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NPCMod and Addons


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19 hours ago, Canute said:

That is the video i posted.

Another series (but not at engl.)



Thanks for sharing the link 


19 hours ago, work22 said:

I can recommend Rebirth as well, it has worked well with NPC Mod for me.  (Its also given me a lot of modding insight under the hood)


On a side note, khzmusik had mentioned a way to summon an NPC for a quest reward, as shown further below.  But if anyone's interested, there's another way to do it that kind of surprised me but works well, by using "SpawnEnemy."   The good news is these civilians and soldiers spawn, but not as actual enemies to the player.  They ARE hostile to zombies, and I'm guessing raider/ bandits as well:



Here's an example of spawning 5 NPC civilians into the middle of a quest:


        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcTestFemaleKhzAxe" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcFemaleScrubsKhzAShotgun" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleCowboyKhzDPistol" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleYoung1KhzMachete" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleJKhzClub" value="1" phase="3"/>



And how to summon a non-recruitable survivor soldier (that is friendly to you, but hostile to Zombies as far as i can tell).  This could be a fun way to setup a battle between the army and zombies nearby that the player can join etc.


<action type="SpawnEnemy" id="survivorSoldier1TRifle" value="1" phase="3"/>


and the way to quest reward one of the NPC's per khzmusik's helpful comments earlier in the thread:




And lastly, a sample of a "Rescue some civilian survivors nearby" type quest:


<quest id="quest_Rescue">
        <property name="name_key" value="quest_Rescue"/>
        <property name="subtitle_key" value="quest_Rescue_subtitle"/>
        <property name="description_key" value="quest_Rescue_offer"/>
        <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_zombie"/>
        <property name="repeatable" value="false"/>
        <property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
        <property name="offer_key" value="quest_Rescue_offer"/>
        <property name="difficulty" value="medium"/>
        <objective type="RandomGoto" value="100-200" phase="1">
            <property name="completion_distance" value="50"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="quest" />
        <objective type="RallyPoint">
            <property name="start_mode" value="Create"/>
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="rally" />
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="zombieFatHawaiian" value="15" phase="3"/>
        <objective type="ZombieKill" id="zombieFatHawaiian" value="15" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcTestFemaleKhzAxe" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcFemaleScrubsKhzAShotgun" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleCowboyKhzDPistol" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleYoung1KhzMachete" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="SpawnEnemy" id="npcMaleJKhzClub" value="1" phase="3"/>
        <action type="ShowTip" value="You rescued the civilian survivors!" phase="3"/>
        <property name="chainquest" value="false"/>
        <reward type="Exp" value="500"/>




Hoping to see an exciting mod soon. 

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Almost done, just testing a few more things and wondering how hard to make it in terms of collecting resources-- like stock an ER at your base with 10, or 20 antibiotics?  Near the end of the questline, get a 4x4 truck and a gyrocopter, or just a gyrocopter?  That kind of thing.  The idea being to use the NPC Mod's excellent features to make the world and story quests come more alive.  

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Hey y'all, I went through the comments trying to find an answer that I haven't already tried but I've come up short. I downloaded the mods and they all run fine on my computer, but cause my server to crash. I have anti-cheat turned off and I've done a clean restart of the server (including wiping the world and starting over). I've also made sure I don't have any other mods installed on my computer or the server. Any ideas?


EDIT: I removed all mods except for 0-SCore and 0XNPCCore from the server and from my local Mods folder. Still crashes as soon as I see my character's hands. If that helps clear anything up.

Edited by CaptainCalzone
tested something (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, CaptainCalzone said:

Hey y'all, I went through the comments trying to find an answer that I haven't already tried but I've come up short. I downloaded the mods and they all run fine on my computer, but cause my server to crash. I have anti-cheat turned off and I've done a clean restart of the server (including wiping the world and starting over). I've also made sure I don't have any other mods installed on my computer or the server. Any ideas?


EDIT: I removed all mods except for 0-SCore and 0XNPCCore from the server and from my local Mods folder. Still crashes as soon as I see my character's hands. If that helps clear anything up.

Find your log file. Server and local would help. They are installed correctly on both, right? And EAC is off for both the server and client?

