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Big water problem always thirsty

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You could just make some tea from the water you find. Goldenrods are everywhere to make tea. So whenever you are thirsty, go to a lake and drink until full and if you happen to get ill, drink some tea afterwards. I've never done it that way, because thirst never was an issue in that game, but in theory it should work and it's even easier to do than a pill solution, because those pills would be somewhat rare, but water and goldenrods aren't. So even with a pill as a solution you would need to loot or do quests.

Do you enter towns, or do you stay completely out in the wild? I'm asking, because you wouldn't even need to do quests or clear complete building for some water. Tons of buildings have multiple toilets and sinks on ground level. You just need to open the door, kill the zombies on ground level, loot kitchens and bathrooms. That's like five minutes work for two days worth of water. Then either do multiple buildings that day or one every other day.
I get that due to your playstyle you don't made the experience on how easy it is to get water, but I @%$# you not, it's actually that easy to stay hydrated.

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Even at about 50% of toilets having water, just about every POI has toilets and often more than one.  Add in that there is a chance of drinks in cupboards and always drinks in beverage containers and water dispensers, it really shouldn't be hard to find water.  By day 3, I had a stack of 49 murky water that I then boiled.  And I wasn't going out trying to find it.  That's just what I found questing.  I get not everyone wants to quest and you don't have to.  You can do the same thing by looting without questing.  If you also don't want to loot, well... dew collectors and vending machines are your friend.

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2 hours ago, Jihh said:

Also I don't think zombies digging down is a good way of making people go outside. I rather have pull factors than push factors. Magazines actually do a way better job here. They make me want to go outside. That said I stopped doing underground bases long before that change, so I didn't even need the change, but I'm still of the opinion that pull factors are a better way.


Some forum users are very good in inventing moronic reasons why TFP does this or that change so they look better as critics of those changes. Don't believe everything


Digging zombies were in the game in early alphas, but that got turned off for a few alphas because of the inflexible AI making swiss cheese out of the landscape. After Faatal came on he rewrote the AI and so they could turn it on again.


So digging zombies were always intended that way. And it was always intended that there are no completely safe areas and especially not just already 2 blocks underground. But some players got used to it and now it was TFP out to destroy their playstyle. Furthermore underground bases are still possible with digging zombies, you just need to do a bit more work and actually safeguard that base like you have to do with all overground bases.


When zombies began digging, that was the first time for me that I was interested in building underground bases. Because without a threat the design of such a base does not matter at all. TFP made that change for themselves and their game and because it was always thought that way but also for all players thinking like me. Not to drive Sycris out of the ground 



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, meganoth said:


Some forum users are very good in inventing moronic reasons why TFP does this or that change so they look better as critics of those changes. Don't believe everything


Digging zombies were in the game in early alphas, but that got turned off for a few alphas because of the inflexible AI making swiss cheese out of the landscape. After Faatal came on he rewrote the AI and so they could turn it on again.


So digging zombies were always intended that way. And it was always intended that there are no completely safe areas and especially not just already 2 blocks underground. But some players got used to it and now it was TFP out to destroy their playstyle. Furthermore underground bases are still possible with digging zombies, you just need to do a bit more work and actually safeguard that base like you have to do with all overground bases.


When zombies began digging, that was the first time for me that I was interested in building underground bases. Because without a threat the design of such a base does not matter at all. TFP made that change for themselves and their game and because it was always thought that way but also for all players thinking like me. Not to drive Sycris out of the ground 



Okey nice to know 

46 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Even at about 50% of toilets having water, just about every POI has toilets and often more than one.  Add in that there is a chance of drinks in cupboards and always drinks in beverage containers and water dispensers, it really shouldn't be hard to find water.  By day 3, I had a stack of 49 murky water that I then boiled.  And I wasn't going out trying to find it.  That's just what I found questing.  I get not everyone wants to quest and you don't have to.  You can do the same thing by looting without questing.  If you also don't want to loot, well... dew collectors and vending machines are your friend.

i might be repeating myself but maybe i was just unlucky but i still am thow i have maybe a 20 % rate of finding murky water otherwise i find paper i just tried driking again in lakes it was a lag yesterday so at least that's that  i am not kidding after looting 20 houses i think i haven't found enough to not die from thirst damn far from 49 by 3 rd day x) and again i'm probably just unlucky on that and i feel like u don't beleive me i looked absolutely everywhere in every single toilet. ohh i jsut read that the 49 murky came from questing nevermind  

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57 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Even at about 50% of toilets having water, just about every POI has toilets and often more than one.  Add in that there is a chance of drinks in cupboards and always drinks in beverage containers and water dispensers, it really shouldn't be hard to find water.  By day 3, I had a stack of 49 murky water that I then boiled.  And I wasn't going out trying to find it.  That's just what I found questing.  I get not everyone wants to quest and you don't have to.  You can do the same thing by looting without questing.  If you also don't want to loot, well... dew collectors and vending machines are your friend.

