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Everything posted by arramus

  1. As a temporary measure, how about 191 for the beer cooler sides. A bit gritty and aged but still has a shine to it.
  2. I could use 'chunkreset f' to perform a previous 'cr' function.. Pulling up a 'help' request shows the list of what's available and this was in the list.
  3. An experimental version of the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion has been released for testing and feedback. There were 13 updates as follows: 1. Changed gunShotgunT0Blunderbuss to gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrel in recipes.xml 2. Changed Hero Chest loot to GunSafeSecure loot and Wall Safe / Desk Safe to reflect A20 updates to hardened chest Tier groups. 3. Changed Hyperblaster icon from Blunderbuss to Auto Shotgun. 4. Changed Railgun icon from Marksman Rifle to Sniper Rifle. 5. Changed Meshfile and StickyMeshFile for Black Widow ammo types. 6. Update Gamma Gun attachment to A20 version. 7. Updated Vampire Guantlets spike attachment to match A20 location. 8. Updated Kronos XII sights and AutoTurret attachment to match A20 location. 9. Updated Vulcan sights. 10. Updated Savery attachments to A20 version. 11. Updated DCLXVI Zeus attachment to A20 version. 12. Updated Brainsaw to reflect new model and settings. 13. Updated Back Pack mod attachment to A20 version. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A20-2021December17
  4. The mod will require a progression.xml file to be added to the Config folder with the connected xml code. And then each vehicle will require a Progression prompt with the associated greasemonkey skill linked to their items.xml. For example, in Vanilla, the gyrocopter is locked by its parts as follows. The "UnlockedBy" value is the important feature. This can be found in the items.xml <item name="vehicleGyroCopterChassis"> <property name="Extends" value="vehicleWheels"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="15000"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGreaseMonkey,vehicleGyroCopterChassisSchematic"/> </item> <item name="vehicleGyroCopterAccessories"> <property name="Extends" value="vehicleBicycleHandlebars"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="15000"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGreaseMonkey,vehicleGyroCopterAccessoriesSchematic"/> </item> The Server Side Vehicles mod also has the whole vehicle added to its own items.xml and would require the unlocked by value: <item name="vehicleWhirligigPlaceable"> <property name="Extends" value="vehicleMinibikePlaceable"/> <property name="Tags" value="vehicle,vengine,vfuel,canHaveCosmetic"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="vehicleGyrocopterPlaceable"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="40,180,120"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Entities/Vehicles?gyrocopter_Prefab.prefab"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="50000"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGreaseMonkey"/> <property class="Action1"> <property name="Vehicle" value="vehicleWhirligig"/> <property name="VehicleSize" value="2.5, 2.5, 5.5"/> </property> <effect_group name="vehicleGyrocopterPlaceable" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="4"/> <passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="base_add" value="300" tags="EconomicValue"/> <passive_effect name="DegradationMax" operation="base_set" value="3000"/> </effect_group> </item> where <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGreaseMonkey"/> was added. Then it needs to be linked to progression.xml with this for Skill Level 5 for perkGreaseMonkey: <configs> <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkGreaseMonkey']"> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="5" value="1" tags="vehicleWhirligigPlaceable"/> </effect_group> </append> </configs> or if you wanted skill level 3 for say a motorcycle. <configs> <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkGreaseMonkey']"> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="3,5" value="1" tags="vehicleHellBeastPlaceable"/> </effect_group> </append> </configs> They were added the way they are now just to piggyback off of the Vanilla vehicles since they are needed as part of the 'upgrade' process and feedback in the past was that the extra resources on top of requiring a whole vehicle was sufficient. But, every server has its own way and the above will allow you to lock them even further to both requiring a Vanilla vehicle and Grease Monkey 5.
  5. This is a fix for b231 update, and if it doesn't resolve the NRE I was experiencing I will let out a zombie scream. 'NRE when generating 2 worlds without closing the client'
  6. This was an Oakraven find for A19 and is applied to the Hell zombies. I used the same, as the alternative update would fall off and behave like an entity rather than a model attachment. Oakraven may well have access to a deeper level of code beyond the xml or unpacked asset bundles. I have not asked about the methods he uses to find additional assets or get such precise pathways. I hope you'll consider joining the Guppy's Unofficial 7DtD Modding Server where such discussions and requests are typically given greater assistance. A number of modders share findings from the code and they do also discuss their methods.
  7. This base of the original Snufkin Zombies was added to the Plus version for A19 which introduced some additional zombie bosses on top. That version has been updated to A20. I can certainly understand server admin to be hesitant of mixing mods, especially for overhauls where the code can quite different depending on how the dev compiled it. The good thing with zombie mods is that they are dynamic and when the server shuts down they typically disappear. This makes it easy to install and remove and install and remove without causing any inventory or ID issues. One thing to be careful of is the loot. It is possible that when a Snufkin Zombie drops loot is may not match the custom format added for some overhauls such as Undead Legacy. All in all though, a server admin called 'Dre' who used to visit regularly about a year ago, reported that he could integrate Sorcery with Snufkin Zombies and another overhaul. I downloaded his files and tested the server and it was a stable experience.
  8. @MandyCMoore Thank you. We appreciate that because we could test it for a few days in a dedicated server without issue, but it was with limited players and it'll be good to hear feedback when its really stressed.
  9. The human guards are ready to try out again. The junk turret can now be placed next to the human guards and it won't shoot them in the back anymore. The junk turret will still hurt the pets though. The download link on the first post hasn't changed its name, but the content has been updated where the files are stored.
