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Food, water and meds should work instantly


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The buffing system just feels bloated to me especially on certain things. Stuff added that isn't helpful like digesting food and water. I read through the buffs xml to try and figure out how food, water and meds were working. In all honesty it feels like stupid stuff that would have been added by a mod just to show that it could be done instead of really having purpose or adding to game fun. IMO it was much better when eat/drink and taking your medicines worked at the moment you did them. There are so many things about a17 that are putting me off from wanting to play it much. This is one of the huge ones.

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This was one of the things i noticed last night. Was trying to get max health back up so i could heal properly. The counter you have to wait for to finish after you eat is nice in theory but its really just busy work. Something to make you wait to do other things.


Instant may not be the answer but maybe reduce that wait time to half what it is and at least it won't feel like an artificial slowdown.

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This was one of the things i noticed last night. Was trying to get max health back up so i could heal properly. The counter you have to wait for to finish after you eat is nice in theory but its really just busy work. Something to make you wait to do other things.


Instant may not be the answer but maybe reduce that wait time to half what it is and at least it won't feel like an artificial slowdown.


I am still for instant so I can move on to other things. Got enough stuff taking up my time in the game. Bandaids take a very small amount of time, so do pain pills, they are enough to have to wait on. Food, Water, antibiotics, honey, and splints are just annoying. They should just work like they use. Not liking this not knowing if something cured me or not thing. Leaves me wondering it if it working right or at all. Finding the lack of info and general slowness of them a bother.

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I disagree (don't worry, most people won't). I do appreciate the fact we have to wait to get cured. Hydratation time is fine too. All those little things are more immersive for me. I would especially like the devs to improve the different stages of diseases, make them more numerous and more frequent. Currently, we can drink dirty water without even being sick, the infection never goes to the end, poisoning by food is barely binding. I want to suffer ! Of course, I especially want to be forced to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet and skills that increase my resistance to bacteria.

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I disagree (don't worry, most people won't). I do appreciate the fact we have to wait to get cured. Hydratation time is fine too. All those little things are more immersive for me. I would especially like the devs to improve the different stages of diseases, make them more numerous and more frequent. Currently, we can drink dirty water without even being sick, the infection never goes to the end, poisoning by food is barely binding. I want to suffer ! Of course, I especially want to be forced to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet and skills that increase my resistance to bacteria.


I disagree as well. In fact, I am thinking that this is just the beginning of something more intuitive, but we are seeing it at an early stage that just doesn't seem to matter much. For instance, the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins into the system, and having to keep this somewhat balanced as well... perhaps for other things like immunity. I'm afraid though this isn't really anything new and 7D2D is following the trend. A lot... and I mean a lot, of the newer survival games have at least some form of this going on.

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I dunno, I rather like the more gradual system - It feels better to me to not get the full effects of food, water, and medicine immediately. Then again, I also have a playstyle that tends towards the slow-paced, so I have a lot to do while I'm waiting for it. I can also acknowledge that a more faster-paced player might resent the mandatory downtime while they wait for their stats to recover.

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I dunno, I rather like the more gradual system - It feels better to me to not get the full effects of food, water, and medicine immediately. Then again, I also have a playstyle that tends towards the slow-paced, so I have a lot to do while I'm waiting for it. I can also acknowledge that a more faster-paced player might resent the mandatory downtime while they wait for their stats to recover.


I'd have to agree with you on this Bob. It doesn't bother me at all and feels more natural. I tend to have a slower and more casual playstyle myself. I'm eating, hydrating and applying first aid.... things that benefit me gradually. If I wanted instant results I'd snort a line of coke, do some meth and top it off with some morphine.

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I do feel meds to cure sicknessess SHOULD take time to work, irl you take medicine for something, it never works right away, sometimes you have to be on the stuff for a month+ before it even shows any effect at all.


I do however, feel that food/water should be instant in terms of the food/water bars, but the healing/stam regen from hydration should stay as is. I'd also like drugs like pain killers, vitamins, steroids etc to take the water right away, insted of slowly over time.


These are just my preferences though.


P.s. I don't think infection is fatal anymore by itself, final stage will reduce you to 30 max health due to how fast it damages your health, but if your in a safe spot, you can just wait it out. I'd bet dysentery(sp?) is no longer fatal either.

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Pain killers restore your 40 hp instantly, while other healing items take longer to heal you, but you can only eat 1 for healing at a time.


I kind of liked how it was before,


Pain killers took a long time to work, and slowly healed you and applied a buff that reduced damage and stun.


First aid bandages applied a slightly stronger heal over time than the pain killer.


First aid kit takes a second to activate and healed a lot of health instantly and applied a heal over time.


I don't know why they changed that and why does First aid kit have to wait a second to be applied if its not going to heal me instantly?

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I disagree (don't worry, most people won't). I do appreciate the fact we have to wait to get cured. Hydratation time is fine too. All those little things are more immersive for me. I would especially like the devs to improve the different stages of diseases, make them more numerous and more frequent. Currently, we can drink dirty water without even being sick, the infection never goes to the end, poisoning by food is barely binding. I want to suffer ! Of course, I especially want to be forced to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet and skills that increase my resistance to bacteria.


