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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Yeah, in loot - it is only in the treasureAmmo group. You can obviously by it from the trader or craft it yourself but not something you are going to find in loot in the vanilla game. I hope they look at that again. I modded it in my game to be a potential loot item in specific loot containers - munition crates, army trucks, and ammo displays.
  2. See if you got a crash report for it /users/username/AppData/Local/TFP/Crash Something like that (I am at work so I can't verify the file location on my computer).
  3. It has been fixed in Alpha 20.1
  4. If you chop a lot of trees, yes. It only gives you a 5 percent chance on regular trees, but doesn't change anything for the tree stumps. oh and a secret.......
  5. 44 ammo is gated so you don't see it early in the game and it drops out late game. Something that I believe they are working on correcting as they improve the loot file.
  6. It's in buffInfectionCatch: <buff name="buffInfectionCatch" name_key="buff Infection Catch" hidden="true"> <damage_type value="Bashing"/> <stack_type value="ignore"/> <duration value=".1"/> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="set" value="25"> <requirement name="!HasBuff" buff="buffInfectionMain"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="add" value="250"> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffInfectionMain"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AddBuff" buff="buffInfectionMain"/> </effect_group> </buff> Based on what I see, the buff can be triggered by a bash attack. If you look in the items file, you will see certain items with damage_type as bashing listed. <property name="Damage_type" value="Bashing"/> That's from items like the knuckles. So you can try this suggestion below: In meleeHandAnimalWolf, you can a line like this (place it in the Action0 property class like it is in other instances) <property name="Damage_type" value="Slashing"/> This might (might as I don't have the time to test it myself) change the attack from bashing to slashing which wouldn't cause you to catch an infection. Not sure what this would do in regards to other critical buffs though.
  7. They are still in there <entity_class name="zombieScreamer" extends="zombieTemplateMale"> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/> <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombieStandardScreamerRagdoll.prefab"/> <entityspawner name="Scouts" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap"> <day value="*"><!--* means it is used when no day is specified --> <property name="ResetToday" value="true" /> <property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombieScouts" /> <property name="Time" value="Any" /> <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" /> <property name="TotalAlive" value="1" /> <property name="TotalPerWave" value="1" /> </day> </entityspawner> When I was running a test world for my mod and had to kill a lot of zombies, they kept showing up as I was using various guns. Also note that sometimes it spawns a horde instead of the screamers.
  8. One key thing is that honey drops has been reduced from tree stumps. In A19, it was 40% chance and now it is 20%. That's still higher than the chance you get of a honey drop from all trees after you find the wasteland treasures book.
  9. You don't have to spend all the time in the forests hunting for honey, but you should always tear down any stumps you see to try and get a source. If you haven't had any luck getting honey from tree stumps while you are out and about, then always check the trader stock to see if they are selling any. If they are and you haven't found any, you should buy it as backup.
  10. When does the game crash? If it crashes while loading up, it should be generating a log in your main 7D2D folder (see locations below)
  11. I will try to explain it but I am still new around the edges: First, when you loot the crate, there are 3 lootgroups possible in that crate. You have a count of "1" on that container so it is saying one pass through the various loot groups. Then you have the count "All" for groupPassNGas which means that each lootgroup will have an equal chance to spawn an item with the exception of the third loot group. The first two groups have count of "1" so you will be getting one pick from those loot groups. The third one that has the tools in it only has a 50% chance of an item being picked from that group. Lets say you pass that first check. Now it will spawn an item from one of the groups in groupPassNGas03. As you noted, there is only a 5% chance of the rareToolsTier group of being picked. Most likely you are going to get either a vehicle part or schematic if you passed the 50% check prior. Okay so lets say your lucky streak has continued and the game did pick the RareToolsTier group. Now it has a chance of picking one of the three groups depending on your loot stage. For the ratchet, you need your loot stage to be at least 102 and less than 235 before you have a chance to get something from the T2 group (3%) - loot stage of 134 is when you start getting a 50% chance. If your loot stage and roll doesn't get one of the last two groups, you should be getting the first group. This is based on A20.0. They fixed the cap issue now for A20.1 so if you are playing experimental, there is no cap for getting a T2 tool now even if you loot stage goes past 235 (if the probability states ProbT2Cap), If you don't get the T2 or T3 group, you get the groupToolsTier loot group which gives you another chance of getting the ratchet. However, that group has 4 different loot groups in it with various probabilities depending on your loot stage. This paragraph and the previous one, we cannot determine a flat chance rate since it depends on your loot stage when you open the container. If you got lucky and the game rolls for loot group groupToolsT2, you would have a chance of 23% chance of getting the ratchet (1 / (1 + 1+ 1+ 1 + 0.35)) since there are 5 items in that loot group where 4 has prob of 1 and one has prob of 0.35. If the game rolls the ratchet as your loot item, then the game uses the QLTemplateT2 to determine what level of quality you are rewarded.