Somehow I get the feeling that the results you are reporting came before the change to B317,  because My play on Friday using B317 yielded much less than a 50% rate of murky water.  More like 20-25%, and the game dropped my thirst to insanely low levels because I wound up encumbered trying to take everything because I need to keep everything, and those multiple trips back to My storage chest in the middle of the road meant going back multiple times just to clear one POI.  Once stamina is lowered due to thirst then I started taking more zombie damage and needing to be even more cautious while My thirst and hunger meter kept dropping. Lowered stamina means running out of attacks with pokey pokey stick, and usually winding up with more injuries.  BTW the overall 'value' of loot to a trader was near crap, adding to the overall frustration as We didn't get a dew collector until Day 3.  I was finding a need to get at minimum 10-12 bottles of boiled water to survive a day.   Until options for tea become available....only through looting,  then its a roulette on being able to make tea to generate more stamina from a 'drink'   Its not all cut and dry as you make it seem.   If any one of those things...menu options, availability of cooking pot,  lack of actual murky water in POI's --- then it can quickly seem as if the only option is to scrap a game world and try again.  Not a satisfying prospect to many players.

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21 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

Somehow I get the feeling that the results you are reporting came before the change to B317,  because My play on Friday using B317 yielded much less than a 50% rate of murky water.  More like 20-25%, and the game dropped my thirst to insanely low levels because I wound up encumbered trying to take everything because I need to keep everything, and those multiple trips back to My storage chest in the middle of the road meant going back multiple times just to clear one POI.  Once stamina is lowered due to thirst then I started taking more zombie damage and needing to be even more cautious while My thirst and hunger meter kept dropping. Lowered stamina means running out of attacks with pokey pokey stick, and usually winding up with more injuries.  BTW the overall 'value' of loot to a trader was near crap, adding to the overall frustration as We didn't get a dew collector until Day 3.  I was finding a need to get at minimum 10-12 bottles of boiled water to survive a day.   Until options for tea become available....only through looting,  then its a roulette on being able to make tea to generate more stamina from a 'drink'   Its not all cut and dry as you make it seem.   If any one of those things...menu options, availability of cooking pot,  lack of actual murky water in POI's --- then it can quickly seem as if the only option is to scrap a game world and try again.  Not a satisfying prospect to many players.


10-12 bottles for one player? That seems very high. Maybe you have a very stamina-draining playstyle. Do you already wear heavy armor? Run continuously?


As a group you should be able to get dew collectors faster. If say 3 people do 2 clear quests on day 2 they get 800x6 = 4800 dukes aka 2 filters + 3 teas from the vending machine. And they even could take the most expensive quest rewards and sell that to get some more dukes.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


10-12 bottles for one player? That seems very high. Maybe you have a very stamina-draining playstyle. Do you already wear heavy armor? Run continuously?


As a group you should be able to get dew collectors faster. If say 3 people do 2 clear quests on day 2 they get 800x6 = 4800 dukes aka 2 filters + 3 teas from the vending machine. And they even could take the most expensive quest rewards and sell that to get some more dukes.


There is one random element that has to be taken into consideration, and I am sure it played into My results.  My new RNG world started in Friday with B317 placed Me at a starting position that was 1.2 km from the Trader I needed to visit to complete My survival starting quest.  The other person playing with Me traveled roughly 800 m or so to get to Their Trader.    When I arrived at My Trader it was Hugh,  and there was only one other building within sight of his Trader Poi.  I went in dumped the items I gathered that weren't absolutely necessary then I dashed off to try to meet up with the other Player,  from Trader Hughs it was an additional 747m to travel to the other Player.  They had identified they were in a cityscape, so I headed immediately in that direction.  The trip was cross country and had several zombie encounters.    When I arrived in the town with the other player it was already 16:50 pm.   I located the spot they had chosen to store their valuables,  built a storage chest and dumped My excess then went back out to start......looting.  I killed two snakes and a deer, but found only 2 bottles of murky water.  My friend did locate a cooking pot, and I don't know how many murky water.  When 22:00 came around I was already at the point of being barely above "very thirsty".   I got those two bottles of water and we hung out till morning.  Day 2 came and I looted as much as I could but barely got out of some state of "thirsty'.    Day 3 was a bit better,  We did get a Dew Collector and found a few bottles murky water.  It took 6 bottles of boiled water to get My Player back to almost 100% hydrated.  I never wear heavy armor, but I do run ....a lot.

