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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Do you have mods loaded on your side? Also go ahead and post your logs. No harm in doing so
  2. probably because the perc_add's should be additive first - the game looks to add both the quality bonus and random variation at the same time before multiplying: Equation: (Ammo Entity Damage + Entity Damage offset for Compound Bow) * (1+random factor + quality adjustment) Low - weapon damage * (1-0.15+(0.1 to 0.5)) High - weapon damage*(1+0.15+(0.1 to 0.5)) Table of these results This puts it a lot closer to the distribution which is what we would expect with the sample size. Plus, none of the displayed values violate the equation. So next, how do perks come into play? More data crunching to follow.
  3. @theFlu @POCKET951 So, this is what I saw with a sample size of 144 for each quality level (2 storage crates per quality) - Compound bows Explanation of matrix: Top row (greyed) for each ammo type is worst weapon found for that quality level Bottom row is best weapon found for that quality level Left column in each quality is the weapon found Right column is my equation applied So top row, my equation has to be equal or less to be true; bottom row is equal to or greater than My equation (Ammo Entity Damage + Entity Damage offset for Compound Bow) * (random factor) *bonus based on Quality level (0.1 to 0.5 starting at Q2) so (38+9.15)*(0.85 to 1.15) = Quality 1 Damage Range for iron arrows, then multiply that by the factor of 0.1 depending on quality level = Iron Arrows (42+9.15)*(0.85 to 1.15) = Quality 1 Damage Range for steel arrows, then multiply that by the factor of 0.1 depending on quality level = Steel Arrows I didn't see anything that violated my equation, but I might need to go further on my sample size (though out of 864 total compound bows, not a single one violated the equation)
  4. I would think corn on the cob doesn’t dehydrate a person
  5. So 44 magnum ammo has three probabilities in the loot tables: ProbT1 which has 0 chance after stage 130 - compared to 9mm, 7.62, and shells that you can find at any loot stage QLTemplates T1 and T2 which are tied to determining item quality chances when you find them in loot (not sure how this affects items that don't have quality levels like ammo) Twitch loot packages Note, there is another reference for questGroupAmmo but that is tied into a reward from the traders for finishing quests. 44 cal ammo also seems to be always paired with 9mm ammo which has a greater change to spawn in It looks like they did make changes to ProbT1 from A20 to A20.1, but based on my mod file, they just adjusted the loot stages but didn't address the fact after stage 130 (was 195 in A20.0) that you have 0 chance of finding the item. I made an adjustment in my mod so you still have a chance (0.1). Probably 44 cal ammo should be tied to the "low" probability table which gives you a 0.2 chance of finding it.
  6. Very! We know that damage should stay consistent as the CM guns are not suppose to be applying that random variation (just applying the increased based on quality level), and effective range should not be affected by quality levels at all based on the xml code. If there is changes based on quality levels to effective range, it is somewhere else that I am not seeing. I already got a special loot file that replaces everything with compound bows that I am planning on data gathering this weekend. Wouldn't be too difficult to swap the item out and repeat with the T3 sniper rifle. God I just realized how much of an engineer I am to the core if I am looking forward to doing two sets of data gathering over a weekend.
  7. That would be easy to do also if you wanted to. You could leave the random damage modifiers in the file but add additional lines like: <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_add" value="0,10" tier="1,6"/> or change the original line from: <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="70" tags="perkDeadEye"/> to this: <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="70,80" tier="1,6" tags="perkDeadEye"/> This would add 2 additional units of guaranteed range as the quality improves. You could do that with all the random variables. Right now the only things that improve based on durability are the number of mod slots, both entity and block damage, and max durability.
