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Original Promises and Plans and the Current State of the Game


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This ancient relic from 7 BC (Before Covid) was dredged up by community member in an attempt to show how far behind TFP is in delivering the game they first envisioned. However, upon watching the video I was struck by how much the current game matches their original vision and how the systems we currently have so exactly fulfill their plans. The visual aspect of things may be different than they thought they were going to do and in some cases the procedure or exact gameplay of a feature may have evolved or changed but, still, the overall plan remains and most promises are already 100% fulfilled with just a few needing to come together. Below I listed the claims the video makes and my assessment of fulfillment. Someone asked me to pin this so I will at least for a time. (some people hate pinned threads...)



Claim #1: 7DTD is an open world voxel sandbox based game


This claim is 100% fulfilled. It is true that for a pure sandbox experience the player should enable the creative menu and liberally use Godmode but even without that there are many ways to play and have fun in the world.


Claim #2: 7DTD is a unique mix of 1st person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role playing games


This claim is 100% fulfilled. There is no other game on the market that fuses these genres in the way our game does which is why after 9 years in development it continues to grow in popularity. There are elements of all of these genres very much apparent in the game and they work well together to make something greater than the sum of its parts.


Claim #3: The game has multiple biomes and hundreds of POIs that are fully explorable including cities and skyscrapers


This is claim is 95% fulfilled. The number and method of spawning biomes has changed over development but there are still desert, snow, wasteland/burnt, forest/plains/mountains, and water with radiation zones still planned to come. For example there used to be a dedicated plains biome whereas now within the overall forest biome there are areas of flat plains and areas of mountainous terrain but these variations of landscape are still present and can be explored.


Claim #4: A story


This claim is 10% fulfilled. There are notes and decorations and POIs that tell stories and give clues about what happened but they are all separate and a complete story is not yet implemented. The beginnings of two factions that will help drive the story are currently in development and are the foundation for the story that will be a part of the game. The main focus points of the story have been revealed: Noah of the Whiteriver Clan and The Duke and his henchmen. I will note that in the original video the story of the game was simply going to be a sequence of linking notes that could be found and I believe the story structure we will end up getting will be more dynamic and robust than the simple one promised in the video.


Claim #5: You will need to survive by finding food and water and managing health, stamina, hunger, and hydration. You will be able to boost your stats through character development.


This claim is 100% fulfilled. Even the new dew collector and water survival rules show they are still committed to making the survival aspect of the game interesting and fun and not just a tedious job.


Claim #6: You can farm crops and hunt wild animals


This claim is 100% fulfilled. These activities also have supporting perks to go with them.


Claim #7: Day and night cycles that dramatically affect the strength and speed of the zombies


This claim is 100% fulfilled. Stronger feral zombies spawn at night and the zombies move faster at night than they do during the game. The bloodmoon has the biggest effect of all every 7 days.


Claim #8: You can build traps and defenses for your base


This claim is 100% fulfilled. Not much else to say about it.


Claim #9: You can loot, mine, and craft


This claim is 100% fulfilled. All three elements are part of the game. Granted the spatial crafting was replaced by list crafting but the essence of the promise is fully fulfilled. In A21 crafting is going to get a huge boost thanks to the new magazine system that separates it from the perk trees. The loot rebalance also means you will be crafting weapons and tools at least as often as finding them in loot.


Claim #10:  You'll be able to craft generators, machines, and vehicles


This claim is 100% fulfilled. With five craftable vehicles including one that grants flight, robotic drones and turrets, and electrical devices connected to generators the game delivered on this promise big time.


Claim #11: Enemies can sense you and are relentless in their pursuit of you


This claim is 100% fulfilled. I admit that some specific senses have been abstracted together into a general sense of the player rather than specific smelling of meat which is unfortunate in my opinion but the idea of having enemies that sense you and hear you and come to investigate noises they hear and once they see you they pursue you to kill you is all there. There is also a feral sense mode you can select to make them even more sensitive to your presence. 