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Question about water.

My buddy and I were working on surviving the first 5 days, and he found a culvert with water in it.  After we cleared out the Z's he went in and said he was able to click to "drink" the water.  I went in afterwards and could not click to drink.

He went in a few days later and again was able to drink, and I was not able to, I've since just moved on and focused on looting water, but is there a limited amount now from those culverts? 

We have not found a lake or river yet.

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3 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

Question about water.

My buddy and I were working on surviving the first 5 days, and he found a culvert with water in it.  After we cleared out the Z's he went in and said he was able to click to "drink" the water.  I went in afterwards and could not click to drink.

He went in a few days later and again was able to drink, and I was not able to, I've since just moved on and focused on looting water, but is there a limited amount now from those culverts? 

We have not found a lake or river yet.


I heard that it may be difficult drinking from shallow water less than a block high. Maybe he just found the right angle and you didn't. Only an idea.


Maybe drinking lowers the water but I think it is very unlikely that the water is replenishing. So I don't think it is because he drank first both times. But as I said, just guesses.


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Either your world is bugged or you don't buy from vending machines, trader or take the water when it pops up as a quest reward if you're that low. 


Since secret stash is gone I've mostly just purchased red tea, yucca drink, golden rod and coffe from either the trader or vending machine to avoid using the normal water. Also mark any working vending machines in the town so you can hit those up. Mind you this is single player and if you're on MP then best advice is multiple dew collectors since they help out way more in that situation. Oh and yeah I guess multiple dew collectors could also help you out in a single player world.

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55 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

There is one random element that has to be taken into consideration, and I am sure it played into My results.  My new RNG world started in Friday with B317 placed Me at a starting position that was 1.2 km from the Trader I needed to visit to complete My survival starting quest.  The other person playing with Me traveled roughly 800 m or so to get to Their Trader.    When I arrived at My Trader it was Hugh,  and there was only one other building within sight of his Trader Poi.  I went in dumped the items I gathered that weren't absolutely necessary then I dashed off to try to meet up with the other Player,  from Trader Hughs it was an additional 747m to travel to the other Player.  They had identified they were in a cityscape, so I headed immediately in that direction.  The trip was cross country and had several zombie encounters.    When I arrived in the town with the other player it was already 16:50 pm.   I located the spot they had chosen to store their valuables,  built a storage chest and dumped My excess then went back out to start......looting.  I killed two snakes and a deer, but found only 2 bottles of murky water.  My friend did locate a cooking pot, and I don't know how many murky water.  When 22:00 came around I was already at the point of being barely above "very thirsty".   I got those two bottles of water and we hung out till morning.  Day 2 came and I looted as much as I could but barely got out of some state of "thirsty'.    Day 3 was a bit better,  We did get a Dew Collector and found a few bottles murky water.  It took 6 bottles of boiled water to get My Player back to almost 100% hydrated.  I never wear heavy armor, but I do run ....a lot.


We do only limited running while we are short on food or water. Costs some time but also saves a lot of stamina.


2 of us in our 4 man group had to travel >1km as well. I would say because I walked a lot I was still more or less at half water on end of day 1 and I think even had my one jar of water still to drink.

Oh, and I did a shortcut and did not go to my trader because it would have been a detour of more than another km. It will be a lot easier visiting him when I have a bicycle and I don't win anything visiting him now without dukes.


On a previous game (which we had to abandon after the patch) I bought myself a vitamin and then used it to eat lots of rotten sandwitches and drank from a pool, then healed myself with first aid bandages.


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2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Toilets have a 40% chance of murky water, less than 50% as thought by Riamus and larger than 20-25% thought by PoppaSmirk

Thanks.  I said somewhere else that I didn't know the exact numbers and was estimating from experience.  Good to have the actual numbers.  :)


32 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

Question about water.

My buddy and I were working on surviving the first 5 days, and he found a culvert with water in it.  After we cleared out the Z's he went in and said he was able to click to "drink" the water.  I went in afterwards and could not click to drink.

He went in a few days later and again was able to drink, and I was not able to, I've since just moved on and focused on looting water, but is there a limited amount now from those culverts? 

We have not found a lake or river yet.

