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So I got attacked by a bird.....


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This was one bird that attacked me on my bike.

Fatigued 1hr 36m

Deep Lacerations 1hr 37m

Mild Infection 1.9%

Broken Arm 1hr 37m

Treated Abrasion 26m (used a bandage)


Net effect health now 30/119 with the rest blacked out


I think this needs a rethink as its pretty stupid - FROM A BIRD

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sounds like you got hit by the bird a lot. Birds actually seem easier to kill in this update. Also alot of what you have cna be treated, take an antibiotic, a vitamin, and use a first aid bandage. 


Get off the bike next time and kill it :p dont keep pedaling


edit: also wear armor. Even a set of padded armor from some duct tape and cloth is better than nothing. Armor reduces the chance injuries happening.

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Once you learn how to deal with the buzzards they're not that big a deal. Everybody hates them.


That's why I always have a club with me.


Was this a green bird or something unusual or just your regular buzzard? Did you get off your transportation and deal with it?


Your first goal at starting out is to get some armor. That cuts down on the negative effects a lot but doesn't take it away.

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In A18: The thing with the birds is that they start to attack you immediatly as soon as you get on a vehicle. Before that they often just circle high up in the air and simply do nothing. They just follow you but you are not able to shoot them, because they fligh too high. 


I do not know if this still the same in A19. But if so, TFP should fix it.



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They did attack you in A18 as soon as you are not at full health. If your health is 100/100 they do nothing but just follow, if your health is 99/100 they will attack you. Using a vehicle doesn't change that. The only difference with a vehicle is, even if they are attacking you, they will not reach you because you are faster than them (quite not sure about the bicycle, but the minibike or better is definitely faster), but once you stop (or slow down) they will get onto you.

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3 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

They did attack you in A18 as soon as you are not at full health. If your health is 100/100 they do nothing but just follow, if your health is 99/100 they will attack you. Using a vehicle doesn't change that. The only difference with a vehicle is, even if they are attacking you, they will not reach you because you are faster than them (quite not sure about the bicycle, but the minibike or better is definitely faster), but once you stop (or slow down) they will get onto you.

I'm not sure about A19 but in A18 they could get to me, even on the minibike. 

The minibike sucked in my opinion, it was about as fast as the bicycle at full speed. I guess the difference/positive to the minibike is you're not using stamina. 

But I suppose they had to nerf the bike with the inclusion of the motorcycle & 4x4. 


Anyhow, I think most of us agree vultures suck hairy @%$*#! crack!!

But they are good feather, rotten flesh, & bone resources so...ok.

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I just have the bicycle and I can tell you they got me every time I hoped on it. And I had certain situations where I had no full health because I was fighting zombies outside a building and they simply circled around in the air and did nothing. I even sorted out my inventory after a quest I did and bandaged up from a drop chest I placed outside that building and they didn´t came after me. But as soon as I was on the bicycle they got crazy. I used the bicycle to finally get them down because I wanted to get rid of them. Their sound annoys me a lot.


Besides that, I like the birds. I just think they are a little broken.

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3 minutes ago, Sellsents said:

I just have the bicycle and I can tell you they got me every time I hoped on it. And I had certain situations where I had no full health because I was fighting zombies outside a building and they simply circled around in the air and did nothing. I even sorted out my inventory after a quest I did and bandaged up from a drop chest I placed outside that building and they didn´t came after me. But as soon as I was on the bicycle they got crazy. I used the bicycle to finally get them down because I wanted to get rid of them. Their sound annoys me a lot.


Beside that, I like the birds. I just think they are a little broken.

Yeah vehicles are like crack to them. This is a little annoying but like you said, it was a way to lure them down. 

Could that possibly fall into exploit category? Be a good way to farm for feathers, bone, & rotten flesh.

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The critical damage system still seems to be buggy anyway.


My armour should protect me from critical damage. You'd think the better the armor, the more protection you'd have. However, it seems to me that the better my armor is, the more likely I am to get critical damage.


Currently my steel armor offers 113% protection against critical damage. There should be no critical damage at all but I'm getting more damage than when I was wearing cloth armor.


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I don´t know. It kinda is. On the other side, if you do the quests a lot you get to know the buildings pretty good after a while and if you wanna go straight for the birds then you can easily hunt them down. You do not even have to complete the whole quest, just start it, go to the roof or the positions you know they will spawn on and sneak kill them. Then leave the building and start a new one until you have enough ressources that cover your needs. Hell you can even stack pile your way up to the roof or windows without having to enter the buildings at all.


You will always be able to exploit a game if you really want to. In the end it comes all down to your own decisions. Its on you to deside which path to follow. You are the only one who can stop yourself from doing stuff that may deeply destroy your game experience. The Funpimps put a lot of work into this game. You can honnor that by not trying to exploit the hell out of the game or you simply don´t. There is very little they can do to stop you from making that decisions.

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54 minutes ago, Outlaw_187 said:

Could that possibly fall into exploit category? Be a good way to farm for feathers, bone, & rotten flesh.

I wrote it already some days ago in another thread complaining about vultures: I already did exactly this in A18. Drive into burnt forest, drive in circles until some vultures are on you. Stop, kill them, loot. I needed rotten flesh for farm plots, and that's the fastest and easiest way to get some. ;)


But that's imho not an exploit, there is still a threat. You go actively killing vultures for feathers, bones or rotten flesh. They can still harm you.