Claim #12: There will be special enemies


This claim is 100% fulfilled. There are several special enemy types with specialized attacks beyond the basic zombie abilities.


Claim #13: Bandits and Boss Characters


This claim is 20% fulfilled. Bandits are being worked on presently and the Duke boss character as well as the Noah boss character have been discussed and elements of their presence in the game are already implemented. They plan to add both melee and ranged combat bandits and that there will be two factions for the player to manage as they strive to survive.


Claim #14: Structural integrity, gravity physics, and destructible structures will be part of the game


This claim is 100% fulfilled and has been for a long time...


Claim #15: As the player progresses they will be able to craft items with a higher quality level


This claim is 100% fulfilled.

Claim #16: Different food types will have different purity levels granting more or less health and other abilities to the player


This claim is 100% fulfilled


Claim #17: You can stealth past enemies and throw distractors to draw their attention elsewhere


This claim is 100% fulfilled. There is no claim that you will be 100% successful at it but there is a stealth component to the game and I believe that if you enjoy playing stealth then it is very much worth spending points to enhance your stealth skills. If you just care about the most efficient way to clear a building then stealth may not be for you. But that does not invalidate the fact that stealth is a part of the game.


Claim #18: You can craft various distractors and attractors to mess with the zombies


This claim is 0% fulfilled. Not certain if this has been abandoned or just an oversight.


Claim #19: You can gain XP and use it to purchase skills and perk upgrades in various ability trees


This claim is 100% fulfilled and closer to the original claim with the current system than it was with the LBD system in earlier versions.


Claim #20: You can even learn a special finishing move


This claim is probably 70% fulfilled as it morphed into power attacks for each of the weapons. Not everything always stays exactly the same as the original concept once development gets underway but there are power attacks for each weapon that often are finishing moves in melee combat. Depending on your expectations of this you will feel angry, ambivalent, or relieved.... <shrug>


Claim #21: Play solo, co-op, or MP in a special Nomad mode with leaderboards and where you can play as a zombie.


This claim is 66% fulfilled. Solo and co-op are in and many do play PVP MP using the base game but the dedicated MP PVP mode in which you can play as a zombie and where there will be leaderboards is not implemented yet. It is planned but may not make it in before full release.


Claim #22: Use creative tools for POI and world building


This claim is 100% fulfilled and the tools the devs are making available to players to create POI's in the editor and craft their own custom world maps is improving and gaining more functions all the time.


Claim #23: Domesticate animals


This claim is 0% fulfilled and likely won't happen. Taming a wolf to be a companion was planned at one point but they went with the drone instead. There are no plans as of now to tame boars or have chicken coops or rabbit cages.



What do you think?

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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  • Roland pinned this topic



And thanks for pulling all of this together into a single post. 


We must not lose sight of the fact that we as 'early' adopters/adapters of the game entered with risk, as there was no court-of-law ruling that said development had to happen in a prescribed way.


No argument from me on this one 🙂




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Claim #6: You can farm crops and hunt wild animals


This claim is 100% fulfilled. These activities also have supporting perks to go with them.



@1:32 they also include the domestication of animals. I am guessing that part it out

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I definitely would have loved to see bandits in the game and more random encounter boss fights (not just spongy zombie bears) as having bandits would allow less need for excessive zombie encounters which are all predictable and easy to deal with during the day. Not just bandits though, would love to see neutral and possibly friendly NPCs that might be willing to help you or join you, as this would further increase single player enjoyability.  I've already played with a bandit mod, and even though it was very basic AI and way too easy to deal with, I definitely feel like it added a lot to the game.


PvP is and likely always will be a bit of a laugh as it will always be way too easy to find and kill players since there's no way to detect incoming players (it's even sometimes difficult to see them when they're right there in front of you) and it's also easy to troll them with your bloodmoon raids, etc. They would need to bring back special game modes again and make specific small PvP arena like maps or something for this to work better. And yes, zombie players would be a lot of fun. By having small maps and reduced entities to reduce CPU load, it would allow for more players in the arena to make it more chaotic and fun. But I doubt anything like this will ever happen.


