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20.4 new mod folder location


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I noticed this in the 20.4 notes.


  • Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time. 


Before I begin, I want to state I do understand the reason for this change, but I disagree with it for several reasons. I'll do my best to try and explain myself without sounding irritated or annoyed, because I'm not. I just have some concerns. ;)

1) The reason provided by TFP, while I understand it, seems unreasonable when Rimworld loads from the Mods folder even to this day. It works fine. So why change it?
2) For those of us who recommend the use of Manual Install rather than automated applications (Sorry Sphereii!), this is going to make it a lot more difficult for... less technically inclined users to actually install mods, which could be bad for the health of the game, the health of mods and may discourage people from modding in the future.

I do have a suggestion.

In the past... I think it was around A12? The game used to put it's saves in the users DOCUMENTS folder (7 Days to Die/Saves, as apparently I have a save in there from when I was checking something in A12). If you want to change the location, then I would strongly recommend this location as it's available on all platforms and would make it a lot easier for the end user to install and use mods.

And a counterpoint to my suggestion for NOT changing it...

Right now, people like to have several copies of 7DTD on their computers so they can use multiple mods, modlets and even just basic vanilla. Unless there is a plan to support this, which has not been shared (and if there is a plan, PLEASE share it!!!), players would no longer be able to do this... which then discourages installing mods or modlets, and again could be bad for game health.

Hopefully I explained myself well. :)

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I might be based but I don't like games forcing large files in %appdata% (even though modding is optional it's still a "feature" of the game). That's a questionable design choice.


I 100% agree with Khaine. I'd rather not have mod files on my system drive at all but in documents is acceptable.

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When I read this change, I was kinda concerned as well, as I have multiple copies of 7dtd, One Vanilla, then a few others for their respective mods. All I can say is I really hope they have some sort of loader so you can select which mod to use going forward or as Khaine mentioned, its going to cause issues later. Right now installing mods is pretty simple, but this seems like its going to cause issue especially for people that like multiple mods (If it lacks a loader to let you choose which to use), as having to constantly swap folders and such will get very annoying very fast for many people.


I wonder why the change, it loads stuff from the mods folder in the game folder just fine as it is, so why really change what already works well?

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PLEASE PLEASE do not put these files in %appdata% for a simple reason. Many of us have our C drive as a SSD and for many we have limited space and install our games and as many programs as we can on another drive. Already I have to mod my serverconfig file so that saves and user data goes into a folder I set up on my D drive. IF funpimps does this the game will become unplayable for me and I assume many others especially when you facter in overhaul mods.



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1 minute ago, Momo Amaicha said:

PLEASE PLEASE do not put these files in %appdata% for a simple reason. Many of us have our C drive as a SSD and for many we have limited space and install our games and as many programs as we can on another drive. Already I have to mod my serverconfig file so that saves and user data goes into a folder I set up on my D drive. IF funpimps does this the game will become unplayable for me and I assume many others especially when you facter in overhaul mods.



For the record, this is why I recommended the DOCUMENTS folder, because the user can change where that is.



I did. :)

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

I noticed this in the 20.4 notes.



Before I begin, I want to state I do understand the reason for this change, but I disagree with it for several reasons. I'll do my best to try and explain myself without sounding irritated or annoyed, because I'm not. I just have some concerns. ;)

1) The reason provided by TFP, while I understand it, seems unreasonable when Rimworld loads from the Mods folder even to this day. It works fine. So why change it?
2) For those of us who recommend the use of Manual Install rather than automated applications (Sorry Sphereii!), this is going to make it a lot more difficult for... less technically inclined users to actually install mods, which could be bad for the health of the game, the health of mods and may discourage people from modding in the future.

I do have a suggestion.

In the past... I think it was around A12? The game used to put it's saves in the users DOCUMENTS folder (7 Days to Die/Saves, as apparently I have a save in there from when I was checking something in A12). If you want to change the location, then I would strongly recommend this location as it's available on all platforms and would make it a lot easier for the end user to install and use mods.

And a counterpoint to my suggestion for NOT changing it...

Right now, people like to have several copies of 7DTD on their computers so they can use multiple mods, modlets and even just basic vanilla. Unless there is a plan to support this, which has not been shared (and if there is a plan, PLEASE share it!!!), players would no longer be able to do this... which then discourages installing mods or modlets, and again could be bad for game health.

Hopefully I explained myself well. :)

Maybe this is somehow connected with adding workshop in future

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1 minute ago, KhaineGB said:

I think it's for XBox Store compatibility.

Rimworld uses the /Mods folder in the game folder and has workshop. It works fine.

this would have sense too.  Because i don't see any logical another reason that "they are forced " to do this by some rules 

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Many computer users have their appdata folder on a smaller SSD disk which would stop most users from using mods. The fact you will need multiple mods folder to use multiple incompatible mods will also be a problem since the main drives might be very limited in term of storage space. Modding the game rarely cause problem since you install the mods inside their own folder in the game directory, not like other games where the mod files go around loosely in all the game folder directory.


Please TFP don't do this 

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27 minutes ago, redneckraccoon said:

If I'm remembering correctly, %appdata% and all its contents are also hidden. the average user/player is gonna have twice the trouble of locating, much less adding files, if they aren't admin user on their pc as well. 