  8. Yes, I agree. The guarantee is probably not necessary if "all" is the value for count, but I am doing everything as "theory" while at work and can't test anything out until I get home and have some free time. Plus, I offered to do some data collecting on weapons to narrow down damage calculations (already got my special loot file that gives me only compound bows no matter what I loot 😉 ) I wonder if you could ever put so many conditions in the loot tables (and so many sub loot groups) that your computer would just give up and crash to desktop (or better yet, just troll people and not put any comments in it so they get lost trying to figure out where it is pulling from and how). 😁
  9. Yes, but I don't think the traders wanted the building to be demolished 😉
  10. Max range doesn't change on weapons, but the fall off damage range does have randomization for it <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="150" tags="perkDeadEye"/> <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="70" tags="perkDeadEye"/> <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="perc_add" value="-.2,.2" tags="perkDeadEye"/> <!-- random effective rng --> All of these randomizations are independent (so even if you roll max for entityDamage, DamageFalloffRange will still roll between -0.2 and 0.2 perc of the base) Also, none of this is tied into the quality level of the weapon. The randomization will be the same for Q1 weapons compared to Q6 weapons. I don't think you have acquired a large enough sample size to state that lower weapons will consistently be longer range as a fact. Your small sample size might be consistent in that regards, but overall, you will see a normal distribution of randomization. If you don't like the randomization, you can simply remove anything in the items file that has random in the comments section. Then everything you find in the game will be average values. Logic tends to go away when you encounter your first zombie. Yes it would probably look something like this (minus the xpath coding to insert it properly) <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="perc_add" value="0.0,0.5" tier="1,6"/> Would have to test it out to be sure, but it should scale linear as your quality increases from Q1 to Q6
  11. First, the lootgroup we think you are talking about, it has 4 groups in it that the game will reference to. If you notice count="all", that means the game will go to each group. So for groupZpackBoss2, the game will roll 1 item. For groupZpackBoss03, there is only a 50% chance of an item pulled from that group (as determined by loot_prob_template="med". If it said count="1" instead of "all", then only one of the 4 loot groups would be chosen based on probabilities. <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss" count="all"> <item group="groupAmmoLarge" count="2"/> <item group="groupZpackBoss01" count="2"/> <item group="groupZpackBoss02" count="1"/> <item group="groupZpackBoss03" loot_prob_template="med" force_prob="true"/> </lootgroup> To go further, lets continue with groupZpackBoss2 group. Here is that lootgroup below: <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss02"> <item group="groupApparelClothes" loot_prob_template="low"/> <item group="groupApparelHazmat" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/> <item group="booksAllScaled" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/> <item group="groupToolsTiered" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/> <item group="groupArmorScaled" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/> <item group="groupCraftingRare" loot_prob_template="med"/> <item name="armorMiningHelmet" mods="modArmorHelmetLight" mod_chance="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/> <item name="armorSwatHelmet" mods="modArmorHelmetLight" mod_chance=".2" loot_prob_template="low"/> </lootgroup> The game is going to pick one item from that group and the odds are based on the prob templates listed. Lets say the game picked groupCraftingRare. lootgroup name="groupCraftingRare" count="1"> <item name="resourceForgedIron" count ="1,5"/> <item name="resourceForgedSteel" count ="1,5"/> <item name="resourceMilitaryFiber" count ="1,5"/> </lootgroup> The game is now going to pick one of those items (note count="1"). Because there are no probabilities listed, you have an equal chance to get Forged Iron, Forged Steel, or Forged Fiber. Then it will randomize how much you get based on the count. If you want something to be guaranteed, you can enter this inside the groupZpackBoss lootgroup: <item name="toolBeaker" count="1" loot_prob_template="guaranteed"/> Then when the bag drops and the person loots it, they will be guaranteed to get a beaker in the loot bag every time. If you want to keep randomization, you can also change the loot groups. For example, groupZpackBoss02 can be changed to <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss02"> <item name="toolBeaker" loot_prob_template="med"/> <item name="armorMiningHelmet" mods="modArmorHelmetLight" mod_chance="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/> <item name="armorSwatHelmet" mods="modArmorHelmetLight" mod_chance=".2" loot_prob_template="low"/> </lootgroup> Now only 1 of those 3 items has the possibility of being pulled. TFP have created baseline lootgroups which are then referenced by other lootgroups. This allows them to reduce coding and just reference back to basic lootgroups for containers. This is something you and I can easily do ourselves if we want to change loot drops. That is a simple explanation, but as Boidster mentioned in his reply, further help will require more details from you.
