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Everything posted by vom

  1. I'm not the one spewing salt, but enjoy crying because someone thinks one of the game mechanics is flawed. If anyone else wants to come gnash their teeth, feel free to sperg at me some more. I think your own words fit well here.
  2. Do you feel like an obsessive need to respond to everyone?
  3. Thanks for the philosophy essay. I don't think this is a bad mechanic, merely because I don't like it. I don't like it, because it is a bad mechanic. Since you are obviously very intelligent and creative, I can't imagine why you didn't figure that out for yourself. Regardless, I hope this clarifies things for you. That's right, that's a bad mechanic. There's no 'fun' in changing your clothes to gain some stupid bonus. Changing your outfit to gain passive bonuses is not meaningful 'gameplay'. This mechanic should be removed, as it serves no purpose and does not improve the game.
  4. It's a bad mechanic, even if you think it's common. That's just dumb mechanics. No reason wearing cowboy boots and a hat should make you a better shot.
  5. Acquire and wear the complete set for a bonus This is bad game mechanics - you shouldn't be penalized because you don't like to wear a straw hat or blue coveralls.
  6. Blood Moon = Off - I play permadeath, and it's too much Zombie Speed: Run! They run both night and day. Ferals sprint. Difficulty: Adventurer (zombies on Warrior are ok, but the black wolf is too scary) XP Multiplier: 25%- this is survival, its a lot of sad music and ruined landscapes Air Drops: Off 24 Hour Cycle: 120 Minutes Loot Respawn: 50 Days I added two mods: from Khaine: The Headshot only mod increases the challenge, and these are zombies - right? A red eye feral chased me out of my first night base. My tier 1 bow is effective at hitting center mass, but it can't reliably headshot running zombies - so avoiding zombies is a good idea. Previously, I would snipe them with a few arrows to the chest - but no, you need to hit the head! If you fail, they run right at you, so it's better to stay quiet. The spear (or the baton?) is once again my new friend. On Day 1, a horde came into the adjacent farm field, and after milling around they were trapped by the fences, and came back in my direction. A red eyed feral chased me out of my little treefort, built around a telephone pole. I fell back, and repeatedly hit him with arrows, but you have to hit them in the head! I broke contact, but soon saw another red eye, followed by runners. I abandoned my home entirely. The only good news is that nobody is left alive to loot my chest. As dawn breaks on Day 2, I am not headed back to my little home. I don't know where to go, but there is definitely a horde of zombies back there. The continual running is a real threat, combined with the headshot mod. I don't know how many buildings I can safely loot. The game is pretty scary like that. Skill points are limited, so my focus is going to be jogging and running away. If I get the hunting skills, perhaps I will trade with the trader, but I won't be a mission monkey! My goal is to create a tree fort, expanded on stilts. High enough the zombies can't jump up, low enough that I can jump down. Ideally the zombies can walk underneath, without feeling the need to break down a wall. I can fire down with arrows, or drop down with a spear. I will place spikes. I need a gun! Going into buildings is pretty dangerous, and I was very fortunate to find both a grill and a cooking pot in one house (with a police cop in the bedroom!). I ran away from that, and looted the barn of some chickens. I will try my best to hunt deer or something, and if I get enough fur the trader will give me a water purifier! I also have some old rubbish, and actual US American dollars! I have accepted the water changes, as I am no longer digging tunnels and breaking rocks on the first day. Cobblestone tower is a fantasy that may never be. The red eye runners are a real threat, and I don't want to get infected. For now, unless I see a suitable building soon, I will start making a tree fort. I ran into the forest a bit, and there is a hill which I am about to summit. I don't know what's on the other side, but there are dozens of running zombies behind me and I didn't want to live in a farmfield anyways.
  7. I'm pretty sure this part
  8. Also, the mods trigger an EAC warning on startup, and I have to restart the game everytime I try to start it - is there any way to prevent this from occurring, as it makes it a hassle to login.
  9. Playing without trader and dead is dead is the most enjoyable. The people who grind trader missions aren't even playing the same game.
  10. Can you provide more detail on what the mods actually do? The headshot only mod says that non-headshots do "minimal" damage - how much damage? How do you modify this amount? Does this also affect effects like dismemberment or stumbling? What about spikes/falling? The wandering horde mod, it is not clear how frequent or large these hordes are, or what kind of zombies are spawned. Set the values to 1 and waited several hours, but no horde.
  11. Yes, I googled it and saw that there are different ways dependent on different versions, and there are no clear directions with many other people asking the exact same question with no answer. There are also several sites which contain inaccurate or outdated information, and it is impossible to readily discern which link might lead to accurate information. Thanks for the lack of assistance, you were most unhelpful (and a little rude).
  12. Why is that unfair, and why shouldn't they duck? You seem to have a self-serving definition of fair.
  13. Hey boys. I know you are all excited to hear about Day 2. Now that I've found an invisible football helmet, I am ready for fun! Now, as I said, my current goal is to occupy this diner. Behold, my only survival skill, a rudimentary drawbridge. Of course, when you play with these settings, occupying a base doesn't do much good. There's no water up here! Fortunately, I am inspired by the local drainage ditch, which you can see above (and below). Mmmm, precious fluids... I went through a brief fantasy of trying to do something here, but since loot isn't going to respawn, I won't be able to stay here very long anyways. Hahaha, I think the nomadic lifestyle is pretty inevitable (not that I'll live long enough). If this is what I'm encountering in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, I'm gonna need a lot more arrows! This knife is the best thing I've found, better than a pistol! Double the meat from hunted animals, and does as much damage as a club (with like half the stamina). Very nice! Anyways, that's about it I sure hope I find some freshwater soon!
