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Snukfin's Server Side Z(S)ombies


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4 hours ago, Snufkin said:

I'm gonna be honest. I have a lot of personal issues and on top of that, I was told that UMA was a no-go, so I didn't look too deep in that matter.

No worries I can completely understand I was gone for over a year due to personal issues. I came back a couple months ago after being gone since Dec 2018, so all my A17 mods were useless with all the changes since then till now, took me a couple months to get everything working, recompiling over 259+ unity packages to update those and all the modlets I made as well. Lots of trial and errors. 

I heard the same thing on the UMA which I was really upset about since I created over 140+ ones for A17, but from what I see a few things changed on them but still working so far. Not sure when they will actually pull the plug on that but it is still there for now.

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7 hours ago, FastBurst said:

No worries I can completely understand I was gone for over a year due to personal issues. I came back a couple months ago after being gone since Dec 2018, so all my A17 mods were useless with all the changes since then till now, took me a couple months to get everything working, recompiling over 259+ unity packages to update those and all the modlets I made as well. Lots of trial and errors.

I heard the same thing on the UMA which I was really upset about since I created over 140+ ones for A17, but from what I see a few things changed on them but still working so far. Not sure when they will actually pull the plug on that but it is still there for now.

have you shared your UMA mods anywere ?

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On 14/3/2020 at 13:22, Snufkin said:

Hola, primera publicación aquí y me gustaría agradecer a todos por el increíble trabajo en la creación de muchas modificaciones maravillosas para este juego. Un agradecimiento especial a Robeloto, quien con su paquete de zombis personalizado me inspiró a crear el mío.


Nota: Recientemente me hice amigo del administrador del servidor donde juego, por lo que todos los mods que he creado han sido exclusivos de nuestro servidor. Ahora decidí compartir con la comunidad, así que lo que publicaré de ahora en adelante es en realidad el trabajo de muchos meses y ha sido probado por varias personas.


¿Nota para los modders ?: Eche un vistazo a xmls, he estado explotando muchas funciones infrautilizadas que no requieren código y pueden eludir la necesidad de usar recursos personalizados.


Este mod agrega 12 nuevos zombis al juego, cada uno con una habilidad diferente y todos menos uno con un engendro dedicado. La mayoría de las nuevas criaturas tienen un gran HP y dan muchos XP en cada muerte. Algunos tienen un problema fijo del 100% de soltar Boss Loot, así que siéntete libre de modificar los archivos a tu gusto.



Descargar (MOD BASE): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3jr3t4shj...2DlHqBR4a?dl=0


ADDON DE CÁMARA DE INVESTIGACIÓN (NECESITA BASE PARA FUNCIONAR): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6rzg5q1km...ggVjt8Wea?dl=0



Agrega una "Cámara de investigación" y una "Película fotográfica" creables. Cada imagen de un nuevo zombi te da un 1% más de daño a ese tipo. Una imagen exitosa se indica mediante un "clic" audible diferente del sonido de disparo normal. El daño adicional máximo es del 25%. Hay una fanfarria cuando completas una investigación de zombies.


INCLUIDO ES EL XML NOBLOODMOON, simplemente cambie el nombre y reemplace el archivo entitygroups.xml.



Actualización 16/04/2020: Editó entitygroups.xml para que no sobrescriba los engendros de hordas salvajes. Ahora debería funcionar con otras modificaciones que agreguen nuevos zombis a la horda de la luna de sangre.


Actualización 18/04/2020: Se agregó el Arconte .

Actualización 21/04/2020: Se modificaron los hitboxes en Geist y Scarecrow.


Actualización 04/04/2020: Retrocedí en el tiempo para agregar el Scorcher. La sirena está viva en el bosque.

Actualización 14/04/2020: Tasas de aparición reducidas. Se agregaron etiquetas de complemento de cámara.

Actualización 18/04/2020: Código general modificado. Estación de investigación agregada.


Los zombis:
































Deje un comentario si tiene alguna pregunta o si algo no funciona correctamente>: 3

good: I'm trying to install the mods but it doesn't work for me, maybe you could tell me how to install it so I don't get errors

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On 8/21/2020 at 4:53 PM, guipinar said:

I wanted to play the mod on my A19 server
is there a stable version that I can download already?
saw some guys saying they got it working

The one person who has apparently got it working is not sharing as they are for his/her personal server. I'm trying to get it working myself, but don't have a clue how to fix it for the "UMA changes". My server literally just ignores the mod at this point. I've been able to fix/adjust XML stuff but don't know enough about coding to have a clue where to begin. 

