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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Some changes you can continue a save game, others require you to start a new save, while some require restarting the game completely. I typically start a new save when trying something new. If that doesn't work, I verify by restarting the game before I assume I made a mistake somewhere.
  2. Right now, here are the chances of finding the beaker in the game
  3. Sure, but I bet at least one person has been called a freeloader 😁 Eh, if it makes you feel better, keep going down this path. Just because you feel it is a must have or a necessary QoL, that doesn't mean the devs have the same priority as you. Maybe by the time 7D2D is finished, you have Q6 crafting again; but then again, maybe not. It is the vision of TFP that will drive what the final game looks like, not my vision or your vision. The way I figure it, you got two choices right now: Keep stewing over the fact that you can't craft Q6 gear right now. I find that to be unhealthy and takes away the enjoyment I have playing this game Come up with a way to mod the game to get what you want - coming into work this morning, I thought of a way to introduce Q6 into my gameplay without breaking the game. Now I am going to write up a modlet to do that over Christmas break and start playtesting it. Whatever choice you make is up to you; though I have a feeling I am going to be playing 7D2D with Q6 crafting sooner than you.
  4. Umm, should this <Zyamaia> actually be <config> and </Zyamaia> be </config>?
  5. I didn't dodge the question, I just didn't feel any justification for answering it. And my response summed up my opinion well - there is no requirement that crafters should have something that nobody (miners, looters, etc) else can have. You think one way, I believe a completely different way. No matter what I say or anyone says, the game to you is imbalanced because you can't craft a single thing that a looter can get by looting. Maybe they will bring back Q6 crafting, maybe not. We know that they are looking into level based crafting so Q6 might make its return. If you truly believe that you should have the ability to craft a Q6 piece of gear, then mod the game so you can. If you play multiplayer, then reach out to the server admins and ask them to mod the game so you can craft Q6 gear. I am sure you can find players who feel the same way as you. I will even help you out. You put the code below in a xml file and create a mod folder for it (hint, this file should be called progression). This will change all crafting recipes to now be able to craft Q6 if you max out the perk. This is just one of the beauties of this game: the ability to change it if you just take a little bit time and effort to do so. https://imgur.com/a/H3v7t6e <config> <set xpath="//passive_effect[@name='CraftingTier']/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set> </config>
  6. One common issue we have seen is a non-clean install - meaning Alpha 19 files mingled with Alpha 20 files.
  7. Those poor traders. We already have them working from 6 in the morning to 22 at night. But we can't give them 8 hours for themselves, we just want them to stay open 24/7 for our convenience 😁
  8. I think the intent was for Brawler to affect bare hand attacks <item name="meleeHandPlayer"> <!-- T1 brawling --> <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/> <property name="Tags" value="blunt,melee,grunting,light,perkFlurryOfBlows,attFortitude,perkBrawler"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property name="HoldType" value="0"/> ..... <effect_group name="meleeHandPlayer" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="5"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="2.2"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="earth"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="stone"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="metal"/> <passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="base_set" value="80"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="10.5" tags="primary"/> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="2.0"/> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="2.6"/> </effect_group> <effect_group name="Power Attack" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="perc_add" value="-.3" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="15.8" tags="secondary"/> </effect_group> <!--use_action class="LiftUpTerrain" delay="1" use_time="..." gain_health="-5"gain_stamina="-20" gain_food="0" gain_water="10" gain_sickness="15" condition_raycast_block="77,78,79,80" sound_start="player_drinking" /--> </item> They have the tags for it at the top, but don't tie the damage to the perk (missing tags at EntityDamage). Not sure if that was just missed or if they were having issues and removed it. They also don't have the tier bonus damage passive effect in there.
  9. This is where the game is failing to load up your profile I tried to recreate it on my computer (using the same map as you) but everything loads up fine. Can you go in your Saves folder and look in the players.xml file (Drive/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/Nazegame/Stable)? Does it look like this (this is the game I just started)? Also, have you started a new game and the issue still exists (not continue on with an existing game)? Your issue might be a corrupted save file. And if so, the next question is does it occur every time you start up a new game. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistentplayerdata> <player platform="EOS" userid="0002735b702b4b368b8ae1b421a36ae9" playername="BigFurryTarget" lastlogin="2021-12-22 10:26:16"> <bedroll pos="2890,42,-1784" /> </player> </persistentplayerdata>
  10. Is your file structure right? In your acid mod folder, do you have a config folder and the xml files (except for modinfo) in that folder?
  11. In Alpha 20, one batch is 5 cans of Sham (looking at the recipe now). So you are getting 5 shams / unit of acid in return. The recipe was the same for Alpha19.
