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16 hours ago, Khalagar said:


A couple of things actually


  1. It feels better when your perk points are actually affecting your gameplay. Currently if you walk into 7 days all bright eyed and busy tailed and spend your first 5 points in the intellect attribute, that gets you a whopping . . . nothing the first week besides some pipe baton damage, with the pipe baton still being one of the weakest melee weapons. The other attributes will all increase the damage of your primary weapons and  give you some gain for your investment. Int doesn't do that, it is a weird delayed pay off where you get basically nothing early game and not a ton for late game when it gets out shined by other options


Since INT (AFAIK) was designed to be not a combat centric atttribute it rewards players by investing in utility or money-centric perks first. I am not surprised.


You think players will feel their perk points affecting their game play when they can buy the water filter earlier than other players because they simply get more money out of the quests? 🤔 😉


16 hours ago, Khalagar said:
  1. It would give you something that actually increases your loot draw chances. The robotics line doesn't say anything about making it more likely to find robotics parts and magazines in loot, and in my current A21 I can't tell that I'm finding anything int related in loot more often at all besides pipe batons. The other ranged weapons don't mention it either, so it could just be a text saving thing, but the issue is still that because there's no T0 robotics stuff it means you just outright *can't* find stuff relating to it until your game stage is high enough to start dropping t1 items
  2. It wouldn't have to be as subpar as a completely unperked weapon, it just wouldn't have to be as strong as a fully perked T3 weapon on it's own.


It doesn't need to be as subpar, but what is the reason for it to be stronger?

I mean, TFP would need to design a complete new weapon line for a weapon whose damage or effectivity at killing zombies has to be less than (effectivity T3 weapon - effectivity 1 turret). I don't think that can be very far from an unperked weapon, if it is stronger at all.


16 hours ago, Khalagar said:
  1. The suggested Pipe Baton change is so that the steel variant pipe baton actually benefits from it's own perk. The pipe baton can't stun, so all those perks to increase stun chance are completely useless on it and it's late game damage is nowhere near enough to use it over a real late game melee weapon. If there was a steel variant that had better damage than the laughably low stun baton damage + the ability to stun then it would make it so your perk investments aren't wasted on affects that the weapon can't use. It's very, very weird that a weapon doesn't even benefit from the main feature of it's own perk line


I still like the blow pipe idea for a ranged weapon, they could even take that all the way to t3 with a primitive wooden one, an iron one, and a steel one. Rather than outright direct damage on par with an M60, it could just have some utility like a poison damage DoT similar to bleed, or ability to craft various ammo types similar to the bow and let it do fire damage, or a chance to sleep on hit similar to a stun etc.


Sleep darts making use of aloe + turret ammo or something could give it a pretty neat niche to stall zombies until they are damaged, and let it help support the whole "set up a mobile bunker" play style


Stuff like that perfectly fits the Int play style while also making the attribute less of a noob trap for the early game and less meh for late game. Especially now that Robotic Turrets take lead for ammo. I have no clue what the goal of that change was, and didn't even see that listed in the patch notes, but it's a weird one imo. Late game when the junk turrets are very very casually chewing through 2,000+ ammo on a single small PoI that's a freaking LOT of lead


It's not even fully about making Int better, although IMO it is pretty weak over all for the amount of investment needed compared to just using a shotgun or pipe bomb to clear a room of zombies faster, easier, and cheaper.


Again there are other posters here on the forum already claiming INT to be the new meta. Someone even calls it the new baseline to just go with better barter and daring adventurer as fast as you can. INT was never weak, it was just slightly weaker in combat.


You want INT to be like all the others. I don't want that. I want INT to be special.


16 hours ago, Khalagar said:



A lot of my issues with it is that the perk line is just not cohesive and is confusing to new players who will invest in it not realizing that it's not really a full self contained attribute like the others are, and that it's not very good at all for the first week or so because you won't get anything for your investment




Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Sorry if it's been brought up but are cooking pots rare in the wilderness POIs including cabins? My partner and I were separated by a few KMs and hit around a dozen POIs apart and together but no pots. Loved all the POIs along the long roads - really impressed by some and even the plain cabins look great inside now. So dunno if it was bad luck, cabins don' have pots, or what. [Brutal first game w/ my first "purposeful" dysentery but it was fun.]

