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@Spider or anyone who can answer


I've been looking for a Hardcore type mod for 7dtd and came across this mod. Seems to be exactly what I am looking for!


My only concern is how big the overall mod actually is.


My good PC was taken from me (personal things going on) and I had to resort to my stockade of old pc parts. I've managed to build a decent pc with:


AMD 975 Black Ed.

Gigabyte Board (series escapes me right now - but its built for this CPU)

XFX Radeon 6870 2 Gig Ed.

8 GB 1600Mhz Kingston HyperX Blu




Now I know Spider you are more concerned about your SDX version of this mod and I can see why, SDX offers a lot more play room in building these mods but does it require a beefy pc? Or would the SDX version be better to run?




I should mention that I play Single Player as well.


Thanks! - Sam.

Edited by ShadowzLust (see edit history)
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I asked Spider the same thing. There is a simple fix. Just remove the word prefab off the end of the model model name. So porchlightprefab becomes porchlight. You can't change a few like the spotlight but most can be changed.


I'm wondering if we can instead replace these models with the models of lights we can turn on and off. Then in a16 set up a generator, connect, and you have a lit up house.


Haven't tested, but I will.

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Sdx will require more beef.


Yup. You will need more RAM than vanilla to run a SDX mod. But as for a xml mod it should not really matter to much. Just a bit more time to load in and a little lag on typing in search words in crafting (not recommended in unsecured locations) but other than that as long as you don't try a mod with a lot of huge poi's in citys you should be good.



You can do that but the rotations are still off. Hopefully in A16 that will all be fixed

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Hi Holo thanks for the bug report. I am not actively updating this mod right now but I am taking all the bugs found here and fixing them in the new SDX version of the mod. Some of these are already fixed in the SDX version but the ones that are not I will get fixed. Thanks again.


Does this means we wont see any updates and the non-SDX version?


SDX is all fun and game, but it is just too laggy for some people

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Hey Spider,


I am working on a combo pack using War of the Walkers as the base mod.

Is it okay if I use some of the ideas from your mod?

I am adding things like sticks and fiber rope, etc from your mod and might even use your icons if I cannot manage decent icons of my own.

This is for personal use and maybe sharing with my friends, but I might release it for public use if it works well for us.

Just wanted to know how "comfortable" you are with sharing your brain child. :)

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True survival Bug


I saw how much your mod improved 7 Days to Die and I was really excited to play it, but now immediately after starting it up for the first time I've been met with a bug that makes the game very difficult to play.


Opening the inventory, searching for items to craft, moving items into different inventory slots and crafting things all make the game stutter and chug horribly. I cannot do anything without waiting a full second or so for the game to unfreeze after doing any of these things.


Can you or anyone help, please?

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This mod (True Survival JZ Mod) is not being currently updated. Spider said the SDX version was out. It is installed with 7D2DLauncher, and when using the Launcher to start the game, it automatically checks for the updates.


Okay thanks. I'll start it up with the launcher and see what happpens :)

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Forked version




If anyone is interested, I have a privately maintained version of this mod that I've been working on for a group of friends. Its mostly the same with some minor tweaks and fixes. Contact my privately for a link to my git-hub, or you can access it through spiders git as a fork. I make no commitments to maintain it or fix/support your issues. I only keep it working so long as my friends and I still play it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



The Lorax


Edit: if Spider is alright with it, I can post my git link here as well.

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um......The Lorax...?


That's like not very respectful, to advertise in my mod thread that you are going to be putting out my mod as yours. I'm not missing or non active. I'm right here. I have had players private message me(unnecessarily) about using 2 lines of code from my mod, but here you don't even ask to use my complete mod and republish it as yours. I mean.... just WOW! I'm not updating A14 True Survival either will you be updating that and re publishing it as yours also? I am not adding to this mod because the new version is out. True Survival SDX is the same as True Survival but with all the fixes, player suggestions and a ton of new added stuff. You are free to play my mod in any form you want. You are free to chop it up and use what every code or information in it you want. You are free to edit, change or remove things you don't like. But to jump on a modders thread with out permission and an announce you are taking over his mod is....... well i don't even know what to call that really.


You know I am constantly asking for help with publishing and updating the mod and I don't remember you ever offering to help so what you are doing is not required, unwanted or needed and quit honestly kinda rude and disrespectful. You don't hop in on another Molders Mod Thread and announce you are taking it over.

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To clarify, I am not releasing my own mod. I merely offered up to privately link the fixes I have made so people can continue to use this version if they wish. Not creating a new thread, not changing names/credits. It's still your mod, just fixed a few things for my friends, figured others could benefit also, since you were no longer updating it.



The Lorax

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Loving everything about this mod! Mad respect to you Spider - awesome job!


Only thing I cannot stand is the fact everything is a Bullet Sponge. How has everyone else gotten around this?


Takes the joy out of me after sticking 10+ arrows into a nurse zombie...makes no sense to me to be honest. Especially when I'm expecting one shot to the dome = death for the zed.


Loving everything else though! Really appreciate the dedication and hard work. Truly do.


Thanks - Sam.

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Thanks. Have you tried the new mod i make? True Survival SDX? It's the newest build and has a lot of things improved, fixed and added. It is a SDX mod but I package it so you don't need any other program to run it. It is installed just like a normal mod just with a few more files to copy and paste. Also you can skip all that forever by installing Spereii's 7D2D Mod Launcher. Then you can switch between this mod, my SDX mod, Vals Mods and a ton of other 7D2D mods with a button click.




These are Zombies, shooting them in the body, legs or arms will not stop them. Aim for the head, kill the brain. (weapons do a ton more damage on head shots in this mod)

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That is actually what I strive to do even in vanilla. Aim for the head! But I guess perhaps I am missing the hit box for their heads. I'll try to aim higher next time I play but it can be deceiving at times because in my eyes I am hitting them directly on their noggin.

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OK Spider, a Couple question


1] .. I've tried to install the SDX as a solo game mod and can not get past the load screen ... I get the drop down (F1) screen saying there are errors in the load and I have to .. alt F4 out. [ I'm running your regular True Survival and don't get this, What am I doing wrong ??] or is SDX a server build?

2] .. In the True Survival game ... I have lost several mini-bikes .. I stop to do search and loot, bike was full health, come back to bike and it is dead "0" health .. I have to take it apart to repair and a couple of time have nearly dyed trying because I'm being attacked by Z's. Is this a game bug??

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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