As for story... never going to happen. Lore? Sure, there's already some in the game and is really easy to add more any time they feel like it. Story? No. I would like to see more lore and some newspaper articles explaining what happened and all that... something to explain why the world is what it is. But in terms of an actual story or even a campaign, ya right. It would take these devs several years to implement something like that (that is actually worth playing and not just some half baked nonsense).


Distractors / attractors seem like an easy enough thing to implement, I don't know why the devs forgot or abandoned it. Would have been nice to have, especially during blood moons.


I like the current power attack / finishing move and I hope they don't ever change it too much as it just works well IMO.


Off topic: I'd also like to see A LOT MORE weapon variety as what we have now is kind of sad. I don't even care if they cannot be customized or are just starter weapons you find on day 1... just make the weapon choice interesting rather than predictable and boring (skill points limit the player's options too much too IMO).


I also miss playing the different game modes the game used to have. It'd be nice to see those again and maybe even add a few more just to keep things interesting / challenging.

Edited by Fox (see edit history)
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7 minutes ago, Gamida said:

Claim #6: You can farm crops and hunt wild animals


This claim is 100% fulfilled. These activities also have supporting perks to go with them.



@1:32 they also include the domestication of animals. I am guessing that part it out

Thanks! I’ll put a 0% on animal domestication. 

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45 minutes ago, Fox said:

I definitely would have loved to see bandits in the game and more random encounter boss fights (not just spongy zombie bears) as having bandits would allow less need for excessive zombie encounters which are all predictable and easy to deal with during the day. Not just bandits though, would love to see neutral and possibly friendly NPCs that might be willing to help you or join you, as this would further increase single player enjoyability.  I've already played with a bandit mod, and even though it was very basic AI and way too easy to deal with, I definitely feel like it added a lot to the game.



Bandits are always the mirage in the distance, eh? Hopefully they will have time to put in some of the initial stuff they've been working on in A21 but I agree that nobody who has followed this game as long as we have would be surprised at all to read once again that bandits have been punted to the "next alpha"....lol


47 minutes ago, Fox said:

PvP is and likely always will be a bit of a laugh as it will always be way too easy to find and kill players since there's no way to detect incoming players (it's even sometimes difficult to see them when they're right there in front of you) and it's also easy to troll them with your bloodmoon raids, etc. They would need to bring back special game modes again and make specific small PvP arena like maps or something for this to work better. And yes, zombie players would be a lot of fun. By having small maps and reduced entities to reduce CPU load, it would allow for more players in the arena to make it more chaotic and fun. But I doubt anything like this will ever happen.


The PvP that happens now using the main game with it's RPG framework and co-op focus will always be laughable. They will never balance their main game to work for PvP at the expense of single player and small group co-op. However, they do want to create a mode involving something like they used to have for PvP that will solve the longstanding issues and also involve players being able to play on as zombies when they are initially killed as mentioned in the video and reaffirmed from time to time over the years. Rick, himself, mentioned in one of the streams that he definitely wants the return of Horde Mode as well.


53 minutes ago, Fox said:

As for story... never going to happen. Lore? Sure, there's already some in the game and is really easy to add more any time they feel like it. Story? No. I would like to see more lore and some newspaper articles explaining what happened and all that... something to explain why the world is what it is. But in terms of an actual story or even a campaign, ya right. It would take these devs several years to implement something like that (that is actually worth playing and not just some half baked nonsense).


The story was always going to be more like learning the mystery of how it all happened rather than playing a story out in the game. The game is really about the emergent stories that happen as people play together and the devs are very much interested in a game that is infinitely replayable and often making the gameplay into a storyline reduces the playthroughs that people want to do to one. So I think that the game is still going to be open world with the opportunity to gain reputation in a faction and go against the leader of the other faction but not involve a linear storyline. So I think you're right that there isn't going to be a dedicated campaign but there will be ways to learn about the lore and there will be an overarching goal to topple one of the leaders as an Ender Dragon type thing.


