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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


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The other issue with the STR build is more global : he has absolutely no ranged specialization. Every other character has both melee and range power, the strength guy is a close quarter dude with no survivability. The more I think about it the more I think machine guns should be a STR specialization while shotguns should be for the tanky FORT build.


I really love the idea of switching machine guns and shotguns between For and Str. It makes whole lot of sense, being able to shoot m60 while standing requires ♥♥♥♥load of strength. But I am afraid I would never play any other build...which I still dont so it probably does not matter.

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I really love the idea of switching machine guns and shotguns between For and Str. It makes whole lot of sense, being able to shoot m60 while standing requires ♥♥♥♥load of strength. But I am afraid I would never play any other build...which I still dont so it probably does not matter.


Yeah STR would definitely be a very strong class, if not the strongest solo class, but like I said it makes no sense to me that the beefy Pain Tolerance & Heavy Armour & Healing Factor dude gets to play the ranged AK/M60 while the cook/miner with no sustain/armor gets handed the shotguns. Feels backwards to me.


But regardless of which tree gets to play the shotguns, they need some love and a niche. I wish we'd get some "official" answer regarding the topic, I feel like i'm beating up a dead horse and starting to become obnoxious by repeating myself, so I'll just leave it at that now. ^^

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Yeah STR would definitely be a very strong class, if not the strongest solo class, but like I said it makes no sense to me that the beefy Pain Tolerance & Heavy Armour & Healing Factor dude gets to play the ranged AK/M60 while the cook/miner with no sustain/armor gets handed the shotguns. Feels backwards to me.


But regardless of which tree gets to play the shotguns, they need some love and a niche. I wish we'd get some "official" answer regarding the topic, I feel like i'm beating up a dead horse and starting to become obnoxious by repeating myself, so I'll just leave it at that now. ^^


Been trying to get along with the attribute system since it's launch, sometimes feel like I'm fighting the system to build my character. Find a sledge first few days I'm eager to go Str build, but it has no survivability. I mean Str weapons are just as close quarters as Brawlers, actually all melee is close quarters cept maybe spears, but Brawler gets most of the survivability. Heavy Armor+Cardio = no stamina worries, getting massive damage reduction on top of Pain Tolerance and Healing, yikes.


For solo melee it's hard not to go Brawler build. Possible, but on harder difficulties you gotta spend points well for when those greens show up.


Run n Gun and Cardio feels like they should be swapped too. I mean I get Cardio pairs well with Heavy Armor, but being agility based feels it should make you run further? Also SMGs are super rare compared to ak47, harder to proc Run n Gun with pistol/magnum.

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"Stack limits to coolers, and end tables that players could craft and sell for a large profit"


Havent tested end tables yet, but the Beverage cooler.. You gain a massive profit of 1 dukes for selling it vs. selling the mats for it.


**Edit- Just noticed there is a another cooler, must be that one that is profit. (Ahh ok, ya its 35 dukes profit for the normal cooler) My fault.


**Edit2- What end table are they talking about? The only thing I can find is "End Table Lamp" and it is -80 dukes loss.

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Been trying to get along with the attribute system since it's launch, sometimes feel like I'm fighting the system to build my character. Find a sledge first few days I'm eager to go Str build, but it has no survivability. I mean Str weapons are just as close quarters as Brawlers, actually all melee is close quarters cept maybe spears, but Brawler gets most of the survivability. Heavy Armor+Cardio = no stamina worries, getting massive damage reduction on top of Pain Tolerance and Healing, yikes.


I don't think that pure builds are intended. They are nice for a challenge but for a normal playthrough you need points in different attributes.


I have a strength build but I also invest points in fortitude. I think it blends pretty well and I'm also a fan of self-sufficiency. So it's only natural to have points in living of the land.


As for the shotgun, I see the double-barreled shotgun only as a weapon for "Oh S" moments. With a pump shotgun you can walk through a POI like a terminator but melee is also very powerful.

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and that is why we play with the creative menu on. you shouldn't be able to scrap a modded weapon


A crawler crawled towards me by my motorcycle and completely damaged it 100% in like 2 seconds.. and worse, it would not repair using repair kits.


I chalked it up to a bug and just replaced it. I'll use the broken one as a lawn decoration...lol! Thats why the game isn't gold yet.. $hit happens.