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13 minutes ago, Apocalipservice said:

Sorry if it's been brought up but are cooking pots rare in the wilderness POIs including cabins? My partner and I were separated by a few KMs and hit around a dozen POIs apart and together but no pots. Loved all the POIs along the long roads - really impressed by some and even the plain cabins look great inside now. So dunno if it was bad luck, cabins don' have pots, or what. [Brutal first game w/ my first "purposeful" dysentery but it was fun.]


Yes, I found something like 5 or 6 pots in wilderness POIs in my first playthrough before I found the nearest town/city

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7 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


Yes, I found something like 5 or 6 pots in wilderness POIs in my first playthrough before I found the nearest town/city

Ah, Ok - dayum that was some brutal RNG. Cool, I like starting out in "the wilderness" and glad I don't have to rush to a town. 

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The removal of glass jars is nice, and it actually makes water-gathering feel like something that matters, instead of just churning out 50 stacks of dirty water whenever you want out of nothing but sand and a lake... but it does feel kinda weird. 


I'm currently holed up in The Harrison Residence POI, and i'm strapping dew collectors onto the roof to collect water so I don't die of thirst, but there's a whole swimming pool just outside of the house that I have no way of bottling. 


Like, I can boil dirty water to make clean water (and most of my dirty water seems to be found bafflingly pre-bottled inside toilets) but I have no way to harvest water from my swimming pool, or the lake? 


It's weird. I don't even have a suggestion on how to change it. If we could collect it, then water would be unlimited again, but since we can't, it feels weird. 

The water is right there, but i'm not allowed to use it. 


Speaking of Int-weapons, I agree that they need rounding out with more options. I don't see the need for a whole other weapon-type of blowguns, but the baton needs a Steel Tier

Honestly, the pipe-baton is so much cooler than the stun baton in literally every way, I hope that they replace the iron-tier with something that shares the baton-moveset, instead of being a glorified club with a stun-module on the end. 


As for the Robotic-Turret weapon... You currently have the sledge and the gun-turret. They could do scrap-turret/iron-turret/steet-turret, but I like them all having diffrent uses. Maybe... sledge, blade and gun? With the blade-turret slicing zombie limbs instead of knocking them down? Like a one-armed blade-trap that you carry in your arms?

Or Sledge, Gun and Shotgun? 

Honestly, you could remove craftable shotgun and SMG turrets and have the Int-based Robotic Turret Weapons replace them.


The simplest way to do it, I think, would be to make the Robotic Sledge a 'pipe' quality weapon, make the gun-turret an 'iron' quality weapon and then make the Robotic Drone a 'steel' quality weapon. 

But that only works if you give the Robot Drone a gun

Maybe a nailgun? Load nails into it as ammo? Or have it use Dart-trap darts? 


... Actually, a full-auto version of the robotic turret that fires darts as projectiles would be really cool. Especially if you can fire it from your hands as well as deployed in drone-mode. 


Edit: Make the nailgun an int-weapon, boost it's damage to make it combat-worthy. 

It's a steel-tier tool anyway, so by the time you get one it won't be too unbalanced to have a gun that shoots non-bullet ammo and can kill zombos.

Basically like the junk-turret, actually, but without a sentry-mode. 

Edited by iamnuff (see edit history)
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Just some thoughts on my experience thus far; picked up the game right when A17 hit and just crossed the 2k hours played mark during my current run of A21.  Said run is on a server with 5-6 friends, insane difficulty, now on day 49.  I'm specced into Fortitude; others are specced into other stats, so we've spread the crafting out accordingly:


- Water changes made early days a bit of a pain due to no dew collector but once we got those up and running, not so bad...until mid game when glue becomes a necessity for seemingly everything.  We've managed to keep it going, but we're somewhere between 15-20 dew collectors now next to our base.

- Fortitude build, which I haven't done since A18 or whenever it got it's overhaul to be the beer-swilling fist fightin' farmer, has benefitted MASSIVELY in A21 now that it doesn't need to dip into 3 trees to reach max effectiveness (ie sex rex and flurry of blows from strength and agi respectively).  I still lament the nerf to 7.62 stacks being 150 instead of 300 (which they were in A17), but alas (and I know, there's certainly a mod for that somewhere).