58 minutes ago, Fox said:

I like the current power attack / finishing move and I hope they don't ever change it too much as it just works well IMO.


They are adding more critical death animations to go with them that are pretty satisfying.

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9 hours ago, Roland said:



Claim #2: 7DTD is a unique mix of 1st person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role playing games


This claim is 100% fulfilled. There is no other game on the market that fuses these genres in the way our game does which is why after 9 years in development it continues to grow in popularity. There are elements of all of these genres very much apparent in the game and they work well together to make something greater than the sum of its parts.


Claim #3: The game has multiple biomes and hundreds of POIs that are fully explorable including cities and skyscrapers


This is claim is 95% fulfilled. The number and method of spawning biomes has changed over development but there are still desert, snow, wasteland/burnt, forest/plains/mountains, and water with radiation zones still planned to come. For example there used to be a dedicated plains biome whereas now within the overall forest biome there are areas of flat plains and areas of mountainous terrain but these variations of landscape are still present and can be explored.


Claim #4: A story


This claim is 10% fulfilled. There are notes and decorations and POIs that tell stories and give clues about what happened but they are all separate and a complete story is not yet implemented. The beginnings of two factions that will help drive the story are currently in development and are the foundation for the story that will be a part of the game. The main focus points of the story have been revealed: Noah of the Whiteriver Clan and The Duke and his henchmen. I will note that in the original video the story of the game was simply going to be a sequence of linking notes that could be found and I believe the story structure we will end up getting will be more dynamic and robust than the simple one promised in the video.


Claim #13: Bandits and Boss Characters


This claim is 20% fulfilled. Bandits are being worked on presently and the Duke boss character as well as the Noah boss character have been discussed and elements of their presence in the game are already implemented. They plan to add both melee and ranged combat bandits and that there will be two factions for the player to manage as they strive to survive.


Claim #18: You can craft various distractors and attractors to mess with the zombies


This claim is 0% fulfilled. Not certain if this has been abandoned or just an oversight.


Claim #20: You can even learn a special finishing move


This claim is probably 70% fulfilled as it morphed into power attacks for each of the weapons. Not everything always stays exactly the same as the original concept once development gets underway but there are power attacks for each weapon that often are finishing moves in melee combat. Depending on your expectations of this you will feel angry, ambivalent, or relieved.... <shrug>


Claim #21: Play solo, co-op, or MP in a special Nomad mode with leaderboards and where you can play as a zombie.


This claim is 66% fulfilled. Solo and co-op are in and many do play PVP MP using the base game but the dedicated MP PVP mode in which you can play as a zombie and where there will be leaderboards is not implemented yet. It is planned but may not make it in before full release.



Claim #23: Domesticate animals


This claim is 0% fulfilled and likely won't happen. Taming a wolf to be a companion was planned at one point but they went with the drone instead. There are no plans as of now to tame boars or have chicken coops or rabbit cages.



What do you think?


 Claim 2 -  7dtd is not horror game. Shooter? yes tower defence? yes RP? Kinda? Survival? yes. horror not.  it's not a horror game because add zombie into game don't change game into horror game - plants versus zombie is not horror too.

Claim 3 - well number of bioms is rly small. Lack of caves still hurts.

Claim 4 - Not even 10% for now. But i hope for a lot of lore stuff in future

Claim 13 - well.. screamer and demolishion zombie are some type of bosses.

Claim 14 - i think it's abadonned

claim 20-... maybe it evolved into strong melee attack.

claim  21 - well i think it should be added before full released

claim #23 - and that's great :)


8 hours ago, Fox said:

I definitely would have loved to see bandits in the game and more random encounter boss fights (not just spongy zombie bears) as having bandits would allow less need for excessive zombie encounters which are all predictable and easy to deal with during the day. Not just bandits though, would love to see neutral and possibly friendly NPCs that might be willing to help you or join you, as this would further increase single player enjoyability.  I've already played with a bandit mod, and even though it was very basic AI and way too easy to deal with, I definitely feel like it added a lot to the game.