Sounds like something a really good mod could do for you. However I don't feel we need that in vanilla.

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The buffing system just feels bloated to me especially on certain things. Stuff added that isn't helpful like digesting food and water. I read through the buffs xml to try and figure out how food, water and meds were working. In all honesty it feels like stupid stuff that would have been added by a mod just to show that it could be done instead of really having purpose or adding to game fun. IMO it was much better when eat/drink and taking your medicines worked at the moment you did them. There are so many things about a17 that are putting me off from wanting to play it much. This is one of the huge ones.






This delayed nonsense is counter intuitive.

There's a reason why it's not common in other games.


It's annoying and ridiculous.


The decision to make these things display a delayed effect does nothing to help game play.

It harms it.


I'd love to hear the pitch at the staff meeting that got this moronic idea passed.

It must have been amazing.

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As far as medicines I was mostly talking about telling if you got cured or not. There is no kind of message. You take a honey and you can't really tell if it did something or not. NO message to say it worked or didn't work. If you want a over time thing than let it saying something about you are feeling better. However I personally would rather it was like it was in the past and just cured it right away.

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As far as medicines I was mostly talking about telling if you got cured or not. There is no kind of message. You take a honey and you can't really tell if it did something or not. NO message to say it worked or didn't work. If you want a over time thing than let it saying something about you are feeling better. However I personally would rather it was like it was in the past and just cured it right away.




Players need information.

To deny them this and have to "guess" make no sense.

How is that fun?


Did the TFP staff ask that question?

Is this going to be fun?


It almost seems like for A17 someone has taken more control of those TFP staff meetings.

Someone with terrible ideas and far too much influence.

I don't understand a lot of what they have done. It's got me shaking my head.


Anyway..... you're right.


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I do feel meds to cure sicknessess SHOULD take time to work, irl you take medicine for something, it never works right away, sometimes you have to be on the stuff for a month+ before it even shows any effect at all.


I do however, feel that food/water should be instant in terms of the food/water bars, but the healing/stam regen from hydration should stay as is. I'd also like drugs like pain killers, vitamins, steroids etc to take the water right away, insted of slowly over time.


These are just my preferences though.


P.s. I don't think infection is fatal anymore by itself, final stage will reduce you to 30 max health due to how fast it damages your health, but if your in a safe spot, you can just wait it out. I'd bet dysentery(sp?) is no longer fatal either.


i agree, that curing desease takes time. but big thing is: we need indicator, that it is working, not just guessing, it may work.

so perhaps it is possible to divide red health bar. lower part stay red and indicates your max health and current health. upper part is green, if not infected. turns orange, if infected/poisoned and after apply meds start turning green again. same way as stamina blue and grey.


you can make that idea better, i'm not very clever with those things

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I don't mind it. I can focus on more than one thing at a time, so it is nothing to me. Also, it's a damn shame real meds don't work instantly. God should fix that bug in the reality of things. Got a sinus infection? The second you swallow penicillin it should instantly digest and cure your nose, your nose should clear, and you should be able to run a marathon! Oh wait, it doesn't work that way here either, does it?


On a serious note, this just makes you plan ahead a bit more. It literally changes NOTHING for the average player. Oh wait, Ark is this way also. I cannot recall if The Forest is. Either way it's a common thing. Are you seriously saying you look over, realize your water or food is almost gone, and then freeze in place until you eat enough or drink enough to be full? Seems silly to me.

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I don't mind it. I can focus on more than one thing at a time, so it is nothing to me. Also, it's a damn shame real meds don't work instantly. God should fix that bug in the reality of things. Got a sinus infection? The second you swallow penicillin it should instantly digest and cure your nose, your nose should clear, and you should be able to run a marathon! Oh wait, it doesn't work that way here either, does it?


On a serious note, this just makes you plan ahead a bit more. It literally changes NOTHING for the average player. Oh wait, Ark is this way also. I cannot recall if The Forest is. Either way it's a common thing. Are you seriously saying you look over, realize your water or food is almost gone, and then freeze in place until you eat enough or drink enough to be full? Seems silly to me.


That's an awfully long sword there Seph.... sure you're not compensating for something?





Sorry just... always wanted to say that.

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We get it. You love all things A17. Civil conversations about things people do not like ARE allowed too you know.

Sorry to enjoy the game. And no, I don't love everything : during the previous alpha, TFP has yielded a lot of claims to satisfy some players. I find it a bit unfortunate but I am happy to mod what seems to me to go in the direction of ease. But as Anabella suggests, I'll change what's needed to make it work for me. Would you be one of those who don't like this version AND are angry after those who appreciate it ?

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Agree. While it's "realistic" to take some time to drink and eat, coupled with the huge food/water drain it means I now must eat ...then drink.. then wait.... then eat...then drink..then wait...then... well, I just wanna eat eat drink drink and be on my way and not waste a couple of minutes...


Or more likely, I eat, drink, then intend to go back and eat and drink, but forget and 15 mins later realize I'm only at 70 % and being penalized by the game for not being 100 % full :p

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