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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. okay, the only thing they mentioned about consoles in this video is that they are actively looking for partners to eventually start updating the console version and the only thing done so far is early work. This correlates with what they have said before. PC version is close to going Gold and they planned on doing something with the console version (if possible) after the PC version is released. There is nothing in this video about what will make it to the console version, or even when you might see an update for the existing game on the console. Based on the changes that have occurred between Alpha 14 and today (and more coming down the road), they might have to release a brand new game based on development rules with Microsoft and Sony. Everything they talked about in the video is strictly what is coming to the PC version in Alpha 20 and beyond. TFP is making the game for the PC and then porting what they can over to the consoles. This is different from other developers who developed the game to run on the lowest hardware specs system (for example, Skyrim and Fallout 4 were developed for all 3 major systems so they were developed to be able to run at the lowest hardware settings available). That's a big leap to go from a mention in a 2021 development stream about looking for partners to update the console to releasing it in August 2021.
  2. Based on your log file, the game is looking for assets and not finding them. Does this problem occur both when trying to play the game through a server and also when you try to play it SP on your home computer? Khaine has mentioned a few times about checking both situations to ensure everything is loading properly.
  3. @Roland I should have tagged you sooner.
  4. If we closed this thread, I would have never known that there is an actual kicking a dead horse emoji
  5. I have to watch my sugar intake now so it is either milk or water or a combination of water / cranberry juice. Great to see people drinking Woodford Reserve. Was my go to drink when I lived in Kentucky years ago and the distillery was just a few miles down the road. Can't drink it anymore. Do not eat while playing as it tends to make a mess and I like my keyboard too much to have to clean out crumbs that settle inside of it 😉
  6. As far as I can tell, the game has not been reissued 5 years after it was released on console. The console version is the same as the last version that TellTale Games updated. I don't see any information in the PlayStation or Microsoft stores that the game was "reissued." The game has been available in the PlayStation and Microsoft stores since 2016 (not sure about availability when TellTale Games was going through bankruptcy). Because Micromania is pre-ordering a game that TellTale Games released in 2016. It is the exact same game. Just because they are stating it is Pre-Order doesn't mean that TFP has released a new console game. The clue should be the image that they are showing. The Pre-Order version that they are asking you to buy for an August 13,2021 release date states on the box that TTG is the publisher, who lost all rights to 7D2D when they went bankrupt and TFP purchased the rights back to 7D2D console version and any future versions based on the PC game they are creating. Amazon and Micromania are not TFP so whatever they state online, I would not take as factual. In fact, go to Amazon right now and search 7 days to die. Notice that the price is $168.75 for the PlayStation 4 version. That should be your first clue things are not legit since these sellers are trying to sell people a $30 game you can get through the PlayStation store for more than 5x its value...... Has TFP stated anywhere that they are re-releasing the game or updating it or anything other than the banner post from 2019? If they have and you have that information, please share it. The description that Micromania is using seems to be an exact copy and paste of the PC steam store page description........
  7. No update planned at this time for the console version, regardless what a 3rd party seller is telling you. The game has always been available on PS and Microsoft. A moderator will come by later to give you the official result, but if TFP were going to update the console version now, they would have announce it themselves instead of a 3rd party seller doing it.
  8. 3rd search was all it took. First I tried modification, but that was too generic. Burning but nothing on the first page. Last search was buster as it is part of a mod name and pretty unique.
  9. I never had an issue with the stats system, and I only play sp.
  10. I love mods and fully support modders, but I agree with Roland. Since this game is under development, the development of the game is priority and everything else is secondary, including mod support. If they can do things to support modding, then that is up to them whether or not they do it; not a requirement. The schedule and release of updates (both large and small) and hotfixes should always be based on what the developers want, not what the modders want. The majority of these updates has been communicate out and there has been time for modders to adjust, but that should never be the requirement that the devs should meet; just a nice to have when possible.
  11. Just for your future reference, there is a green banner at the top that says reporting bugs for pc version
  12. Good catch, though should this have been a bug report? Minor but more likely to land on a dev’s list of things to fix
  13. If you are having issues running the game, steam is not your bottleneck. Also, this sounds like a request to hack the game…….so nice try
  14. Just to add my thoughts. When we purchased this game, it was made perfectly clear that the game was in Alpha development (Early Released), that the game could (and will) change over time based on when you initially purchase the game, and things you have at the beginning may not make it to the final product. At no time, were we ever promised that the game would be released by a specific Alpha level or a specific date. The communication from the developers has always been to eventually get all the features in the game that they established at the beginning, constantly strive to improve the game over the Alpha development cycles (both in improving performance and dealing with bugs that will crop up), and release a game that not only you can enjoy vanilla, but mod it to change your playing experience to your desires (within reason of course). They have been doing that. While there are changes they have made that some have not liked (perks instead of LBD, removal of guns parts to bring in weapon mods as examples), they been working hard to update / add to the game and eventually release a final version. For most, playing vanilla is all they need. For some of us, we want a much harder survival experience. Others want to overhaul the game to add new elements (great example is Darkness Falls). While some people, they want to mod out some of the difficult elements in vanilla to play more of a casual game (I think of it as an adult version of Minecraft). We have been able to do that even though this game is still being developed. Yes we have had to deal with restarting the game when a major update has been released. We have had to deal with bugs and glitches, some not yet fixed as they have higher priority work to get done first. Yes, sometimes we have had issues installing the new updates and had to do extra work to get it done. We have had to learn what the limitations our hardware has to run this game either as a stand alone game or as a server. But in the end, this has been a great game and a great community to be a part of. Developers that actively engage with the community to answer questions and show off upcoming changes / features. Moderators that engage with the community and are funny to engage with, and a community working on mods (for a game that changes, that says a lot on their commitment) and helping others deal with issues they are seeing in game. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but we still got a ways to go. It just might not be as soon as some of us wish it would be. Like @fragtzack posted, the journey is what matters, not the destination.
