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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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Wow. 64 seconds (with 'few' POIs and 'many' towns) to create a 10k random gen map on my PC. Thats craaaaaazy fast.


Unfortunately, I have a severe case of tendonitis and won't be able to play for at least a month. 🙃



Edited by LordMiG (see edit history)
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congrats on the 1.0 release been had this game for quite some time and i know i havent been active here


now with this release i would figure we be able to be able to get the glass jars back 

is there a way we can craft the jars and dispose of them turn them into sand if we decompile them 


but to go from crafting jars to now looting them seems like a chore 


i remember we was able to fill crates of empty jars thinking we can fill em with dirty water and just boil em 


now i see that you can find @%$# water in toilets and just boil em to make clean 


what ever happened to getting an empty jar and going to the river and or creek and grabbin water 



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So now that I can see them up close, I definitely like the zombie textures, BUT I do think the shininess of them is a bit much. Even the ones with a lot of blood on them look odd. If they are supposed to have just turned, then i guess it works, but it would look better if they were a bit more matte.image.thumb.png.bf4cae0d25eb356fe2ff935b422b5890.png

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2 minutes ago, DocRussel said:

Lol, the initial title screen with the disclaimer at the bottom still says it is pre-production.

That's because it is.  It isn't gold yet.

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10 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

So now that I can see them up close, I definitely like the zombie textures, BUT I do think the shininess of them is a bit much. Even the ones with a lot of blood on them look odd. If they are supposed to have just turned, then i guess it works, but it would look better if they were a bit more matte.image.thumb.png.bf4cae0d25eb356fe2ff935b422b5890.png

I still think it looks good.  I like too think it's sweat. ALOTS OF SWEAT


After a good work out I look shinny too

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Is anyone else having issues with controllers? Doesn't bode well for ps5 release when you cant select ps as a controller type and all the commands are in Xbox.


Also is there a way to do a permanent y/triangle so you can't craft without having to hold to y?

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First map created on 1.0 took 5 minutes and 5 seconds, actually froze at 5:05 but eventually said it was complete at 5:05.  Interesting that the line format is not forest to wasteland in order.

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2 minutes ago, DocRussel said:

First map created on 1.0 took 5 minutes and 5 seconds, actually froze at 5:05 but eventually said it was complete at 5:05.  Interesting that the line format is not forest to wasteland in order.


1 minute 25 seconds for me, then it jumped to 1:45 (which was incorrect, I timed it alongside it haha) before it finished generating. I presume part of the 'issue' is I used the Many Towns and Many Wilderness POI's settings.

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Yeah, with 'many wilderness POIs' map generation takes around 15 seconds longer for me. 

I've tried 5 different seeds with 'many towns' / 'few POIs' / 'all biomes same size' now and in every seed the forest biome only has a few small towns while all other biomes have huuuge cities. Not sure if that's a bug or intentional. 

I prefer to have at least one town with T4/T5 building in the forest biome.

Edited by LordMiG (see edit history)
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I know this is "sacrilegious" that I use a controller but WHY were the controls changed??!!! 

They were perfect & intuitive before. Now I have to hold triangle and then I can hit up on the d-pad to craft.....& Where is the circular mouse reticle? Now I have to hit circle to open the menu, it was square....😡🤬😡🤬😡


Please Pimps, change the controls back to the way they were.

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23 minutes ago, Outlaw_187 said:

I know this is "sacrilegious" that I use a controller but WHY were the controls changed??!!! 

They were perfect & intuitive before. Now I have to hold triangle and then I can hit up on the d-pad to craft.....& Where is the circular mouse reticle? Now I have to hit circle to open the menu, it was square....😡🤬😡🤬😡


Please Pimps, change the controls back to the way they were.

100% concur 

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Was there a eula before? Or is that new? Not a fan of having a merch ad built into the game. Just loaded it up first time after the update, man I hope we get more faces because I can't make my guy look right, also is moustache 1 is the same as 2? Anyone else getting that? World gen seems a lot better now though. Is there new forest ambience? If so, I'm liking it a lot.


Also noticed I cant craft something immediately, even when I have the materials. I have to either re open the menu or change to a different recipe before it lets me craft.


Interior lighting looks a lot better. Not too dark anymore.


I wish they changed the key racks to leave the door unlocked. Having them locked open after clearng a location is kind of annoying if I opt to fortify the poi, and it just lets zombies in.


I'm honestly starting to think the trash lootpool is kind of overpowered? You get lots of resources, sometimes magazines.


I'm noticing I can't see armor stats when I see the recipe for the new armor, only the required items and the description. It'd be very good if we could.


Got a feral in a tier 2 poi on day 1. That might not be new for 1.0, but that seems like way too much.


Really liking the challenge system. Great improvement.

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Damn, I'm getting a 5-10 fps drop when using the burning shaft mod. Was that a thing in A21? I don't remember it


Actually it appears to be any light source, I get the same behaviour with a gun + flashlight mod. Switch to it and instantly get 5-10 less fps which comes right back once I switch to something without a light source

Edited by Doomofman (see edit history)
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10 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

Damn, I'm getting a 5-10 fps drop when using the burning shaft mod. Was that a thing in A21? I don't remember it


Actually it appears to be any light source, I get the same behaviour with a gun + flashlight mod. Switch to it and instantly get 5-10 less fps which comes right back once I switch to something without a light source

No idea honestly, but i have a feeling we are all hyper focused on the fps getting improved in version 1, when I think the main thing they worked on was for downtown areas.  I bet if you go back to alpha 21 you will see the same frame drop from your lightsource as well.

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