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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I think zombies could run out in front of your car deliberately, like they are attracted to headlights, even make a dive for it to get run over and damage the crap out of your vehicle and that might deter people from using that. Swarms of buzzards could clog up your heli blade and send you crashing down. We just need a few alphas to bring back the scare factor, reasons to explore, specific loot drops, etc and I think the game will be awesome.


Briefly put, I don't care how long it will take, as long as those of us who want to, have the ability to play the game (through options or whatnot) like an intimidating zombie apocalypse simulator, with consequences which will send chills down your spine and make you earn every minute of being alive. As for spoilage I shall keep spamming your ass until you finally, someday, decide to get it into the game. :)

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I don't like how there's literally zombies EVERYWHERE now. I like wandering hordes , and maybe the spare occasional zombie . But it's just frustrating and annoying when you're out in the middle of the woods / desert looking for a neat spot to build but there's just wandering zombies everywhere.

Some players think this. The other players think there are not enough. What do you do about that?

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What the hell am I reading? Not trying to be a madmole fluffer but the childish reaction to him stating facts is more insight into a games development than I have ever seen and I downloaded wads from BBS' for Doom.


Go back and listen to yourselves. So the development is slow. I get it, but the core game is mostly there. The goofy gripes about gameplay mechanics don't seem to be that rage inducing. If they have shown us anything the FunPimps will try something, and if it does not work out exactly at least they are open to changing. Not all the time, but more than any other developers I have seen. Are these mechanics really that horrible that you are willing to quit the game?


I get there is a mostly single player interest in this game, but after living forever I lost interest in that aspect. I truly don't understand how some of you repeatedly play the single player game more than once. HOWEVER, you don't see me having a tantrum asking TFP to drop their roadmap and focus on the things I feel are important.


There are some developers that truly deserve a tongue lashing, like BI, but not these guys.


Thank you. Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand or be the old man and say "Get off my lawn". I don't feel like development is slow, I feel like people are out of touch with reality. Most companies have 100-400 developers. We started with 3 and are around 20 now and 10 QA or support staff. Our level team cranks out more content than huge teams can. We're steam rolling art now and this build will have loads of new weapons to play with. I get it that it sucks to wait for updates, but we're done rushing things out just to feel relevant. Making a quality product, fixing bugs and sticking to our vision not flavor feature of the week is what we need to do. That stuff takes time but it's the right thing to do.

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Don't make fun of me.

Seriously though... what the heck does that have to do with what you are saying? You have good things to say here... why is that a thing?

Does not replaying single player make you less prone to having tantrums? That's a really strange association you've made there.


I can do both. I like SP for that omega man experience, doing it all on my own has a certain level of satisfaction. But playing with others can be fun too, watching them get rekt never gets old.

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I think what Cyber Shadow is referring to is that sometimes when you enter a wilderness area that you would expect to be less populated with zombies. you end up having to clear out a lot. I notice this after I choose a location for a build-from-scratch base. However, also what I notice is that once you clear out some radius, the zombies generally don't spawn as much. So, it really isn't a big deal. I'm not sure if this some part of the game or not, but this is how it appears to work out for me.

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MM and Pimps,


Looking forward to the changes and features you guys are talking about. For me personally, perks (and their opposite - flaws) don't quite scratch my zombie N/B/C apocalypse itch the way other skill advancement mechanics do that shall not be named (but the initials are Larry Bites Doug). But that's OK! I've had fun with the perks and other changes in 17 (up through 17.2), I'm looking forward to 17.3 and 18. So long as I can advance, gain abilities, and immerse myself in semi-realistic zombie slaughtering fun, I'll enjoy it. Gotta say that knocking Z's off the roof of a building on horde night is a blast. That crunch when they hit the bottom never gets old! And neither does the dancing flames of a follow-up molotov! (Love that item, by the way.)