I still don´t see why MS made that folder invisible. Is there any good reason for this?

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1 minute ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


I still don´t see why MS made that folder invisible. Is there any good reason for this?

Well this sounds stupid but... because it's not neccesary to use for most users so it's better to keep it invisible

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What? A lot of games do have the save folder there. Every gamer needs this folder. Also still not a reason, there are system folders that even more people will never touch that aren´t invisible. MS is weird. We need a linux that is easily accessible and runs all games. MS is getting more and more annoying every new version of windows...

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I do not often come by here to engage in discussion much anymore but this has brought me out of hiding. I am not 100 percent sure WHY we need this change other than maybe console compatibility but after years of being in the community and explaining over and over to players where things go I feel like this change may actually drive people AWAY from supporting and modding this game.


Bethesda tried its best to make changes to the modding community and both modders and players spoke out en masse, I would hate to see this result in the same for TFP.


My question is WHY. What does this accomplish. After adding modlet support more people than ever began creating amazing mods. The community grew from a handful of us to many. And now this seems to undo all of that. How will we support multiple mods? Multiple overhauls? How can we tell people they CAN play both Darkness Falls and Ravenhearst with a change like this without confusing everyone. What of modders? We run multiple folders of 7 days, vanilla, test copy, public copy. This just makes our passions increasingly more frustrating and difficult.


Say what you will about us beating drums over changes we didn't like in the past (action skills, gun parts etc) THIS change is actually poised to drive people away both new and old. Hopefully this entire plan be rethought because I have yet to see anyone on Discord, Twitter, here actually embrace this as a good idea.

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29 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

What? A lot of games do have the save folder there. Every gamer needs this folder. Also still not a reason, there are system folders that even more people will never touch that aren´t invisible. MS is weird. We need a linux that is easily accessible and runs all games. MS is getting more and more annoying every new version of windows...

need i mean by this " check and change something there" - most people even don't know about this folder because they don't need to do anything in this folder. You know - if use pipes in your toilet but you will never change them because this will be doing only workers. Well Just Cause 2 wasn't working on LInux for some time. Well just use to it.  A lot of thing change on worst like YT.  Nothing can be done so the best thing what can be done it's just don't expect anything good

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I too would rather it stays as it is, I have like 5 or 6 different 7D2D copies each with it's own different mod setup for various testing purposes, so much cleaner and easier to keep track of as it is now.

I despise games keeping files in %appdata%, then you have to look whether its local, locallow, roaming, then you have to see if it's under the game name or the company name.

Would like to know the actual reason for this change, or, at least keep the option to load from the /mods folder as it is now a permanent one, sure can't hurt anything.

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22 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

I do not often come by here to engage in discussion much anymore but this has brought me out of hiding. I am not 100 percent sure WHY we need this change other than maybe console compatibility but after years of being in the community and explaining over and over to players where things go I feel like this change may actually drive people AWAY from supporting and modding this game.


Bethesda tried its best to make changes to the modding community and both modders and players spoke out en masse, I would hate to see this result in the same for TFP.


My question is WHY. What does this accomplish. After adding modlet support more people than ever began creating amazing mods. The community grew from a handful of us to many. And now this seems to undo all of that. How will we support multiple mods? Multiple overhauls? How can we tell people they CAN play both Darkness Falls and Ravenhearst with a change like this without confusing everyone. What of modders? We run multiple folders of 7 days, vanilla, test copy, public copy. This just makes our passions increasingly more frustrating and difficult.


Say what you will about us beating drums over changes we didn't like in the past (action skills, gun parts etc) THIS change is actually poised to drive people away both new and old. Hopefully this entire plan be rethought because I have yet to see anyone on Discord, Twitter, here actually embrace this as a good idea.

Wut? By bethesda job you  mean paid mod idea? yeah it was a way to earn more as always xd well at least people were annoied enough about that... but now  companies want to use NFT. another year another cancer.


Well i think now people we be focused on using one big mod only like shogun 2 with darthmod

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6 minutes ago, schwanz9000 said:

Everything is now saved in appdata. Logs, generated worlds, saves. If anything, these changes make it WAY easier to find stuff.

Easier to find, not easier to use. Your under the impassion that people may use one type of mod and do not switch out or go to MULTIPLE servers with different mods installed. For those cases we could make a copy of our Vanilla game somewhere and have its own named instance with Mods folder in each. 


With what is being done now there is ONE Mods folder to rule them all and people will have to clean them out every single time they wish to switch to different mods. BIG difference.

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I can see the argument for having a Mods folder within each world folder instead of a global one.  If for no other reason it would help the mod builders during testing.


It could be handled simply... if there are mods in the World/Mod folder then load only them, otherwise load only the global ones.  Of course, that requires that mods not be preloaded before a save is selected and loaded.

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4 minutes ago, Maharin said:

I can see the argument for having a Mods folder within each world folder instead of a global one.  If for no other reason it would help the mod builders during testing.


It could be handled simply... if there are mods in the World/Mod folder then load only them, otherwise load only the global ones.  Of course, that requires that mods not be preloaded before a save is selected and loaded.

Well first you have to create save. So if i understand good- first you have map loot etc so this would be too late ;/

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