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I posted this because I was really surprised by the damage.

I was wearing padded armor and a mining helmet.

I got hit twice before I was able to shotgun it to death and it seemed normal.

I assume that each hit has a low probability of inflicting each type of damage but it can inflict if you are unlucky more than 1 type at a time.

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2 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

They did attack you in A18 as soon as you are not at full health. If your health is 100/100 they do nothing but just follow, if your health is 99/100 they will attack you. Using a vehicle doesn't change that. The only difference with a vehicle is, even if they are attacking you, they will not reach you because you are faster than them (quite not sure about the bicycle, but the minibike or better is definitely faster), but once you stop (or slow down) they will get onto you.

No dude, he/she is right. I haven't had a vehicle in A19 yet, but the buzzards HATED vehicles in A18.  It didn't matter if you were at full health, they would just attavk you as soon you got off.  I think it was a bug.

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3 hours ago, Sellsents said:



I don´t know. It kinda is. On the other side, if you do the quests a lot you get to know the buildings pretty good after a while and if you wanna go straight for the birds then you can easily hunt them down. You do not even have to complete the whole quest, just start it, go to the roof or the positions you know they will spawn on and sneak kill them. Then leave the building and start a new one until you have enough ressources that cover your needs. Hell you can even stack pile your way up to the roof or windows without having to enter the buildings at all.


You will always be able to exploit a game if you really want to. In the end it comes all down to your own decisions. Its on you to deside which path to follow. You are the only one who can stop yourself from doing stuff that may deeply destroy your game experience. The Funpimps put a lot of work into this game. You can honnor that by not trying to exploit the hell out of the game or you simply don´t. There is very little they can do to stop you from making that decisions.

Agree 100%. Well said. Same thing goes for the nerd poling argument I keep seeing. If people wanna cheat the game, nerd pole to the loot & dip out, more power to em.

That's not personally how I play but to each his own. Like you said, people can find exploits in many areas if trying hard enough. 

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2 hours ago, Lorca said:

No dude, he/she is right. I haven't had a vehicle in A19 yet, but the buzzards HATED vehicles in A18.  It didn't matter if you were at full health, they would just attavk you as soon you got off.  I think it was a bug.

Not a bug. It was intended that vultures attack you while on a vehicle. They were easy to deal with though. Just get off the bike and kill them.

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The only way all those things happen is if you were getting hit a lot by the bird, or multiple birds all at once over a period of time. A major exaggeration of what really happened no doubt, as I get attacked all the time while riding my bike or moped around through certain biomes. 


Learn to switch your camera to free roam to look around from time to time as you drive through biomes that can spawn birds, and if you see one coming from behind, stop the vehicle, get out and gun it down or melee it down. It's not that hard to deal with them.  

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1 minute ago, Palad1n said:

The only way all those things happen is if you were getting hit a lot by the bird, or multiple birds all at once over a period of time. A major exaggeration of what really happened no doubt, as I get attacked all the time while riding my bike or moped around through certain biomes. 


Learn to switch your camera to free roam to look around from time to time as you drive through biomes that can spawn birds, and if you see one coming from behind, stop the vehicle, get out and gun it down or melee it down. It's not that hard to deal with them.  

You're right. They are pretty easy to deal with, thankfully. They can simply just be a pain in the rump.

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13 minutes ago, Dracula said:

My most-desired request would be an option that lets us select WHICH zombies spawn so I don't have to start looking for mods to remove the damn birds every single update.

So in other words, you require an easier game with fewer risks. I think modding the birds out will be your only option. 

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1 minute ago, Palad1n said:

So in other words, you require an easier game with fewer risks. I think modding the birds out will be your only option. 

No; they don't pose a challenge, they provide nothing but annoyance.  It goes from fighting a horde; alternating between melee and guns to conserve ammo to seeing a bird and having to run far enough away that I can swivel around and pick it out of the sky before returning to the horde or driving around in a vehicle, stopping at a POI, dispatching 10 birds, then clearing it.


They're the same as the Cliff Racers from Morrowind and you better believe that I modded out those @%$*#!s, too.

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20 minutes ago, Dracula said:

My most-desired request would be an option that lets us select WHICH zombies spawn so I don't have to start looking for mods to remove the damn birds every single update.

Let's be honest here. Your most-desired request would be for TFP to revert the texture tech they are using for terrain.

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Just now, Kosmic Kerman said:

Let's be honest here. Your most-desired request would be for TFP to revert the texture tech they are using for terrain.

True, true.  I'll grant you that.  I should have specified in terms of gameplay.


Though, it doesn't need to REVERT; it simply needs to WORK.


At least I can mod out select zombies, so there is a work-around for these, and I think that they have a place in the game.  Perhaps tie them to attacking when health is blow 30% or when you're infected. so that it seems like you're an easy source of food for them.

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9 minutes ago, Lorca said:

How do you know. Did TFP say so?

Is it still happening in A20?

Multiple times in the Dev Blog during the lead-up to the alpha it was released in (A18 I think). It's probably in the patch notes for that alpha as well. You may not have noticed until now because vultures got a speed buff when attacking players on vehicles in A19. That said it was pretty noticeable in previous alphas.

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