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Everything posted by Zolokhan

  1. maybe finally killed traders <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_spawn_adjust[@tags='trader']"/> <append xpath="/rwgmixer"> <prefab_spawn_adjust tags="trader" bias="-100" max_count="0"/> </append> i need to make a few more random worlds but so far no traders. Please note : this is only playable because i made a mod that makes EVERYTHING craftable! Zolokhan's mod - it also adds a @%$# ton of zombies to everywhere.
  2. still did not work ... only worked on small maps. I have them GREATLY reduced but still not gone.
  3. so that did not work but i tried this which is even easier ... <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_spawn_adjust[@tags='trader']"/> <append xpath="/rwgmixer"> <prefab_spawn_adjust tags="trader" max_count="0"/> </append> it just sets the max count of traders to 0 .... it was easier than i thought.
  4. I found a mod that did this but it is out of date ... i made one but it is not working ... rwgmixer.xml : <set xpath="/rwgmixer/roadside/property[@name='spawn_trader']/@value">false</set> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/township[@name='countrytown']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/township[@name='town']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/township[@name='city']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='wilderness']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='commercial']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='downtown']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='industrial']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='residential']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='countryresidential']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='rural']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> <append xpath="/rwgmixer/district[@name='gateway']"> <property name="spawn_trader" value="false"/> </append> I do not know why traders are still popping up. Thank you for any help
  5. Thank you ! I have modded this game for like 8 years and I have always had to work around the fact that it could never be more difficult than what you could kill day one. The ambient spawns would never change so you either have to accept weak zombies all game or give you a skill point boost day one to handle more difficult spawns. Being abel to fine tune the biome spawns over the course of a game would be great.
  6. Hey Jax, any chance you can release the biome Gamestage Scaling mod separately? Is it possible that other modders could use that utility? I was very impressed with that in RAvenhearst.
  7. Hey Jax, Any change you can release just the Biome Spawning Gamestage Scaling part of your mods? when i saw that in Ravenhearst I was blown away. Is it possible for that utility to be used by other modders with thier own entitygroups list and spawning?
  8. Is there anyway to release just the biome scaled spawning part of this mod?


    That is a really great accomplishment because the lack of scaling zombies in vanilla really nerfs its difficulty.  


    If modmakers could use that utility it would be awesome. 

  9. Is there anyway to relases just the biome scaled spawning part of this mod? That is a really great accomplishment because the lack of scaling zombies in vanilla really nerfs its difficulty. If modmakers could use that utility it would be awesome.
  10. Well I decided to delete the entire spawner and make a new one with a lot less gamestages but they scale faster. I have a mod that speeds up this game because as we all know ... after a certain point this game is super easy and just becomes a timesink. So i maxxed the diffculty, boosted the skill point gain, and now i increased bloodmoon spawn rate.
  11. Has anyone else noticed that massively changed the .xmls for bloodmoon now. for years it has been based off of days but now it is a giant auto generated list by game stage. How the heck am i going to mod this now? The tediousness of changing every entry is nuts. They old system went every 7 days and set the max count etc. The game stage just impacted the types of zombies that show up. now it is all rolled into one and I cannot mod it unless i change every entry. Anyone else noticed this ?
  12. so this information is in an unknown location in the files? thats depressing ...
  13. I do not want to chang the time it starts spawning but the area you can walk before it starts spawning. Is it in te world files or spawning or game events?
  14. I am modding the game to make every biome as difficult (or more) than wasteland - so i want to remove the loot / game stage bonuses / modifiers from biomes. I have these lines in my mod but it is not working ... (this is an example I know i need to do it for all biomes) <set xpath="/biomes/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/@lootstage_bonus">0</set> <set xpath="/biomes/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/@gamestage_bonus">0</set> it is not working ... gives me a yellow not loaded message at game start. Can anyone tell me what i am missing or doing wrong? Thank you !
  15. So i am modding this game and i found that the entire BloodMoonHorde night mchanics are removed from spawning and placed in gamstages.xml and now it is not based on days but only gamestage. Anyone who knoes remembers that horde night was set by days ... every 7 days ... I could buff them up by adding more zombies but now it is only based on gamestage ... unless I m missing something . Anyone knows what I am tlking about?
  16. this sounds easy but I am unable to only add to the base blockdamage of the stone axe ... <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe']/effect_group[@name='meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe']/passive_effect[@name='BlockDamage']/@value">30</set> causes all instances of blockdamage to 30 so it scales into the 900+ damage because of the tiers. How to i only impact the Blockdamage base_set value and not the perc_add values?
  17. so ... there is no way to do this? wolves just cause mysterious unknown infections?
  18. I am looking at "meleeHandAnimalWolf" to change it so it cannot infect you but I do not see the infection buff in its effects. How can you stop coyotes, snakes, and wolve from infectin you ? I cannot see it under the item ...
  19. I kinda get what you mean but they lost a lot of their intimidation factor when they got shorter ... there are reagular zombies that are taller than them now.
  20. All the new zombies look great ... except the lumberjack. I was just looking at the loading screen that still shows the old lumberjack zombie and i remembered how scary they were. now they kinda look like short little guys in flannel. I miss the height, i miss the dusting of snow, I miss their creepy eyes. This is constructive criticism ... I like almost all the other changes but the new lumberjack zombies are not as good as the old. Does anyone agree? Other than that ... great job devs.
  21. that video was lovely. i was trying that but was missing a step. Very cool.
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