PvP is and likely always will be a bit of a laugh as it will always be way too easy to find and kill players since there's no way to detect incoming players (it's even sometimes difficult to see them when they're right there in front of you) and it's also easy to troll them with your bloodmoon raids, etc. They would need to bring back special game modes again and make specific small PvP arena like maps or something for this to work better. And yes, zombie players would be a lot of fun. By having small maps and reduced entities to reduce CPU load, it would allow for more players in the arena to make it more chaotic and fun. But I doubt anything like this will ever happen.


As for story... never going to happen. Lore? Sure, there's already some in the game and is really easy to add more any time they feel like it. Story? No. I would like to see more lore and some newspaper articles explaining what happened and all that... something to explain why the world is what it is. But in terms of an actual story or even a campaign, ya right. It would take these devs several years to implement something like that (that is actually worth playing and not just some half baked nonsense).


Distractors / attractors seem like an easy enough thing to implement, I don't know why the devs forgot or abandoned it. Would have been nice to have, especially during blood moons.


I like the current power attack / finishing move and I hope they don't ever change it too much as it just works well IMO.


Off topic: I'd also like to see A LOT MORE weapon variety as what we have now is kind of sad. I don't even care if they cannot be customized or are just starter weapons you find on day 1... just make the weapon choice interesting rather than predictable and boring (skill points limit the player's options too much too IMO).


I also miss playing the different game modes the game used to have. It'd be nice to see those again and maybe even add a few more just to keep things interesting / challenging.

Friendly NPC would be the worst thing that could happend. So i'm so glad that they don't implemented that.


Well lack of more weapons hurts a lot but  i think it's fault that they creat perk system and they want to make melee weapons as equal to range weapons

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52 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Claim 2 -  7dtd is not horror game. Shooter? yes tower defence? yes RP? Kinda? Survival? yes. horror not.  it's not a horror game because add zombie into game don't change game into horror game - plants versus zombie is not horror too.


I'm not worried. I've never met anyone else in the world who has as stringent standards as you do of what makes a game horror. Most people would see 7 Days to Die as being as much survival horror as it is any of the genres in its mix. It isn't full out 100% survival horror but neither is it full out 100% shooter, RPG, or tower defense. It is a hybrid of genres and I think most can appreciate the elements of all working together understanding that individually they are not going to be as deep as a game that is dedicated only to one.


57 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Claim 3 - well number of bioms is rly small. Lack of caves still hurts.


This is your expectation based on what you want to see but that doesn't mean the claim of having different biomes to explore as well as hundreds of POI's is not true or fulfilled. I'd love there to be more too.


59 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

claim  21 - well i think it should be added before full released


In their kickstarter they said that not all goals would likely be added before full release so they wouldn't be breaking any promises if they finished the base game first and left early access before adding in optional game modes like Horde Mode or a dedicated PvP mode. Sure it would be great if they can get it all done before release but I'd be happy not to delay the release further for secondary game modes.

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23 minutes ago, Roland said:


I'm not worried. I've never met anyone else in the world who has as stringent standards as you do of what makes a game horror. Most people would see 7 Days to Die as being as much survival horror as it is any of the genres in its mix. It isn't full out 100% survival horror but neither is it full out 100% shooter, RPG, or tower defense. It is a hybrid of genres and I think most can appreciate the elements of all working together understanding that individually they are not going to be as deep as a game that is dedicated only to one.

You can check NMRINH2 discord. I think you could be rly shocked about horror stuff.  Roland horror is  not "gameplay" style but setting - sci fi, post apo, sengoku period, horror, western etc.  ofc this can be mixed - warhammer 40k, painkiller,  bordelands.

