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ChatGPT Feedback and Advice about 7D2D


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I was playing with ChatGPT -- an AI that can be conversational. I asked it for feedback on 7 Days to Die...


What do you like about 7 Days to Die?




Some of the things I like about 7 Days to Die are:

  • The combination of survival, crafting, and combat gameplay.
  • The sense of progression and accomplishment that comes from scavenging resources, building a base, and defending against zombies.
  • The open-world sandbox environment, which allows for a high degree of freedom and creativity in how I approach each challenge.
  • The intense and immersive nature of the game, which keeps me engaged and entertained for hours on end.
  • The regular updates and expansions, which add new features, weapons, enemies, and biomes to the game.
  • The variety of game modes, including single player, multiplayer, and custom servers, which provide different ways to play and experience the game.


What do you hate about 7 Days to Die?



I don't necessarily hate anything about 7 Days to Die, but there are a few things that I find frustrating or annoying. For example:

  • The game can be buggy or laggy at times, which can lead to frustrating moments or lost progress.
  • The AI of some enemies, particularly the zombies, can be somewhat predictable or unrealistic.
  • The user interface and inventory management can be clunky and unwieldy, especially on console.
  • The learning curve can be steep, especially for new players, who may need to spend a lot of time experimenting and trial-and-error to understand the game mechanics.
  • The difficulty can be punishing, especially on higher difficulty levels, which can lead to repeated deaths and a sense of frustration.
  • The multiplayer aspect of the game can be hit-or-miss, depending on the quality of the server and the behavior of other players.


What is the best way to fight zombies?



The best way to fight zombies in 7 Days to Die depends on several factors, such as the player's skill level, the type of zombie, and the player's available weapons and resources. In general, some effective strategies for fighting zombies include:

  • Maintaining a safe distance and using ranged weapons, such as guns or bows, to pick off zombies from a distance.
  • Using traps, such as landmines or spikes, to damage or kill zombies without putting the player at risk.
  • Avoiding direct confrontation, if possible, and using stealth or distractions to avoid attracting the attention of large groups of zombies.
  • Using a combination of different weapons and tactics, such as melee weapons for close combat, explosives for clearing groups of zombies, and armor for protection.
  • Staying well-fed, hydrated, and rested, to maintain the player's health and stamina, and avoid being overwhelmed by zombies.
  • Building and fortifying a base, to provide a safe place to retreat, store supplies, and defend against zombie attacks.


Write a script for a commercial about 7 Days to Die.



Narrator: "Welcome to 7 Days to Die, the ultimate survival game where you must fight to survive in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead.


Scene: A group of players are shown exploring a ruined city, scavenging for supplies and weapons.


Narrator: "In 7 Days to Die, you'll need to scavenge for resources, craft weapons and tools, and build a fort to protect yourself from the hordes of zombies that roam the land.


Scene: The players are shown constructing a base, using materials and tools they have scavenged.


Narrator: "But be careful - the zombies aren't the only danger you'll face. You'll need to watch out for other players, who may try to steal your supplies or attack your base.


Scene: The players are shown fighting off a group of zombies, using a variety of weapons and tactics.


Narrator: "With its open-world sandbox environment, 7 Days to Die offers endless possibilities and challenges. Will you be able to survive? Play 7 Days to Die and find out!


Scene: The players are shown inside their fortified base, smiling and cheering as they celebrate their victory over the zombies.


Narrator: "7 Days to Die: the ultimate test of survival. Available now on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox."


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1 hour ago, zztong said:

I don't necessarily hate anything about 7 Days to Die, but there are a few things that I find frustrating or annoying. For example:

  • The game can be buggy or laggy at times, which can lead to frustrating moments or lost progress.
  • The AI of some enemies, particularly the zombies, can be somewhat predictable or unrealistic.
  • The user interface and inventory management can be clunky and unwieldy, especially on console.
  • The learning curve can be steep, especially for new players, who may need to spend a lot of time experimenting and trial-and-error to understand the game mechanics.
  • The difficulty can be punishing, especially on higher difficulty levels, which can lead to repeated deaths and a sense of frustration.
  • The multiplayer aspect of the game can be hit-or-miss, depending on the quality of the server and the behavior of other players.


See what happens when you leave things to cold simple logic? No mention of 9 years and going in early access or the removal of the bot's favorite feature..... lol


Pretty cool though!

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9 hours ago, Roland said:


See what happens when you leave things to cold simple logic? No mention of 9 years and going in early access or the removal of the bot's favorite feature..... lol


Pretty cool though!

Yep Roland. No where in the game description did I see trhe word 'perfect'. I've blasted my negativity too. But after more than 11k of game hours I haven't tired of the thing yet. And the next iteration will probably give cause to me complaining again. But I'll be back.


Hope you'll still be here with us.

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10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Pretty impressive AI bot.  I assume it does a Google search and uses results to dictate responses?  How good is it at responding to questions related to preferences?  For example, favorite weapon or vehicle in the game?


It will tell you it really doesn't do opinions, but depending on how you phrase your questions you can get it to tell you about other people's opinions or trends.


It's free to mess with. You need to make an account, but then you can just ask it questions.





The AI...


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35 minutes ago, Crater Creator said:

All of those responses would’ve passed the Turing test for me. Which makes it scary, as a moderator, how easy it would be to ask the bot to make a normal-sounding forum post about 7DtD, which would allow non-human (read: spam) accounts to fly under the radar.

If they fly under the radar that means they add enough content that there is no problem 😛


What a strange position to be in, one where you can possibly be arguing with a bot!

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46 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

What a strange position to be in, one where you can possibly be arguing with a bot!