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5 hours ago, CaptainCalzone said:

Hey y'all, I went through the comments trying to find an answer that I haven't already tried but I've come up short. I downloaded the mods and they all run fine on my computer, but cause my server to crash. I have anti-cheat turned off and I've done a clean restart of the server (including wiping the world and starting over). I've also made sure I don't have any other mods installed on my computer or the server. Any ideas?


EDIT: I removed all mods except for 0-SCore and 0XNPCCore from the server and from my local Mods folder. Still crashes as soon as I see my character's hands. If that helps clear anything up.


Dumb question, but you have the mods installed on both the server and all clients, right? If not then that's the problem. The game only pushes the contents of the "Config" file to clients, so it doesn't push any C# code, Unity assets, images, etc.

37 minutes ago, geengaween said:

Thanks for the recs bros, another question: If you add the NPCmod addon creature packs, do you also have to edit the XML files in the overhaul mod to make them spawn? Or is simply dropping them into the Mods folder enough?


It depends upon the overhaul, but in general, overhauls are not meant to be modded. If you want to install an additional mod/modlet, you're on your own. You have to figure out what changed in the overhaul, and change the added mods/modlets to be compliant.

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8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Find your log file. Server and local would help. They are installed correctly on both, right? And EAC is off for both the server and client?

Yes EAC is off for both. I have my log file but it's obviously huge. How should I share it? Paste it here with a spoiler tag or something to keep it condensed? Or is there another way that's preferred? 

4 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Dumb question, but you have the mods installed on both the server and all clients, right? If not then that's the problem. The game only pushes the contents of the "Config" file to clients, so it doesn't push any C# code, Unity assets, images, etc.


Yep yep. Only 2 mods in the server, and 2 mods in my common/7DTD/Mods folder.

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50 minutes ago, CaptainCalzone said:

Yes EAC is off for both. I have my log file but it's obviously huge. How should I share it? Paste it here with a spoiler tag or something to keep it condensed? Or is there another way that's preferred? 


Use pastebin.com for your log and link it here.  That makes it better to view rather than a wall of text.

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55 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


Use pastebin.com for your log and link it here.  That makes it better to view rather than a wall of text.


Awesome, thanks!


10 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Find your log file. Server and local would help. They are installed correctly on both, right? And EAC is off for both the server and client?


Local: https://pastebin.com/uA5acvjY


Server: https://pastebin.com/15Z2BrHS


I noticed a lot of "does not exist" lines. Is there a third mod that I'm missing? Or should the mods be located somewhere other than my common/7DTD/Mods folder? It works just fine when I boot up a single player game, it's just an issue when I try to play the server version (which also only has these 2 mods (0-SCore and 0XNPCCore) ).

Edited by CaptainCalzone
formatting (see edit history)
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On 2/10/2023 at 3:13 AM, Ganeshakw said:




Hi, If you are recording and posting, kindly share the link. 


Since this is the NPC mod thread, i'll post a link to my twitch page on my mods page (soon) in the modding forums which is called "Doughs Mods".  Or just search twitch for my user name.  Almost anything i record for fun is modded/mod heavy and contains the npc mods because they are awesome!

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, CaptainCalzone said:


Awesome, thanks!



Local: https://pastebin.com/uA5acvjY


Server: https://pastebin.com/15Z2BrHS


I noticed a lot of "does not exist" lines. Is there a third mod that I'm missing? Or should the mods be located somewhere other than my common/7DTD/Mods folder? It works just fine when I boot up a single player game, it's just an issue when I try to play the server version (which also only has these 2 mods (0-SCore and 0XNPCCore) ).

That server log isn't very helpful. Would need to see the beginning of it. Both logs have a lot of missing prefabs stuff. Not sure what that's about. Maybe try running the server without any mods and see if it still has issues, and see if you can join it.

