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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Wow, you got a lot of errors. I am surprised your computer just didn't throw up its hands and walk away 😉 Let me look through them and I will give you some steps to do. Probably will be multiple steps. To start with, lets remove some A19 mods. Remove these mods: Zams_TreeEggstravaganza PhD Bigger Forge Input 1.0 (A19) PhD Bigger Crafting Queue x 10 1.3 (A19) These mods are giving you errors so lets remove them for now ElectricityButtonsPush-master Personal mods enZombieHarvest-main Go to Game launcher and have it clear out all previous data Start a new game, new map (or use one of the pregen), start it up to generate a new log file and post it.
  2. Post your logs. That will tell us what mods and versions you have loaded and more info on the errors you are seeing
  3. It's a known issue by TFP and they are trying to fix it. Not aware of any mod right now that fixes it.
  4. Let me check that out. I didn't think of putting any mods on it so that is unexpected. Okay, I see what I have to do. There are callouts in the item modifications file to specific prefabs. I will have to update the modlet to include that one also. Will try to work on it tomorrow, but at the very least will try to get it out by the end of this weekend.
  5. Where did I say I needed mods to play this game or even stated that I don't enjoy the vanilla game? I keep two different versions of this game on my computer for each stable: Version 1 is the vanilla game with nothing modded and version 2 is the latest stable with my mod on it. Version 1 has 2,800+ hours of playtime in it Version 2 has 200+ hours of playtime in it So who needs mods? I play both versions, though Version 2 is still in development and may eventually be the one I play for the majority of the time; but that is more of an indication that I have put thousands of hours already in the base game itself which a lot of games in my Steam library wished I would put at least 100s of hours into them. Playing with mods doesn't mean you don't like the base game or don't like what the publisher has done. I am very grateful for TFP and all of the staff who are working every day to make this a great game and pushing it get it released in final form over the next few remaining development alphas. I am also very grateful to the TFP for making a game that even casual modders can jump in and tweak it to their satisfaction, knowing that their vision of the game is not common among all players. So I can remove all the recipes from perks and make T0 equipment worse. I can modify the loot tables to drop less and different items. I can reduce the amount of food in the world via farming, animals, and drops while increasing the number of zombies one has to fight. The funny thing is, everything you want the game to have can easily be done via mods.
  6. Don't want to continue with the hijack on this thread, but if you want, you can easily modify the loot probability in the loot file until TFP addresses it <item group="group44MagnumSmall" loot_prob_template="ProbT1"/> Change it from ProbT1 to something like med (0.5 chance) or medLow (0.35 chance)
  7. It's amazing what a wipe or uninstall / clean / reinstall will fix. No matter how much they make things automatic, sometimes files get left behind that cause issues even when we think we did everything correctly.
  8. entityJunkDrone is definitely what you are looking for. Note that the sledge turret, the junk turret, and the junk drone are all treated as NPC in the game <property name="Parent" value="NPC"/> This is from the entityClasses.xml file
  9. A suggestion: Read the patch notes first Under Fixed
  10. And here it is https://github.com/BFT2020/T3BaseballBat.git
  11. I will see if I can upload the modlet tonight. I got it written and my initial test had no issues. I left the whoosh sound the same as the Steel club, but it has the look and sound of the wooden bat.
  12. Should not be an issue really to make a modlet to do this, but how would you like the T1 baseball bat to differ from a T3 baseball bat? One thing that can be done is to change the color of the item slightly so it looks different from the bat prior to installing a dye into it - however not sure if this can done strictly in xml codes. I know someone made a mod that introduced different repair kits and they differentiate between them by colors. This is the line I think would need to be changed, I can see what I can do to create a modlet for you. <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/ClubIron/ClubIronPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Bat/bat_Prefab.prefab"/>
  13. I have a full time job and a family of 4. Every player is different. But this game is setup as a game where you have to progress to obtain items, with the enemy scaling up in difficulty the longer you play and advanced. And grinding for resources is a core aspect of the game. It sounds like this game is not really for you if you don't want to spend that time to do it. Really? Not sure why you have to come into the forums and be such a jerk. You don't play with mods, that's fine. But making a negative comment like that for people that either A) make mods for themselves or others to play, B) like to install mods to change how their game goes, or C)Both A&B But hey, if negatively attacking others because they happen to enjoy this game or play with mods makes you feel better, that says a lot more about you than those people.....
  14. That's because there is 0 increased costs at Perk Level 5. So the game will see that there is no cost adjustment at Perk level 5. Since there is no level 5 in the code above, nothing is added to the CraftingIngredientCount (so just the cost specified in the recipes file). The line above would be exactly the same if they did the following: <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="0,1,2,3,4,5" operation="perc_add" value=".56,.56,.56,.34,.15,0" tags="unit_clay,unit_iron"/> If you wanted to, you could even mod it so it decreases it more at Perk 5 <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="0,1,2,3,4,5" operation="perc_add" value=".56,.56,.56,.34,.15,-0.15" tags="unit_clay,unit_iron"/>
  15. That sounds like a mod issue and not a general support issue. Probably should post in the modifications area of the forums and ask for help there.
  16. Probably should post this in the support section and follow the posted thread If it is happening consistently, then log files would be very beneficial in assisting you on this issue. Obviously not everyone is seeing this issue so something is up with you and your friends setups.
  17. You can change the world size to 6k and rerun the seed, but I don't believe you can change a world size after it has already been generated.
  18. Nothing like making a judgement on a feature that has yet to be released.
  19. Loot fairy, but I have to say - I modded my game so that I removed all recipes from perks....so there is that
  20. Also if your world is already messed up (broken containers that you cannot loot), it is more than likely gone at this point and you will have to restart over. Also, not much more we can do but guess since we don't have a logfile of the issue.
  21. Might want to post in the DF thread in the modifications section
  22. @ktr Definitely need to check your game out. I just did a test world where I did nothing but farming - mod the block growing time to 2 minutes per stage. Started out with 10 of each - corn, potatoes, blueberries. Completed two harvests Harvest 1 Harvest 2 corn 45 45 potatoes 44 46 blueberries 46 45 Even after converting plants to seeds to stay at 10 per (I planted a third crop before I stopped), I had 35 corn, 55 potatoes, and 46 blueberries in storage.
  23. I am going to look at that mod myself. I changed the books from loot/trader items to challenges for the player to complete and gain the book as a reward. One issue I have with it today is implementing the quests in an easy way (19 book series with 7 quests per - for now I have a master quest setup for each book series and the player has to punch grass to kick off the 7 subquests - one for each book). This mod might have an easier way to kick off the quests. I typically only did them if I passed the location while doing a trader quest or coming back from looting POIs / visiting traders.
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