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Is ignoring game content the only option?

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On 7/23/2023 at 10:59 PM, RipClaw said:

It should be a combination of both. Traderstage plus a bonus for the quest tier. Otherwise, the reward for a T1 quest would be no different than for a T5 quest.


Or tie quest tier to trader stage so that it will not offer quests above their stage and thus rewards will be not above trader stock

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34 minutes ago, Archael said:

Or tie quest tier to trader stage so that it will not offer quests above their stage and thus rewards will be not above trader stock

This would not work because the traderstage is based on the player level, the quest tier and your Daring Adventurer level. So if you were to use the trader stage as the limit for the quest tier, you would create a loop.



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I think Archael means that the quest reward stage would be replaced with the trader stage, not quest tier.


So remove the rewards getting a straight level based solely on quest level and probability to one dedicated by the trader stage

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I think removing quest tier from the reward calculation is a bad idea.  If you do a more challenging tier, you should get better rewards.  If you are high level and doing tier 1 quests because they are fast, you should not get good rewards.


However, I do think the quest rewards could be adjusted for better balancing but quest tier needs to remain a part of it.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

I think Archael means that the quest reward stage would be replaced with the trader stage, not quest tier.

That's reading it a little too kindly, when he specifically said "not offer quests above their stage"..

The idea could sorta be made to work, it would mostly mean making the quest tiers progress slower, and using the current "quests done per tier" -points as the actual trader stage.

Think of it more as a standard reputation grind; all quests done increase rep by a variable amount, the total rep the dictates the trader inventory And the quests given (with their rewards set to match the inventory).


EDIT: auto-grammar-nazism is a pain

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On 7/20/2023 at 1:28 PM, Roland said:

Woah, we’re keeping track?


In that case I’ll post to say I like A21 and after going back recently to  retry alphas 9-13 I have to say the recent versions have been so much better. 


Hate A21. Hate the insta-spawn-in-yer-face zombies. Hate the 'water water everywhere but not a drop' to drink changes, hate the booksbooksbooksbooksboooksssss (wasn't it decided relying on RNG books was a bad idea a few alphas ago?). 

Gave Vanilla a try and just gave up on it, like usual.

Waiting for mods now.


7DtD is like my ex: OK looking, better with mods, but gawd-awful stupid in that wanna-slap-the-parents sort of way. 

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1 hour ago, vom said:

Trader represents lazy game development.


The more the devs rely upon the trader, the worse this game becomes.

What is lazy about it?  You might not like traders and there isn't anything wrong with that but there are many who do like them.  And in either case, having traders in a game is simply a design choice.  It certainly isn't lazy game development.


And considering traders will interact with the bandits and the factions and the story, they are definitely going to be an integral part of the game.  And the amount of work that integration requires, not too mention the rest of the work that has been out into them is the opposite of lazy.


I don't have numbers but I am pretty sure there are far more players who like the traders than do not.  And wanting traders to be balanced better is not the same as not liking traders.

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I think The Fun Pimps expected everybody to be like me, a loot whore. I go through every POI twice. I don't like missing out on loot. I play with mods too. Hundreds of shapes and hundreds of items and they think we only need 45 inventory slots. Somebody was smoking something when they decided that. On a serious note, the new system works when you play a slower style. If you play balls to the walls quest targeted playstyles, it'll break pretty quickly. IzPrebuilt got a damn motorcycle on day 5 by using the appropriate game devices and Intellect tree. When you take a full game day to loot places because you go through them twice, the rate of progression works. I'm a loot whore though. Not exactly the average player.

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Having played a lot of RPGs through the years, I'm used to small inventories and managing them.  I don't really mind the inventory here.  By the time you really need more, you have better vehicles and a drone so it really isn't bad.  Just my opinion, though.

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18 hours ago, vom said:

Trader represents lazy game development.


The more the devs rely upon the trader, the worse this game becomes.

All I read here is "I don't like it, and to validate my opinion, I will insult the people who created it."


Get better arguments. Traders represent a playstyle. It might not match your playstyle. If it irks you that much, play a different game or mod it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have been saying that and will say it again 7dtd has went downhill from a16  ... yes steam numbers may be rising but as I look in mp server lists and actual ppl activity its not so shiny as show in the charts .. with each alpha TFP trys to make more ''nice looking'' (some grapic improvmnets with shadows and textures are nice but not a big fan of this oversaturated and cartoonish theme .. ), but gameplay keeps getting more and more simplified and dumbed down .. and of corse there are crap that are getting forced on ppl no matter what, like farming changes, water changes, crafting, trader q, etc. I have a feeling that with each alpha there is less and less challanges and game become more and more brainless and easy, like some hello kity game for toddlers ... Like back in a16 exploring actually was fun, crafting was usefull, u could actually stay in one place if u wanted and survive, zombies where lootable and actually gave u random stuff that u was able to use, not just bags with more ammo, zombie fall dmg (not like now when zeds fall like 100blocks and recive like few dmg like nothing happened ...), special plots for clay, fertilizer, minibike crafting ... eh ... I could keep rammbling about it but it like keep beating on dead horse ... TFP keep nerfing and changing things like farming/water/vehicle dmg thinking it will make more ''survial'' but in the end it just adds more annoyance and some forced gameplay instead actally making it fun and diverse. YES YES I know you can set your own rules for a gameplay, but ima looking for pure vanilla perspective and TFP vision ..