  12. I think what it boils down to is people don't want to fail and not having something is considered a failure while it should be that failure is always an option and we should strive to win even in the face of said failure.
  13. As long as the chirp mode doesn't sound like my smoke detectors letting me know that the batteries are low, that is all good. Otherwise I will go crazy tracking down that one smoke detector I am hearing while gaming 😉
  14. I didn't realize that was all you had to do. I saw the list at the bottom, but thought that there was something else that was specifically starting those quests. I feared that removing those would still cause the NRE to occur.
  15. I always progress based on what I think I need for the upcoming horde night. I always start with wood first and upgrade the blocks I believe are going to be beaten on to cobblestone at the beginning. Eventually I upgrade to concrete and then steel at the end. Anything I feel won't be attacked by zombies I will stop at concrete. However, if I got concrete or steel blocks available, I will use them as part of the construction process as long as I have a clear idea of what I want to do. I am not fixated on going a specific route, I typically changed based on what I need to do and what I currently have. Got a ton of concrete but little to no cobblestone - wood frames to determine then switch them out with concrete blocks. Have a ton of cobblestone (or materials to make cobblestone) and low on concrete, use the concrete for the trouble areas and upgrade everything else to cobblestone to strengthen it.
  16. Top line of quests after the comments section <quests max_quest_tier="5" quests_per_tier="7"> You would want to change the quests per tier number (currently at 7)
  17. Check out Weight in the items.xml file. I recall someone mentioning in the past that Weight affected the amount of time to scrap items (though I could be remembering wrong). Some examples <item name="resourceRadiator"> ...... <property name="Material" value="MresourceScrapBrassLarge"/> <property name="MeltTimePerUnit" value=".4"/> <property name="Weight" value="250"/> ........ </item> <item name="resourceFishingWeight"> <property name="Material" value="MresourceScrapLeadSmall"/> <property name="Weight" value="5"/> </item>
  18. Probably because somewhere in the game, you are directed to do those quests. If you remove those quests in the quests.xml file, you also have to remove them from the code that pulls it up. When you get close to the trader, it starts loading up the information for when you interact with them. So it will see how many quests you have completed for the current tier and prep that quest. Since you removed the next trader quests, there is nothing for it when it looks for that quest and you get the Null Reference error you are seeing. I don't know where it points to those quests yet, but an easier solution would just be to remove the rewards themselves, but keep the quests.
  19. Are we sure it is doing what we think it is doing? I just started up a SP game and I got a ton of those messages in my console with various positional coordinates in there. I am fairly certain the only player in the game was me.......
  20. Killing time at work and I finished my special loot file for another project so it was an easy pop in and check.....and realized that I haven't downloaded and copied A20.1 files yet so I can't scan them to see what the changes they have made yet 😔
  21. So close 😉 <item name="meleeHandMaster"> <item name="meleeHandZombie01"> <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/> Zombies get to share the same master as us puny regular humans 😁 To expand on TheFlu's response, the master typically has default information / variables in it that you can use to extend to other entities. This way, you don't have to repeat common variables on each new item / block / node you have in the file. You can just add new items that the master doesn't have or re-add a same item if the value is different (which the game will overwrite the master value for the specific item you are changing). A good example is Iron Axe and Steel Axe in the items.xml file.
  22. Let me give it a shot this week. I want to create a test world and just have everything in it give me a specific weapon at the beginning and in large quantities. Once I got my sample size to my liking, I can check my internal equations to see how they play out. This will give me a break from working on my mod as I hit a mental wall with it (I got a lot of changes I want to make to it, but can't motivate myself right now to start them up) as it will be easy to do and allow me to do some testing / modeling of equations.
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