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Robeloto last won the day on March 3 2019

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About Robeloto

  • Birthday 11/16/1981

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Zombie Hunter

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  1. Update: I finally found all the zombies meshes and most of the materials. However, I am uncertain how to build it back for working in 1.0. I exported the mesh and built it into a 3D unity file. And tested out the mesh, but it gave me an red error when I tried to spawn in a zombie with the old mesh. Seems I need more files that is bound to that mesh, such as animation or other files. I am not sure which files I need, but in the files I can see there is 2 instances of every zombie. One is the mesh and the other is an fbx file with the same name. I tried to build another 3D unity file with the fbx file and the mesh file. But it gave the same error. Does anyone have a clue how to do this the right way? The reason I wanted the old zombie meshes back is cause it was possible to replace materials on the zombies. On the new zombie meshes it seems it is not possible at all. Please help! 😃
  2. I have tried looking for and extracting old 7 days to die files with Asset studio and other asset extractors. Some files I can bring back and import them into Unity. But some zombie meshes I cannot find at all and I have trouble finding some certain materials I used for my custom zombies. I really wanna update my mod, but I really have no clue how to do it if I can't bring back all the old files I used.
  3. This! This is exactly how I felt playing the new beta. In this version it feels like playing the lottery. I feel like A18 or 19 was peak. Now you can't even mod the game easily like you could before. This is probably why I am checking out from this game forever maybe...
  4. Yea, it is so annoying. I see that Guppycur has his own models. I have used blender to make 3d models, but I never made rigged models. Seems unity also needs a license to be used. I know I have used it before, but now it won't work. Making my own models is for me, just not worth the time. Sorry
  5. Yea, I have not been doing much to update my mod. I really have no clue on how to restore all my zombies as they were. Too much have changed in A21. I love this game, but I think I have lost a lot of motivation. =/
  6. Hey! Thanks for the info! I am gonna checking that up when I have time.
  7. Hey! I know, it is sad that many zombies are not working now in the new alpha. I know some of my zombies can still work with some easy adjustments. But many of them use meshes that isn't there anymore. I might come back with an update at a later stage. If anyone can help or know any solution or fixes for my zombies, I would be grateful. Atm, I do not have much free time, which is a shame...
  8. Hello! Sorry, been very busy and I see that A21 is out that breaks my mod completely. Seems many materials are gone or changed placements. Hey! Today I have tested A21 and there is much to be done. Much material is missing and will not load for the zombie. Many meshes are also gone. I see that I also need to add <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> for every zombie to appear there. I also noticed that the AITask are a bit different compared to A20. Many standard mesh ragdolls are gone and especially those I used to place materials on. The other ragdolls does not seem to work with replacematerial on. So either that means, I need to use a different way. Like using the UMA types or I have to make my own meshes, which I have no clue on how to make. Sorry for being away so long. And I am not sure I will update the mod to A21. It seems like a big job haha. If I knew an easy way to fix it, but it does not seem like an easy fix sadly. Wow, it still works. That is awesome. And you are welcome!
  9. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i9-13900k/23.html there you go. 102c. I was right. Many people told me it is not the undervolting and that they run same settings without any problem. I should not have listened at them in the first place. So now in cinebench I run pretty cool. 92C. I am very happy with Raptor Lake running that cool! https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/yamo89/cpu_temps_issue_i713700k_thermalright_cpu_frame/
  10. Well I have the best aircooler on market. Noctua NH-D15 with one of the best cases for airflow: Fractal Torrent. It is perfectly pasted with thermalright contact frame. And if you read the thread. I have been playing 7 days to die for several hours until it crashed and it was due to undervolting. Also I7 13700k run at stock setting 102C. Raptor lake runs hot. Edit: I am sorry if I come off as rude. It is just that I am so very tired on problems and then im struggling with real life issues at the same time.
  11. Problem was the undervolting though. Nothing to do with defender and never had any problem with that whatsoever.
  12. That is what I said, but forgot to write 'defender'. Windows firewall. Or windows defender firewall. I do not use nerfthemall atm. But that was not the problem. Well, people told me to undervolt the 13700k because it was about 104C in cinebench. When I undervolted I got 79c in cinebench. Now I am back to default settings in bios. No undervolting and I activated XMP again. 7 days to die does not crash anymore.
  13. I do not have any antivirus. For your information, it crashes in any CPU-demanding game. I have undervolted -0.150 and xmp on.
  14. I just tried starting a single player game without any mods and it crashed instantly. Screen became red and black artefacts and it froze. I had to power off PC manually.
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