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  1. https://youtube.com/c/Skippy0330
  2. https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=21/32/2xzy.jpg
  3. https://youtu.be/hSgcopqq1d8 I just threw you a video because another person noticed the same thing and outside France for the ps4 version in reissue and preorder.
  4. we have trouble understanding each other. I don't trust third-party stores or you tubeur. I was posting the video to ask you what they were saying. in addition there is not only Micromania but also Amazon (France) as well as most of the stores which propose a reissue between August 13 and 20. I repeat it the video is only there to know and translate to me what it says at the 6m30. And I say it again in fact I only trust the officials where I came from on this forum .... Thanks
  5. my english is not good enough to understand everything. but why is he talking about a console update in 2021? Can you explain to me what he says in summary? thank you Video 6min30
  6. Je demande une réponse officielle, ce n'est toujours pas difficile. nous ne rééditons pas un jeu sans raison, que ce soit dans les magasins de jeux vidéo ou même sur Amazon 7 days to die
  7. that does not answer my questions. Why reissue the game 5 years after its release on consoles? Why put it on pre-order on various sales platforms (Amazon, Micromania ...)? Why did you change the description of the game, which is no longer the same between 2016 and for pre-orders? I ask for simple answers from an official whether this is true or not.
  8. Hello, I am coming to you because something is bothering me on the PS store the description of the game has changed by adding the turrets, electricity and various other things. In addition, on the Amazon site as well as the Micromania site (video game store) the game is once again placed for pre-order. For amazon, it will be available on August 20 and for Micromania on August 13. I was able to reach the Micromania service who explained to me that the game had a reissue. On all the sites where it is once again in pre-order and therefore in reissue, the description has been modified with in particular, as I mentioned above, electricity and turrets, the addition of new vehicles ... my question : Is the game going to undergo an official update and therefore does this explain the surrender or is the game still on standby for console updates and then in this case why such a re-release of the game? with pre-orders? I would like to have an official response from a developer or studio member please thank you
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