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No announcment outside of Social Media for the new game, Bloodmoons.


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Why is there no announcment on here, steam, the 7 days or TFP homepage about the new game in the 7 days Universe? 7 days to die Bloodmoons. It´s been a week, as i found out just now, that this info got out on social media. How hard can it be doing this on the other platforms? Not even an hour of work.


These days a lot of people stop using social media, especially Twitter, and seriously only old people (wich includes me, i am old, but i don´t use it anymore) still use facebook. I only know about this because of a youtube video from Guns, Nerds and Steel.


For those who don´t know yet, it will be a 4v1 arcade style game, a bit similar to dead by daylight, 4 survivors vs 1 hivemind that can control bots. Will include crafting and building aswell.


Also no, that´s not the other game they work on that will be made in UE5. They work on 2 new games, but we don´t have any info on the other one yet.


I should add that this is done by another studio, Illogika, before people start crying about how they should finish 7 days to die first. TFP supports them with only a small team.



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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I should add that this is done by another studio, Illogika, before people start crying about how they should finish 7 days to die first. TFP supports them with only a small team.



And this is probably the answer to your question.  Does TFP have the rights to announce anything here (or anywhere) if the other team are the ones in control of that project?  I don't know, I'm just asking.

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3 minutes ago, Maharin said:


And this is probably the answer to your question.  Does TFP have the rights to announce anything here (or anywhere) if the other team are the ones in control of that project?  I don't know, I'm just asking.


TFP did anniounce it. But as i said only on social media. The interview where GNS got the info was also with TFP and not with Illogika.

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33 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Simple reason - this forum is for TFP’s game, not illogika’s


Again, TFP posted this on their twitter and facebook. Gave an intview where they announced it. And it is their game as it is a 7 days game, it´s their idea, their universe. They hired Illogika for this. There is no announcement from Illogika to be found. Only from TFP.


Edit: Illogica did an announcment. In french only and only on FB.

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There's also a more detailed description on Illogika's website:



The game is relatively far from release. I'm pretty sure we'll see more advertisement next year. 


Also, it's said that matches will be about an hour long. Somebody posted a video on the 7 Days Reddit saying that Blood Moons sounds more like some other game (that I never heard of) than DBD. If I can find the video I'll edit this with the link.

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Twitchcon was the first announcement of something coming soon within the 7 Days to Die universe but that's all they want to do right now is simply tease it. More info will definitely be coming when it is time but right now there isn't really enough that they desire to release for information to really discuss. It's fine for people to slowly find out about it at this time since it is still not ready to be released. There are a lot of assumptions and speculations about what the game will be like but nothing substantive has been revealed on any media platform.


If you desire to be among the first to know anything then you should subscribe to the new TFP club on the bloodmoons website. Do that and you won't have to hear about new developments later by accident reading posts of people who already found out. Can't find the link at the moment as I'm going out the door so maybe someone else can share it.

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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

This sounds soo boring. Damn... i expected something more like  Story based game similiar to days gone or the last of us

Because this sounds like RE:Versus which is dead 😕

ehh big shame. I hoped that TFP will go in more mature vibes


There is still the other game they are working on. So there is still hope for you. Also i think this is a nice idea. And those games can be very intense with a group of friends. We had some really intense matches in Friday the 13th, including a few times where the wife/husband or partner who were not playing came to check on several of us if everything is ok.

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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


There is still the other game they are working on. So there is still hope for you. Also i think this is a nice idea. And those games can be very intense with a group of friends. We had some really intense matches in Friday the 13th, including a few times where the wife/husband or partner who were not playing came to check on several of us if everything is ok.

I think it's good idea but realy easy to make it unfun. I think Evolve  and RE:Versus is good example for that. Friday 13th is dead 😕

Other hand : there is DBD but it's simple game after all - just many charactes etc. So 7dtd game in such style would need new characters guns maps etc. almost every month.

Much safer option would be even make 7DTD'S version of medieval dynasty


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@Matt115 Friday the 13th is dead because of legal issues about copyrights between Cunningham and Miller. Nothing regarding the game, but as long as the case was (or still is, no clue) going they weren´t allowed to release anything new for it, before it wasn´t settled who has the copyright for the original movie script. 


And i am pretty sure they will follow the usual business models for such games. So there will be DLC´s for sure imo. Making such a game as a one off, would be a wasted opportunity to make money. Not that i usually buy such DLC´s, i played DBD for quite some time without them and never bought one.

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As far as the logistics, I would venture this is a somewhat new situation for TFP as a company. They’ve been known for only one game for many years now. The Fun Pimps have been synonymous with 7 Days to Die, and changing that will be a process. As @Roland alluded, they mean to transition to this new TFP Club for news that spans all the company’s projects. Here’s that link.




It’s early days for sure, but they envision this will be a central source of information as they transition to be a company known for multiple titles.


