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KingGen - A Random World Generator for 7 Days to Die


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Mate those will work with A20 BUT and its a big BUT.....the new tile system doesnt work. you will get cities but they will look more like a19 than a20. but hey at least you got a flat map...lol 

this is still an experimental build.... its hard to adapt kingen when the goal posts keep moving.  have a bit of patience and hopefully the guys can get the tiles working. BUT they may never get it working.  Nitrogen is alreay dead. the Developer has stopped working on it. the guy who wrote Kinggen also has a life and is too busy with the real world to put time into the map generator. things take time chill...

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i had thought of doing that , what size map do you want?  i would have to give a google drive link to the files so there is an issue if you dont trust me...lol i could rickroll you..ha ha ha.

could do a better biome map without dead straight lines... but you would still have the issue of no new tile system so the city tiles and new system wont work cities will look more like A19...

Edited by spud42 (see edit history)
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Well like I said, if you can do one for each size that KingGen can make, that would be great. I alrerady made mine for 16k, but I'm sure others would like a flat map option for all the other sizes.


I would upload the one I made, but I don't know where to upload it for the "Community Height Map" in advanced settings of KingGen.

There should be a the same thing for a "Community Biomes" selection with a preview window in KingGen so you can look at them and find one you like.

Edited by Zagan (see edit history)
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38 minutes ago, Taisaku101 said:

Would there be an easy way to get the new roads in A20 into KingGen? I know the whole tile set and sewer system are an ordeal but I wasn’t sure if the roads were separate or intertwined with that.

No easy way, its gonna require a complete overhaul.

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Ive been talking with a few other modders/coders about that, and thats what we were hoping for, the problem is the rwg map process doesnt exactly line up with that. We wanted to import the height map at a certain step in the process, but its seems like a difficult task, though im hopeful that something is going to work before too long.

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1 hour ago, Taisaku101 said:

Would there be an easy way to get the new roads in A20 into KingGen? I know the whole tile set and sewer system are an ordeal but I wasn’t sure if the roads were separate or intertwined with that.

The new roads are part of the tiles. No tiles means no new roads sadly. It's early days. Give it some time and it'll happen. 

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2 hours ago, Tallman Brad said:

@Zagan if you want a flat map devoid of any character you just need to turn lakes size, mountains size and terrain roughness to 'none'. After that you can try turning heightmap smoothing to large. This will give you a flat map with nothing but the pois and random biomes. 

Yeah, did that first thing, still got a map with very large hills, almost mountains. I had to make a custom heightmap to get a flat map. Was a lot of hassle and i thought it would be cool if you could select a flat heightmap from the community ones available for each map size.

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It hasn't been abandoned. The author has a life outside of the app and the impending a20 arrival put development on hold. Kingslayer was working on kg14 before stopping to wait for a20. The massive changes to the world generation system must be quite intimidating to a programmer who had spent so much time constantly working on the software. I'm not surprised he needs time to focus on real life before committing to an huge overhaul job. Until there is official word from the developer I don't see any harm in keeping our fingers crossed that he'll come back to it. 

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On 12/23/2021 at 1:10 PM, Zagan said:

Even after making a heightmap I still got stuff like this in the supposedly "Flat Map"

I got the opposite too with buildings raised like 5-6 blocks above the ground.




Try increasing the height of cities in Kinggen under advanced settings. I find a height of 70 works well.

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ok so ... this whole flat map thing is interesting but is there anyway to change the POIs in Kinggen to use the current vanilla list? 


We all get the "poi missing errors" when we load a KingGen map but in all honesty it is still better than vanilla even missing the POIs.  And tbh i do not even know where they are missing ... the map is still filled with POIs


There is a option of generating custom POIs in KingGen so can't we just copy paste the current vanilla list into KingGen and it should load them ?

Edited by Zolokhan (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Zolokhan said:

ok so ... this whole flat map thing is interesting but is there anyway to change the POIs in Kinggen to use the current vanilla list? 