- Crafting by reading:  We've had good luck with this system, I guess, since we've divvied up the crafts based on who took what stat line for perks.  By day 40 I already had knuckle weapon and machine gun crafting maxed out.  Worth noting:  We continued our playthrough from b307 to b313, but in all seriousness, whatever nerf was done to the books seemed to barely affect us aside from the book bundles being lowered.  It's actually been a nice change of pace crafting decent weapons from each tier, because the best machine gun we've seen so far is a g5 AK...which I had already crafted a good week prior and was already on a g5 TAC when said AK dropped.  We've mostly been in the forest, so that's probably a reason why.  Items not needing so many of the parts each (5 each for g5 vs. 15 in A20) has been a godsend.

- Trader quest rewards have been good...up until T5.  We've done a couple of T5s and aside from one person getting a g5 junk drone, the rewards from those have been abysmal.  A g2 pistol as an option for a T5 fetch and clear?  Absolute joke.  T2s having forged steel as an option has been fantastic, especially when you find schematics for nice mods early on but can't make them due to no steel...or a little later, when you can make motorcycles but don't have the crucible.

- Vending machines:  One of my crew thinks they're OP and going to be nerfed, but consider we're a group of folks playing together; we're pooling massive stacks of dukes quickly, so we're able to keep nice thinks like learning elixirs, moonshine, and mega crush stocked.  I'm digging the easier access to consumables, especially the Grandpa tier stuff because obtaining acid in our current playthrough has been a massive PITA.  No one's found the Wasteland Treasure book for acid yet, and it wasn't until day 35ish we had enough for a chem station.  I would think for solo play, the prices for vending machine items are about right.  Groups can abuse them a bit, but is it game breaking?  I don't think so.

- Infestation quests:  These are fun as heck to me and a simply way to re-use lower tier POIs.  Yet to do a T6 infestation but that's mainly been due to getting our ammo situation sorted.  We've had 1 or 2 of the infestation quests not spawn the bonus chest at the end; for one of those, I know for fact we didn't path thru the POI as developers intended, so I'm pretty certain it's tied to that.  Bit annoying, especially since those bonus chests help to restock ammo more often than not.

- Miscellaneous stuff:  Sex Rex being gone and the stam reduction for salvaging being tied to Salvage Op makes that perk near mandatory if you want to wrench stuff down efficiently and without having your character sucking wind not even halfway through.  Also the nerf to gas from wrenched vehicles is pretty damn harsh; we almost had to go back to bicycles due to not being able to get a chem station up quickly; personally think the gas should be bumped up a little bit from current, but not back to A20 levels where one almost didn't need to ever mine oil shale.  The bonus xp from bundling ore courtesy of Art of Mining v5 no longer seems to be a thing according to our strength player...booooo.  Also, who do I have to bonk over the noggin to get bulk ammo crafting for at least basic 7.62 via Automatic Handbook set bonus...it's rather bizzare that bulk ammo crafting goes to the book set for one of the most ammo efficient weapons in the game (rifles), but I digress.

Overall this update feels like an improvement over A20 in more or less every way possible, but I'm stating that from experience of one incomplete playthrough of A21 vs. the 2-3 complete playthroughs of vanilla A20 that we did over the past year and change.  We'll probably be doing a fresh one once A21 goes stable, then likely dabble in some of the overhauls once they're updated.  Personally I may go about a solo playthrough at some point because I'm very certain I'd allocate perk points quite differently compared to a group setting like I'm usually in.

Edited by Kazgrel
Tidbit about gas in the Misc section (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Apocalipservice said:

Sorry if it's been brought up but are cooking pots rare in the wilderness POIs including cabins? My partner and I were separated by a few KMs and hit around a dozen POIs apart and together but no pots. Loved all the POIs along the long roads - really impressed by some and even the plain cabins look great inside now. So dunno if it was bad luck, cabins don' have pots, or what. [Brutal first game w/ my first "purposeful" dysentery but it was fun.]

i though so too. but they do come, i just have the feeleing not as much. and as allways :D ... when you have one, you get a lot more of them too

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8 hours ago, iamnuff said:



As for the Robotic-Turret weapon... You currently have the sledge and the gun-turret. They could do scrap-turret/iron-turret/steet-turret, but I like them all having diffrent uses. Maybe... sledge, blade and gun? With the blade-turret slicing zombie limbs instead of knocking them down? Like a one-armed blade-trap that you carry in your arms?



I personally prefer the turrets sort of remain the same, but the upgraded variants become tracked/hover, making them as sort of psuedo pets that always stay in range of your radius unless they get stuck, increasing their HP as you go up their tech path as well as their damage. 


