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Finding engines


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Nevermind.  In alpha 19, it seems that you only get engines from certain poi's that have engines in garages.  After 30+ cars I've wrenched, zero engines.


Side note, the game really needs optimization.   It is very laggy.   i7, 2.6ghz, 1660 ti nvidia, 16gb ram. 


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Chance for an engine seems to be about 1 in 20 (if I can trust that loot group that is referenced nowhere else), so finding none in 30 cars is quite possible. Since wrenchables cars are plenty and engines supposed to be a scarce find I would not expect them to drop easily





Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, ungkor said:

Nevermind.  In alpha 19, it seems that you only get engines from certain poi's that have engines in garages.  After 30+ cars I've wrenched, zero engines.


Side note, the game really needs optimization.   It is very laggy.   i7, 2.6ghz, 1660 ti nvidia, 16gb ram. 



Did you wrench down lootable cars?  Or just the wrecked ones?  I generally have better luck getting engines from the cars that you can hit "E" to loot then the wrecked ones.  And since I like to keep the roads clean any car that is blocking the road gets wrenched down whether it's lootable or not.


I have found an engine before day 7, it just takes a lot of wrenching.

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None, if you only use bicycle and solar panells 🙂

4 for each vehicle type one. 6 for generator bank.


But you know murphy's law, when you searching for something you never get it. And once you don't need it anymore you find plenty.

Basicly happen for your first minibike/motorcycle, you got anything beside engine or wheels(acid) and these don't want appear.


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Only cars you can search with "E" have a CHANCE to give engines/batteries.


If I'm correct, school buses and army trucks are guaranteed to drop an engine.


For more info, there are 3 tiers of a car. The third tier just gives iron i believe, the second tier can give you everything a car can  drop, and the first tier just gives gas, short iron pipe, oil, springs, gas, and headlights.


So look for the cars you can search if you want some engines and don't forget to check the school, and pass 'n gasses if you want to find engines on some tables you can wrench up if you happen to find em.

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