We all get the "poi missing errors" when we load a KingGen map but in all honesty it is still better than vanilla even missing the POIs.  And tbh i do not even know where they are missing ... the map is still filled with POIs


There is a option of generating custom POIs in KingGen so can't we just copy paste the current vanilla list into KingGen and it should load them ?


Thanks Spud, just incase the link isn't working for you here's the video directly:


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Good video Brad. (as usual!)   Thank you. 
         Y'know - I've always liked the way that RWG created the highways  (UK motorways?) - wider, smoother, and much more 'curvey' roads, with gentle hills and not too many cliff-like edges. Also I reckon A20 has further improved these roads massively, and has created some deep and complex city centers, with narrow, convoluted alleys and laneways that make for much greater immersion. Not taking anything away from the superb tool that KinGen is - it has never been able to create roads anywhere close to that in A19, and so I think it will require a high degree of skill and a good amount of work on KSlayer's part to be able to match the new system in A20.   KingGen has not been able to create roads like that in A19, and so what my own approach to A20 is, is to make an RWG map, say 8k, play it for a few minutes - fly around a bit, get the 'feel', and then, first make a new biome for it: I've done this a couple of times now (and am starting day 21 this evening on the latest) and it's so easy.  The biomes are great, and are already made better with the crevasses and other newish features. Your method of fixing the POI's will work and will add on to that immersion for sure, and I'm going to play with that over the next few days. The only other thing lacking in some measure - is the ability to make our own heightmaps and bring them into the RWG - to give us lakes, rivers, hills, canyons what have you - as we would like them to be.
       I guess it's really one step at a time, and hope that KS will come through, but he will have some hoops to jump through. 

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Hi Paul, the new roads in a20 are really nice. I have to stress that they are prefabs though. They aren't splat files at all. They are actually part of the tiles. The tiles themselves just consist of the road network with spaces for poi's to spawn within. In a20 the roads connecting cities together and Wilderness poi's are just splat files like we had in a19 and also KG. The big difference between a19/20 and KG in terms of these roads is the 1 block wide band of 'green' at the sides of the roads that gives them a verge effect. I suspect a brush could be created in Gimp or photoshop that was made up out of a red 10 block diameter circle with a 12 block diameter green circle underneath. Then this could be used for straight line roads or hand drawn curves.


In terms of progress for map making over the funpimps rwg we need a system where we can start with our own heightmap then get a20 to place tiles that include a custom POI list. I've successfully used KG 13.1 to place the new a20 tiles including the new roads, but not to place poi's within the tiles. That bit has to be done in the world editor. The pimps have teased us with the tile feature where you can hit ctrl +shift and 's' (I think those were the keys?) to shuffle random poi's in a tile preview but we can't actually use the end result. Perhaps someone can extract that feature and add it to external map making software? 

A bit of thinking-out-loud there. I hope you don't mind! It's still early days and there are a lot of budding programmers out there that just need to be drawn into our world. All the best to you Paul.

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Ok... I sort-of grasp that tile concept, Brad . . but it's for tomorrow now: it must be way past your bedtime!   Thanks for that info, though; I like the idea of the 12-block roadbrush tool - sounds like a better idea than letting a computer draw roads wherever it wanted to - some even at 85 degrees, going up a cliff.  We'll see. I'm just going to follow you and Krunchy for the moment.  



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13 hours ago, Tallman Brad said:

Hi Paul, the new roads in a20 are really nice. I have to stress that they are prefabs though.


Not entirely. The roads to wilderness POIs are a big improvement too. The RWG knows what size of road to connect to the POI based on a "Driveway" Part that you add to the Wilderness POI. Without that Part, you still get a road but it doesn't know where to connect so it sort of runs past the POI.


Wilderness roads were a weakness of KingGen. Understandable since the focus had been on cities. Roads in rough terrain often awkwardly cut into hills, created cliffs, exposed hidden underground portions of POIs, and so forth. No doubt a difficult issue to address.

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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