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Day 1


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Got started in the usual way, but very lucky. Trader was less than 200m from me. Saved skill points to see what I could loot before investing in specific skills.


Encountered two dogs (one wandering, one sleeper), a wolf and two bears in my travels which included looting two houses and the motel. Feral sense is fun, added a lot of tension and got me infected when I got backed into a POI with no escape. Luckily could bottleneck them and dealt with them one at a time.


Very tense going into evening, was forced out into the darkness to find antibiotics. No luck, but found honey in medicine cabinets which did the trick.


Runs well, new zombie models are good. Overall a great experience so far!

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I feel I had a slightly better day...
Started 100m from trader, and Snow biome insight.
at first the feral sense had me worried... running from... the realizing I better start bashing...  yep sledge hammer still works a charm.
Do a buried supplies for half a dozen cans, about 10th zombie kill get a loot bag... Iron Sledge... SWEET!!!!
Only error i made was digging for second buried supples.. stone shovel broke... went to find a stone to repair... but then went out of zone and failed the quest =(
Next car I searched find Iron shovel.... SWEET!!!!!.

Found a small shack with For Sale on the front. bashed one inside, one on the roof and that will be my first base.
Will sleep well tonight.

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Well, near the trader seems to be standard. In MP we had the same spawnpoint around 100m away from the trader. In SP it was 150m.


Loads of first aid, feral sense only bothered me during a quest, running trough a town still feels like an empty world. Meh. First quest was at the dead rooster. Way too many chickens in there, 6 or 7 of them. And a feral. Like what? A feral on a day one quest?


Got a tier 4 pipe baton and shotgun on day one also. A bit too much imo.


Love the new generation and looks, feels like an actual town now. Can´t wait for my first visit downtown.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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I started about 200m away from a Trader Bob on a new A20 map. Loving the new world generation. The roads have ditches and culverts now! Didn't get much done my first day except the tutorial quest and setting up a hunker bunker for my first night. Did manage to find a cooking grill though which was nice. Spent too much time playing with the world gen so I'll be able to put in more days this evening. Pipe weapons look nice and I can't wait to get my hands on a lever action.

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Took a while to get a server set up but a few of us were playing last night.   Also about 200m away from a trader right out of the gate so I think thats not a coincidence for any of us.  Hunger and Thirst seem to be going faster, just a feeling.  Most of us found very little in the first day.  I found some clothing and some pipe guns with no ammo.  Killed a few dozen zeds the old fashioned way and a burial and fetch quest for food/supplies.  Medical bandages seemed common enough to keep my health up.  About 4 deaths from the 2 new people and 1 from my experienced friend.  Ran into feral day 1, which is nice.


There was a few moments that required a log out/in to unstick accessing looting containers and i'm not sure why.  But otherwise the server and the game have been running flawlessly.


-edit to say the generated map is way better than previous games.  There was some nice details like the ditch with water flowing through it going through part of the town, that was handy.


Day 4, plenty of loot to go around.  Looked outside and saw 2 vultures, a wolf and a mutant bear hanging out around our base....I took down 2 torches we had up that might be generating heat....ruh roh.

Edited by Orclover (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Orclover said:

 Also about 200m away from a trader right out of the gate so I think thats not a coincidence for any of us. 


I applaud the starting near trader, as this is needed for new people and lessens frustration for old and new alike.


However, I wish this "start near a trader" could be an option in game start settings because I like things difficult most of the time. 


Also think that other easy to develop ways to make survival more challenging other then combat things(optional in game start as mentioned above):


1. No time of day on GUI (must find a watch for that time of day to appear)

2. No map (must develop cartography skills (more books! and Intelligence skills)

3. No auto-GPS once starting creating your map (must find/build/buy a GPS receiver)

Edited by fragtzack (see edit history)
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I have yet to harvest honey from a stump and I must have done about 20 of them. I'm like 20% diseased and decided to go ahead and do a mission at night because, what's the worst that can happen to me. I managed to lose enough short iron pipe and glue to make the pipe pistol on day one and that really helped out with the chickens and the rabbits. 


That evening a dire Wolf tried to break into the POI I had taken over. Fortunately it was a metal wall he was trying to break through and I could pump his rear with arrows. Took over 30. I quit counting. I have all the meat I need now.

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By Day 3, I've got 2 q2 pipe pistols, 2 pipe shotguns, and bought a q2 pistol.


Started 1.5km from trader. 


