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Everything posted by ArNaLdInHo

  1. Please update all quests descriptions like this one: <item name="Clear 01 Questbook"> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="quest_REQuest_tier1_clear_offer"/> <property name="Extends" value="questMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="questMaster clear01"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="QuestGiven" value="REtier1_clear"/> </property> </item>
  2. Can you send-me that special map that quests works ? I tried New Random Map ALL but ALL quests Disabled READ, also the bike parts etc ALL Disabled 50 quests ALL disabled Whats the trick ? no mods only your mod, and dont work, i tried other quest mod and worked yours not
  3. i start new game, get to creative get quest and it works ? 1º Start new game with only 1 mod your quests map naveteck 2º spawn and go creative get bulletin board 3º buy quest and quest is disabled, why? you test it like this trie ??
  4. ReQuests the Read button is disabled in all quests ? why ?
  5. You can use this tool make quests easy and post here http://www.7dtdmodsdesktop.com/questgenerator.html
  6. All quests are disabled why ? I tried to read any quest like REtier1_clear , and READ is disabled any reason ?
  7. Missing file or permissions
  8. Hello, Its possible to change 1 block type to other in +1000 prefabs ? any way ? select directory change all bocks ?
  9. remove prefab and delete chunk map part from server saved folder, it will regenerate another part of that map chunk
  10. yes is that, my whas an hord base, with spikes, some block or whatever give that error, after remove that prefab all worked OK
  11. Very high penalty applied. Are you sure negative values haven't underflowed? Penalty values this high could with long paths cause overflows and in some cases infinity loops because of that. Penalty value applied: 4000400400 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Problem: * Zombies Freeze on server * Local PC crash game ❣️ My Solution that worked for me ❣️: 1 Corrupeted Custom Prefab, remove 1 prefab !!!
  12. Worked tanks How to do 2 in 1 Motorcycle + Gyroscope :)
  13. <property name="velocityMax" value="10, 18"/> thats not so easy i tried that yes make motorcycle bath, run on ground i tried also but shows the motorcycle if put too small i cant ride it or grab
  14. How to chance the velocity of BathBlimp, too fast to put on servers will lag, what field i have to change to slower them down like gyroscope ? Is easy to make a motorcycle Bath for donor ? Tanks
  15. tanks, do you have this working ? : Server Side Slot Machines https://7daystodiemods.com/server-side-slot-machines/
  16. tanks THE LOOTBOX ADDON did ou fix it ?
  17. Can you share older lobbys from older 7DTD from your server ? Server Lobby , Mile High Club ...
  18. have you shared your UMA mods anywere ?
  19. how to put the sound tic tac bomb like timer charger in a (ZombieBomber) terrorist zombie ? i put that but only beep once in a while, i sow a server that beep every time zombie appers and dont stop that tic tac sound is it possible to repeat that sound until it die, and near dead tic tac goes faster ? <property name="SoundRandom" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/> <property name="SoundAlert" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/> <property name="SoundAttack" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/> <property name="SoundHurt" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/> <property name="SoundDeath" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/> <property name="SoundSense" value="Sounds/Weapons/Thrown/Charge/charge_beep"/>
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