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I have tested it on my server after changing and adding new zombies plus some from the modder Robeloto  , changed the spawns for the way i like it (hard in wasteland/burnt areas)

seems to work ok.

they will not show up on bloodmoon till player is high lvl but you can change that in the xmls or let me know and i will change it for you






Edited by oakraven (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, oakraven said:

I have tested it on my server after changing and adding new zombies , changed the spawns for the way i like it (hard in wasteland/burnt areas)

seems to work ok.




CustomZombiesV2+.zip 26 kB · 0 downloads

That's not the version I was trying to get working. Thank you for sharing! I'll give it a shot and report back.

Yes! That version worked. Just a few edits to get sounds working better and readjust the bloodmoon table and I'm back in business. Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish I didn't spend half the day trying to get the other version I was working...but I'll rack it up to practice and now I'll be able to understand the differences after reading a bit. 


I ran it for a while Single player and it did fine. I tried in the Server and after a short while, we get object reference errors. We definitely narrowed it down to this one modlet. I'm going to go back through the spawning.xml and a few others and see if I can narrow it down. It seems to be a wandering horde or something to that effect as it doesn't error right away. It does after about ten minutes of the game running. I'm going to edit out all but one zombie and start adding them back in one by one until I can get it to error out and then trace to the bad reference. At least, that's the only way I can think to resolve it.

Edited by Ti2xGr (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Ti2xGr said:

That's not the version I was trying to get working. Thank you for sharing! I'll give it a shot and report back.

Yes! That version worked. Just a few edits to get sounds working better and readjust the bloodmoon table and I'm back in business. Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish I didn't spend half the day trying to get the other version I was working...but I'll rack it up to practice and now I'll be able to understand the differences after reading a bit. 


I ran it for a while Single player and it did fine. I tried in the Server and after a short while, we get object reference errors. We definitely narrowed it down to this one modlet. I'm going to go back through the spawning.xml and a few others and see if I can narrow it down. It seems to be a wandering horde or something to that effect as it doesn't error right away. It does after about ten minutes of the game running. I'm going to edit out all but one zombie and start adding them back in one by one until I can get it to error out and then trace to the bad reference. At least, that's the only way I can think to resolve it.

Or use the mod on your server go into dm then press f6 and spawn in the new zombies one at a time till you get the error

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19 hours ago, oakraven said:

I have tested it on my server after changing and adding new zombies , changed the spawns for the way i like it (hard in wasteland/burnt areas)

seems to work ok.

they will not show up on bloodmoon till player is high lvl but you can change that in the xmls or let me know and i will change it for you




CustomZombiesV2+.zip 26 kB · 4 downloads

Some of these are my zeds mixed with snufkins zeds. Can you credit both snufkin and me in the info files if you are going to share it, pls?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/28/2020 at 1:17 AM, NSHGaming said:

I have been using v2.2 since it came out. Most of them still spawn even up to b178. Tough as crap to survive horde night, which is what i like. Still early in stable, several are still spawning and i can spawn all of them with Rat manager in game.

Download no longer works :(

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On 3/15/2020 at 11:13 PM, Snufkin said:


Thank you. I had my base in the snow biome and the wendigos always kicked my ass, but it was still fun. I was thinking of adding silver bullets with extra damage to wendigos

That is an intriguing idea. You can get even occasionally these silver nuggets when mining or looting, so it would be a special ammo for special undead. Although for that to make sense the special new undead would need to be exeptionally rare and scary for one to go through the trouble of crafting that special ammo for special undeads and then to bother carrying it around for the case should one become around the corner. Ofc in that case one would need also the silver tipped arrows and crossbow bolts as well for the sake of completeness. 

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Just stumbled across this recently as a way of mixing things up on our server. First of all a big thank you to both Snufkin for the base mod and Slawa for the updated A19-stable version we're using (V2.2 - A19 B169). I've been tweaking things around a bit using my limited knowledge to good results however I do have a question about the Bomber zombie.


With the Bomber everything seems to work properly except the damage done by its explosion. The explosion animation itself is fantastic, but the actual damage done is extremely small. I'm talking in the realm of 5-15hp damage to a dirt block directly under the Bomber. It also does 0 damage to a player even if you are standing immediately next to the Bomber. With all the other zombies I've had good results tweaking things but I'm having no luck fixing the Bomber's explosion damage. Is anyone else having that issue? I've found what I think is the explosion's damage values and set all of them at 1500 for testing purposes and it's still hitting blocks for almost no damage and players for 0 damage. The Bomber's melee damage works fine and can be adjusted fine, just as a reference.


Update: Figured it out, just came down to tinkering with the "Explosion.DamageBonus" variables.

Edited by BubbaJoe (see edit history)
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