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2 hours ago, Izayo said:

I edited the free blue SWAT guy texture into a zombie. here



it would be nice if someone can make him appear in the game.


that looks super nice, but unfortunately ive shelved the unity version for this alpha, maybe save the textures for a21 and ill see what i can do

15 hours ago, geengaween said:

Thanks for the recs bros, another question: If you add the NPCmod addon creature packs, do you also have to edit the XML files in the overhaul mod to make them spawn? Or is simply dropping them into the Mods folder enough?

the ones for alpha 20 you just have to drop them in the mods folder, as long as the mod has score and npccore

lots of the mods have npcmod already functional in their modlist, ie. ravenhearst, war of the walkers, wasteland mod, nmm etc

if you wanted to drop in more packs than they already include, you may have to do some xml work

darkness falls already has score, all you would have to do would be to add npccore and whichever packs you wanted to add, however the entities xml may have to be edited a bit as ive tried it already and some enemies wont attack npcs


Edited by drkstardragon (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, drkstardragon said:

if you wanted to drop in more packs than they already include, you may have to do some xml work


I want to add some of the NPCmod creature packs to War of the Walkers, do you know which XML files I'd have to edit? I'm assuming the entitygroups.xml and entityclasses.xml from Z-WotW-Master/config, are there any others I'm missing? I'm a moron and I don't know much about XML

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On 2/13/2023 at 11:47 AM, bdubyah said:

That server log isn't very helpful. Would need to see the beginning of it. Both logs have a lot of missing prefabs stuff. Not sure what that's about. Maybe try running the server without any mods and see if it still has issues, and see if you can join it.


Hmm unfortunately that's all I'm given from the server portal. And the log is the full text from the latest log file located below. Am I looking in the wrong place for the log you're asking for? As for running the server without any mods, yes that did work. So it's not the server, I think.



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3 hours ago, CaptainCalzone said:


Hmm unfortunately that's all I'm given from the server portal. And the log is the full text from the latest log file located below. Am I looking in the wrong place for the log you're asking for? As for running the server without any mods, yes that did work. So it's not the server, I think.



I think that's the right place. Though I have had them in the 7DaysToDie_Date folder as well. Maybe post a pic of the server's root folder?

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19 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I think that's the right place. Though I have had them in the 7DaysToDie_Date folder as well. Maybe post a pic of the server's root folder?


The server I'm using is a paid one online, so the only log info I have is what's generated on that server's website. I am in communication with them as well. Previous - albeit less intense - mods worked just fine, for what it's worth. 

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20 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I think that's the right place. Though I have had them in the 7DaysToDie_Date folder as well. Maybe post a pic of the server's root folder?


I still don't know exactly what my issue is, but I do know how to mitigate it. Apparently the randomly generated map that the server creates doesn't play nice with this mod pack. Using the default Navezgane map works with the 2 fundamental mods (SCore and XNPCCore) so now I'm going to try adding other mods and see what happens.


Randomly generated maps work with this mod on my computer, just not the server. Does that help you figure out what's going on?

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Ello chaps - an odd problem - not sure if anyone has any ideas...

We're running the NPC mod with a few addons such as night watchers and various creatures and it's all working fine and spawning nicely.

The odd thing is that once we're in an area for some time we seem to "exhaust" the place of zombies - it's particularly noticeable in the wasteland at night - when we first arrive there's tons of spawns but after a few nights nothing.

Now I'm aware of the settings in the 7 days Spawn config regarding "respawndelay" and those for the wasteland at night are set to something like 0.001 of a day - so it shouldn't produce a spawn delay but still no zombies.

Does the NPC mod have it's own version of respawndelay that I'm just not aware of?

If not, does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

Many thanks.


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So something I've noticed while playing on a dedicated server and p2p servers is that sometimes my hired npcs go AWOL. I mean it could just be my connection to the servers that cause this issue. Sometimes they come back other times they permanently are gone. 


Here's my output log: 7 Days to Die - Output Log 2/172023 - Pastebin.com

Edited by Weazelsun (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Weazelsun said:

So something I've noticed while playing on a dedicated server and p2p servers is that sometimes my hired npcs go AWOL. I mean it could just be my connection to the servers that cause this issue. Sometimes they come back other times they permanently are gone. 


Here's my output log: 7 Days to Die - Output Log 2/172023 - Pastebin.com

This is a known issue. Sphereii tried several things to help it, but for now it is what it is.

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