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Should this game turn its focus on building?


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Hello fellow survivors,

I've currently had a break from playing 7 days to die . I have moved to minecraft and I must say I am quite surprised. I've been surprised not just because 7 days to die has taken a lot of nice ideas from minecraft but mostly because of its complicated simplicity . Do you want an automatic sorting system? You have to build it from scratch. You want to make a mob farming area? You can do that as well! All that is possible on minecraft because they keep adding more simple contraptions like the repeaters,the hoppers and the redstone contraptions which do simple tasks alone but turn into complicated contraptions when put together. Some people like me build huge automated farms and automated furnaces to process building materials for their megabases . Others far more advanced than I like to build anything from sorting machines, to elevators and even mining machines and functioning CPUs.


So my question is , can we port some of those functionalities over to 7 days to die? Hoppers ,buttons,levers and trapdoors should come first. They are the very basic design before adding redstone components (we already have electricity should be pretty easy porting them). They are especially useful for trapping prey like animals and zombies . Of course given the fact zombies can eat through walls this should be used with extreme caution unless you want your base to be completely destroyed.

I was surprised to see how complicated hidden bases can become as well . Secret doors hidden behind fireplaces or waterfalls are actually a thing. Explosive C4 traps are also another interesting thing.


And it's all thanks to simplicity of those mechanics that make it so bloody amazing. You just add a mechanism that "talks" to other components in a simple way and leave it to the creativity of the builders and designers to do something with it. After all wouldn't the apocalypse be boring if all we did was bash zombie heads ?


My point is, I think it is a good idea, maybe even mandatory ,for the game to focus more on such contraptions and be more focused on the building aspect of the game.


Your thoughts?

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Redstone was laggy but awesome. Logic gates, triggers (like the camera here), and various kinds of receiving ends like lights, doors, pistons etc. Pistons were a huge part of most minecraft automations but they probably are a nightmare to implement. Hoppers... would be nice to have in theory, to automate stuff, not sure how they would turn out to be visually. Wouldn't expect them to put any of these in game. But I bet we will get electrical trapdoors etc.

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In my Minecraft games I build Applied Engergistic networks (using the FTB mod packs) to the point that I can just about ask for any item the game has from it and it's delivered promptly to my request port. By that time the base is huge (particularly the bee keeping section and the various mob farms), and is supported by auto-miners stripping out millions of blocks a minute.


While I'd like to see 7Days do more along those lines, the two games are fundamentally different so I don't think you'll see 7Days ever even remotely approach the building aspects of what can be done with Minecraft.

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I don't think you'll see 7 Days ever even remotely approach the building aspects of what can be done with Minecraft.


The fact that there is Gravity, Structural Integrity, and destructive mobs in 7 Days probably has something to do with that.


The worst destruction I ever suffered from a mob in minecraft was that time an Enderman randomly removed a single block from a wall and started carrying it around. And I never had anything almost built in Minecraft only to have it crumble into rubble when I placed one block too many on a support that wasn't... :)

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The electricity would be close to redstone functionality if the relays had delay options. If it was implemented, it wouldn't have much purpose. I think it is a great system the way it is, but it doesn't get utilized enough, which is a shame. I'm sure a lot of work went into it just to have some lights, blades, and an alarm that doesn't affect zombies in any way. The best part of it is the electric fence. Anyway, I still feel that the building as a whole is superior to Minecraft's. Not only because of gravity and structural integrity, but also because of more freedom with the blocks and because the blocks retain their damaged states. Some more painting textures and colors would be nice though.


As far as hopper-like things go, the only thing I would care for are maybe simple input and output containers to attach to a forge. That would be good enough. Then again, to fit the feel of the game, mods for forges to expand the input and output would be great as well... or any other machine/table.

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The fact that there is Gravity, Structural Integrity, and destructive mobs in 7 Days probably has something to do with that.


The worst destruction I ever suffered from a mob in minecraft was that time an Enderman randomly removed a single block from a wall and started carrying it around. And I never had anything almost built in Minecraft only to have it crumble into rubble when I placed one block too many on a support that wasn't... :)


Well, no one said there were not solid reasons for this. I think that building in 7 days is actually far better but then again, without gravity and structural integrity building is rather lackluster IMHO. Where is the design aspect when you can put anything anywhere? It is closer to painting than building.


But, there are also a lot of things that 7 days can do to enhance the building aspect - particularly with electricity and I think it is entirely doable within the current framework. Might not happen but it would still be nice.

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I think the problem with 7dtd electricity is that it functiins differently than in MC or Terraria. These games have state less electricity, which means as you change states it sends a signal which makes updates. Here we have machines that simply need power, having current, not pushing single signals along wires.


Not that yiu can't do something similar, but it would work on different principles.

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For myself, the "Reasons" that I build in games like Minecraft and 7Days are different. In Minecraft, I build simply for the pleasure of creation but in 7Days, even though I take great pleasure in building, there is always a "Survival- Defense" aspect to my builds in their planning and how they are built upon. I LOVE the thought process of wondering if I have time and resources to complete a build idea before the next BMH.


The addition of a better power/electrical systems and other additions to the Build aspect would have to be done so that it isn't "Extra Fluff" but another aspect the players could chose to delve into to improve their QOL ingame and not distract the Devs from devoting time and effort to fine tuning other parts of the game.

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The fact that there is Gravity, Structural Integrity, and destructive mobs in 7 Days probably has something to do with that.

Minecraft has gravity on sand, gravel and scaffolding blocks and still allows for unimaginably complicated situations to happen and it handles them fairly well from a performance pov. For example:


Thousands of light sources (lag in 7dtd)

Hundreds of sand blocks falling (in 7dtd lag)

Hundreds of pistons moving

Huge redstone circuits

Hundreds of mobs (unthinkable in 7dtd)


These things work even with super duper texture packs and shaders, so it's not just a matter of 7 days has better graphics.

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hahaa, we can mash up the two aspects then, i think the post creator focused on describing MC building system , but deep i his mind he(me) mean that the creative building * survival defense === better building system , i,e you create to survive .

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Minecraft has gravity on sand, gravel and scaffolding blocks and still allows for unimaginably complicated situations to happen and it handles them fairly well from a performance pov. For example:


Thousands of light sources (lag in 7dtd)

Hundreds of sand blocks falling (in 7dtd lag)

Hundreds of pistons moving

Huge redstone circuits

Hundreds of mobs (unthinkable in 7dtd)


These things work even with super duper texture packs and shaders, so it's not just a matter of 7 days has better graphics.


Yeah lighting is handled so much better on minecraft. The blocks don't just get brighter, there is a limit ,per block, on how much brightness they can get. So instead of just having the game engine calculate all the lighting seperately,albeit realistic,it lags the game a lot. Instead a block specific lighting with minimum and maximum lighting should be implemented for much better frame rates. Not to mention it would make the game much more eye pleasing since I can't stare at more than a dozen torches or barrels stacked together which are nice for having constant flow of zombies.

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