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Madmole, you said we should report cheap deaths, so:


I made a fresh world in newest EXP build and spawned near one of those barn POIs with the grain silo (that has haybales in the bottom). After taking some rough hits, I got my way over to the loot area and started grabbing the cobblestone/cement out the bags around. I then hopped to the hanging platform thingy outside the "window", harvested one of the bags and the whole thing collapsed, causing me to take near-death damage, which a wolf was waiting right where I fell down. It bit me instantly and I died. I want a refund now. Jk. Love you. Plz fix.


I love that booby trapped poi. The only bugged one to me is that water treatment plant where you wrench the car on the right and then the whole wall behind it collapses....lol!

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I love that booby trapped poi. The only bugged one to me is that water treatment plant where you wrench the car on the right and then the whole wall behind it collapses....lol!


That's what happens when you support the building based on the surrounding environment during the construction process. Lol


"But that is my car!"


"Not anymore. That's a support structure."

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Its pretty silly, its a zombie apocalypse you don't get time to landscape. Maybe we can overcome the limitation but I was told hey you get 3 blocks whats it going to be.. um ok dirt/adaptive and gravel. Maybe asphalt would be more desirable than gravel?


Maybe it is, I've never used gravel in the game (For creative purposes) but I used asphalt a lot of times.

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I don't think its needed. A little practice makes perfect.


Over 36k now!




You had talked about adding it as a perk or book in the past for players who prefer it....I never even craft and rarely even use found ones because they are just too iffy to target well. I'd say I've wasted at least 1/2 of them trying to guess range. They cost a lot of resources to make, so it ends up being a big waste of them with the current system.


IMHO its another of those things you personally don't like, but there is a reason why its a feature in most games with throwable ammo.



BTW, whoever redid the Hospital POI deserves a promotion! They took a large bland shell and made it a nice aaa 2 day adventure! BTW, FINALLY crafted a steel tool on day 34 after buying the schematic from a trader when I saw it. I've still never seen the steel tool schematic drop in all a18 and for the first time also FINALLY saw a bicycle handlebar schematic drop.


Speaking of which, an the gamestage weighted loot range field for vehicles be tweaked a bit more?


It makes sense to see the vehicle schematics (or parts) drop more based on gamestage. I would think a higher probably would be for bike parts/schematics estimated gamestage under day 14, minibike 7-28, motorcycle 21-42, ect.


Also IMHO vehicle schematics should unlock both parts of a vehicle, not just one of the required parts. I've never been able to craft any vehicle with only half a schematic, and have had to unlock them 100% with perk points, defeating the entire usefulness of finding the vehicle schematics in loot.


Getting a bicycle handlbar schematic in loot on day 34 isn't going to thrill anyone. On day two though it could be a game changer.


The groundwork is already in place for it, but the vehicle drops all need to be adjusted.


I also LOVE the modlet that adds complete half damaged bikes in the dumpster loot list. You find one, its at 10%, repair it and you have basic transportation, and its a great early find!

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I love that booby trapped poi. The only bugged one to me is that water treatment plant where you wrench the car on the right and then the whole wall behind it collapses....lol!


I am noticing a few POI not flush to ground level and I wonder if this has anything to do with instability of some POI.


On occasion I have added a torch to something and the whole building structure on that side has collapsed.

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Yeah unfortunately after 6 months of developing splat map terrain I get handed a problem, we can only let players add 3 blocks, which ones shall it be? So we went with adaptive, dirt and gravel. We could swap gravel for asphalt perhaps if people would rather make asphalt roads (I know I do).


I would choose adaptive, grass and asphalt, for asthetic decoration. Sometimes you want to create a vehicle path (asphalt) and sometimes you want to make a garden or green up a dismal biome with trees and grass.

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I would choose adaptive, grass and asphalt, for asthetic decoration. Sometimes you want to create a vehicle path (asphalt) and sometimes you want to make a garden or green up a dismal biome with trees and grass.


In the post-apocalypse? Sorry, but after the nuclear fallout, almost everything is supposed to be dirty, grungy, gritty, gray, and desolate. Maybe not in the same style as, say, Fallout 3, but definitely not modern day green grass and white picket fences either. Just saying. :p

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In the post-apocalypse? Sorry, but after the nuclear fallout, almost everything is supposed to be dirty, grungy, gritty, gray, and desolate. Maybe not in the same style as, say, Fallout 3, but definitely not modern day green grass and white picket fences either. Just saying. :p


I once tore down a whole city block in the wasteland, broke all the ground and replaced it with green soil, snow, and trees. I wanted to have harder zed's and dogs roaming around but in some nice scenery. This was on a PvP server too, you could see the trees from a mile away and it looked so out of place. Had to fend off several raids after that lol.