Question, and I apologize if it's already been covered in the 300+ pages of this thread: Any hints on new types of zombies, or zombie abilities in the near future? I recall mention of a breaker. But I was wondering if you guys are going to build in "mods for Z's" like there are mods for tools and weapons. Several game mods have helped scratch that variation in zombies itch. But I'm hoping for some extras in the base game. I've played this game a lot since A8, and end of last year/first half of this year I've taken a series of long breaks to stave off burnout. I'm starting to jones for my next fix of undead mayhem.


FWIW, started with A8, Steam says I've got 6K+ hours in, and I still come back to play with each new release. So, yeah, I'm a fan of the game. Re-lurking before the ravening hordes start munching on my meaty bits.

Yes the demolisher zombie is coming to A18. He's was like a huge explosives commando in his former life and he has a flashing red LED light if you hit he goes boom. If he gets clogged up on your base walls he goes boom. He probably will shred through spikes and barbed wire like butter.

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Seems like you can get out there and hunt. If you want easy food go farm. We're not allowing players to farm animals in traps, it would eat cpu having expensive entities stuck in cages. I wish we had Unreal Ark you can have a lot of dinos and it somehow still runs ok lol.


Good Point the underlying game engine dictates the limits of what you can do. like 200 players on RUST is a nothing but you can't dig or mine. ARK is similar if I recall, I can't dig a hole and keep tunneling all night like I could in 7DTD.


maybe raise the price of the game to $2500 and ship with an i7/GTX1060/32GRAM box :)

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you Mr Mole care:

1. for the game

2. for all players


yeah we all miss the crafting grid and the sticks...(not realy) but I realy like how 7 days is progressing and changing. Of course with new stuff it gets a little bit rough but as an old player i trust in the smooth out process... hey remember the minibike nemesis? how long did they do bad things? and now we can even fly ^^


Yes we made vehicles right. Sometimes it takes a few iterations to get something right and that process is not always fun for some people.

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@Madmole are there going to "generic" gun parts along with the specific ones? Maybe it's a little too much like the sharp sticks>sticks>planks>logs thing, but I was thinking, maybe a player could scrap some shotgun parts into generic gun parts and use those to help build a faulty pistol. Maybe there's a player-crafted gun like the blunderbuss that only uses generic gun parts.


No that is way too generic. You'll need double barrel parts for double barrel shotguns, pump shotgun parts for pump shotguns. Double barrels are unlocked with rank 1 of shotgun messiah, pump shotguns need a one time read schematic to learn how to craft. The higher the quality, the more parts it takes to craft.

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Hm... interesting. I have a bald spot as well, but I feel like just shaving and going bald already. I honestly wouldn't mind going bald even though I'm in my 20's. Tired of cutting my own hair and going to the barber at times. Might do some research on that drug though.


On-topic, @madmole, what is your vision for the game? Personally, for me I like the game because it has crafting and allows me to be creative and still deal with zombies. At the same time though, like if the game ends going into the more hardcore-survival part... I might stop playing at that point. I've always seen this game as a survival-lite game, meant for "casual" folks like me. But, really it's more that the mechanics of the game are simple and easy to learn. Is the game still matching your vision or are there still more on-going refinements?


I would like the game to be easy to learn but have fairly deep game play. At the heart its about scavenging, crafting and tower defense. We'll have some light RPG elements like quests and npc events. I'd like it to support casuals to hardcore through various options and fulfill most zombie apocalypse scenarios. The elevator pitch was always The Walking Dead meets Fallout in a fully destroyable world like minecraft.

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I'm sorry if it came across as a personal assault on him, but his remark that most negative reviews are coming from mostly 300+ hour guys who don't like change rubbed me the wrong way. That seems like a unfounded generalization, but if you think I'm taking it out of context, I can't or don't want to change your opinion.


Not sure why facts rub you the wrong way. Maybe its better to say it feels like 90% of the negs are coming from A16 players.


Either way I am authoring two major systems for this release and honestly I am probably the biggest risk of shipping A18 so I am not going to get into these big debates.


Lets try to talk about A18, politics and business are too controversial.

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