7DTD is zombie survival as for example cod or NZA 4 (not gameplay but setting is main condition) .  Horror  zombie survival would be : dead space ( controversial? yes, a lot of gore? yes, a expensive lore? yes) , days gone ( as above), dead island etc.  but if you mean  "horror in open world" would be The forest as best example - is not zombie game but have every "horror trope".  7DTD is just post apo with zombies.


23 minutes ago, Roland said:


This is your expectation based on what you want to see but that doesn't mean the claim of having different biomes to explore as well as hundreds of POI's is not true or fulfilled. I'd love there to be more too.


No no no. There were much more biomes but were removed. So if for example - were 3 then 4 then 5 i would agree but now number of them is heavy reduced so this is like - if i would  give you 5 cookies then take 2 cookies you will be angry about me about that 3 cookies right?


24 minutes ago, Roland said:


In their kickstarter they said that not all goals would likely be added before full release so they wouldn't be breaking any promises if they finished the base game first and left early access before adding in optional game modes like Horde Mode or a dedicated PvP mode. Sure it would be great if they can get it all done before release but I'd be happy not to delay the release further for secondary game modes.

from kickstartet


Solo, Cooperative and Multiplayer - Play solo, coop or multiplayer in our unique Zombie Nomad Mode be a human, a bandit or a zombie for a no rules experience. Watch the leader boards and fight to be the Big Clan of the Wasteland or the Duke of Navezgane.



So - hasrd to say - we have Solo, Coop and MP but lack of zombie experience. So this sounds like promise about playing as zombie

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

"Animations" might be too strong of a word. There are new gory death visuals that emerge at times. I'm sure they will be shown in the dev streams when they happen.


Think of how zombie Steve has interesting death moments.

27 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

No no no. There were much more biomes but were removed. So if for example - were 3 then 4 then 5 i would agree but now number of them is heavy reduced so this is like - if i would  give you 5 cookies then take 2 cookies you will be angry about me about that 3 cookies right?


If Nabisco gave you 5 cookies to taste test but only ended up selling 3 of them to the public would you also be angry?  Disappointed maybe, but thats how the cookie crumbles in early access...😅

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15 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


If Nabisco gave you 5 cookies to taste test but only ended up selling 3 of them to the public would you also be angry?  Disappointed maybe, but thats how the cookie crumbles in early access...😅

Yes? because usually you would get more that less -  terraria get more, MC get more etc. usually just few things - too overpowered/underpowered ,  not working properly or not  suitable is removed. But for example - if this is FPS and one map is cutted then 3 more is added, in Sandbox if one sword is cutted 5 more is added etc.

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18 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Yes? because usually you would get more that less -  terraria get more, MC get more etc. usually just few things - too overpowered/underpowered ,  not working properly or not  suitable is removed. But for example - if this is FPS and one map is cutted then 3 more is added, in Sandbox if one sword is cutted 5 more is added etc.


Perhaps Terraria had 10 biomes in their pre-Alpha but they cut a few before going public.  Point being, it's all a matter of perspective.  

Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

You can check NMRINH2 discord. I think you could be rly shocked about horror stuff.  Roland horror is  not "gameplay" style but setting - sci fi, post apo, sengoku period, horror, western etc.  ofc this can be mixed - warhammer 40k, painkiller,  bordelands.


Wikipedia defines it as a genre. And a lot of people still feel horror when their own body is eaten by the zombies when they get killed. Or when it is night and suddenly a zombie runs at them. Call it setting or genre, it still is there. It just doesn't fill out the game. They same can be said about survival or RPG (as you said yourself somewhere above).


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2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

You can check NMRINH2 discord. I think you could be rly shocked about horror stuff.  Roland horror is  not "gameplay" style but setting - sci fi, post apo, sengoku period, horror, western etc.  ofc this can be mixed - warhammer 40k, painkiller,  bordelands.

