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11 hours ago, meganoth said:

If you mean log spikes, they won't return. Spike Traps do the same thing.


(HInt: Despite their appearance these are best placed flush with the ground)

You mean dig a trench & place them in there? If so, why is this more effective?

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Zombies see them as a block and will run around them to seek the cheapest pathway. Just like if you put a short wall up that they could easily run around they would do that instead of pound through it, they will run past spikes once there is a pathway through. By digging a trench they will see the spikes as just ground to run across and not avoid them. Even better, rather than run down and then back up through the trench once some spikes are destroyed, they will seek to run straight across so they will go to other places with spikes and choose to cross your trench there and die rather than choosing the open pathways. See? They still dumb.

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1 minute ago, Cool2survive said:

Yes it is almost night, how many rows thick is usefull?

Depends how much workload the spikes should take of your shoulders. These 4 spikes are good for maybe 4 or 8 zombies worth of damage (The traps trade HPs 1:1 with the zombies. Basic zombies have maybe 150 or 250 HP (don't remember) and wooden traps maybe 250 HP)


And the first horde night will be maybe 25 to 50 zombies (again just an estimate).


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47 minutes ago, Cool2survive said:


When I look at the creative menu. I see that the wooden spike trap only has 33 hitpoints not 150.

Yes, I was surprised too. But traps have multiple damage stages and possibly every stage has 33 hitpoints. Only way to be sure is to test it in the game. Will do that now.


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7 hours ago, Cool2survive said:

Yes it is almost night, how many rows thick is usefull?


Sorry another question, should I make an trap entrance to all 4 sides of my house, or will they always search for an easy way in?

It depends how big your base is.  If its relatively small (l x w) one funnel might be enough.  Height and visual awareness is the key to victory.  It will give you more time to react.


Eventually you will start getting vultures so you will want some counter measures for those too.


Edit: let us know how it goes. 😃

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7 hours ago, meganoth said:

Yep, I tested it now and 3 Arlenes with 3*125 HP could be killed with exactly 4 Spikes. Which comes to about 94 HP.


So 3 times 33=99 HP per wood spike seems to be correct.


I was actually breaking through some a couple of hours ago. Can confirm that it's 33hp per layer.

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6 hours ago, Solomon said:

Wouldnt it be better to change the graphics of the spikes to signal the player that they are blocks what the zombies would go around and not try to go throught them?

I had posted that suggestion once, but don't know if it was seen at all or has any chance of being implemented. Mentioning this idea in the dev thread when the topic is traps might increase the chance of something happening. On the other hand the look of the current spikes is perfect in everything but this little detail. I have a hard time imagining how to improve it.


The best idea might be to surround it with a box (i,e. so that it looks like a farm plot from the side. Hundreds of players would ask why they build a box around a spike trap (immersion problem) but it would be perfect for sending a message that this is a block obstacle.

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4 hours ago, meganoth said:

The best idea might be to surround it with a box (i,e. so that it looks like a farm plot from the side. Hundreds of players would ask why they build a box around a spike trap (immersion problem) but it would be perfect for sending a message that this is a block obstacle.

Sounds good. The spikes could be also shaped like nails. Like this one for example.



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