at first i thought there's sleepers zombie spawned or something like that hitting me from behind, but my team member is directly beside me, didn't notice any enemies, so nothing happened in that room. pretty sure i don't have any bad diet or any other bad status when that happened.

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I have watch streamers play for an hour without every noticing all the buff they have and then they die like "WTF happening" and blame it on bugs. I have checked the files thoroughly and only the appropriate container is giving the appropriate buffs. Unless someone can give me steps to reproduce this I am writing this off to the player not tending to their buffs.

Edited by Spider (see edit history)
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