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21 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Am I crazy, or are there not several changes that weren't in the patch notes? So far I've noticed Junk turret ammo now uses lead for some reason, and the physician perk now allows a 10% chance instant death per hit with batons which is neat but I don't remember ever being on that perk. I don't remember either of those being in the patch notes lol


Not complaining, but I feel like I'm being gas lit when I read something and then fry my brain trying to remember if that was a thing before

It's in the original A21 release notes



  • Recipes for regular robotic turret ammo use lead instead of iron. AP uses half iron and half lead. 


  • Physician perk has gained the ability to treat sprains and give more XP when using healing items. Dismemberment gets a boost with batons on level 4 while level 5 has a chance to instantly kill the target with a stun baton.


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One thing that annoys me is that you can't walk/run over zombies that you knocked down. Turned out to be one of those soke-up damage types and my wonderful avatar chose that point to get tired. Bad when you got two other zombies trying to hit you from behind. So.. I had to shoot my way out. 

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14 hours ago, sillls said:

One thing that annoys me is that you can't walk/run over zombies that you knocked down. Turned out to be one of those soke-up damage types and my wonderful avatar chose that point to get tired. Bad when you got two other zombies trying to hit you from behind. So.. I had to shoot my way out. 


Shooting our way out is great fun and cathartic... as long as we don't run out of ammo. Then it goes back to being bad or an opportunity to go danger-close with any explosives or incendiaries.

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On 6/18/2023 at 12:10 AM, NekoPawtato said:

It's in the original A21 release notes


Oh good catch, I didn't notice that when I read through I guess! The Stun Baton instant death is interesting. Weird since  it's hidden in a seemingly unrelated perk and the last 2/5 parts of the physician perk don't buff healing at all, but interesting.


The turret ammo change though is really weird and another direct nerf to Int which is kind of odd, since lead is better used for real bullets instead of burning through 9K worth of lead on a t4 PoI


On 6/17/2023 at 6:17 AM, meganoth said:

Again there are other posters here on the forum already claiming INT to be the new meta


I don't know what forum you are seeing that on, but I'm seeing the exact opposite on every forum and the subreddit lol. Most are saying Int is outright the weakest by far, especially in A21 where quest rewards are hilariously trash to the point of daring adventurer being a waste


Here's a t6 reward from the frontpage of the subreddit atm




and a t5 one





You can get better rewards by just chain doing T1 or T2 quests rather than wasting time and resources on a t4 or higher, and there's usually not 2 quest rewards worth picking. Since you don't get crafting mags as an option nearly as much, you usually only have forged steel as an actually good reward


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49 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


I don't know what forum you are seeing that on, but I'm seeing the exact opposite on every forum and the subreddit lol. Most are saying Int is outright the weakest by far, especially in A21 where quest rewards are hilariously trash to the point of daring adventurer being a waste##






and here:



Please take a second and actually play the game with DA before you make any conclusions. The money bonus can be safely ignored. DA gives you access to the new secret stash. And that may or may not be the way to catapult you out of the stone age (too) early.


I don't know myself, I haven't played far enough and have only seen a glimpse of its power when a q3 AK was offered with DA1 at a time when nobody of us has more than q1 or q2 stone tools and weapons.



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I am playing with DA lol, it was literally the first thing I rushed on my current character actually along side the baton perk line to test out the changes to it with the speed +10% instant kill.  So far my rewards match what others are complaining about, where I pretty much just get 3 trash options + 25 steel and sometimes a crafting mag option


So far in A21 on my new character after the latest experimental update I've done around 40-50 quests I think?  and don't think I've had a single good item from a quest reward. The trader level up rewards are a bit better but even those mostly are meh. I've leveled several traders up to 2 and 3 and my current one up to level 4 quests while trying to find a good town, and mostly just ended up taking the farm plot bundle since they kept spamming things like cloth armor bundles or pipe pistol bundles.


I've had better loot from air drops and t1 PoI boss loot than from my T3 and T4 quest rewards



15 minutes ago, meganoth said:

At the moment DA gives you access to the new secret stash.