7DTD is zombie survival as for example cod or NZA 4 (not gameplay but setting is main condition) .  Horror  zombie survival would be : dead space ( controversial? yes, a lot of gore? yes, a expensive lore? yes) , days gone ( as above), dead island etc.  but if you mean  "horror in open world" would be The forest as best example - is not zombie game but have every "horror trope".  7DTD is just post apo with zombies.


I don't need to check anything. The game has elements of survival horror. That is just a fact. Try doing a quest without firing a shot or attacking zombies...just avoiding zombies once they've woken and it feels almost exactly like Resident Evil. Is it a full on complete Survival Horror game exactly like other dedicated Survival Horror games? No, of course not. But it does have survival horror in the mix. You are the only person on this entire forum who ever says it isn't at all horror and nobody that I can see ever likes your comments showing agreement. I think you're the one who is out of step with what qualifies a game to have survival horror aspects to it. I mean lumping this game together with Plants vs Zombies shows that your view is not the norm.


2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

No no no. There were much more biomes but were removed. So if for example - were 3 then 4 then 5 i would agree but now number of them is heavy reduced so this is like - if i would  give you 5 cookies then take 2 cookies you will be angry about me about that 3 cookies right?


No exact number of biomes was promised so it doesn't matter whether there were more or less at different stages of development. The final version is going to have forests, mountains, plains, desserts, cities, snowy plains, snowy mountains, burnt forests, destroyed urban wasteland, river, lake, island, and eventually radiated terrain. Some of these are sub-biomes within the main overall biomes but the net result is many different places to explore and great variety in the world. You can be disappointed that the old golden grasslands and caves are no longer in the game or that swamps were never developed but that doesn't change the fact that the promise of different biomes hasn't been accomplished. The video never claimed that 7 Days to Die would have the most biomes of any game or even that it would have more than Terraria or Minecraft.


2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

from kickstartet


Solo, Cooperative and Multiplayer - Play solo, coop or multiplayer in our unique Zombie Nomad Mode be a human, a bandit or a zombie for a no rules experience. Watch the leader boards and fight to be the Big Clan of the Wasteland or the Duke of Navezgane.



So - hasrd to say - we have Solo, Coop and MP but lack of zombie experience. So this sounds like promise about playing as zombie


You must have missed where I said that a MP mode in which players can play as zombies is still planned. They stated explicitly that some features might not be developed until after the game released so if this becomes one of those features they are still within the bounds of keeping their promises.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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48 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


Perhaps Terraria had 10 biomes in their pre-Alpha but they cut a few before going public.  Point being, it's all a matter of perspective.  

Terraria was released pretty early like MC or Vein.

36 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Wikipedia defines it as a genre. And a lot of people still feel horror when their own body is eaten by the zombies when they get killed. Or when it is night and suddenly a zombie runs at them. Call it setting or genre, it still is there. It just doesn't fill out the game. They same can be said about survival or RPG (as you said yourself somewhere above).


as "horror " games you have for example: Dead space, Layers of fire, little nightmares. Compare this game and 7dtd. Then compare 7dtd and fallout

36 minutes ago, Roland said:


I don't need to check anything. The game has elements of survival horror. That is just a fact. Try doing a quest without firing a shot or attacking zombies...just avoiding zombies once they've woken and it feels almost exactly like Resident Evil. Is it a full on complete Survival Horror game exactly like other dedicated Survival Horror games? No, of course not. But it does have survival horror in the mix. You are the only person on this entire forum who ever says it isn't at all horror and nobody that I can see ever likes your comments showing agreement. I think you're the one who is out of step with what qualifies a game to have survival horror aspects to it. I mean lumping this game together with Plants vs Zombies shows that your view is not the norm.