Well enought of this, at least there are modders who actually are trying to add and improve gameply, ty them for that ^^

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On 7/27/2023 at 7:09 PM, Tactical_Zombeh said:


Hate A21. Hate the insta-spawn-in-yer-face zombies. Hate the 'water water everywhere but not a drop' to drink changes, hate the booksbooksbooksbooksboooksssss (wasn't it decided relying on RNG books was a bad idea a few alphas ago?). 

Gave Vanilla a try and just gave up on it, like usual.

Waiting for mods now.


7DtD is like my ex: OK looking, better with mods, but gawd-awful stupid in that wanna-slap-the-parents sort of way. 


OMFG! That was the 3rd and probably best great laugh I got out of this forum today. You sir, win the internets.


It really isn't that bad....ok, it is that bad. I don't hate it as much as I expected to. Yeah, it is stupid that we can't make jars of water anymore, and even though water purifier seems to be easy to get early (although I still prefer to make red tea), because my duct tape consumption is insane, my glue consumption is insane, and therefore my water consumption is insane.


I mean this is how stupid it is, I am questing in Dishong tower and other t5 places and I check the vending machines to buy water to bring home to make glue. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture? 


I haven't noticed the zed spawns being any different? I thought that was a general Unity engine problem, because I can't really think of any similar type Unity game that doesn't have that issue and it has sucked as long as I can remember (and I started at like A7).


Yes, the books do suck, but at least instead of relying on pure RNG you can tailor what you get by your skills.


I am having a lot of fun, although as I pretty much admitted in another thread, my expectations for this game keep getting lowered all the time, which does make me a happier player at least. I also do a lot of my own modding these days. Le'sigh!


Another wierd thing is so many people think A16 was "the golden age", I felt like it was A10 😛

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I have been trying to adapt and keep a positive note,  but while I applaud the lovely improvements in POI'S and the general world  (road smoothing is incredible).   I am still left with the bare facts.  My former group play of 5-8 people on a Server each week has dwindled to 2-3.  This version is simply not capturing the attention for many people.  I have offered options to those that had been steady players in My Multiplayer group, such as using the red tea to help with thirst,  but there is still a very obvious dislike of the games current direction.  and yes, I know,  7DtD recently set a record for player count a week or so after the release of Alpha 21,  but I know that in My home town the recent opening of a 'What-A- Burger" franchise had people lined up in dual drive through lanes for 60-90 minutes just to get a burger and fries.  Not that What-A-Burger is that good,  but because people FLOCK to try something new.    If for no other reason than to say they tried it,  so they won't be the only person in town to say they didn't go.........  at least once.  Now that Fast Food spot has been open a couple of months,  and guess what?  Its fairly empty now when I drive by the location.   Why,  because despite the hype....their burgers are simply...just another Burger.   Same is true for this Alpha 21.   It looked shiny and promised lots of new changes.   But once people are playing it,   they are finding the overall changes to be distasteful.  


I still keep the hope that some of My Gaming Friends will come back to playing 7DaystoDie;  but I can't honestly say anything more that might sweeten the pot for them.  Just look at the changes released today....  Compared to Alpha 20,  you now need to mine 5 x the amount of Oil Shale to keep your supply of gas at a decent level.  The water system is still filled with more logic holes than anyone cares to discuss, Vehicles still move at a snails pace (average walking speed of a mature male is about 4.5 km an hour ); and yes....I still return to My base and find mobs of zombies visited when I was in another town over 1km away.  Zombies still spawn inside My Land Claim block area which has become sad that the ONLY way we discovered to keep them from spawning in,  was to place our bedrolls outside at intervals to create a zone that Zeds can't spawn into,  this seems like trash after putting much effort building My walls that I worked on so hard to secure.   Many Gamers are weary of waiting another year or more for the "chance" that the Raiders have been introduced; there have simply been too many hints or expectations laid out since at least Alpha 19 that longtime fans of the game are getting fed up.  One of My Gamer friends recently said;  I started playing 7Days before my son was born,  this year he is going to first grade, and the game really hasn't changed for the better.  The farming changes weren't liked,  the recent changes don't seem to be igniting ANY enthusiasm.  Many Gamers don't like...funneling magazines that they worked to find,  to one player just so the group can get access to a freaking workbench.  My experience with gamers on Multiplayer servers is that they want to cooperate in battle,  but don't touch 'their'  loot.  The BEST thing about Alpha 21 to most of the people I play with.????   They LIKED getting the silly arse Wall Portraits,  but still felt let down there weren't any new paint textures added.



Now,  before someone drags out that much overheard response of;   "Then you can just get mods to reflect your playstyle",  I reply with this.   MANY Mods require both a Client Side and Server side download,  meaning that Each and Every Player needs to download every Mod.   Some require disabling EAC,  and several of My friends don't like that option at all.  It also means that if My buddy Alphonse wants to drop in to try out this new Alpha 21 I have been talking up,  that He needs to first take the time to sign up for nexusmods,  then download each mod that We run,  BEFORE He can ...drop in for a try.   That is a pain in the arse to most gamers.  Its been such a pain in the arse in the past year,  that the 2-3 of us that still play haven't added any Mods....because we don't want our friends to have any reason to decline an invite to join us in a play session.   There isn't ANY sort of reliable roadmap of "coming changes".  It's more of "We have something new that we are finally releasing in a few months.  We like it and hope you do too.  Chooo Chooo ...start up the Hypetrain."


But I am starting to feel that the Hypetrain is simply going round and round to the same locations.

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