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A19e Nitrogen - UNSTABLE


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Very good RWG generator. Damocles can you please tell is there any guide to create POI map with custom terrain and biome map? The thing is that i enjoy A18 island-like terrain and big biome zones, but poi and cities generation is not that good like yours, so i want to generate POI map using vanilla A18 terrain and biome maps.

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Very good RWG generator. Damocles can you please tell is there any guide to create POI map with custom terrain and biome map? The thing is that i enjoy A18 island-like terrain and big biome zones, but poi and cities generation is not that good like yours, so i want to generate POI map using vanilla A18 terrain and biome maps.


There is an example hightmap in the resources folder.

You can basically draw your own hightmap, or even grab one from nitrogen, and edit it, then import it, using the gen mode.

The biomes can be painted. (there are several topics in this thread about it).

OR you just copy over the biomes.png from a rwg world of the same size, if you like this layout.

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Hi Damocles


Iam about to write a prefablist for CP40 right now and have a few simple questions to understand the tool better:



do I need these lines in the prefabslist? Does Nitrogen needs them to generate the playerstarts ?









Just to verify i have understood the use of the custom-zones:


when I have 15 Asia-Prefabs and want them to spawn in a town, then I should use custom_town_size_15 - right?


and then the 15 Asia-lines should look like this:






do oldwest-POI's also appears in common towns or do they just spawn in their own oldwest-towns ?




can I change the order of the lines dramaticly ?

I want to sort them and kinda visual categorize the lines by zones.

(put the Asia-POIs together / put the traders together / put all oldwest-Pois together / and so on)

Would that be a problem (or handycap) for the generation-engine of NITROGEN ?

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Iam about to write a prefablist for CP40 / a few simple questions to understand the tool better:


1. do I need these lines in the prefabslist? Does Nitrogen needs them to generate the playerstarts ?

player_start1,NAVONLY,0,0,6,2,6,alone;smalltown;downtown;hillbillyjunk... etc, etc...


2. Just to verify i have understood the use of the custom-zones:

when I have 15 Asia-Prefabs and want them to spawn in a town, then I should use custom_town_size_15 - right?

and then the 15 Asia-lines should look like this:



3. do oldwest-POI's also appears in common towns or do they just spawn in their own oldwest-towns ?


4. can I change the order of the lines dramaticly ?

I want to sort them and kinda visual categorize the lines by zones.

(put the Asia-POIs together / put the traders together / put all oldwest-Pois together / and so on)

Would that be a problem (or handycap) for the generation-engine of NITROGEN ?


Oh Oh pick me pick me... lol


1. No NitroGen produces its own set of spawnpoints, you can alter the amount in the config.txt found in X:\NitroGen\resources\ There are a lot of Navzgane (and other) items that I remove from my generated lists and no bad side effects


2. Not sure about this one


3. Also not positive of this but I think (from what Ive seen) oldwest stays pretty much together, 'cause Ive told them to in the prefabslist.txt (nitro-zones, I call 'em)


4. Nope thats what Ive done... easier to find things

Edited by bigstep70 (see edit history)
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Hi Damocles


Iam about to write a prefablist for CP40 right now and have a few simple questions to understand the tool better:



do I need these lines in the prefabslist? Does Nitrogen needs them to generate the playerstarts ?









Just to verify i have understood the use of the custom-zones:


when I have 15 Asia-Prefabs and want them to spawn in a town, then I should use custom_town_size_15 - right?


and then the 15 Asia-lines should look like this:






do oldwest-POI's also appears in common towns or do they just spawn in their own oldwest-towns ?




can I change the order of the lines dramaticly ?

I want to sort them and kinda visual categorize the lines by zones.

(put the Asia-POIs together / put the traders together / put all oldwest-Pois together / and so on)

Would that be a problem (or handycap) for the generation-engine of NITROGEN ?


Hi Magoli,


1: the "playerstarts" are some (Navezgane?) POIs, that just happened to have a car. I used them like normal POIs. The playerstart-positions are randomly picked at generation time, so this entry here means nothing in particular. Its just a POI.




2: Yes, the custom_town_size_15 is just its own zone, spawning groups just as the other small-group zones like farm and oldwest.

Assigning this zone to only specific POIs will then let you have custom POI towns.


This zone here will then always try to place 15 POIs, as indicated in the zones name. So make sure to have enough prefabs for this zone, else it will look to repetitive. An "Asia town" could also have some normal POIs like gas stations and burger joints assigned to them, to make them look more like actual living towns.


The generator will attempt to spawn custom towns only when a custom zone name is used at least once in the list.