"Try doing a quest without firing a shot or attacking zombies...just avoiding zombies once they've woken and it feels almost exactly like Resident Evil." Well this is not this same thing - there is something diffrent that don't have ammo that have tons of ammo and "challenging" yourself. In Metal Gear survive you have to sneaky kiling zombie for most of game because you don't have good weapons/ammo. This is something diffrent that be forced by game and be forced by yourself. If i'm only person here? Yes.  In this same time on NMRINH2 discord people writing very let's say "edgy" or "dark" stuff as game suggestion or in general topic.  Why there is no such here? Idk- maybe reason that there is on discord. Or this community is much more "setting" that "gameplay" focused.  I think you agree that The forest is survival horror - then compare the forest and 7dtd.  Well- you can then compare the forest with f.e.a.r or any game that is considered as "horror" game. 

If you call 7dtd survival horror this is mistake. But if you called 7dtd survival with horror elements - this will be 100% because even cod , half live or even legend of zelda mayora mask can be called games with horror elements


41 minutes ago, Roland said:


No exact number of biomes was promised so it doesn't matter whether there were more or less at different stages of development. The final version is going to have forests, mountains, plains, desserts, cities, snowy plains, snowy mountains, burnt forests, destroyed urban wasteland, river, lake, island, and eventually radiated terrain. Some of these are sub-biomes within the main overall biomes but the net result is many different places to explore and great variety in the world. You can be disappointed that the old golden grasslands and caves are no longer in the game or that swamps were never developed but that doesn't change the fact that the promise of different biomes hasn't been accomplished.


But now  time you have 60-70% completed in my opinion. Water overhaul is in my opinion at least 10% - why? you can find water everywhere so - after A21 i wll say that point is finished in 70%-80%. 


49 minutes ago, Roland said:


You must have missed where I said that a MP mode in which players can play as zombies is still planned. They stated explicitly that some features might not be developed until after the game released so if this becomes one of those features they are still within the bounds of keeping their promises.

okay so i can agree with you about that

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38 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

If you call 7dtd survival horror this is mistake. But if you called 7dtd survival with horror elements - this will be 100%

I call it "elements of survival horror". If you would feel better if I would say "survival with elements of horror" that's fine by me. I really don't seem much of a difference myself so no problem. The devs claim that survival horror is one of the genres they borrow from to make their hybrid game. I don't think there is anything wrong with that nor does it appear anyone else has a problem with that. Since it also has elements of a Sandbox Game it is perfectly reasonable for me to challenge myself and go through a quest using no ammo and simply running and juking and using doors and barricades to avoid zombies if I wish. The game allows it and if that brings an even greater feeling of survival horror then the game can claim that it contains those elements.


54 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

But now  time you have 60-70% completed in my opinion. Water overhaul is in my opinion at least 10% - why? you can find water everywhere so - after A21 i wll say that point is finished in 70%-80%. 


 I won't quibble percentages. If that is your opinion that's your opinion. The water overhaul is going to make it possible to have decorations and structures under water and improve player swimming so while the biome already exists there are still improvements coming. The only missing biome as of now are the radiation zones. My 95% simply meant there was just one last biome to add. If you see it as more like 80% I have no argument with you about that.

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4 hours ago, Roland said:

"Animations" might be too strong of a word. There are new gory death visuals that emerge at times. I'm sure they will be shown in the dev streams when they happen.




Also they need to add the wilhelm scream. C'mon, ya know it needs to be in there.

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2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

as "horror " games you have for example: Dead space, Layers of fire, little nightmares. Compare this game and 7dtd. Then compare 7dtd and fallout


as "Superheroes" you have for example: Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Batman. Compare these heroes with Wonder Woman. Then compare Wonder Woman and Emma Woodhouse.


as "Mammal" you have for example: dog, cow, horse. Compare those mammals with a whale. Then compare the whale with a shark.




So what?




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10 minutes ago, meganoth said:


as "Superheroes" you have for example: Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Batman. Compare these heroes with Wonder Woman. Then compare Wonder Woman and Emma Woodhouse.


as "Mammal" you have for example: dog, cow, horse. Compare those mammals with a whale. Then compare the whale with a shark.




So what?




I get it. Can't compare a shark to a woodlouse. It wastes your time and annoys the shark.

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