Oh ya, I had an huge swimming pool that I was always trying to fill with dogs, they would break out eventually tho.

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I once tore down a whole city block in the wasteland, broke all the ground and replaced it with green soil, snow, and trees. I wanted to have harder zed's and dogs roaming around but in some nice scenery. This was on a PvP server too, you could see the trees from a mile away and it looked so out of place. Had to fend off several raids after that lol.


Oh ya, I had an huge swimming pool that I was always trying to fill with dogs, they would break out eventually tho.



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In the post-apocalypse? Sorry, but after the nuclear fallout, almost everything is supposed to be dirty, grungy, gritty, gray, and desolate. Maybe not in the same style as, say, Fallout 3, but definitely not modern day green grass and white picket fences either. Just saying. :p


Then the forest biome wouldn't even exist, right? LOL!


Post apoc doesn't have to look ugly.


Exhibit A: AAA Horizon Zero Dawn


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Then the forest biome wouldn't even exist, right? LOL!


Post apoc doesn't have to look ugly.


Exhibit A: AAA Horizon Zero Dawn


True, but don't expect to be living in a place like this in the post-apocalypse. Lol




Over time, everything rots. Houses decay, the roads will crumble, the world will reclaim what was once lost to nature, back to its natural green self. Cities will collapse, windows will shatter... It doesn't have to look ugly. But if you're used to living in a comfy modern or Modern home, it's not going to look pretty after a while. :p

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ding ding. we have a winner

edit: tested this in creative. logically, this shouldnt work, since all it would do would be to tell the second plate it can now power something, but hey, I wont argue with it.


Since I was giving exactly the same answer in my post without making you understand, which seems to happen to my posts quite frequently; Is it my general use of english that makes me hard to understand (I'm not a native speaker) ? Too long sentences, too complicated phrases maybe?

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I don't think that pure builds are intended. They are nice for a challenge but for a normal playthrough you need points in different attributes.


I have a strength build but I also invest points in fortitude. I think it blends pretty well and I'm also a fan of self-sufficiency. So it's only natural to have points in living of the land.


As for the shotgun, I see the double-barreled shotgun only as a weapon for "Oh S" moments. With a pump shotgun you can walk through a POI like a terminator but melee is also very powerful.


Yer I'm spending points in different trees too for a more balanced character. Rigid is probably what I'm trying to say, Brawler gets a lot of survivability and sneak is Agility. Atm my starting characters is either one of these two trees. The other trees aren't really my playstyle.


I think the problem for me is weapons being under attributes. For example if I started a new game with a friend, we both like to be tanky, say I wanted to be a tanky spartan, I'd have to earn more xp just to be as tanky as him just because the spear is in another tree. I'm having to spread my points and the annoying thing is I don't actually want anything else in Perception, I just want to be a tanky spear guy.


And it's the same for any weapon combo that doesn't follow 1 attribute.

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I really love the idea of switching machine guns and shotguns between For and Str. It makes whole lot of sense, being able to shoot m60 while standing requires ♥♥♥♥load of strength. But I am afraid I would never play any other build...which I still dont so it probably does not matter.


Machine Guns for STR makes more sense in my head too. I was thinking about that the other day. Fortitude just screams shotguns. Big, armored, slow moving with shotguns.


With the best armor, damage mitigation, AND healing, they dont need mid-long range machine guns. They need the risk it for the biscuit ranged weapon.


STR doesnt even get armor, so I feel like machine guns fit better there too.

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Over time, everything rots. Houses decay, the roads will crumble, the world will reclaim what was once lost to nature, back to its natural green self. Cities will collapse, windows will shatter... It doesn't have to look ugly. But if you're used to living in a comfy modern or Modern home, it's not going to look pretty after a while. :p


That which was already there but if you build something new it should also look new.


What is the point if we can build something new but it looks like it has been uninhabited for 20 or 30 years ?

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That which was already there but if you build something new it should also look new.


What is the point if we can build something new but it looks like it has been uninhabited for 20 or 30 years ?


Ehh, not necessarily. You can build something new out of something old (scrap, for instance) and it would still look old.


Maybe it's the "7D2D style"? *Shrugs* At the end of the day, TFP decide what this game will look like and how much we can shape it (as in, how look we can make sometihng). :p

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The plot thickens!


What say you thecolours


Well, it happend to me.


- - - Updated - - -


it look like he accidentally press q and drop his junk turret, didn't realize it and think he scrap it. You have no ideas how many times I drop my gears after grabbing a drink.


I had junk turret parts in my inventory. I didn't accidentally drop it.

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