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Water rarer than gold now

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  1. Damn right yep i agree u totaly got to stop a couple of seconds then it shows
  2. Okey nice to know i might be repeating myself but maybe i was just unlucky but i still am thow i have maybe a 20 % rate of finding murky water otherwise i find paper i just tried driking again in lakes it was a lag yesterday so at least that's that i am not kidding after looting 20 houses i think i haven't found enough to not die from thirst damn far from 49 by 3 rd day x) and again i'm probably just unlucky on that and i feel like u don't beleive me i looked absolutely everywhere in every single toilet. ohh i jsut read that the 49 murky came from questing nevermind
  3. umm i enter towns but i was saying i don't seem to be finding as much water then i should from what you are saying looted 10 houses we got of of that from every single toilet half of the time paper and not water
  4. 1st paragraph Yes sir 2nd paragraph i know what you're saying at the end of the day it's a survival game but still like i know it'w a game yh i don't really know if they wanted it realistic i like the fact that they added a dew collector but what the hell drinking from lakes ' yh all good we will get health back with the skill i feel just thinking of directly drinking from lakes is a big problem on it's own they could have added like a pill or something to make it drinkable a water purifier that would make more sense make it rare but not that rare u know cause for me just thinking of drinking from lakes directly knowing that there are frekin dead people walking around a virus too that we could get drinking water u know i feel like it's far fetched cause damn the infection if u have no armor they have no problem on giving u one don't u worry about that i really think they should rethink that.
  5. dang beleive me i really did read everything just don't know what to respond have a good one thanks for taking the time to respond everything has been said
  6. Yeah I totally get it you explained it very well but i was reading the others replies i they are trying to force us to play a certain way overall. um i was loooking a couple of examples u couldn't build an underground base and more didn't quite understand everything but the picture from what i see not as free to play as we should be and oh yh damn i was looking at this dude that responded that they were or 8 or 9 and water was a big problem i mean i don't have that problem since we were 2 but just goes to show i hope u see my way of seeing it too huh x) also i played green hell the water and food was for me quite well balanced donno if u played that game u will probably not agree with me it was harder to find a rock in that game than water but there was scarcity uh i remembered the flask in green hell that was a killer but like wouldn't a flask be a balance in between the glass jars and just drinking from lakes ' i see u coming the water dew but that's at base if you go out a flask would be needed right that's survival i donn,o how they could do that maybe just fill it up and boil it but only one possible an surely not to much capacity what do u say ? For real I'll join you on that one "time and money sink "
  7. uhh the snow i probably mixed up with ps4 since i was on that before on ps4 u could from what i know just dig the snow and then on the fire u could combine the snow with a glass jar into water directly old times.
  8. Hello everyone I've been playing quite a while now not at the hardest difficulty either but for me and my friend it is nearly impossible to play the actual game without being thirsty all the time and i mean like all the time the real problem isn't there since it's a surviving game but let's say we would need a flask or please bring back the glass jar because it has become a living nightmare( it is right ) but the gameplay is just like NEED MURKY WATER ( Very rare) + YUCCA + we could use snow before but that was removed too PLEASE HELP other than that i love this game continue the hardwork but this water problem is killing the gameplay hope you guys understand why. Haven't had time to use the water collector but the time you actually have enough money to buy the water filter you would probably be dead 20 times of thirst and that's being nice Also what are the buckets for ? they don't have an actual use right i can't really tell when it's full either but the biggest problem is not that BRING BACK THE GLASS JAR ! Hope i'm not the only one to experience this . ( Alpha 21 b317) (I'm on Steam)
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