  14. I have been through a lot, from the days of walls with spikes, and the zombies just kept climbing over the dead, to an invasion of trader enclaves, and recently I ran low on water. Poor old me. Today I am renovating an old diner (if I survive). In all these years, I never figured out how to build a bicycle or even a decent gun. In the old mole people days, I was persecuted by the digging zombies, and now I'm living on a roof (again). There are a lot of settings in videogames. Permadeath is the best. I usually start over, from the beginning. I want to play Permadeath PvP, any servers? I am continually impressed by the immense potential of the game's underlying engine. The new water update seems great (haha), I have observed minor glitches, but much better than before. However, what I desire most is a creative challenge. The zombies on Warrior mode are a threat, from Day 1. Years ago, I remember being killed on night 1, as I huddled in a little cave. Life has not improved much! My Settings: I don't do traders, airdrops, loot bonus, or loot renewal. If I die, I lose everything. My goal is to find the nearest body of water and fortify it. I've done it many times, and I died my friends. Sadness. These nightmare devil dogs are the usual culprit. The mean zombie dogs were bad enough, but the dark black ones always get me. I've decided to accept that they are my enemy. The dogs run. The feral zombies run. Always Run seems oppressive, and Never Run is a little slow. I don't like running at night, because its already dark, I don't want to spend an hour watching that creepy thing that jumps. I pretty much stick to slow zombies, or else I wind up all night on sentry duty. The occasional feral zombies are quite a sufficient menace, so I allow them to run. I NEED A GUN. Haha, and then dogs kill me. Buildings are death traps, lots of things can go wrong, like you could fall into a basement... So the key to permadeath day 1 survival is just food, water, shelter. I had a beautiful place, just scenic... and I'm impressed with the continually evolving capability of the terrain generator. Day 1 is simple enough. Kill rabbits, chickens. Trees. Rocks. Zombies. Before digging, I had furnaces but these days I'm drawn to the surface. It's not safe up here! Gone are the days of mud mountain, where I could fill 176 bottles of water and descend once more into the glorious depths of the catacombs. Water. Water. Water. Oh, the developers hate me with their dysentery and charred meat. I have conquered an entire diner, and not a single cooking pot. This is a hard life, but an honest one, I find this quite challenging. I don't like hordes that come through concrete walls like it's styrofoam, so the block damage changes are great. I can definitely get on top of something, like a rock or a car. I've bled to death on top of more than one! I will send you pictures if I survive long enough to renovate this old diner. I wish myself luck on this great endeavor.
  15. I change the game difficulty so that looting isn't a very good idea for 1 day old characters - food, water, and shelter should be the priority. Some of you need to increase the game difficulty, and PERMADEATH is like the fundamental core difference. It's just a different game.
  16. The developers have spent years masterminding a conspiracy to cheat you out of $20.
  17. I notice sometimes it generates 0% of a biome, even though the generator says 20% will be generated.
  18. The game is more fun without traders to spoonfeed you,
  19. My friends, I came to you recently with dire news, notifying you that I was running out of water. Fortunately, I am pleased to note that the side effects from drinking ditch water are unpleasant but tolerable. I have managed to survive, and I present a proud Fort Vom. Thanks to everyone who believed in me. I am currently enjoying 7 Days to Die with the following settings, and offer my unsolicited thoughts: Dead is Dead - I don't think most people play this way. I don't backpack respawn. I don't look for my dropped stuff. I don't return to an over stocked home built from gun cabinets. I never get very far. Warrior Mode - Now I'm starting to impress? I'm sorry, it's hard. I seen people do it well, but not me. Wolves and dogs on warrior are kind of a concern. Loot Respawn: 50 Days, No Airdrops, No Trader Quests - if loot respawned, I'd clear the buildings of walls and just easy loot, the way I play it's a long hard life searching for a can of tuna, so you can understand my concerns about water! I think the trader is braindead content and despise anyone who grinds PvE for purple loots. Loot 100%: I tried lower loot settings but it was not linear, and problematically it wasn't worth going into buildings. Too dangerous for no loot. Much better is ditching the immersion breaking loot respawn, and forcing the player to wander the map. XP: 25% - I spend a lot of time sneaking around with a bow and club, i obviously like the forest biome. i wish they would add more biome zombies - having only the snowman in the snow biome is repetitive. Zombie Structure Damage: 25% - I can't stand to see them tear through concrete like styrofoam, i tried player damage 25% but it was tedious and ultimately I enjoy building stuff. i figure i compensate by reducing their structure damage by not having loot, and to me that is a more "realistic" or rather "compelling" zombie experience. Trapped in the diner at night, they are banging on the walls outside, but they are probably not getting in. I don't want superhuman zombies. Night: Walk, Feral: Sprint - Sprinting zombies at night makes night scary, but there is an awful strong inclination to be a rabbit in dead for dead. Just hide and wait the night, which gets boring. In dead for dead, you must resist the urge to just go take a risk, so the night is a huge red flag. Changing zombies to walk gets me to actually leave my base, so it's paradoxically more dangerous for me. Sprinting ferals and horde zombies shake it up from time to time, like on Day 1, I was nearly killed by a feral. Yikes! Random Horde Time: It occurs about once a week, but not on the same predictable day. Then they run. 2 Hour Days: Seems better paced My goal is to build a nice base in dead is dead, but so far I have not survived long enough! My longest was back in the days of the mole people, when I could hide on bedrock and eat mushrooms. Thank you once again for your support and encourage you to try the low loot, low xp, dead is dead survival challenge! With the new map options, I am considering an all desert map - haha.
  20. Trader represents lazy game development. The more the devs rely upon the trader, the worse this game becomes.
  21. Then why can't we fill the jar with water? That's like the most basic oldest aspect of human survival. Find some kind of container, and put water in it, so you can carry it with you.
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