What secret stash? Am I missing something? Secret stash was removed AFAIK so all I'm getting from DA is some extra dukes and getting to pick 2 of the trader level up rewards since those are the only decent ones. Dukes themselves aren't all that great imo as my traders at least don't sell much that's that impressive, I've just been buying food and crafting mags from them and basic stuff like cobblestone and not much else

Edited by Khalagar (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

I am playing with DA lol, it was literally the first thing I rushed on my current character actually along side the baton perk line to test out the changes to it with the speed +10% instant kill.  So far my rewards match what others are complaining about, where I pretty much just get 3 trash options + 25 steel and sometimes a crafting mag option


So far in A21 on my new character after the latest experimental update I've done around 40-50 quests I think?  and don't think I've had a single good item from a quest reward. The trader level up rewards are a bit better but even those mostly are meh. I've leveled several traders up to 2 and 3 and my current one up to level 4 quests while trying to find a good town, and mostly just ended up taking the farm plot bundle since they kept spamming things like cloth armor bundles or pipe pistol bundles.


I've had better loot from air drops and t1 PoI boss loot than from my T3 and T4 quest rewards




What secret stash? Am I missing something? Secret stash was removed AFAIK so all I'm getting from DA is some extra dukes and getting to pick 2 of the trader level up rewards since those are the only decent ones. Dukes themselves aren't all that great imo as my traders at least don't sell much that's that impressive, I've just been buying food and crafting mags from them and basic stuff like cobblestone and not much else


Sorry, I edited my post later to clarify a bit. Yes, there is a "secret stash", just that the additional items are mixed in with the normal loot.

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7 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Sorry, I edited my post later to clarify a bit. Yes, there is a "secret stash", just that the additional items are mixed in with the normal loot.

DA Changes the Items in the Trader inverntory to higer tier Items. It does not add stuff. Just testet it in my test game.

with 0 DA i see a AK47 lvl 4 

with 4 points in DA the AK 47 is gone and i see a Machete lvl5 in the inventory. this is just 1 example of the changes.

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22 minutes ago, manni44 said:

DA Changes the Items in the Trader inverntory to higer tier Items. It does not add stuff. Just testet it in my test game.

with 0 DA i see a AK47 lvl 4 

with 4 points in DA the AK 47 is gone and i see a Machete lvl5 in the inventory. this is just 1 example of the changes.


Thanks, that clarifies it some more. I will check with our game, the q3 AK must have replaced something. It will be interesting to see what quality was replaced in our case.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Devs have done a really good job on A21, it feels significantly harder (well on the second hardest difficulty) as well. I've actually died like 8 times within 14 days on my current character, which is crazy compared to most past alpha where I'd have like 0 to 1 deaths by this time. Loving the challenge


Is there anything written on what the devs decide players are allowed to build? There's a really cool rope that is climbable in Poi but the player can't build it which is weird to me, and there's so many sick new doors that I don't think I can build? Or am I missing something where the player can build sliding doors and the climbing rope etc?


Curious if it's a balance thing, or just a "more work that could be spent elsewhere" thing

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On 6/19/2023 at 11:38 AM, Khalagar said:


Oh good catch, I didn't notice that when I read through I guess! The Stun Baton instant death is interesting. Weird since  it's hidden in a seemingly unrelated perk and the last 2/5 parts of the physician perk don't buff healing at all, but interesting.


The turret ammo change though is really weird and another direct nerf to Int which is kind of odd, since lead is better used for real bullets instead of burning through 9K worth of lead on a t4 PoI



I don't know what forum you are seeing that on, but I'm seeing the exact opposite on every forum and the subreddit lol. Most are saying Int is outright the weakest by far, especially in A21 where quest rewards are hilariously trash to the point of daring adventurer being a waste


Here's a t6 reward from the frontpage of the subreddit atm




and a t5 one





You can get better rewards by just chain doing T1 or T2 quests rather than wasting time and resources on a t4 or higher, and there's usually not 2 quest rewards worth picking. Since you don't get crafting mags as an option nearly as much, you usually only have forged steel as an actually good reward


This is a known bug with quest rewards and will be addressed:  

I, too, have also run into the same sort of awful quest rewards.  Did a T2 and a T5 in the wasteland with a friend just now and we both got better stuff from the T2, lul (aside from the extra dukes + xp).

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I proudly support either making sledge turrets craftable without a workbench or making a pipe tier variant.


Int builds are just kinda boring gameplay wise for too long while every other build has variety in weapons even in pipe tier/stone tier


Also I feel like the magazine system ends up making every character feel like more of a generalist build rather than specialized builds which I'm pretty 50/50 on if I like that or not. 