  12. Lots of good tips, here are some from me: like unholyjoe stated, everyone plays differently. I play SP, Survivalist difficulty, zombies jog during day (night is default), feral sense on with two mods that increase the zombies spawns by 2x and another that significantly increases the wandering horde frequency and size This is how I approach early game: Day 1 - Cancel the starter quests, gear up based on how I am playing (right now, I am favoring knives so I gear up with a club, stone axe, and bow until I find enough bones to make a bone knife - scrap the club and make a second knife as soon as possible as backup) - Head to the nearest town/city to find the trader and my first location to setup a temporary base. I usually take a dig quest from the trader but don't start it yet. I want to find my temporary base to get it ready for Night 1. Always walking to conserve stamina and I don't go wild on looting to keep encumbrance down. I typically put down a storage chest at the trader and dump everything in it that I don't need at this moment. Once I find my temporary base, I clear it out and set it up (usually a roof top) so I can get up there but the zombies don't. I typically will loot out an easy POI nearby (looking for basic items for early survival - food, first aid items, cooking pot and/or grill. Any time you engage with zombies, head on a swivel (especially with Feral Sense). Use the terrain to your advantage. I will put obstacles between me and the Zs. Don't engage until you run out of stamina, always keep some in reserve to disengage and regain stamina. This is for outdoors. For indoors, if an area looks blocked, I will not jump down in there at the beginning of my playthrough. If it is just a POI I am raiding, I will skip it for now and come back later. If it is part of a mission, I will back off and make my own entrance (or wake up the Zs and let them help me open up a new route). Then I make them come to me and fight them under my terms, not inside an enclosed room. Initially at night, do nothing. Find a dark corner on top of your safe location, and just sit there all night listening to the zombies move around you and the wolves howl. If they don't detect you, you have nothing to fight. If you can safely engage a dire wolf at night, do so. But realize that a dire wolf has 750 hp which will require a lot of stone arrows to take down. Wait a few minutes in the morning before leaving your base to allow time for the dire wolf to despawn if you see one or heard of any nearby. Regarding dogs, don't engage them until you can make a few pipe weapons and have the ammo for them. If you see doghouses, skip those POIs. If you hear a growl, run away quickly. I went around a POI to avoid the doghouse I saw but I triggered the sleeper and heard the dog growl (this was morning of Day 2). The only thing I did at that point was turn around and ran like heck. I was able to find a safe location to get up high and away from the dog, and just pelt it with stone arrows until it died. Forgot to add this Be smart on your first perk choices. Since I am using knives right now, my first perk choice is always Cardio. I don't take Deep Cuts or anything else, I also save Sex Rex for later. Since I need to stay mobile with the bone knife, the faster regeneration while I am running is more beneficial to me than Deep Cuts or Sex Rex as I am constantly rapidly changing my location after getting a few stabs in.
  13. as already stated by theFlu, yes it is under Int tree code <property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,light,perkFlurryOfBlows,weapon,meleeWeapon,noStunEffect,attIntellect,perkElectrocutioner,canHaveCosmetic"/> Perking into the strength or Pummel Pete areas does not affect the pipe baton
  14. FYI If anyone has downloaded the T0 Equipment modlet, please note a new version was just upload (Version 1.0). The only change was adding 44 cal ammo to the first loot table in order to start finding it earlier.
  15. Intellect branch, Electrocutioner branch
  16. I decided to share any modlets / mods I may create in case others would like to use them. I will update this first post as I get more done. Modlets T0 Equipment Changes T0 Equipment (Q2 max, not found in loot or trader tables, mods not allowed, no repairs, ammo changes for pistol and pipe machine gun, tweaks to pipe pistol and machine gun) - See Readme file for all changes - Current version 1.5, uploaded 12/22/2021 at 10:22PM
  17. Very good point. So to unlock the fastest crafting time, you would need to be able to get to Perc 5, Demolitions Level 3 along with Int 9 and maxed out Physician
  18. Not sure if I agree it needs a fix. Correct me if my math is wrong, but if you max perk into physician and have nerd glasses, you see a 50% reduction in crafting time in the chemistry station (40% from perk and 10% from glasses) which means bulk gunpowder takes 15 minutes to craft. Single crafting at the chem station would go down to around 8 minutes to craft. Still about half the time, but now you are at 15 min per stack instead of 30 min. I think the choice right now is fine - you can either make your resources go further but take longer to craft, or faster crafting but get less from your raw materials. I think they are taking that into consideration when balancing crafting times and the benefit of speccing into specific perks.
  19. 3 playthroughs found it along with the chem station on at Day 1 Didn’t find it up to Day 15 Found it on Day 5 It’s all random. On the Day 15 playthrough, I was able to get the crucible well before I found the forge schematic; though when I saw it in the trader stock I bought it right away.
  20. I thought we were abnormal players, not normal players πŸ˜‰ Day 5 finished on my current playthrough, I got a few Q1 iron tools, and a Q2 hunting knife I crafted myself, but nothing past Q2 at this point.
  21. yes, I forgot that I had those on. The only eyewear I have found so far in 5 days. Nice catch. So it doesn't look like crafting time has changed. Just some memories are not correct πŸ˜‰ Wonder if the OP had perks in Physician and was getting up to a 40% reduction in crafting speed at the Chem station
  22. Weird, I just checked gunpowder in my game and it said 27 minutes to make a bulk batch. But that is just via the UI display.
  23. Henry USA does make a 7.62 lever action rifle
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