I haven't tried drinking from a water source but it's been said that you have to completely stop moving for a couple of seconds before the prompt will appear.  Just aim at the water and then don't move for a couple seconds and see if it works.  Also, as was mentioned, shallow water can be difficult to get the trigger to work.

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On 6/18/2023 at 4:46 PM, Jihh said:

I'd like to know what you were doing in the first few days of the game. In my experience thirst still isn't a problem at all. On my first day I was doing my starter quests, then head out to the trader, got my first quest, cleared a POI close to the trader to setup my first temporary base (got enough murky water for 2 days in that POI) and then did the quest I've got from the trader (again enough water for 2 days plus a pot to cook all that water). So when my second day started I already had plenty to drink and all the time to do 4 quest POI with even more water in loot and all the jetons I needed to buy my first water filter. On day three I could build my dew collector which provides enough water to never be thirsty again. So from that time on I could use all looted water to craft glue.

I mean I get that there is less water now than in A20, but I don't see how that affects thirst. In my experience it only affects the amount of glue you can craft in early game.

Of course different people play the game differently. Maybe you were chopping trees all day and mining all night, but then hunger should be an even bigger concern. So I'm curious what where you doing so that you had that much thirst and no drinks to compensate?

My issue is that all of the murky water I get has to be boiled for drinking water. That leaves none for making glue.


18 hours ago, Lokeus said:


100% right. If you don`t follow up you will get real problems i guess. By the way: what meaning has snow have regarding thirst? I did not play snowy biome in A21 so far, does anybody know?

Snow can only be used to make Yucca Smoothies now.

If the dew collector is meant to be the primary replacement for having glass jars, then the water filet should be a lootable item. Maybe breaking down a water cooler or drink dispenser could have a chance to yield one. On my SP game, 1 water filer at Trader Reckt's is 2250 dukes. That gets expensive when you need to make multiple dew collectors.

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43 minutes ago, Aphrodite said:

My issue is that all of the murky water I get has to be boiled for drinking water. That leaves none for making glue.


Snow can only be used to make Yucca Smoothies now.

If the dew collector is meant to be the primary replacement for having glass jars, then the water filet should be a lootable item. Maybe breaking down a water cooler or drink dispenser could have a chance to yield one. On my SP game, 1 water filer at Trader Reckt's is 2250 dukes. That gets expensive when you need to make multiple dew collectors.

The idea is that you shouldn't be able to make a bunch on day 1.  The cost will only slow you down a little if you are questing.  Do all your quests for one day and you should be able to afford 2 of them right on day 1.  Also, you can get filters as rewards.  In my 2-player game, we have gotten 4 filters as rewards and bought 2.  Only have 2 dew collectors set up as we really don't need them.  We have so much water right now from murky water finds that we're set.  Of course, we don't need to make a lot of duct tape, so that isn't an issue for us.


If you're having that much trouble with drinking water, maybe try making use of the pills to combat dysentery and just drink from a water source until you are maxed out on water.  Use bandages to heal after.  That will save you a lot of water.  And don't forget to drink tea, coffee, etc. instead of plain water.  It offers far more hydration and so lasts far longer, saving you a lot of water.

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10 hours ago, Aphrodite said:

My issue is that all of the murky water I get has to be boiled for drinking water. That leaves none for making glue.

So then the change works as intented. At least from what I've heard. They wanted to make glue more scarce in early game. Once you have multiple due collectors you will be able to craft plenty of glue again.

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Drink the murky water, and from water around. It's actually not that bad. The odds of getting the poops are rather low.


I've survived an extended period on poop water and old sham sandwiches in early game.

10 hours ago, sovapid said:


Doesnt glue just use regular water and not murky water now?


This is correct. Murky water is just for drinking or turning in to normal water now.

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And if you can't find glue / duct tape via looting, you can always buy it from the trader also.  There are a lot of options out there for sustaining your glue / duct tape addictions, it is just not as easy as it use to be.  ☺️

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My experience thus far is that water is not as rare as people as saying, but thirst has been re-calculated to be something more of a concern these days.


I kinda feel this is not a bad change.  At vanilla settings in solo I had 4 dew collectors working before the end of my second day.  This was not a difficult achievement.  Some of the things mentioned like Glue crafting can be solved by choosing them as first tier rewards from trader quests.

If you are lucky enough ( like I was in my MP server) you can loot a helmet mod that will instantly solve all your water problems.


Also, MANY people tend to overlook the simple logic of looting any POI that may have bathrooms or kitchens.  The list of POI's that contain these is vast. 