  10. I believe it is not applying because the 'sportingGoods' loot group does not exist, and those types of items can be found among other specialist and generic groups instead.
  11. @cripplethreat10@NeuroP Clearer instructions on how to install Mods and the care we need to take when unzipping has been added to the top post and also within the mod to ensure this stage can be as painless as possible.
  12. It will be quite an easy process because you will only need to make edits to one file. Here are the instructions: To just change the speed to regular motorcycles. 1. Go to your vehicles.xml in the Config folder of the Mod. 2. Change <property name="velocityMax" value="15, 25"/> to <property name="velocityMax" value="9, 14"/> for the vehicleHellBeast, vehicleHellFire, and vehicleHellDog. Save and test. To change all handling aspects back to regular motorcycles. 1. Go to your vehicles.xml in the main game directory. (Data > Config) 2. Copy the section of xml code from within <vehicle name="vehicleMotorcycle"> to </vehicle> (No s at the end of that) and paste it over the same section of xml code for the three modded motorcycles. Save and test.
  13. The first time you start up the game, it will take some time to load everything up for both default files and modded files. The difference between loading the default files and then this mod on top has been negligible from what I have experienced. Switching between MP servers and SP to use this mod does not see any additional heavy demand beyond what it standard. It does work in Single Player and the recipes will appear on the Workbench. If the recipes are not appearing on your Workbench, check that the mod is not still nested in a holding folder that is made by the hosting company. If your top layer is called 'A20-ServerSideVehicles-2021Dec09' then you will find the 'A20_ServerSideVehicles_2021Dec09' inside it. The top layer folder is created by the upload host and will not be needed on the server.
  14. @Kam R. Thank you. My issue must relate to something else since all tile types are available. Ah yes, the append. Kamooti kindly offered some advice on that in the CP to ensure it doesn't override root actions for the whole xml.
  15. It seems you were able to get past the Null Ref error in the last stage of town creation. Would you mind sharing your workaround as I've applied a variety of the instructions that have been kindly shared/suggested and am also stuck at this Null Ref stage.
  16. I shall double check that the files have not corrupted at their upload location... The files are still intact. Can you confirm that you can see this hierarchy of the folders: The top level folder which is placed in the Mods folder is called 'A20_ServerSideVehicles_2021Dec09'? If your top layer is called 'A20-ServerSideVehicles-2021Dec09' then you will find the 'A20_ServerSideVehicles_2021Dec09' inside it. The top layer folder is created by the upload host and will not be needed on the server. If you have already removed the 'A20_ServerSideVehicles_2021Dec09' folder from the top layer holding folder and placed it in your Mods folder but are still seeing the ModInfo.txt error then we will need to investigate further.
  17. Hahahaha. Actually, the code for the vehicle still remains in the mod and just needs removing a few little things to allow it to be read again. The first time I saw the player shrink was hilarious as it was sitting in the vehicle and looked ‘normal’. And once you get out it is fun to run around like that. However, the second time you get in the vehicle, it shrinks you yet again and after you get out you can no longer move and have to leave the game to reset. One of the modders from a mod Discord suggested making a machine which can shrink and then bring you back to size for questing in small places. Someone may actually find a use for it.
  18. Ah yes, that really shows a greater investment in time, or the need for multiple Auto Miners to see returns on gas to shale bundling benefit. And all the while that's being done if that's a route players choose, there'll be nothing free to make other essentials. A20 Auto activities will offer Server Admin some interesting variety this time around.
  19. This catches my attention because it really looks balanced with the timings. Unlocking level 3 advanced engineering for those on the Int track can be achieved quite rapidly, but getting access to those tools at higher levels will usually require GS advancement and until then there is a nice balance between Auto Mining and manual mining depending on priorities. The gain curve has been well considered for sure. I hope server Admin give it a full run through and share their feedback on the dynamics for their servers. Nicely done indeed.
  20. Oh yes, these are really good to see. Thank you!
  21. @Klay-T Here's a possibly quite decent update. Instead of 'looting' Coops and Rabbit Traps, they now need hitting to 'release'. Once broken they will be ready to feed again. My inventory gain on the right now shows what's collected as with harvesting. All animals are roaming just fine. You'll see the bear and boar in there for players who were having issues with the 'B's'. I really am not sure what was happening there as I couldn't replicate that issue. And the guards could return under a new class for the Trader. They seem to respond fine using this new setting. @Superbug112 And one positive feature is the Junk Turret recognises them as a 'friendly'. It has been tested on a dedicated server and gave no warning errors so far. However, feedback is always appreciated. This update can be downloaded from the same link on the first post.
  22. A little update was added about 36 hours ago to stabilise the animals a little and it's built into the same download link, but there are still some things to work on for the Rabbit Cage and Chicken Coop. As they reach the final stage they are sinking underground half way and we are unable to loot them. It is because of the way the code changed in A20. It is doing something very different and we are looking how to change it to another setup. I could test a way where instead of looting with the E key, you need to hit it instead to break it just like chopping down a tree. As you hit it the reward is added to your inventory. When it breaks it turns back into the first stage where you need to give it food again. The best way is the loot method though and it needs a little more experimentation.
  23. I've always appreciated the idea of dead/burnt trees reverting back to their original form to keep the aesthetic. Thanks for the update.
  24. @Shino I forgot to mention one more small thing. If possible, and should you release the final version for everyone to try, is it possible to change 'config' to 'Config'? Just with the Capital 'C'. This is because some versions of Linux ares very sensitive to upper/lowercase and it may be rejected.
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