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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Dont really have 1 set way, but im a stickler for having as many zeds as possible so, 64 max alive. I usually end up dying to something completely stupid and preventable anyway, never on horde night really.


I found more frequent bloodmoons on a lower difficulty very interesting lately.


Constant pressure..


Similar with you, but gonna try play semi-nomadic now, as I keep a 2-3km perimeter where I have few stashes with the most valuable stuff, and use a poi for crafting with a LCB to prevent mysterious disappearence of my stuff( or no poi at all why not ), with no use of bedroll at all ingame.

Can`t wait. Thanks.

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How many days did your longest game last?


In a14.latest I managed to survive till day 54 (pothethic I know) , vanilla settings as they were. Fell off a cliff while running from a daily horde, reloading my crossbow, walking backwards.. I loved the big mauntains in RWG back then, but some dogs appeared right after I fell off the cliff with 5hp on me.

Wish I have the habbit to screenshot or record such a moments. We all should.

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Oh, and just watched a video where Neebs Gaming confirmed a new episodes of 7dtd, starting soon. Very soon. Friday.


I just watched that, it's actually VERY bitter-sweet... why in the F would they start a new series now?! Right before A18 hits, it's going to suck if they do it in A17 by comparison. Was cringe-level funny listening to them, all of them, complain about the removal of zombie loot, those poor guys have no idea what else they're in for. Of course I will still watch it, I watched the last series twice, in full, and I almost never do that.


Madmole and Roland I imagine you both are aware of the Neebs series, it is one of their most successful, and they get MUCH higher average view numbers per episode than other streamers and youtubers. It was over 1 million for the first episode and hovered between 750k and 300k for the other 50+ episodes. So you should be aware(imagine you are) and supportive, I have met a number of people who got into 7DTD because of their videos.


The series was about a year last time, so hundreds of thousands of people are going to watch it and think that A17, not A18, is what your game is, from this Friday's premiere until around this time next year. Be a shame if it turns out that way, imagine it will affect your sales and reputation if it does. What think you of this?

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hinting at a18 streamer release

*grabs popcorn and dr.pepper*


Well the only way that this would be possible is two scenarios:


1. About 30 MFs are solved in a couple of days. Basically impossible.

2. Madmole has been intentionally lying about MFs existing in the first place... for some reason.


Yeah I'm not buying it. I don't think 18's coming yet.

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Well the only way that this would be possible is two scenarios:


1. About 30 MFs are solved in a couple of days. Basically impossible.

2. Madmole has been intentionally lying about MFs existing in the first place... for some reason.


Yeah I'm not buying it. I don't think 18's coming yet.


would be hilarious if he is lying. would give a few claps for that.

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Well the only way that this would be possible is two scenarios:


1. About 30 MFs are solved in a couple of days. Basically impossible.

2. Madmole has been intentionally lying about MFs existing in the first place... for some reason.


Yeah I'm not buying it. I don't think 18's coming yet.


is saying he's lying a joke or do you actually think he is lying because madmole wouldn't lie and also mfs aren't always that complicated to fix but some may be like whack a mole you fix one and like five come up so i don't know if you are being serious or not

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That won't help me if the intention is to change the xml tomorrow. What we need is Madmole's answer on the intention....or Gazz's answer about his task list ;)

Steel is the only real exception because it does cost a ton to upgrade.

It downgrades to concrete.


A solid 1m³ block of steel is not exactly immersive because denting that would require a plasma torch and a whole lot of time.

So it's a concrete block plus a steel shell. ;)


In the long run that may not downgrade, either, but we need better destruction visuals...

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I know you really want more people to guess what 'Conventional Ralston' is, so I will take a stab.


It's going prone! Because that Ralston guy had to cut his limb off to escape, and going prone allows you to go through 1 block spaces! Going prone also reduces heat and zombies do not dig to get to you anymore when you do that.


(partially a joke)

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However, there are hardly any designs for melee bases left in A17. It's probably the high block damage caused by the zombies that makes it difficult to build a melee base that lasts longer. Glock 9 has tried this a few times and always had to retreat to its alternate position after a few minutes.


My melee base usually held up all night, but my co-players often didn't use melee even when standing in the melee cage. The zombies had an unobstructed way to us around a corner, so the zombies mostly tried to go around the bend instead of hitting the cage.


Naturally I didn't tell the zombies about all the twisted wire and electric wire and the shotgun turret and the 6 dart throwers on their "unobstructed" way to us. :cocksure:

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Theoretically, would you still have randomly generated terrain if it was static? Or are you talking about pre-made static maps ala Ark?


Personally randomly generated terrain \ cities is one of the biggest draws of this game. I get what you're saying about mining though, if you get down to it there isn't much to it. You could just approximate it with mining POI's, and allow players to build up but not dig down so you could still alter the landscape but just by adding onto it and leaving the original mesh alone.


But if it (or a theoretical sequel), ended up with completely static non-random maps, I would lose interest very quickly. Mining through, I could definitely lose. (Especially if every POI just had like 10 ft of diggable dirt underneath so you get some deformation but not the entire map.)


Static terrain wouldn't remove our ability to make random gen worlds. The terrain is already static in the distance. Literally the only change would be you can't dig cant destroy water, and much better performance, better navigation, ability to drive 50 mph, the list of benefits are huge.

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Joel, i respect You :).

I was in Dagestan from 1996-1998yy, the political situation at that time did not allow me to appreciate this beautiful mountainous country.

I know that Dagestanis respect only those who respect them.

And i, to some extent, with them in solidarity ;).


Ok then practice what you know then, most of your posts seem disrespectful, but maybe its the language barrier.

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Even now you could implement a custom navmesh system that calculates on-the-fly. It's not like the concept behind a navmesh system is a secret and nor is it particularly difficult to implement. Damn near 80-90% of the blocks can be simplified to some form of cubic variant. That makes the polygon creation pretty damn trivial.


Your next point will likely be that you don't have the time. I'd say there's still time to do it. It's not like you can't afford to stick a programmer in corner for 6-12 months to implement it.


Is it not worth it to have spiders climbing along the ceiling or take the Behemoth from the cutting room floor? Is it not worth it for the extra zombies alone?


Faatal decided to keep A*, to him its probably apples vs oranges.

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