So not using custom zones is fine. Only use the ones you need.




3: oldwest are always placed in their own zone. There is only gas station in this style that appears in town.

Cities will only pick: citycenter, downtown, industrial, houses and carlots


If you set POIs into custom zones, you can still add them to other zones, as they can fit well into different regions. (make sure to use a ; to seperate the zone-entries, not a comma)




4: the lines are read in not particular order, and can be rearrange in any way. The POIs are picked randomly from a vector.

So you can reorder the entries as you like, and place comment lines at any point.


I suggest to seperate the vanilla entries from the CompoPack part, to allow rearranging them easier if one list-part changes. (there are sometimes updates to the vanilla POIs, that mess up their placement, so the lists needs updates from time to time)


If you want a POI to appear more often: just dublicate that line. It will then be considered a new POI-entry.

(doubles the chance of this POI to appear).

There are no % parameters on how often POIs appear. (would also be errorprone) But you can alter their chance to appear somewhat by dublicating lines, or using the "unique" zone-flag to only have them appear once on the map.




Since you have control over the POIs with your pack (I can only use the vanilla prefabs normally) I would suggest to have modders add some "normal living" elements to make cities look more natural.

-some simple rectangular parking lots, without much more than some cars on them

-some more small park-like POIs, basically a grass-lawn with some sparse decorations


-maybe some "sidewalk - street" POIs. If they are available, it would be possible to lay out city streets that look more natural. Instead of using a normal road texture on the terrain, the street-blocks could be assembled via specific street-pois. (streets, and intersections that can be connected in a modular fashion)

Edited by Damocles (see edit history)
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Um any answer on the splatting and how to control the severity, to try and explain what i mean here's the biomes image from a RWG i did in game and then there's one i did using nitrogen:






Don't gt me wrong having biomes split up is cool, but the paintball gun induced splatting effect to do it isn't. I'd rather go with biomes split up into just 3 or 4 pieces at the most.

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The amount of cities doesnt seem to affect the size and the "large" ones are not as big as I'd like them to be.


Anyway to get a huge city in the center and have like smaller town's/settlements around it ?


Is there a way like changing something in the config.txt where I can set city amount to 1 and increase the size or something like that?

Edited by GneX (see edit history)
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Ok, I will add a flat world option. Currently you can easily make one with an imported hightmap as described by Gamida.




New version online 0.432


-dark Theme (makes you 150% cooler!)

-saving selection state of the dropdowns

-font size in configs


you can set the theme back to the old one by setting DARK_THEME = 0 in the config.txt


Thank you so much! Now I think all I'd like is, as others have requested, better granularity in biome selection; the option to have traditional wide swaths of wasteland generate, per-biome checkbox (for instance, excluding biomes instead of using the 'only X' option), option to generate biomes not based on heightmaps (so we can have relatively flat, hilly terrain but with variety of biomes), and so on.

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I'm working on a new stamp (terrain) system. Then there can be more configuration in the biome and topography, and more custom stamps for modding.


In the end, if you want the most control, you can edit the biomes.png yourself.


Its not that much effort. You just need any decent graphics editor. (Gimp or Paint.net for example)

And then select the biome-color from an example image, and repaint it as you like.


Just make sure to run in through the "biome-fixer" tool in the end, to ensure a correct format.

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I'm working on a new stamp (terrain) system. Then there can be more configuration in the biome and topography, and more custom stamps for modding.


In the end, if you want the most control, you can edit the biomes.png yourself.


Its not that much effort. You just need any decent graphics editor. (Gimp or Paint.net for example)

And then select the biome-color from an example image, and repaint it as you like.


Just make sure to run in through the "biome-fixer" tool in the end, to ensure a correct format.


Ahh right, limitation of the current generation method. Glad your working on it but no worries now i know :).


Also you can do that, (custom biome image), and it won't screw up by putting the wrong type of POI's or whatever in the wrong biomes?

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Im working on a custom map with a height map that has a few separate islands could you possiably make the road generation obay the rules of the mask as keep getting roads generating in an ocean and doing that deletes the water.


A few enhancements and ideas for the generator as plan on using it to make a few real world locations.


1: Roads Obay mask for generation.

2: Control over water start depth would be great [example height maps with ocean data end up being shallow oceans instead of deep]

3: Bridge Generation over rivers.

4: paths next to some roads

5: random speed limit sign generation near roads.

6: more road connections for some buildings that dont have links and seem like there randomly places in the middle of know here



Just some for now im sure ill have more as i keep testing and working on maps keeps up the great work this tool is the best couldnt do what im doing without it.

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