  15. no worries, I forgot to put my /s tag on my posts so everyone could see I am just trying to be funny 🙂 The first time I made the motorcycle and 4x4, I chuckled as I know you can't make either just with the parts and tools you have to use in the game. But it never bothered me because A) it is a game, B) it is not a vehicle building simulation, and C) the developers are using it as a way to add effort to obtaining those items without it becoming too complicated. So for the bats, if I do make them, I don't think too hard about the components, and if I find them in loot and not going to use them / sell them, I just chuck them in my forge or campfire as fuel
  16. That is true, though WonOnOne did say frivolous lawsuits so I took it even they understood that the POIs would actually be owned by TFP since they are using game assets to create it. TFP allow players to create and distribute the POIs, they just can't charge for them.
  17. I don't think you will hear any zombies complaining about illegal bats in baseball.....
  18. If I own a patent to something I design, I can produce a product based off of my design and sell the rights to Company A who can now take my design and produce their own product based off of my work. Company A goes bankrupt; and I go to court to get the rights to my patent back (in the process, spending my money to purchase it back since it is considered an asset and the court will want value for it to give to Company A's debtors). Now I have the rights back to my patent and free to license it to another company. However, I am not required to produce anything (or even support anything) that was made by Company A. Any products, support, or warranties that was done between Company A and the consumer are only the responsibility of Company A. Since I did not have any responsibility of producing or supporting the product made by Company A while they were solvent, I do not take over the responsibility of their work should they go bankrupt just because I purchased my intellectual property back. In this case, TTG purchase the publisher rights to take TFP PC game and port it to the consoles. They (TTG) contracted Iron Galaxy to do the work. TTG was the only company required at this point to support and update the game as necessary. TFP did not support the console game as they are not a console game developer. Through the licensing agreement with TFP, TTG could take future updates made by TFP to the PC version and contract Iron Galaxy to update the console version. TFP bought back the rights to their intellectual property through bankruptcy court so that they are the only entity that has the current and future rights to the 7D2D property; but that did not transfer any responsibilities that TTG had to TFP. While I did not go to business school like you did, I did become an engineer, a profession where intellectual property is a huge part of what we do. From my education and training with the various companies I have worked for, I have learned how to obtain these rights, when these rights are actually owned by the company and when I own them, what I (and companies that own rights I developed for them) can do with these rights, and what responsibilities I have with these rights. Throw in an understanding of Bankruptcy law and how that affects intellectual property / license agreements; and I have a deep understanding of everything TFP had to do behind the scenes when TTG went bankrupt just to get their intellectual rights back. But believe whatever you want to believe, since you went to a business school and started a business. Me, I am just someone out there on the net, a person that has been an engineer for the past 20+ years working for companies that develop and patent new properties, currently working for a company that obtains over 1k new patents a year. 😁
  19. It could work, but then you are moving from a zombie survival tower defense type of game into a factory / manufacturing simulator with zombies and bases. When I want to play a survival zombie game, I play 7D2D. When I want to play a manufacturing simulator type of game, I play Satisfactory or Factorio. The thing is, when you start talking about specific steels and materials; at that point, you also need to start talking about all the different techniques to manufacture those materials (if you are striving for accuracy). I work in the automotive industry, and I doubt anyone is going to be able to build a 4X4 or a motorcycle using the materials required and the workstation in this game. However, it is a game, and those items are used to restrict / hinder the ability to make these vehicles right away. I did chuckle the first time I made both of those items, but never felt that the game was lacking because it wasn't accurate. As for the desire for an truly indestructible base, that would have to be addressed by mods. Madmole does not want the player to be able to sit behind his defensive walls and not have any concerns about the enemy being able to break in. The same thing about bases deep underground or players just getting in a vehicle to avoid the bloodmoon horde completely as it goes against the very nature of the game itself. However, TFP has made a game that can be modified so people can fine tune it to the way they want to play the game; just don't expect these type of things to make it into the base game being produced by TFP.
  20. Another solution is play like I do. With stone weapons and stone tools (basically all Tier 0 equipment), I don't use any mods in them. So no burning shafts or anything like that. At that point, a Q4 iron tool is better than a Q6 stone tool as I can put in mods on the stone tool to increase durability or reduce stamina or increase resource gathering (or improve damage on weapons). Probably can mod out the mod slots on T0 tools / weapons, but I have enough self control not to use them which pushes me to use iron tools. Maybe once the game is final, I might make some tweaks to the xml file to remove that option (adding mods to stone equipment).
  21. Fluid steel is not used in today’s shotguns. Most shotgun barrels today are a moly blend steel or another alloy steel which can handle modern loads. Fluid steel is safe only for black powder loads and you are risking lives if you shoot modern loads in a fluid steel barrel. Not saying that they cannot, but the risk is too high using a manufacturing technique from the 1800s.. Also, there are literally thousands of different types of steel grades out there. Other than being historically accurate, how would having many different grades of steel improve gameplay? Is 304 stainless steel better than 316 stainless steel for your application?
  22. They are not responsible for updating the console version that they did not produce. They were not responsible when TellTale games produced the game, they are not responsible after they purchase the rights back. Just because a company has intellectual rights to a product doesn’t make them responsible for producing or updating said product.
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