Lots of farms in the town (10k pregen btw), decent ammo count.


Base is just a platform on a big rock near the trader. Not sure what POI to turn into a base, or where to build a real one,

nevermind where/what to use for horde night.


Just like the original Ranger Station,  the small bombshelter is gone/or redone.  The replacement, well... it DOES have zombies in it.

Going to have to see if it works as well as a starting place.


Food was tight the first day, couldn't find a cooking pot. For the first time since A16, I actually bought food that wasn't for cooking.


Have a forge going, a mining spot, 3k dukes and a bit of food.


Oh, water from ponds/ditches... seems if you keep using the same spot, it uses up the waterblocks.  (2 blocks missing in the pond now)


Finding vultures, SNAKES, and wolves in POI on day 1/2 was interesting.


Oh, and a cop patrolling the downtown section. Very nice touch!


The city actually looks like a city.   Very well done TFP.


Absolutely worth the wait!





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Absolutely loving the update. Cities look so good compared to previous alphas that it's not even comparable. Had more than my fair share of girly screams and jumpscares... 4-5 muppets fell on my head when I tried to loot the police station and a lumberjack busted out of some cardboard boxes and knocked the snot out of me. Who packages and tries to ship a lumberjack anyway!?


Had bad luck finding a pipe weapon, but I built myself a T3 pipe shotgun and modded it with a choke. Am I seeing things, or can you disassemble 3 zeds in a conga line with it?


Also, if you like a challenge use Khaine's wandering horde buff and randomizer in conjunction with feral sense. Oh boy will you get surprised sometimes 😁

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My character wiped my brow and I could already see Trader Jen off in the distance not 100 meters away. Sick start. I spent several in-game hours gathering resources before visiting my local merchant, looted her compound, and took a clear quest. I ended up settling in a farm house across the street. I was confused how to enter it at first, but everything clicked when I spotted the other house next door. In between and connecting both buildings was a flooded underground tunnel full of snakes. At first I thought I was being attacked by invisible zombies, it gave me quite a fright. Free meat though.


I have Feral Sense set to "All" and it is bloody fantastic. Even so much as looking down the sights of my gun alerts the undead to my presence. For the first time in years I spent my night in the attic of a POI in the dark and unmoving, and still the zombies detected me. After a few moments of bashing against the door they left me alone.


I've had a lucky streak of finding antibiotics. Two stumps granted me honey during the early parts of the morning, an antibiotic was contained in a zombie loot bag, and I honestly forgot where I looted them, but I also have two herbal antibiotics stored away in my meds chest.


Weapons wise, I looted two quality level 4 pipe rifles in the place I'm staying at. Ammo has been alright, I'm on day 6 right now and I have roughly 100 9mm, 7.62, and shotgun shells.


Food hasn't been so much of an issue beyond day 1. A couple of buried supplies netted me some meat and hobo stews and a blueberry pie. I found the grilled meat recipe in a filing cabinet on day 2 (along with the pumpkin pie recipe and the chili dog recipe in the same loot raid), and chickens have been plentiful enough. I've run into a few bucks and a couple of wild boars - thanks to the insane buff bows/crossbows received, them wild pigs are no longer death on legs in the early stages of the game.


The town generation is amazing. It genuinely feels like this place was lived in at some point, rather than a random hodgepodge of buildings slapped together on barren roads.


Whoever did the new sunrises/sunsets, I give you a round of applause.


Edit: And I just found a Bob's Boars POI. :D


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I got diseased, could not find any antibiotic so I looted a  hospital. Didn't find any, the hord on the roof killed me. I went down with my gun blazing.


I got sent to the next trailer and she had a wrench and one antibiotic. Bought em both. Lol.

Built My workbench and logged off


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My day 1 started near trader Hugh. I picked up a quest to Shade Tree Auto nearby, which I thought would be nice and easy with a possibility of some bicycle parts. 

I went in, and cleared most of the joint out, heading up the ladder to take on the last muppet I heard some wandering zeds outside and the burping of what Jawoodle affectionately calls Scomo (such a fitting name for the fat tourist). I back out letting the zeds bash down the back door of the place. 


To my horror I see a fat cop, I mistook the burping sound. I whip out my pipe machinegun with it's measly 8 rounds and pump those all into the cop. Only to be caught changing weapons by the feral stripper he was consorting with. Died very quickly.  


I like it. There is real danger back into the early stage of the game. 

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