  12. Something is wrong with your game then. LoTL 2 should be giving you between 4-5 plants per harvest. <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,2,3" value="1,1,2" tags="cropHarvest,wildCropsHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" level="2,3" value="1,1" tags="bonusCropHarvest"/>
  13. Do this <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='BlockDamage' and @operation='base_set']/@value">30</set>
  14. I normally don't craft any, I just grab a few as I loot POIs. And the amount I usually carry is 3 for a POU. If I have more than that, it is usually because I am bringing them back to light up my base.
  15. You have the assets loaded also? Meaning the actual MI-17 model for the game to render and you interface with? Also, bdubyah has an UH-60 modlet that you can also use to compare to https://gitlab.com/bdubyah/Mods---A20/-/tree/main/UH-60 I will look it over as I have time but hopefully someone with a lot more experience than me also takes a peek
  16. https://appuals.com/30005-couldnt-start-game/ I am just guessing this is what you are asking
  17. Something is wrong with the mod, but hard to help without seeing the mod code. Have you looked at how the other vehicles are coded throughout the xml files? That might point to where your error is at.
  18. If you installed it correctly, the game will load it up when you start. If you hit F1 (the console) you can see if everything loads up fine
  19. Is VR required to read this post? 🤔 It was mentioned maybe after launch of the game but plans can always change.
  20. Yeah, fix the issue causing the red text to appear. Those are error messages saying something is messed up in your game. Recommend going to the General Support area and posting your log files and people will assist. However, we don't know what is causing your issue (corrupted file, issues with mods you installed, etc) just on this information only.
  21. So I tried to get it to work in A19 but was not able to figure it out before A20 dropped. I did figure out a workaround though, but there is an issue with it 1 - They only show up if you search for them - not if you just look in the various categories - probably because this was a quick test and I still need to do additional work like defining a category for the seed bundles
  22. Roland's point was that it didn't take much time to plant a crop. What you are talking about is the time for the plant to grow which you didn't define in your response that it cost time and was not free. Time to plant is cost. Time to harvest is cost. Time waiting for the plant to grow is not a cost to the player as you don't have to do anything (unless you just sit down next to the plant and wait until it can be harvest - then it is a cost, but a silly one at that). So the cost of planting a seed is not 2 game days, it is the time to plant and the time to harvest as those are the only two activities that requires action by the survivor. You do have an upfront cost of crafting the farm plot, but no upkeep costs after that. If you are playing nomad, then you wouldn't be planting crops because you are not staying around long enough to benefit from them, no matter how many you find. If you are playing light, then seeds are still important if you want to create a farm to harvest food. If you are playing light, you only grab what you need, leaving everything else behind. You don't walk around with a bunch of old weapons to sell to the trader, you keep replacing your gear when you come across better gear or keep that mod you been looking for. But at the same time, you need to start gathering items (like seeds for example) to improve your survivability. You can choose to ignore the seeds as you loot to carry other stuff, but that is a choice you made. That doesn't make what Roland say as handwaving away the point. He simply pointed out that there were several ways to avoid that issue of inventory management. However if you are dead set on playing a specific playstyle (like nomad or light) then that is the choice you made and now your inventory slot is worth more so you have to decide whether to use that spot for instant gratification or save it for longer term returns. Even if you are concern about the early inventory spot, there are simple ways you can still save that seed for later. Put it in a mailbox outside the location and when you have space the next time you travel past that location, you can grab that seed. If I was in this situation (looting a location and finding more items than I could bring back), I would simply make two or more trips.
  23. You are very generous with the term loot shooter if you think 7D2D falls into that category.
  24. Ah yes. Not sure how I missed that as I specifically opened up traderGeneral to check it out, I blame work messing up my concentration on doing gaming stuff 😉 I need to check what I did back in Alpha 19. I thought I made changes to the traders and was getting seeds, but I could just be imaging it. Luckily I saved that custom trader file so I can go back to it and see what I might have done (or confirmed that I really didn't do anything).
  25. The other traders don't reference seeds at all in any of their tiers so you won't see seeds in their stock. Rekt's seed code is interesting, as I can see a space between " and /> <item group="seeds" count="1,2" /> That's the only space in an item group for any of the traders. Wonder if removing that space would cause Rekt to start stocking seeds. I know that spaces in wrong places can cause errors in the code for the game, but not sure if this is the case here. I will write up a modlet tonight and fix that along with adding seeds to the other traders to see if they start selling them. I did check the blocks file and seeds were assigned an economic value.
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