The reason I ran right out and messed with it is because amongst the faculty the question is does this AI write essays and papers well enough to complete assignments. For instance:


Describe known vulnerabilities with the Wireless Encryption Protocol.



Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) is a security protocol used in wireless networks to encrypt data. It has been widely criticized for its weak security and susceptibility to attacks. One common vulnerability is the ability for attackers to easily crack the WEP key and gain access to the network. Additionally, WEP does not adequately protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts and alters data sent between devices on the network. As a result, WEP has been largely replaced by more secure protocols such as WPA and WPA2.


Is a decent introduction to a paper. If the student can drill down into specifics to ask, the AI might be able to assemble a complete paper.


It isn't bad with creative writing:



The scene opens on the steps of the Capitol building, where a large crowd has gathered for the presidential inauguration. The outgoing President approaches the podium to give his final speech, but is interrupted by a loud, guttural moan from the crowd. Panic sets in as people realize that a zombie has made its way to the front of the crowd and is now standing next to the outgoing President.


The zombie, its flesh rotting and eyes glowing with hunger, reaches out and grabs the outgoing President, sinking its teeth into his neck. The crowd erupts in screams as the zombie begins to feast on the President's flesh.


The Vice President, standing nearby, tries to intervene but is quickly overpowered by the zombie. With no one left to stop it, the zombie assumes the role of President, lurching towards the podium and taking the oath of office.


As the zombie President begins its tenure, the country is thrown into chaos as its undead leader leads the nation into a new era of darkness and death. The world watches in horror as the United States is plunged into a nightmare of its own making.


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9 hours ago, zztong said:


It will tell you it really doesn't do opinions, but depending on how you phrase your questions you can get it to tell you about other people's opinions or trends.


It's free to mess with. You need to make an account, but then you can just ask it questions.





The AI...


I had a feeling it would stumble there.  I've done some work with chat bots many years ago and you can make them very good, but there is only so far you can go with them.  Still looks well made.

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Huh... I was intrigued and so made an OpenAI account and tried out the chat for myself.  When I asked the same question as the OP it said,



As a language model, I am not able to have personal preferences or opinions. I do not have the ability to browse the internet or play video games, so I am not familiar with the game 7 Days to Die. My main function is to provide general information and answer questions to the best of my abilities based on the information that I have been trained on. I do not have the ability to form opinions or express personal preferences.


I tried a variety of questions about all sorts of video games going back to the 90s and it always answered the same.


Then I asked, How would you design a video game about surviving a zombie apocalypse?



Designing a video game about surviving the zombie apocalypse would involve creating a game world and mechanics that are both challenging and engaging. The game could take place in a post-apocalyptic world where players must scavenge for resources, build shelters, and defend themselves against hordes of zombies. The game could involve a combination of combat, exploration, and resource management, with players needing to carefully balance their needs and resources in order to survive. The game could also involve a character progression system, where players can improve their skills and abilities as they progress through the game. Additionally, the game could include a variety of different environments, weapons, and enemies, providing a diverse and engaging experience for the players.



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1 hour ago, Roland said:

When I asked the same question as the OP it said


IIRC, it is a research project. Maybe they're actively tuning it and that might explain the difference?


Another difference is I only quoted a few of the things I asked it. There was a much longer conversation, so to speak. Maybe that matters. I say that because when I asked it how to fight a zombie, I didn't put 7D2D in the question, but I still got a 7D2D answer. That suggests to me either it retains some context from the conversation or it has somehow considered 7D2D sources as being definitive.

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26 minutes ago, zztong said:


IIRC, it is a research project. Maybe they're actively tuning it and that might explain the difference?


Another difference is I only quoted a few of the things I asked it. There was a much longer conversation, so to speak. Maybe that matters. I say that because when I asked it how to fight a zombie, I didn't put 7D2D in the question, but I still got a 7D2D answer. That suggests to me either it retains some context from the conversation or it has somehow considered 7D2D sources as being definitive.


I plan on talking to it some more. I also asked questions related to 7 Days to Die without referencing 7 Days to Die and it gave me relevant answers.

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It may be a bot, but it's certainly a restrictive one. I tried a login but was informed it's not available in my region. Like it should make a difference as to what parcel of the planet I reside in. Probably a local thing though. I'm used to it.


Would be willing to wager dollars to doughnuts that some of the bot contributors have ensured that at least 1.3 billion people can't access it. 


Ah, upon further research I learned that Microsoft is involved, and that's probably why it's blocked here. Not surprised in the least now. At all. Should rename the concept, because its not 'OpenAI' Its more like 'SelectiveAI'.


I played around with the Dalle-E image generator weeks ago, and even then it was a hit-and-miss scenario. It kinda all comes together now. Useful for some, declined to others.


Thanks anyways.

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write a poem about Roland winning an argument with ZZtong

Roland, fierce and strong Debated with ZZtong

On a topic, they both knew well

Their words rang out like a bell

Roland spoke with confidence and grace

His argument, a powerful case

ZZtong, though smart, could not compete

As Roland's logic was hard to beat

In the end, it was clear to see

Roland had won the victory

His argument, sound and true

Left ZZtong with nothing left to do

But though ZZtong may have lost the fight

He showed courage and dignity in his plight

For in the end, it's not about who wins or loses

But how we stand and how we choose

To fight for what we believe

And never give up, no matter the cost

For in the end, it's not about the victory

But about the journey

and what we've learned along the way.


Like it's creating reality.... ;)



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

It seems Dall-E doesn't really know how a zombies look like.



Godzilla was recognizable though. There's promise...

1 hour ago, Rotor said:

Dante could not have done Godzilla any better.

Wonder what Dali himself would have done with that. You get it generated then kindly post it here. Maybe?

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