Also, yes, the fact that people are left to speculate over details of this new 7 Days Blood Moons project is part of a deliberate strategy. 

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1 hour ago, avalonnn said:

It's a partnership so it would make sense if they talked about it here:


iLLOGIKA and The Fun Pimps are very proud of this partnership


They said there would be more news starting in 2024 so it would make sense if they aren't talking about it here in 2023:


Stay tuned for more infos in 2024!

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6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Friday the 13th is dead because of legal issues

As someone that put a lot of time into F13, I can say that the legal issues just sped up the inevitable. Friday the 13th is an isolated IP and there wasn't much more content they could've put in. If there was no lawsuit (which has ended btw) I can't imagine that the game would've had more than 1 or 2 years worth of new content. 


With that said, F13 was a successful game. It sold a lot of copies. On console, lobbies still fill regularly. The thing is, nothing is gonna come close to Dead by Daylight. It's a horror aggregate. It's not tied to a specific IP like Friday, Evil Dead, Texas Chain Saw, etc. There's just no competing with it.  

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I don't find it strange at all.  TFP's announcements for this game are almost solely on social media as well.  Most postings here about new stuff comes from forum users who copy/paste or link info from TFP's social media posts.  So why would you expect them to post info about another game here?  This forum isn't a general TFP forum, but a forum specific to this one game.  I mean, the new game is in this "universe" and so could be posted here, but this forum was set up for this game specifically.  I'd expect a different forum or at least subforum (like the console section) for any other games that may be in this "universe."  And even then, the forum isn't their main way to advertise new stuff, so it will probably happen, but I wouldn't expect it to happen soon.  More likely, any forum related to that game will be on Illogika's site and not on TFP's.  But we'll see.


As far as the game.... I certainly will not be buying it or playing it.  I've got hundreds of games that I've bought and even so, that one will never be in my library unless it's given to me free for some reason or part of some collection I want to buy.  A 1v4 game just sounds really bad to me.  I get some people like that sort of thing, but it doesn't interest me in the slightest.  I don't plan on even looking into any information about the game.  The 1v4 was enough to make me not interested in it or any news about it.  And I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of 7D2D players will feel the same, so their audience is very different and posting info here probably won't be much value to them.

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@Riamus There is a TFP website, no info on there either. Also it is a 7 days to die game. Very related to this game. I just don´t get what is so hard about spreading the info on all your platforms. It´s like 15mins and that´s a very generous estimation.

Pretty much everyone i know in person who plays games has 7 days, 11 people including me. And we all want to play Bloodmoons. All of us are 30+ up to 55, but the general crowd will be way younger on average, that´s true. 


@Arez Well, if the game is well done, people will at least try it. DBD isn´t struggling in terms of players, but it´s running quite a while now and i don´t know what´s still left to cover, they have all the major horror IP`s already. A fresh game in a new setting with new mechanics, like building could be a very welcome change. If they get the promotion done right. The DBD crowd is younger, so you need influencers, preferably DBD streamers to play the game as soon as it releases or shortly before.



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7 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Riamus There is a TFP website, no info on there either. Also it is a 7 days to die game. Very related to this game. I just don´t get what is so hard about spreading the info on all your platforms. It´s like 15mins and that´s a very generous estimation.

I'm not saying they shouldn't.  I'm just saying that it doesn't surprise me because of how they promote new things for this game mostly only on social media, so to expect anything different for a game they aren't even developing even if they are involved seems like you are expecting too much from them.

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19 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Matt115 Friday the 13th is dead because of legal issues about copyrights between Cunningham and Miller. Nothing regarding the game, but as long as the case was (or still is, no clue) going they weren´t allowed to release anything new for it, before it wasn´t settled who has the copyright for the original movie script. 


And i am pretty sure they will follow the usual business models for such games. So there will be DLC´s for sure imo. Making such a game as a one off, would be a wasted opportunity to make money. Not that i usually buy such DLC´s, i played DBD for quite some time without them and never bought one.

I mean dead like low number of players. This same situation was with this Evil Dead game. 

Well people invested a lot of money in DBD so won't live it + DBD have much more content so... Kinda DBD is like Total war : there  is not true competion because nobody can do better. 


If Bloodmoons going to be live service - need constant content so this mean paid stuff. 

If they won't make this "finished" ( like dunno L4D2) then.. i'm worry this will be similiar situation to Strange brigade. Play with for 2 weeks and never coming back.


So... This TFP decision is realy risky. 

1. hard to balance such game

2. very high risk to "drown" by copies - PUGB started trend about Battle Royale but it's pretty dead because of competiton

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4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

2. very high risk to "drown" by copies - PUGB started trend about Battle Royale but it's pretty dead because of competiton


So TFP’s game might end up like PUBG due to everyone copying their gameplay and that makes it high risk?


PUBG has made 9 billion dollars so if that is your idea of the downside of a risky venture then they should definitely go for it….lol.

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