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21 hours ago, PoppaSmirk said:

Somehow I get the feeling that the results you are reporting came before the change to B317,  because My play on Friday using B317 yielded much less than a 50% rate of murky water.  More like 20-25%, and the game dropped my thirst to insanely low levels because I wound up encumbered trying to take everything because I need to keep everything, and those multiple trips back to My storage chest in the middle of the road meant going back multiple times just to clear one POI.  Once stamina is lowered due to thirst then I started taking more zombie damage and needing to be even more cautious while My thirst and hunger meter kept dropping. Lowered stamina means running out of attacks with pokey pokey stick, and usually winding up with more injuries.  BTW the overall 'value' of loot to a trader was near crap, adding to the overall frustration as We didn't get a dew collector until Day 3.  I was finding a need to get at minimum 10-12 bottles of boiled water to survive a day.   Until options for tea become available....only through looting,  then its a roulette on being able to make tea to generate more stamina from a 'drink'   Its not all cut and dry as you make it seem.   If any one of those things...menu options, availability of cooking pot,  lack of actual murky water in POI's --- then it can quickly seem as if the only option is to scrap a game world and try again.  Not a satisfying prospect to many players.

Damn right 

18 hours ago, Riamus said:

Thanks.  I said somewhere else that I didn't know the exact numbers and was estimating from experience.  Good to have the actual numbers.  :)


I haven't tried drinking from a water source but it's been said that you have to completely stop moving for a couple of seconds before the prompt will appear.  Just aim at the water and then don't move for a couple seconds and see if it works.  Also, as was mentioned, shallow water can be difficult to get the trigger to work.

yep i agree u totaly got to stop a couple of seconds then it shows

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

And if you can't find glue / duct tape via looting, you can always buy it from the trader also.  There are a lot of options out there for sustaining your glue / duct tape addictions, it is just not as easy as it use to be.  ☺️

The traders have tape and glue but very irregularly and often only 10 at a time. This can help you if you are in a pinch, but if you need larger quantities, it is not a reliable source. I prefer to set up 10 dew collectors and plant super corn in my garden.


I've also seen exploding crossbow bolts at the trader's. But the price is highway robbery, and unfortunately I didn't have a bucket with me. 😁


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Playing on day 28, and still hungry and thirsty some days.  Some thoughts on your predicament though:


1.  Being hungry and thirsty is part of the challenge of surviving.  It's a problem to figure out.

2.  For the first week, I probably bought 10 waters from my local trader.  I hated spending money on it, but it was either that or die of thirst.  Want some quick spending money?  If you can find a wrench, take apart vehicles with it.  Most of the components fetch good prices at traders.  I was lucky to find a wrench in the first few days, then I dissasembled probably a dozen cars, paid for my first water filter, then it was off to the races.

3.  Dew collectors are a necessity now.  Save up the money to buy the water filter.  Build two of them if you can.  I check my dew collectors at the end of day, right before dark, and in the morning.  You'll get like 8 waters per day.  You will only need half that to drink, so the rest you can use to make glue or food.

4.  Check EVERY source you can for water.  Toilets, drink machines, fridges, water dispensers, etc.  Murky water is gold.

5.  NEVER leave glue in loot.  Every glue you take is one less water you need to use.  For one quest I took 10 glue as a reward.  Best day ever.  10 less water I needed to find.  Since glue is a component of duct tape, you'll need a lot of it.


I actually think I've had more fun since they made food and water scarcer.  The game has never been more survival minded than it is now.  In old Alphas, I would be this late in game and not worried about food or water at all.  I'd have tons of stockpiles, to the point where I stopped looking for it.  I'm actually enjoying being concerned about it now.


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42 minutes ago, CastleBuilder83 said:

3.  Dew collectors are a necessity now.  Save up the money to buy the water filter.  Build two of them if you can.  I check my dew collectors at the end of day, right before dark, and in the morning.  You'll get like 8 waters per day.  You will only need half that to drink, so the rest you can use to make glue or food.


Something I been doing and I seen others do it also is to place it along a route that you travel back and forth to your base.  I got mine setup near where I have my farm plots as I go over there every night to harvest what is ready (I don't push my crops to be able to harvest on the same day as it really only takes a few minutes to do it) and grab the water from the dew collector.


Also you should add #6


6. Drinks are very valuable now.  Not only do they provide more hydration than boiled water (Mineral water provides 60 compared to 20 from boiled water), they also provide additional status buffs that can reduce water / food usage.


Your list does a great job of combining what a lot of people have been saying about the new water mechanic.  Nice to have a lot of those things in the same spot.  Great job.

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