Also dew collectors feel out of place as free infinite magic water generation in an update that allegedly wanted to make the survival elements harder.


I don't understand how you'd die of thirst or hunger in alpha 21 unless you got an awful map with no towns for like 2 kms away.


I do think zombies feel more threatening with their scaling and additional injury chance,  It's really fun early game peaking into even just snow biome and seeing ferals as you just start.

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1 hour ago, Joey9Baka said:

I proudly support either making sledge turrets craftable without a workbench or making a pipe tier variant.


Int builds are just kinda boring gameplay wise for too long while every other build has variety in weapons even in pipe tier/stone tier


Because nobody has lots of points in their own weapon perk in early game it really doesn't matter much which pipe weapon you use. Most players will probably craft a pipe machine gun or at max a pipe shotgun, or whatever ammo they have found. Sadly the pipe machine gun is so much better than any other pipe weapon there is no question what to take


By the way, the INT "class" is supposed to be more of a support class and a subpar fighter. Even later when you have turrets they use so much ammo you won't be happy if you just use turrets and nothing else.

In my opinion the best way to play INT is to use the turrets only for slowing down enemies and otherwise have (even unperked) guns of other attributes (where you have surplus ammo lying around) in your hand for damage. Or use the baton for the bread-and-butter combat with low level zombies.


1 hour ago, Joey9Baka said:


Also I feel like the magazine system ends up making every character feel like more of a generalist build rather than specialized builds which I'm pretty 50/50 on if I like that or not. 


How so? The magazines only allow you to craft stuff. The perks are still the way to make your character better.


1 hour ago, Joey9Baka said:


Also dew collectors feel out of place as free infinite magic water generation in an update that allegedly wanted to make the survival elements harder.


Survival is harder. I am sure novice players will come to the forum in masses complaining about an unplayable game. Just compare it to A20, did you ever think about water at all in A20?


1 hour ago, Joey9Baka said:


I don't understand how you'd die of thirst or hunger in alpha 21 unless you got an awful map with no towns for like 2 kms away.


It isn't about making you die for sure. This is not a souls-like. But if you don't know to save your money for a filter asap you will often have not enough water, especially if you use some for glue.


Sure, everyone here knows already what he has to do now: Do 2-3 quests, get the money for the water filter, done. But all new players (who don't just watch youtube to find out the optimal path) will have to find that route the hard way. Also co-op groups have it harder as well since they have to share their supply of water. They don't need one filter, they need 3 or more, and that fast.


1 hour ago, Joey9Baka said:


I do think zombies feel more threatening with their scaling and additional injury chance,  It's really fun early game peaking into even just snow biome and seeing ferals as you just start.


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On 5/27/2023 at 9:02 PM, Roland said:


Remaining in early access and spending money for ongoing development and hiring specialized talent is not milking. You may not be able to see all the labor-intensive work that has been done on this game over the past 18 months but I can assure you that the amount of development put into this game has been epic. You want extra content because you're bored of the current content and so are dismissive of the type of work that has been done but that doesn't change the fact that TFP has been busy.


Nobody on the 7 Days to Die team is ignoring this game to work on some future project. They have an entirely different team working on their next project and nothing that team does steals any talent or resources or time from this game. There really is no more to say about non-7 Days to Die projects though since that is off-topic for this thread. The 7 Days to Die team is 100% focused on getting this game finished which is why they are not spending time doing extra content that expands the base game even though there are those that only want those kinds of updates.


The change to vehicle damage was not simply increasing vehicle damage. It was balancing vehicle damage with environmental damage and damage to zombies. It was adding graphical indicators of the damage that vehicles are taking and when that damage is getting close to complete vehicle failure. It was also adding graphical indicators to zombies for their damage from vehicles. It also included changes to the Grease Monkey perk and the balance of how much damage repair kits fix. It also involved play testing to dial in the right amount of damage and fixing to make the feature balanced.  It was a bit more than one line of code.

I was willing to take the additional damage to vehicles in stride as testing went about, but is the intention for Player vehicles durability reaching 0 to shortly after explode so quickly?


I've had two explode so fast I was left jaw dropped..


I've played this game quite a bit and maybe it's the multiple changes at once, but I've NEVER had a vehicle explode - let alone 2 in 24 hours!


Edit: Meant to say that it is not so much as the vehicle exploding, but mostly frustrating that I lost all the inventory in it.

Edited by zapf (see edit history)
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